Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Muskingum County, Ohio

Chapter XXII - Union Township

This section is taken from the book "Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Muskingum County, Ohio" by Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1892, Columbus, Ohio. It is a wonderful source for Muskingum history and seems to be a source that Ione Bradford Supplee found much informastion in. I have found some errors and contradictions but that is to be expected especially since the author seemed to have gotten much of his information from the residents of the county as well as documented records.

Prior to the opening of the Zane Trace, there were Indian settlements in the township, notably one on a creek in the southern part of the township, called after a Shawanees chief, White Eyes creek, and another camp was located in section five. The names of earliest settlers in the township will probably ever remain unknown, as many of them, after a short residence, pushed on still farther into the wilds of the great west. A portion of the township, the southeast quarter, was reserved by the government for school lands, and many of these first comers being unable to purchase, squatted on the school lands. Among those who occupied school lands between 1803 and 1806 were Henry Hardesty, Peter Monroe, Henry Hardy, Wm. Newland and Mr. Mullen. About the same time several families came from Pennsylvania and located in the northeast part of the township. Thomas Warren located in section 13 on the old Zane road, opening his house for accommodation of the public in 1804. John Self took up land on the creek that bears his name in 1805. Judge David Findley coming in 1806 purchased land of Henry Reasoner, who had located in section one in 1804. Samuel Wilson selected the northwest quarter of section 11 in 1806, and in 1807 John Haddon settled on section 8. Wm. Hunter, Robert Walker and Andrew Lorinier located on sections 13 and 18, while Ralph Hardesty took a portion of section 14. From 1806 to 1815 the settlement grew rapidly. Among those who came during this period were Adam and Daniel Bowman, James Cummins, ____ Decker, Simon Elliott, Joseph Geyer, Wm. Garner, Peter Galligher, Frederick Henderson, Joseph McCune, Joseph McKinney, Col. John Reynolds, Wm. Speer, David Sellers, Isaac Tewalt, Bennett Vandevert, Benj. Wortman.

Among the pioneers between 1815 and 1835 were Samuel Conners, Wm. McClellan, David and John Conners, Thomas Pearce, John and Alexander Brown, Samuel McCormick, John Barrett, Richard and Isaac Storey, David Stormont, Allen Black, John McLeod, Abraham Haines, Robert Buchannan, David Sinsabaugh, James Caldwell, John McClure, Billy McClure, George Miller, John and Moses Riley and John Jamison.

New Concord was a requirement of the days of its organization. The land upon which it was located was first settled by Henry Reasoner in 1804. Judge David Findley in 1806 purchased the tract of Mr. Reasoner and cleared and cultivated the land. In 1827 the establishing of the national road through his place prompted Judge Findley to lay out a town, which was acomplished March 24, 1828. The location of the town of Concord and the description of the plat is recorded as follows: Plat of the town of Concord, on the first section of township number one, of the fifth range, U. S. military district, in Muskingum county, and state of Ohio. The lots are all four poles in front and twelve poles back, each containing, forty-eight square perches. The main street is eighty feet wide, all other streets are forty-one feet wide, and the alleys are one perch wide. The proprietor gives one lot on Second street for a meeting house and literary purposes. An addition to the town of Concord was platted in Sept., 1849 by James Findley and two, Irwin's and Speer's, were platted in 1855.

The opening of the National road was the signal for the transfer of the bulk of travel from the old Zane Trace to the new road which, being better constructed and better kept, made traveling, easier and less expensive. A line of stage coaches was transferred to the new road, and to accomodate travelers and freight haulers, taverns sprang up along the road. Many of those who had former1y, lived on the old Zane Trace now changed their residence to the new route. Among those who moved was Joseph McKinney, who had a blacksmith shop on the old Zane Trace. He opened the first shop in Concord. His place was the spot where the Reformed Presbyterian church now stands. Concord was made a stage station or rather a relay station, where the six stage horses driven at full speed from Zanesville, the nearest station west, were exchanged for fresh horses. The stage horses were supplied by Joseph McKinney, who also changed the mails, he being the first postmaster at Concord, appointed 1819.

