Claremont Rifles

Information and Roster Provided to the Sumter County, SCGenWeb site by:
Lee Sturkey

    The Claremont Rifles were a pre-war Militia Company, and served around Charleston as one of the units in the 2nd South Carolina Militia Regiment in the events which led up to the fall of Fort Sumter.  They then came home, and in July they were recruited as a company for active service, with the first enlistments coming at Old Edge Hill Academy at Stateburg.  The company went into camp at Lightwood Knot Spring, on the Columbia and Charlotte Railroad near present day Blythewood, and on August 19, 1861, were mustered in to Confederate service for a term of one year..  The company was sent to Virginia and assigned as the seventh infantry company of the Hampton Legion, arriving at Bacon Race Church near Manassas on August 26, 1861.

    The entire Legion was reorganized in April 1862, and the men of the company reenlisted for the war.  The company sustained heavy losses from both disease and casualties in battle, and was not able to recruit sufficient numbers from its original enlistment area of western Sumter District, part of Kershaw District, and eastern Darlington District, and after 1861 had a significant number of men added under the Conscript Act from various parts of the State.  In April 1864, when the company was mounted, a number of men form Captain Elias Venning's independent cavalry company were assigned to the Company.  The remnant of the Company surrendered at Appomattox where the Legion was one of the units in Martin Gary's cavalry brigade. 
    As asterisk indicates that the man was an original member of the company when it was mustered in for Confederate service on August 19, 1861. The rank given is the highest rank achieved, normally the final rank held.  The district is that in which the man lived at the time of enlistment, if known.

