I Esther Bennett in the State of South Carolina,and District of Sumter, being in perfect Mind and Memory, (thanks beto God) do make This my last Will and Testament. First, my Just DebtsI desire may be paid out of the present Years Wages, or Earnings ofmy Negro Fellow July, if any (after my Just Debts are paid) I give tomy Brother James Neilson Bennet.To my Sister Elenora Bennett, and herHeirs forever, I give my Negro GirlJuliet, and all my beds, all myBed Clothes, and all wearing apparel. To my Nephews, Samuel Drake,and Beverly Drake, and their Heirs Forever; or in Case of the Deathof one of them. To the survivor, (who shall live to the age of Twentyone Years,) and his Heirs forever, I give my Negro FellowJuly;together with all the Wages, or Earnings of the Fellow, from thefirst ofJanuary next; impowering my Executor to improve the Wages orEarning of thesaid Fellow to the Best advantage his Judgement maypoint out, Nevertheless, ifneither of my Nephews (herein mentioned)should live to the Age of Twenty oneYears, I do in the Case, give tomy Brother James Neilson Bennet, and his Heirsforever, the said NegroFellow July, together with all the Wages, or Earningsof the saidFellow, from the first of January next to the time of the Death ofthelast of my Nephews.
Lastly, I appoint my Brother, James NeilsonBennet, Executor of this my LastWill and Testament, hereby revokingall wills and Testaments, heretofore made,and acknowledging this tobe my last Will and Testament dated this the 16th dayof September inthe Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred
Signed, Sealed and declared Esther Bennet
to be the last will of the
Testatria in the presence of
Peter Williams (Recorded
19th Day of Nov 1800
Mary Williams Wm Taylor
Bundle 8 Package 3