At this time the present flourishing village had but few houses. There was a house on the site of Gault's drug store, one where Mr. Herdman's residence is located. Mrs. Drummond's house was built about that time. These houses were all frame, the pioneers having so far progressed that even then the day of the log house was passed. Judge David Findley's large brick house was erected in 1828. It was the first brick house in Concord. It was used as a tavern and is still standing and apparantly almost as good as new. It is now known as the Wilson hotel. Wm. Galligher kept the first, and at the time of which we write the only store, in the building now occupied by Wm. Given and sons as a meat market. A school house occupied the site where the meetinghouse of the United Presbyterian church now stands. The second store in the village was that of Thomas McGiffin, who kept a general store. A Mr. Rogers kept a store between 1835 and 1840.

The impetus given by the advent of the National road was not soon checked. To be sure the growth of the village was slow, but was a healthy, sure growth. A religious element pervaded the entire township and Concord was in 1835 the site of three churches. Education was demanded by the children of the pioneers, and a more thorough and extensive education than could be obtained in the common schools of the time, was greatly desired; hence we find in 1835 a number of those most interested seeking the establishment of a college in Concord. A meeting of the citizens of Concord and vicinity was called on July 9, 1836. After considerable discussion relative to the needs of such an institution and the advantages to be derived from it, the meeting adjourned until the afternoon of August 10, of same year. Upon this latter date a constitution and by-laws for the management of an academy were adopted and a board of directors chosen, consisting of seven members; and at a subsequent meeting the board of managers completed and Mr. Andrew B. Black was made principal of the academy. In the autumn of the same year the school was opened with very encouraging prospects. This academy was successor to the Pleasant Hill academy, conducted in the Presbyterian church, one mile south of this village. The board taking into consideration the fact that New Concord was situated in the heart of a fertile country, thickly inhabited by a people favorable to literary pursuits, and quite remote from any literary institution, its ease of access--being on the National road--called a meeting of the citizens with a view to petition the legislature to grant them a charter for a college. As a result of this action a petition was prepared and placed in the hands of Honorable David Chambers, a member of the house of representatives. This petition being presented to the legislature, was favorably considered and in March, 1837, an act was passed incorporating Muskingum college, to be under the management of nine trustees, with power to increase the number to fifteen. The board immediately took steps to procure grounds and to erect a college building. At the meeting of the board, June 14, 1837, a faculty was chosen, consisting of Rev. Benjamin Waddle, president; Andrew M. Black, professor of languages; Elisha McCoy, professor of mathematics. During the first year the educational work of the college was conducted in a rented building, while in the meantime a college building was in process of erection and was so rapidly completed as to allow class room work to be conducted in the beginning of the second college year. The energy, perseverance and ability with which these men were actuated and impelled is deserving of the highest admiration. The building was rapidly pushed to completion and afforded ample facilities for college work at that time. But on the fourth of March, 1851, a destructive fire occurred, which partially destroyed this building, and on the thirteenth of the same month the board met to take measures to repair the damage done. At this meeting a committee of citizens waited on the board and tendered to them a sum of money sufficient to repair the building.