* Bracey, Thomas William 1 LT  Kershaw
* Carson, Elisha Scott, Jr.  CAPT Sumter
* Councill, William Bowers, CAPT (Transferred to 6 N.C. Cavalry Apr 1864) Sumter (moved N.C.postwar)
* Exum, James J;  1 LT; KIA Sharpsburg 17 Sep 62; Sumter
* McEachern, James A.; 2 LT; Darlington
* Moore, Isham, CAPT; Sumter
* Murray, John; 3 LT; Sumter
* Spann, James G.; CAPT; Sumter and Lowndes County,  Ala; later Aide de Camp to MGEN Richard H. Anderson then CAPT, AAG; killed Weldon Railroad 21 Aug 64
* Spann, Ransom Davis; 1 LT; Sumter and Lowndes County, Ala; Aide de Camp to MGEN Richard H. Anderson, then CAPT AAG
Zimmerman, Daniel; 3 LT; Orangeburg; previously in A/1 S.C. (Hagood's), then 3 LT Capt Venning's Cavalry Co, N/20 S.C.
* Allen, Ezra Ellerby, CPL; died at home 24 Oct 64 of  wounds received Gaines Mill; Sumter
Allison, Rufus M.; 4 CPL; York; previously in A/12 S.C.
* Atkinson, William M.2 SGT; KIA Riddle's Shop 13 Jun 64; either Sumter or Darlington
Bailey, Joseph W.; 5 SGT; previously in A/13 S.C.; Laurens
* Ballard, John Richardson; 1 SGT; Sumter
* Brown, John F.; 3 SGT; Sumter
Dunn, James H.; 3 CPL; previously in CAPT Venning's  Cavalry Co, O/20 S.C.
* Eveleigh, William Richardson; 3 CPL; KIA Riddle's Shop 13 Jun 64; Darlington
* Exum, Joseph W., Jr.; 4 CPL; died of dysentery at home 18 Sep 62; Sumter
Golding, John F; 3 CPL; previously in B/1 S.C. (McCreary's) Newberry
* Langston, Robert W.; 1 CPL; Darlington
Morse, West W.; 1 CPL; transferred to I/1 S.C. (McCreary)
* Owens, John Joseph; 5 CPL; Kershaw
* Roberts, John DeBennaid; 1 CPL; Sumter; later 1 LT  Confederate Marine Corps; father Episcopal Priest at Church of Holy Cross 
* Russ, W. H.; 2 CPL; KIA Knoxville 1 Dec 63; Darlington
* Sanders, Marion C.; 1 SGT; Sumter
Simmons, G. H.; 2 CPL; York
* Spann, Henry Mabry; 2 CPL; Sumter
* Spann, Thomas D.; 3 SGT; Sumter
* Stephens; 3 CPL; Darlington; later joined CS Navy
* Allen, James J. L.; Sumter
Anderson, James E.; Laurens; previously in I/1 S.C. (Gregg's)
Anderson, J. G.; Sumter or Darlington
Anderson, Joseph Henry; Sumter
Anderson, J. J.
Anderson, William Harrison; Sumter (St. Charles)
* Atkinson, Anthony; died Charlottesville Va of typhoid
    7 Dec 61
* Atkinson, John S.; died 9 Apr 65 Farmville, Va of wounds received at Farmville 7 Apr
* Atkinson, Samuel; died Richmond of disease 25 Jun 62
Axon, James Madison; previously in CAPT Venning's Cav Co, ), O/20 S.C.; probably Orangeburg
Barker, Moses M.; previously in M/10 S.C.; transferred to B/1 S.C. (McCreary's); probably Horry
* Bartlett, Richard S.; Sumter
Baughman, Harmon Henry; previously in H/20 S.C.; then in Capt. Peterkin's Independent Cav Co, N/20 S.C.;Lexington
Baughman, Reuben G; same as H. H. Baughman
Belk, Henry A.; later in I/4 S.C. Reserves and 2 S.C. Militia;Lancaster
* Belk; Sumter; later in K/3 S.C. (Palmetto) Artillery BN; then in B/15 S.C. (Lucas') Heavy Art. BN; Sumter;son of Henry A. Belk
 Bishop, Isaac C.; Spartanburg; previously in CAPT Venning Cav Co, (O/20 S.C.)
Blackwell, Michael J; Clarendon; previously in C/Hampton Legion Infantry; then in K/1 S.C. (Hagood's)
* Bossard, John Joseph; later in I/4 S.C. Reserves; then B/
    5 S.C. Senior Reserve BN; then 20 S.C. Militia; Sumter
* Bostick, Levi T.; Darlington; died of wounds received at  Seven Pines at Richmond 6 Jul 62 
* Bowen, William Benton; died Bacon Race Church, Prince William County, Va of typhoid fever 16 Nov 61; Lexington
Bracey, James Harrison; Kershaw; previously in E/7 S.C.BN
Bracey, Joseph M.; Kershaw
Brown, George Washington; Sumter
* Brown, Hugh Manley; died Chimborazo Hosp of  pneumonia 24 Apr 62; Darlington
* Brown, Richard Sebastian; Sumter; later in K/7 S.C. CAV
Buckhalter, J. W.; probably Barnwell
Bunch, Joseph Victor; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind. Cav Co, O/20 S.C.; Colleton Dist (now Dorchester)
Calder, Peter; Marion; previously in 2 S.C. Reserves; transferred to H/23 S.C.
Cannady, Solomon R.; previously in G/5 S.C. CAV
