West Unity
Allen, J.D., watches, clocks and jewelry, cor Jackson st. |
Allen, Sam, saloon and billiards, Main st. |
Allen, Sameul, waggon and carriage shop, Main st. |
Alwood, Rev., cor Rings and Main sts. |
Booth, E., boots and shoes, Jackson st nr Main |
Cater, Joseph, pastor, M.E. Church, res Church st. |
Charpiot P., hardware, stoves and tinware, Jackson st. |
Clay, John, homeopathic physician, Jackson st. |
Cline, J., general store, Jackson st. |
Conaway, J.A., carpenter and builder, plasterer and painter, Nort st. |
Coslet, T.J., harness and saddlery, Jackson st nr Madison |
Coslet, Wm., boots and shoes, Jackson st. |
Davis, E., dry oods, gorcieries, etc., Jackson cor High sts. |
Davis, E.S., of Unity Mill Co. |
DeGroff, L.E., photographer, Jackson st. |
Denman, E.G. of W.M. Denman & Co. |
Denman, W.M. of W.M. Denman & Co., also physician and surgeon, at store |
Denman, Wm. M. & Co., druggists, books, wall paper and stationery, cor Jackson and Main sts. |
Edwards, Mason, boots and shoes, Jackson st. |
Elliott, T.G. of Hollington & Elliott |
Ely, G.W., dentist, cor Main and Jackson sts. |
Finch, G.W., eclectic physician, office Jackson st s of Liberty |
Fisher, Joseph, meat market, Jackson st nr Main |
Fox, J.S., millinery, Jackson st nr Liberty |
Gardner, W., groceries, Jackson st nr |
Grisier, Bros., hardware store, Jacson st nr High |
Grisier, A.P., of Grisier Bros. |
Grisier, L.J. of Grisier Bros. |
Hinman & Son, undertaking |
Hinman R., of Hinman & Son |
Hinman, Wm. Of Hinman & Son |
Hoover, A.J., Tinsmith, Jackson st. |
Hollington & Elliott, dry goods, clothing, groceries, etc., Jackson st. |
Hollington, R.P., of Hollington & Elliott |
James, H.C., plasterer, Main st nr Jackson |
Kent, Stanley, post master and general store, Jackson st. |
Kenyon, C.G., proprietor Kenyon House, cor Main and North sts. |
Kenyon House, C.G. Kenyon proprietor |
Lampher, L.H., attorney at law, Church st. |
McIntire, House, John H. McIntire proprietor |
McGrew Bros., druggists, Jackson st nr High |
McGrew, G.W. of McGrew Bros. |
McGrew, John, of McGrew Bros. |
Money, F.W., representative, res one mile east of West Unity |
Moore, G.H., machine shop, Jackson st. |
Newcomer, M.F., drugs and medicines, Jackson st. |
Orton, E.C., attorney at law, collections a specialty, Jackson st nr Main |
Pierce, G.H., general store, Jackson st nr Main |
Pifer,, M., harness maker, Jackson st nr Main |
Poucher, Rev. John, res North st. |
Poucher, John, of Unity Mill Co. |
Ritchey, T.M., mayor and produce dealer, Jackson st. |
Rings, George, of Unity Mill Co. |
Runion, J.N., physician and surgeon |
Scannel, W.A., of C.W. Skinner & Co. |
Skinner, C.W., of C.W. Skinner & Co. |
Smith, James, barber, cor Jackson and Main st. |
Skinner, C.W. & Co., furniture |
Stires, Jennie N., millinery and dress making, Jackson st nr High |
Stockton, J.P., pastor Presbyterian Church |
Stoner S.G., of A.B. Stoner & Co. |
Stoner, A.B. & Co., bakery, confectioneries and grocery, Jackson st. |
Stoner, A.F., Agricultural implements, Jackson st. |
Stoner, N.S., blacksmith, Jackson st. |
Unity Mill Company, Jackson st nr Liberty |
Wilber, A.M., physician and surgeon, Jackson st. |
Yesbera, A., ready made clothing, hats, capts, etc., Jackson st. |
Thanks Cathy and Richard!