In 1873 an additional building was erected on the front of the old one, which greatly improved its appearance, adding to its space and convenience, and affording the needed additional room and facilities for educational work. From the beginning of the college to 1877 it was entirely under local management, and supported largely by local patronage; and in order to advance its utility, a meeting was held on July 6, 1877, at which it was deemed expedient for the interests of the institution to extend its patronage, and with this end in view, they proffered the college to the control of two presbyteries of the United Presbyterian church, viz: Mansfield and Muskingum. After some consideration on the part of the presbyteries, the offer was accepted by them, and a board elected to take the oversight of the institution. This board met and organized August 28, 1877, and took steps to secure a change in the charter adapted to the new relations. During the succeeding five years this denomination continued its oversight of the college, and took steps to enlarge the field of its patronage by tendering the institution to the United Presbyterian synod of Ohio, which was cheerfully accepted; and since that time an established and uniform success has attended its operations. The college is at the present day under the management of the Synod of Ohio, and the board of trustees consists of twenty-one members (elected by the synod,) and the president of the college, who is a member ex-officio. The expenses of the college are met in part by a light tuition, collected from the students, and by a partial endowment. Special efforts are now being made to largely increase the endowment fund and greatly enlarge the facilities of this institution. Upon its first inception the management confined its privileges to young gentlemen only, and so operated until March 20, 1854, at which time its management became conscious that the spirit of the times demanded a change, and young women were admitted to the privileges of the institution on the same conditions as young men. The board has never had cause to regret this action, for the result has been highly satisfactory both in attendance and in its beneficial results to both sexes. While the young women have for the most part taken the scientific course, yet many have taken a full classical course, and in point of ability and scholarship have shown themselves able to compete with the young men in all educational work. There are two courses of study, the classical and scientific. The former requires six years of earnest work. It has recently been enlarged, and now compares favorably with the curicula of other institutions. The student, upon completing this course, receives the degree of B. A. The scientific course requires five years of study. Eight terms of Latin are embraced in it; Greek and Hebrew are omitted. All the sciences, and the greater part of mathematics of the classical course are required in this course. Its completion entitles the graduate to the degree of B. S. The college has had twelve presidents. The first was Rev. Benjamin Waddle, D. D., who was largely instrumental in originating the institution. Mr. Waddle was twice president-first one year, and then for three years. Two of the twelve, Rev. J. P. Lytle, D. D., and Rev. H. P. McClerkin, D. D., served one year each as president pro tem. The longest presidency was held by Rev. David Paul, D. D., from 1865 to 1879. Dr. Paul was chiefly instrumental is raising the college to the favorable position it occupies to-day in the rank of educational institutions. The present incumbent, Rev. John D. Irons, D. D., has occupied the position for three years, and his efforts have been crowned with the highest success in placing every department of this institution upon the most healthful basis, making it to-day one of the most vitalizing and prosperous educational institutions in the state. The alumni of this college comprise men who are prominent to-day in the ministry, in the field of letters, and among the professions and business men in various sections of the Union. The following are the members of the present board of trustees: Term expires 1891--Rev. W. H. McFarland. Cambridge, Ohio; Rev. J. T. Campbell, Kimbolton, Ohio; Rev. J. J. Madge, Dalton, Ohio; Rev. J. W. Martin, Mt. Perry, Ohio; Rev. W. H. Vincent, Mansfield, Ohio; Rev. J. G. Kennedy, Wellsville, Ohio; Henry McCreary, M. D., New Concord, Ohio. Term expires in 1892--Rev. J. P. Lytle, D. D., Sago, Ohio; D. E. Ralston, Esq., New Concord, Ohio; Rev. C. E. White, Galligher, Ohio; Rev. W. R. Harshaw, Steubenville, Ohio; Samuel Harper, Esq., New Concord, Ohio; Samuel Smiley, Esq., Sago, Ohio; John E. Sankey, Esq., Cambridge, Ohio. Term expires l893--Rev. David Paul, D. D., New Concord, Ohio; Rev. W. G. Waddle, D. D., New Athens, Ohio; Rev. John A. Wilson, D. D., Wooster, Ohio; Rev. D. K. McKnight, Rix's Mills, Ohio; Rev. J. S. McMunn, Mechanicstown, Ohio; Rev. A. E. Brownlee, Martin's Ferry, Ohio; W. W. McKinney, Esq., New Concord, Ohio. Officers of the board: Rev. J. P. Lytle, D. D., Sago, Ohio, president; Henry McCreary, M. D., New Concord, Ohio, secretary and treasurer. The executive committee are: Rev. J. D. Irons, D. D., chairman; Rev. J. P. Lytle, D. D.; Rev. David Paul, D. D.; L. J. Graham, treasurer and financial secretary, John E. Sankey, and D. E. Ralston, Esq. The faculty comprises men of eminence in science and literature, and will compare favorably in their accomplishments and as educators with those of any of the prominent educational institutions of the country. The faculty of the college are: Rev. John D. Irons, D. D., president, and professor of mental, moral and political science, and Hebrew; Rev. J. A. Gray, A. M., professor of mathematics and logic; T. H. Paden, A. M., professor of Latin and Greek languages; John McBurney, A. M., Ph. D., professor of natural sciences; Eva M. Grier, A. M., professor of English language and literature; Jesse Johnson, A. M,, professor of Hebrew and Greek; Mary Miller, A. M., teacher of French and German. Music---J. W. Brown, organ and harmony; Dora E. Martin, piano and voice; Nellie Harris, B. S. teacher in art. Officers of the faculty: John D. Irons, president; T. H, Paden, secretary. This institution issues an annual catalogue, which will be forwarded upon request, and commands itself to the consideration of young women and young men in all sections of the country, to which we refer, for the liberal terms of tuition, etc. The advantages of this place are more fully set forth in the general articles upon the village.