Cape, William David; Beaufort Dist (Hampton County area)
Carson, J. J.
Cauthen, Philip Thorn; Lancaster; later in 5 S.C. Reserves
Clark, W. R.; previously in 23 S.C.; then CAPT Sparks' Cav Co (L/20 S.C.); then in CAPT Peterkin's Cav Co (N/20 S.C.); Marlboro
* Coats, Samuel C.; Kershaw; died 23 Sep 62 of wounds received at Sharpsburg; Kershaw 
Davidson, Noah; previously in A/20 S.C; Greenville ?
Davis, Elias L.; died of unspecified causes at Griffin, Ga. 15 Oct 63; Sumter
* Davis, Joel ("Joe"); d. Charlottesville, Va of typhoid fever 5 Jan 62; Sumter or Darlington
* Dease, J. L.; died at home of disease 1 Sep 62; Sumter or Darlington
Dennis, James Hawkins; Newberry; previously in F/20 S.C.
* Dennis, John S.; Darlington
Denson, Thomas Jefferson; Laurens
* Dorrity, J. W.; Darlington
Dutton, Benjamin Z.; previously in A/15 S.C. (Lucas') Heavy Artillery BN; later in E/2 S.C.; Kershaw
Easley, Ansley; Kershaw
Elliott, Thomas; Charleston
Ellis, Evander Paschal; Marion; previously in H/23 S.C.
Evans, James Hamilton; Marion
* Eveleigh, Henry; died Chimborazo Hospital of pneumonia8 May 62; Darlington
* Eveleigh, James Elias; d. at home after June 1863, of wounds received at 2 Manassas 30 Aug 62; Darlington
Finklea, Sam R.; Marion; previously H/23 S.C.
* Fitzgerald, David; Lexington; father of Robert Fitzgerald
* Fitzgerald, Robert; trans to H/23 S.C.; then to I/1 S.C. (Hagood's); Lexington
* Galloway, John W.; died Richmond of typhoid fever 22 Apr 62; Darlington
* Gary, James A.; died as POW at Newport News, Va. 28 May 65; probably Newberry
Gerald, William H.; previously B/10 S.C.; transferred back to B/10 S.C.; died 1864; Horry
* Gowdy, Benjamin Lawrence; later in E/3 S.C. (Palmetto) Artillery BN; Darlington
Graham, P. J.; Williamsburg
Graham, S. F.; Horry
Graham, Thomas; Horry
Grant, James B.; Chester
* Green, Robert Russell; Darlington
Grimsley, James R.; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind. Cav Co, O/20 S.C.; Marion Dist (Florence Section)
Hardy, J. B.; died Richmond of chronic diarrhea 3 Dec 64;
Hodge, Thomas J.; previously in D/4 S.C. CAV, then CAPT Venning's Ind. Cav Co (O/20 S.C); Darlington
Holmes, A.
Howell, W. L.; resident North Carolina
Hucks, Jeremiah; previously A/10 S.C.; then E/26 S.C.; Horry
* Jones, Edgar S.; later in G/4 S.C. State Troops; Sumter
* Jones, George; died Charlottesville Va of pneumonia, complication of typhoid fever 8 Jan 62; Sumter
Jones, James A.; Marion
Jones, William Y.; Laurens
Kelley, Henry; previously in D/2 S.C.; drowned in North Anna River, Va. while "bathing" 12 Aug 62 on 10 days after joining the company; probably Darlington
Kitchens, Charles E.; Chester
Knight, Samuel; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind. Cav Co (O/20 S.C.)
Lambert, John C; Marion
* Lawhon, Joseph W.; died Bacon Race Church, Prince William County, Va. 29 Nov 61; Darlington
* Lawhon, Thomas L.; died of disease (probably tuberculosis) at home Oct 62; Darlington
Lee, Joseph S.; Marion (Dillon Section)
* Lenoir, Richard M.; Sumter
Leopold, John J.; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind. Cav Co (O/20 S.C.); Christ Church Parish, Charleston Dist
Long, George W. H.; previously in D/1 S.C. Rifles;Anderson
McDaniel, M.
McDonald, Daniel A.; Darlington (near Bethune)
McElwee, John Newman; previously in A/12 S.C.; York
* McGee, Jacob E.; d. Charlottesville, Va of pneumonia
    3 Jun 62
* McGee, J. B.; later in E/3 S.C. (Palmetto) Light ART BN;then in B/18 S.C. Heavy ART BN (Manigault's S. C. Siege Train)
* McGee, Pleasant A. W.; later in C/3 S.C. (Palmetto) Light Art BN; then in Culpepper's Battery; Darlington
Mackey, Littleton Perry; Lancaster
* Marshall, Elijah; Sumter (near Ashland)
Martin, Christian Bookter
Maull, Charles Mason; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind.Cav. Co (O/20 S.C.); Charleston
Metts, George; Newberry
Mintz, Charles H.; previously in B/5 S.C.; York
Mitchum, James P.; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind Cav Co, O/20 S.C.; living near St. Stephen at enlistment
