In The Name of God Amen This Second day of Januaryin the year of God one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight ISamuel Bradley in Salem of Black River South Carolina Craven Countyplanter being in Perfect health and Sound Memory,
Thanks be to God for it and calling in Remembrancethe Mortality of my Body that it is appointed for all men Once todie, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, That is tosay, first and Princepaly of all, I give my Soul unto God who gave itme and my Body to the earth to be buried in a Christian and Decentlike manner, nothing doubting but at the General Resuraction I shallreceive the same again by the almighty power of God and as Touchingsuch worldly estate as God has been pleased to bless me with, I shallleave and bequeath in manner and formfollowing-----------------------------------------
Item I leave and bequeath unto my son JamesBradley one tract of land, Containing Two Hundred and fifty acres ofland bounding on William Roberts, on a place Called Long Branch alsotwo Negroes named Judy and Moriah with their Child and Encrease. AlsoTwo more Negroes named Bublin and Dinah with their Child and theirEncrease of which I have given a Deed of gift to him and his heirsforever with Two Horses andCattle------------------------------------------------
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Roger Bradleythree Negroes named, Toney Hannah and Joe and Hannahs two Children,with the rest of their encrease forever, as also one Tract of landcontaining one Hundred & fifty Acres Lying on a swamp CalledScape Whore as may be seen in a Plate entered int Aud Office in bookHNS Page
(27) 12th Sept 1765 all the above articles to beto him and his heirs forever with his horse & Cattle known by hisbrand thus (R) and Two Hundred Pounds as an addition to hisshare----------------------------------------------------------------
Item I leve and bequeath unto my daughter MaryCarter, Four Negroes Named Farmer Amorisah Judith and Ned Pomps sonand their encrease with five Hundred pounds delivered her, Also allthe household goods already got her Horse and Cattle Called hers tobe to her and her heirs
Item I leve and bequeath Unto my Daughter JennetWilson, five Negroes viz Sharper Fillis Harry Latty and Darry Jacksson with their Encrease, with their horse and Cattle Containing fourCows and Calves to be for her and her heirs forever as also a bed andfurniture, as a farther addition to her Abovepart-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item I leve and bequeath to my son Samuel Bradleythree Tracts of Land, two of which Contains one Hundred and fiftyAcres each, the other Containing Five Hundred acres all of them justopposite to the Tract on which I now Live, on the west side of theswamp on which I live, and Joining each other as may be seen by thePlates, Also Six Negroes named Pompy, Creacy, Bob, Sarah, Kate andJuly with their Encrease with a horse and saddle, and his Cattle tobe to him and his heirs forever in Case he should (torn from Originalwill) The age of Twenty one years or is married if not to be sold atpublick sale and Equally Divided amongst all my children
Item I leve and bequeath Unto my son MosesBradley, This Tract of Land on which my House stands Containing TwoHundred and fifty Acres also that other Tract Containing One Hundredand fifty adjoining to the Said mentioned bounding to the South easton lands of James Bradley Ser and Northeast on the first mentionedtract but he to have no posseion until the Decease of my wife, withFour Negroes Named Jack Seny Carolina and Nanny with their encreaseto him and his forever if in Case he lives till the age of Twenty oneyears or is married if not I authorize and impower my Excra to Sellhis and Samuels shares Real and personal at publick Vandue and Dividethe monies arising there from Equally amongst my Children with hishorse & saddle also three cows & calves
Item I leve and bequeath unto my DaughterElizabeth, one tract of Land Joining the Land on which I live to theEast and on James Bradley Lands and on Lands Originally ArthurTomlensons but now John Dickeys and likewise on Lands of Rose Lloyds,but now Robert Elisons, and has such shapes and marks as may be seenin plate anaxed to the Original grant in my hands, and also sixNegroes named Ranger, Dinah Fanny, with Fannys three Children withall their encrease forever with her horse and saddle and four cowsand Calves a bed and Furniture to her and her heirs forever if inCase she lives till the age of Twenty one years or is married if notI Authorize my Executors to sell her Land at publick sale and Dividethe monies arriving there from Equally Amongst all my Children and asa further addition to her share a Negro boy called Pam, Jacksson--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wifeElizabeth this Tract of Land on which my House now stands that othertract of Land joining it on two squares on the same side of the swampon which her house is to be for her in full possession during likeand then to become my son Moses's and to him and his heirs forever.Also I leve unto my wife these Negroes Viz Prince older Nanny TamerPrince Young Peter Sibinah, and her two children Sylby, with theirencrease to be hers ands also all the remaining Cattle, Horses Hogs,& Sheep with all the furniture belonging to house and plantationwith Bonds Notes and ready monies to be hers during her widowhood andin Case she never Marry it is to be at her Disposel but in Case shedoth marry then the whole of her part to be Equally Divided Into Twoparts and the one part to be equally divided amongst all my Childrenthe other part to be hers and at her Dispose. And this to be done bymy after named Executors at their discretion
Item I will and appoint my Just Debts to be paidand my Younger children schooled with Two Hundred pounds to be paidto my nease Elizabeth Bradley Daughter of Arthur Bradley all this outof the readiest of her whole part, with the above named Legacies ofSix Hundred pounds
Item I also will that my Executors take themanagement of my two youngest Childrens estate unto their Care aftermy decease until they are of age or at Marriage, I likewise makeconstitute and Ordain my well beloved wife Elizabeth, Executrix andmy son James and Roger Bradley with my Brother James and ThomasBradley David
Wison and Roger Wilson to be my Executors overthis my last will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly Disallow anddisannull and revoke all and every other former Testaments, wills andLegacies, with all Bequesthments and Executors by me in any waysbefore mentioned Ratefying and Confirming this and not other to be myLast will and Testament In Witness whereof I have here unto set myhand and Seal the day and year first above written Signed sealedPublished Pronounced and Delivered by the said Samuel Bradley as hisLast Will and Testament in Presence of us Moses Gordon Thomas ReeseJohn Shaw Samuel Bradley (Seal)
Jno Dickey
(Not recorded in Will Book)
Sworn to 14th Day of Aug 1782
Roger Wilson J.P.
Bundle 119 Pkge 3