The alumni of the college number 282 persons, 210 of whom are males, 72 females. Of these, 125 are ministers, 10 of the alumni are foreign missionaries, one of whom is supported by the students in college. Among those who have graduated from Muskingum college who have attained distinction and prominence, we find W. R. Harper, Ph. D., president of Chicago university; W. G. Morehead, D. D., Professor of Theological seminary, Xenia, Ohio; D. A. McClennahan, D. D., Professor in Allegheny Theological seminary, Pa.; H. T. Sudduth, A. M., Professor in State university, Athens, Ohio; W. O. Thompson, A. M., president of Longmont college, Longmont, Colorado; T. A. Smith, Ph. D., professor in Beloit college, Beloit, Wis.

Two societies composed of students of the college, exert a strong refining and moral influence on the young people of the town. These societies are the Young Men's Christian association and the Young Women's Christian association. Of the former, R. L. Warrick is president; J. D. Chisholm, vice-president; J. H. White, secretary; L. A. Taylor, treasurer; H. F. Lyle, corresponding secretary. Of the last named association, Miss Ida Carter is president and Miss Lydia Finley is secretary. The college has a fine orchestra, composed of students and teachers.

In 1878 the New Concord graded school building was erected. It is a handsome two-story brick structure 4Ox7O feet in dimensions, containing four rooms with a seating capacity for 200 pupils. The citizens of New Concord point with just pride to this beautifull structure where the youth have all the comforts and advantages of more pretentious institutions. Prof. A. H. McCulloch is the superintendent, and is assisted by an able corps of teachers.

The musical department in Muskingum college affords exceptional opportunities for the cultivation of this art, and the people of Concord invariably avail themselves of the advantages thus afforded. Scarcely a home may be found in the village where there are sons or daughters old enough to study music, but there is found a piano, organ, or stringed instrument. Musical entertainments are of frequent occurrence, and the refining and elevating influence of music is here strongly demonstrated. In addition to the music of the homes, the town supports an excellent musical organization in the New Concord Silver Cornet band, which was organized in 1888. The band is composed of twelve members. W. I. Miller is the leader; J. W Ramsey, president; A. A. McBride, secretary; Hugh Given, treasurer.

In New Concord are now twenty-two business houses, saw mill, flour mill, planing mill, cigar factory, one bank, two wagon shops, three blacksmith shops, one livery stable, two coal yards and two hotels, United States express, Western Union telegraph.

The postoffice was established in 1829. Joseph McKinney was the first postmaster; he held the office until 1845, when William McLain was appointed. Noble Kelly, Ichabod Drummond and Joseph McKinney have had the office since that time. Jacob Herdman is the present postmaster, and is assisted by his daughter.

