Kershaw, SC  1785
 SC Will Transcriptions
 Vol 1 1770-1841, pages 202, 203
 Microfilm Roll 14

In the Name of God Amen I William Richardson of Bloom Hill in the District  of Camden and State of South Carolina in perfect mind and Memory do make this my Last Will and Testament First my just debts I desire may be paid out of the Sums die me on Bonds or other Specialties, after which remainder of my Estate I will in the following manner. To my wife in lieu of her Dower I give the sum of One Thousand Pounds Sterling to be paid to her out of the good bonds or other Specialtie that I have at Interest which said Bonds or other Specialties to the Amount of the said One Thousand Pounds Sterling are to be paid to her wherever she pleases to demand them and to be wholly subject to her disposition.  To each of my Daughters (whether born before the Date of this Will or after) I give the Sum of One Thousand Pounds Sterling to be paid to each of them (that may survive the Age of Twenty one years) on the day after their attaining the said Age.  To my Wife during her Widowhood and in lieu of her Dower, and to all my Children Male and female (now born or that may be born after the date of this Will)I give the Income of my Estate for their maintenance and bringing up in a decent manner in the Country----trusting that my Executors ( the said Income should be more than sufficient for that purpose as I hope it will)with the surplus will improv my personal Estate in the best manner their Judgements point out untill two of my sons shall attain the age of Twenty Two years at which time I desire that my whole personal property including money at Interest (after paying to my wife and the Survivors of my Daughters the several sums herein before given to them) be equally divided between my Wife and all my
Children that may be then living share and share alike giving Each ones share respectively to them and their heirs for ever, provided neverthelefs that if my Wife should choose to marry again she shall in that case be excluded altogether from this intended division of my personal Estate and be only intitled to the said Sum of One Thousand Pounds starling herein before mentioned

 PAGE 2.

and that in lieu of her Dower on my Estate. And also if but one of my sons should survive and attain the said Age of Twenty two years the said division must still take place on his attaining to that Age.  To My sons (whether born before the date of this Will or after) that may survive the Age of Twenty one years I give my whole Estate (or Estate of Lands) to be equally divided between them on the day that the youngest attains the Age of Twenty Two years trusting that they will not disagree in the division thereof, and each ones share after the said Division takes place I give to them and their Heirs forever, but in case none of my sons should live to the said Age, then in that case my said real Estate must be divided between the Survivors of my daughters in the same manner as intended between my sons Should they live and as I always had aversion to the name of Richardson I desire and request that my Children would Change it for Rich, which is a Short easy wrote name and the first Syllable of my name & if they love me or respect my memory they will acknowledge no other name.-Lastly I appoint my Wife (during her Widowhood)Executrix and my much Horoured and Esteemed Friends Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Pringle, John Smyth, and John Chesnut and all my sons as they attain the Age of Twenty one Years Executors to let money at Interest or make purchases with the Money that may be paid into them or produced by my Estate, as their Judgments may point out and hereby revoking all Wills hereto fore made and Acknowledging this my Last Will and Testament dated at Bloom Hill this first day of December in the year of Our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Eighty five and Written with my own hand on the above and foregoing side of this Sheet of Paper-------
                                            Wm. Richardson (L.S.)
 Signed Sealed and Declared to be the
 last Will of the Testator in presence of
 Eliz.Fley  Joseph Dukes  Rid. Cokewanig

 Recorded in Will Book A1 Page 332.
 Recording Date Not Available.
 Ord. Not Known.
 Apt. 130  Pkg. 5118.