On the following web pages, you will find information transcribed from the 1860, Sumter, South Carolina Federal Census. This information was generously donated by supporters of the Sumter, Clarendon, and Lee SCGenWeb home pages.
Jane Hill sent me her 1850 files, which got this project started. Then, Bobby Thigpen sent in what he has of 1850 and 1860.
If you would like to
contribute more data to this project, the best way to accomplish that would
be as follows:
1. Type your data
into spreadsheet form.
2. Only place about
50 names in a file. (Larger files lock up a browser.)
3. Be sure to place
a number in the name of your files as well as the census year, so that
I know their order.
4. E-mail your files
to me, one at a time.
The pages that you
will find here are linked only from this index page.
There are no links
back. (Too many web pages, not enough time to get them all up.)
Please use your back
and forward buttons to view each page in turn.
smallest act of kindness reverberates across great distances and spans
of time, affecting lives unknown to the one whose generous spirit was the
source of this good echo, because kindness is passed on and grows each
time it's passed, until a simple courtesy becomes an act of selfless courage
years later and far away....."
Momentous Day, H.R. White
Let's continue our circle of sharing.
Data Donated by Cindy Parker
This page was last
updated on July 18, 2001
Sumter, South