In 1888 a town hall was erected. It is built of red pressed brick with stone trimmings, the front gable of stucco. Its dimensions are 53 feet front by 104 feet in depth. The basement is used for the fire department and is fully equipped with ladders, buckets and truck. The ground floor contains two of the finest business rooms in the village, besides the mayor's office and justice of the peace court room. The second floor contains a fine public hall with a seating capacity pf 1,8oo people, besides the council chamber and library room. The third floor is arranged as a banqueting hall, with kitchen, pantry, etc., attached. The building cost the village $16,000, and is a credit to the town and county. To erect this building the village issued thirty-two bonds of $500 each, which when sold yielded $16,240.90.

The Baptist church in New Concord was organized September 26, 1829, and the meetings were first held in Norwich. Revs. William Reese, William Spencer, William Magowers and others performed much ministerial work extending over the county and into regions beyond. A small house of worship was built in New Concord about 1836, the first in the new town. The present meeting house was erected in 1860. Some of the families that were connected with the church in its early history were Josiah Miller's, James Tulk's, Stephen Williams', Fraser Storer's, Levi Hughes', Thomas Smith's, Reuben Case's and others residing in the country. The first pastor was William Reese. A number of young men have entered the ministry, and several of them were students in Muskingum college. Of these E. 0. Town, Enoch Tilden, A. W. Hall, James Herbert, C. N. Harford, W. H. McKinney, A. L. Wilson and several others have been long known for their work's sake. The present pastor is B. Y. Siegfried, who continues in active service, and has been a successful minister for over fifty years, more than half of that time in Muskingum and Guernsey counties.

The Associate Reformed Congregation was organized about 1812. The first church building was erected about one mile north of New Concord. The congregation continued for many years to worship and bury their dead near the same location. Eventually the place of worship was changed to the village of New Concord. A large frame church building was erected, which is still used. The first pastor of the Associate Reformed congregation then called Crooked creek, was Rev. David Proudfit, who was installed pastor April 21, 1824, who served until his death. Mr. Johnson Welsh was ordained and installed as pastor April 22, 1835. Later Benjamin Waddle became pastor of Crooked creek, Salt creek, Lebanon and East Union.

About 1852 a movement was set on foot to organize an Associate congregation in New Concord. The organization was effected by the election of Hon. Samuel Bigger, Mr. Law, R. R. Moore, Elijah Coulter and Robert Harper as elders. For some time Rev. Samuel McArthur, who was then president of Muskingum college, acted as pastor. Rev. James M. Henderson became pastor in 1855 and was pastor at the time of the union of the Associate and Associate Reformed churches in 1858. In 1859 he resigned this charge in order that the congregation might unite with the Associate Reformed congregation, which had been vacated by Dr. Waddle in 1858. The United congregation is now known as the United Presbyterian congregation of New Concord. Its first pastor was Rev. J. C. Minich. He continued in charge from February 1860, to February 1876. Since July 1876, Rev. David Paul, D. D., has been pastor. The membership is about 330.

The first step toward the organization of New Concord Presbyterian church was occasional preaching by traveling ministers who, as they journeyed east and west, filled an occasional appointment. In the year 1804 the Rev. John Wright, going on a journey, lodged with Mr. John Reasoner, in New Concord. An appointment was made for him and an encouraging congreqation was gathered and services were held near the present site of Mr. Reasoner's barn and for a time such services were usually held at Mr. Reasoncr's house or in the vicinity. The church is supposed to have been organized by Rev. James Robinson, in the year 1818. Mr. Robinson was succeeded in October 1819 by Rev. Samuel Baldridge. At this time preaching services were held in a tent near Pleasant Hill spring, in barns and in private houses. During Mr. Baldridge's ministry, a frame church building was erected-forty feet square, with a second story to be used as an academy. In 1823 Mr. Baldridge left for the west.

Rev. Mr. Clark held communion services in 1825, and Rev. Mr. McMillan in 1826. In the year 1827, Rev. James Arbuthnot was ordained and installed pastor of the churches of Pleasant Hill and Salt Creek. Mr. Arbuthnot had charge of these churches from the spring of 1827 to the fall of 1830. On Oct. 27, 1828, he organized the church of Norwich, of which he also became pastor. Rev. Samuel Wilson was ordained and installed over the united churches of Pleasant Hill, Norwich, and Salt Creek, April 5, 1832, giving to each one third of his time, and receiving from each, one third of his salary of $400. This arrangement continued for seven years, when Pleasant Hi11 and Norwich applied each for one third of his time, and Mr. Wilson was released from Salt Creek. This pastorate continued for thirty six years and was interrupted only by the infirmities of age and failin-g health of the pastor.