Mitchum, Samuel; see James P. Mitchum
Mitchum, Thomas B.; see James P. Mitchum
* Moody, Edward Rutledge; died Ashland, Va of fever 17 Apr 62; Sumter
* Moody, Ezra Allen; died Richmond of diarrhea 15 Dec 62; Sumter (borther of Ed. R. Moody
*Moody, Miles Eugene; died at home of disease 24 Jan 63; Sumter; (brother of Ed. R. Moody)
* Nettles, C. B.; Sumter or Darlington
Nipper, A.
Nipper, D. W.; previously in B/4 S.C. CAV; Chester ?
* Norris, Alexander, Jr.; died Richmond of typhoid fever 1 May 62; Sumter
* Norton, Ezekiel; died during war no date; Sumter
Nunnery, Ralph McFadden; Sumter; previously in A/17 S.C.; moved Chester postwar
Page, Daniel; previously H/23 S.C.; Marion
Patrick, Durett E.; Orangeburg (Branchville)
* Patterson, D. R.; Darlington
Pitts, Joseph; previously in B/3 S.C.; Newberry
* Pool, Felix; trans to A/20 S.C.; Lexington
Porter, Daniel Allen; previously in D/20 S.C.; Orangeburg
Porter, Joseph A.; previously in D/20 S.C.; Orangeburg
Porter, William J. L.; previously in A/20 S.C.; Orangeburg (Daniel, Joseph, and William were brothers)
Reynolds, Elijah W.; Darlington
Reynolds, T.
Rhoad, James Daniel; Orangeburg (Branchville)
Rivers, R. S.; previously in CAPT Venning's Ind. Cav Co, /20     S.C.
Rose, William P.; previously in E/5 S.C. CAV; later in E/27 S.C.; Christ Church Parish, Charleston District
* Sanders, Thomas Polk ("Tom Polk"); reenlisted in E/ Holcombe Legion Cavalry BN, which became H/7 S.C. CAV; Sumter
Sandifer, A. J.; Barnwell (Bamberg Section)
* Sansbury, J. William; later in E/3 S.C. (Palmetto) ART BN; Williamsburg District
Sellers, Leven J.; Horry; volunteered in 1863, age 58
Sellers, Thomas B; Horry; son of Leven J. Sellers; trans to E/26 S.C.
* Shaylor, James D.; Kershaw; KIA Sharpsburg 17 Sep 62; brother of John Oliver Shaylor
Shaylor, John Oliver; previously in E/9 S.C.; Kershaw
Shealy, George Washington; trans to K/1 S.C. (Hagood's)Lexington
Simmons, A. E. H.; Barnwell (Bamberg Section)
Sistrunk, Newton E. W.; previously in D/20 S.C.; Orangeburg  
* Smith, J. J.; died at home 12 Feb 63 (Probably of chronic diarrhea); Kershaw
Smith, Joseph F.; previously in F/23 S.C.; Marion
Snelling, William H.; Barnwell
* Spann, William A.; later in D/2 S.C.; trans to A/Holcombe     Legion Cav BN; which became I/7 S.C CAV; Sumter
* Sparrow, Alonzo; Darlington
Spires, Michael A.; previously in H/20 S.C.; Lexington
Spires, William Andrew; previously in H/20 S.C.; Lexington; borther of Michael A. Spires
Streeter, E. F.
* Sullivan, William J.; later in B/27 S.C.; died at Elmira on 4 Mar 65; Darlington
* Taylor, Elias; Chesterfield
* Thompson, William H.; KIA Seven Pines 31 May 62
Ussery; John C.; died of acute diarrhea at Howard's Grove Hospital, Richmond 28 Sep 63
* Wallace, Henry B; later in G/6 S.C. Reserves; York
Walter, Alfred Bethea; previously CAPT, F/51 N.C.; then Private L/8 S.C.; trans to company 1864; living Robeson
    County, N.C. at time of enlistment; later lived Mullins
* Welch, David D.; died Camp Wigfall, near Dumfries, Va.of pneumonia 22 Jan 62
Whitfield, G. V.; died in camp at Morristown, Tenn. Jan - Feb 1864, of wounds received at undetermined location; resident Pickens
Williams, Thomas J.
Williamson, Daniel R.; previously in D/20 S.C.; Lexington
* Wilson, Herod; died of effects of wounds received at Sharpsburg in camp at Morristown, Tenn. Jan-Mar 1864
Windham, John H.; Sumter (Lynchburg)
* Wright, Thomas June; KIA Seven Pines 31 May 62; Sumter
Pool, J.  

Sumter County
Company I, 25th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers
Company H, 26th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers
Company K, 23rd Regiment South Carolina Volunteers
Company I, 7th South Carolina Cavalry
20th South Carolina Militia, Sumter District
* More Information on Some of My Confederate Ancestors
Elmira Prison Camp Listing
The 23rd Regiment Reinactment Group

Old Sumter District, South Carolina SCGenWeb Sites

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