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    West Unity

    Allen, J.D., watches, clocks and jewelry, cor Jackson st.
    Allen, Sam, saloon and billiards, Main st.
    Allen, Sameul, waggon and carriage shop, Main st.
    Alwood, Rev., cor Rings and Main sts.
    Booth, E., boots and shoes, Jackson st nr Main
    Cater, Joseph, pastor, M.E. Church, res Church st.
    Charpiot P., hardware, stoves and tinware, Jackson st.
    Clay, John, homeopathic physician, Jackson st.
    Cline, J., general store, Jackson st.
    Conaway, J.A., carpenter and builder, plasterer and painter, Nort st.
    Coslet, T.J., harness and saddlery, Jackson st nr Madison
    Coslet, Wm., boots and shoes, Jackson st.
    Davis, E., dry oods, gorcieries, etc., Jackson cor High sts.
    Davis, E.S., of Unity Mill Co.
    DeGroff, L.E., photographer, Jackson st.
    Denman, E.G. of W.M. Denman & Co.
    Denman, W.M. of W.M. Denman & Co., also physician and surgeon, at store
    Denman, Wm. M. & Co., druggists, books, wall paper and stationery, cor Jackson and Main sts.
    Edwards, Mason, boots and shoes, Jackson st.
    Elliott, T.G. of Hollington & Elliott
    Ely, G.W., dentist, cor Main and Jackson sts.
    Finch, G.W., eclectic physician, office Jackson st s of Liberty
    Fisher, Joseph, meat market, Jackson st nr Main
    Fox, J.S., millinery, Jackson st nr Liberty
    Gardner, W., groceries, Jackson st nr
    Grisier, Bros., hardware store, Jacson st nr High
    Grisier, A.P., of Grisier Bros.
    Grisier, L.J. of Grisier Bros.
    Hinman & Son, undertaking
    Hinman R., of Hinman & Son
    Hinman, Wm. Of Hinman & Son
    Hoover, A.J., Tinsmith, Jackson st.
    Hollington & Elliott, dry goods, clothing, groceries, etc., Jackson st.
    Hollington, R.P., of Hollington & Elliott
    James, H.C., plasterer, Main st nr Jackson
    Kent, Stanley, post master and general store, Jackson st.
    Kenyon, C.G., proprietor Kenyon House, cor Main and North sts.
    Kenyon House, C.G. Kenyon proprietor
    Lampher, L.H., attorney at law, Church st.
    McIntire, House, John H. McIntire proprietor
    McGrew Bros., druggists, Jackson st nr High
    McGrew, G.W. of McGrew Bros.
    McGrew, John, of McGrew Bros.
    Money, F.W., representative, res one mile east of West Unity
    Moore, G.H., machine shop, Jackson st.
    Newcomer, M.F., drugs and medicines, Jackson st.
    Orton, E.C., attorney at law, collections a specialty, Jackson st nr Main
    Pierce, G.H., general store, Jackson st nr Main
    Pifer,, M., harness maker, Jackson st nr Main
    Poucher, Rev. John, res North st.
    Poucher, John, of Unity Mill Co.
    Ritchey, T.M., mayor and produce dealer, Jackson st.
    Rings, George, of Unity Mill Co.
    Runion, J.N., physician and surgeon
    Scannel, W.A., of C.W. Skinner & Co.
    Skinner, C.W., of C.W. Skinner & Co.
    Smith, James, barber, cor Jackson and Main st.
    Skinner, C.W. & Co., furniture
    Stires, Jennie N., millinery and dress making, Jackson st nr High
    Stockton, J.P., pastor Presbyterian Church
    Stoner S.G., of A.B. Stoner & Co.
    Stoner, A.B. & Co., bakery, confectioneries and grocery, Jackson st.
    Stoner, A.F., Agricultural implements, Jackson st.
    Stoner, N.S., blacksmith, Jackson st.
    Unity Mill Company, Jackson st nr Liberty
    Wilber, A.M., physician and surgeon, Jackson st.
    Yesbera, A., ready made clothing, hats, capts, etc., Jackson st.

    Thanks Cathy and Richard!