In the years 1849-50, this congregation rebuilt and enlarged their house of worship. After Mr. Wilson's resignation, Rev. N. C. Helfrich became pastor of the united charge. His labors in Pleasant Hill church began on the second Sabbath of June, 1870, and on the 10th day of November he was installed. His labors with this church terminated October 25, 1874. Rev. Faris Brown became stated supply of the churches of New Concord and Norwich, September 10, 1875, and November 21, 1876, he was installed pastor of these churches, which relation still continues. In the year 1872, a new site having been obtained in the village of New Concord, a new church building was erected thereon, at a cost of about $4,000. The name of the church was changed from Pleasant Hill to New Concord, by act of Presbytery. During the present pastorate of fifteen and a half years, 324 members have been received to its communion, 141 persons have been baptized, 38 adults, 103 infants. Its present membership is 200.

The Reformed Presbyterian church, of New Concord was known as Salt Creek, until 1871. The first Covenanter known to settlers in this vicinity was Mathew Mitchell, who came with his family from "the forks of the Yough" in Pennsylvania in 1804. Later came John Jamison, Wm. Robinson and Samuel McCutcheon. Their families constituted a praying society and unfurled the banner of the Covenant. They were occasionally visited by, Revs. John Black and Matthew Williams. In the summer of 1814, Rev. Robert Wallace, who is the father of Covenanterism in Ohio began missionary work principally at Utica and Chillicothe. In 1815 he providentially met Neal McNaughton, at a hotel in Zanesville, who took him to his home, where Mr. Wallace preached the following Sabbath. The society continued to grow under his occasional ministrations until the organization of the congregation in June, 1821, by the election of John Auld and John Jamison, ruling elders. The communion was soon afterward dispersed and Mr. Wallace was assisted by the Rev. Charles B. McKee. The services were held in the woods near the farm of Mr. McCutcheon, and the following forty members communed at the first sacrament: John and Mary Auld; John and Margaret Jamison; Mrs. Black, Robert and Elizabeth Brown; Mathew, Mary, Rachel and Rebecca Calhoun; Betsy Cunningham; Eleanor Forsythe; Alexander and Mrs. George; Mathew, Sr., Mathew, Jr., and Mrs. Mitchell; Samuel, Isabel, Sr., Isabel, Jr., James and Anna McCutclicon; Neal and Mary McNaughton; Win. Robinson; Joseph, Ann, James and Jane Sterrett; Thomas, Mary, Sr., Mary, Jr., William, James and Archibald Stevenson; David and Mary Sims; Jacob and Anna Wortman. All these are now dead. John Auld, John Jamison, David and Benjamin Wallace, David Hawthorne, Richard and Thomas McGee, Archibald and Wm. Stevenson, Walter McCrea, David Stormont, William and Thomas Wylie, John Gibson, William Forsythe, William Speer, William Elliot, Thomas Stewart, John Taylor, James McCartney, Samuel Mitchell, James R. Willson, Hugh Patterson, and John C. Robb.

In October, 1823, Mr. Wallace was installed pastor, and also preached at Jonathan's Creek, Muskingum and Wills Creek. Mr. Wallace died in July, 1849. In October, 1850, the Rev. Hugh P. McClurken was installed, and remained almost interruptedly for thirty-two years, and until his release in October, 1882. The Rev. James M. Faris, the present pastor was installed July 3, 1884.

Hanson Post, No. 468, G.A.R., and New Concord Lodge, N0, 761, I.0.0.F., are both in a flourishing condition.

