Estate of William Buddin




KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE BarwillEvans are holden and firmly bound unto William Taylor, Esquire,Ordinary for the district of Sumter, and State aforesaid, in the fulland just sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the said stateto be paid to the said William Taylor, or to his successorsordinaries of this district, or to their certain attorney or assigns,to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bindourselves and every of us and every of our heirs, executors andadministrators, for the whole, and in the whole jointly and severallyfirmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, anddated the Tenthday of Septr Anno Domini, 1803, and in the twenty eighth year ofAmerican independence.


THE CONDITION of this OBLIGATION, is such, that ifthe above bounden Barwill Evans administrator of the goods, chattelsand credits of William Buddin do make a true and perfect inventory ofall and singular, the goods, chattels, and credits of the saiddeceased, which have or shall come to the hands possession orknowledge of the said Barwill Evans or into the hands or possessionof any other person or persons for and the same so made do exhibitinto the said court of ordinary when he shall be thereuto requiredand such goods, chattels and credits do well and truly administeraccording to law, and do make a just and true account of his actingsand doings therein when required by the said court, and all the restand residue of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall befound remaining upon the said administration, the same being firstallowed by the said court shall deliver and pay unto such personsrespectively as are entitled to the same by law, and if it shallhereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by thesame deceased, and the said be proved in court, and the executorsobtain a certificate of the probate thereof, and the said BarwillEvans do in such case if required, render and deliver up said lettersof administration, then this obligation to be void, or else remain infull force and virtue.


Signed, Sealed and delivered }

in the presence of }


Saml P Taylor BarwellEvans

Robert(Wtherspoon ?) Junr


Stephan + Evans



A Just and True Inventory and appraisement of thePersonal Estate of William Buddin Deceased made by us whose names areunder written.


1 Mare and Colt $110.~

1 Bed and Furniture 21.~

1 Matt(rss?) and Furniture 10.~

1 Trunk 4.~

1 Pott and frying pan 3.75

1 Table ~.50

1 Womans Saddle 6.~

2 (Stays or Slays ?) 1.25

1 Pewter Dish ~.50

1 Wheel 1.--

2 Jugs 1.25

1 Decanter .25




Jeremiah Rhame

(Robert Rhames Junr ?)

Thomas Buskirk


Cash in hand $250.94




Administration Papers

Judge of Probate Office

Sumter County, South Carolina

Bundle 12, Package 6