"This is a copy of the last official list ofpostoffices in South Carolina prior to the Confederate war..... The30 districts existing at the time this list was issued, have beenwhittled down and the boundaries changed to form the present 46counties. In order to locate many of the former sites of thediscontinuted offices it is important to remember this change of thename district to county which was done in 1868. One hundred andsixteen of the offices are still serving the same communities theyserved in 1860. They are designated by an asterisk*. A few officesoperating then have been discontinued, and the same names used foranother office in an entirely different section of the state. Amongthese are: Salem in Sumter District, now found in OconeeCounty......"
Note: I only transcribed the Clarendon and Sumter Districts'lists. Other districts named in Mr. Salley's article are as follows:Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell, Beaufort, Chester, Chesterfield,Colleton, Darlington, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Georgetown,Horry, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, Marion, Marlborough, Newberry,Orangeburg, Richland, Union, Williamsburg, and York.
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In 1850, Sumter District had twenty post offices:Bishopville, Bradford Institute, Bradleyville, Brewington, Clarendon,Friendship, Fulton, Lodebar, Manchester, Mechanicsville, Mill Grove,Mount Clio, Plowden's Mill, Privateer, Providence, Salem, Stateburg,Sumterville, Willow Grove, and Wright's Bluff.