In 1880 Mr. C. B. McKee established the Weekly Enterpise which met the encouragement it merited. In the spring 1881 the present editor and proprietor, Mr. J. H. Aikin, purchased a half interest, and in December he bought out his partner and assumed entire control. The Enterprise is a seven column folio, is a spicy, newsy paper devoted entirely to local interests and local news, and enjoys a good patronage.

The opening of the National Road brought many new settlers to Union township. This fact prompted William Harper to plat a town in 1827, which was incorporated six years later, This town, Norwich, is in section seven, the National Road being the main street of the village. Probably the first house erected on the site of the village was a boarding house or tavern erected by Samuel McCloud. After ward a hotel was kept by Reuben Whittaker. A store, probably the first in the place, was kept by Thos. Maxfield.

The schools of Norwich are graded. This system was adopted in 1884. At this date a new building was erected at a Cost Of $2,300. The building contains two rooms, but is considered inadequate to the necessities of the rapidly increasing attendance of pupils. The school's are in good condition. Charles Fulkerson is principal, Miss Rose Scott, assistant.

The United Presbyterian church of Norwich was organized about 1860, by members of churches of this denomination who were joined by dissenting members of other churches in Norwich. Some of the pastors were Rev. Boyd, Rev. Hutchinson, Rev. Dr. Paul, Rev. Huston, Rev. Dr. Spencer and the present pastor, Rev. Wyatt. A meeting house was erected shortly atter the organization of the church. The site selected was the north side of Main street near the center of Norwich. The building is frame and with the grounds on which it stands is worth $2,500. It has a seating capacity of 300.

The Norwich Presbyterian church was organized October 27, 1828, by Rev. James Arbuthnot, under authority granted by Presbytery of Lancaster, September 30, 1828. Its church building is located on an eminence at the west end of the village of Norwich. This organization was mainly constituted of members from the Pleasant Hill Presbyterian church. Its first pastor was Rev. James Arbuthnot. This pastorate continued for about two years. The original elders, elected at its organization, were Robert Miller, John Jamison, John Wycoff and Wm. McLoughlin. Its first trustees were Robert Miller, John McCurdy, John Wycoff, Peter Galligher, John Crawford and Benjamin Wortman. In August 29, 1831, a call was made for the services of Rev. Samuel Wilson, which was accepted by him and he was ordained and installed April 5, 1832. This congregation worshiped in a small frame house, perhaps 25x35 feet, with a rough platform for a pulpit. In the year 1839 they built a brick meeting-house 64x45, which in a brief space after being occupied, was free from all debt. In the year 1852 the brick church was superseded by the present frame building. Mr. Wilson continued to be pastor of this church until April 28, 1868, when on account of failing health the pastoral relation was dissolved, making a pastorate of thirty-six years and twenty-three days. During this pastorate, about 700 persons were received to the communion of the churches of Pleasant Hill and Norwich. Of these nearly 500 were on profession of faith and about 200 by letter from other churches. About 600 persons were baptized; of these nearly 500 were infants and nearly 125 adults. The present membership is 186.

Duncan's Falls Presbyterian Church was organized May 20, 1852, by a committee acting under authority of the Presbytery of Zanesville. The members of this committee were Rev. M. A. Hays, Rev. W. M. Ferguson and Elder Samuel Milhous. The congregation organized with nineteen members, seventeen of whom held letters from other congregations; the remaining two were received after examination. The first deacons were James Irwin, John B. Peairs and Joseph Peairs. The first pastor was Wm. M. Grimes, who served the church for three years and was succeeded by Rev. M. Livingston, whose pastorate continued only one year. John Kelly was the third in charge of the congregation and remained with the church six years. The next, Henry Fulton, remained with the congregation longest of any pastor,--six and a half years. Then followed Martin L. Donohue, two and a half years; David M. Williamson, six years; James A. Baldridge, four years; and in 1887 Edward W. Brown, the present pastor, who has ministered to the spiritual wants of the church continuously since that date. Immediately after its organization in 1852 a meeting-house was erected at a Cost of $2,000. The church has a membership of ninety.

This township is part of the Muskingum County Township Project, and is maintained by Denny Shirer

Last Revised: July 20, 2004

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