October 6th  1874

Session met and was constitured with prayer.  Members present the Rev Abr EAGELSON, I STORER, James AMSPOKER, P REASONER, R CONNER and ? H MARSHALL

On motion it was resolved to elect  A.H. MARSHALL Clerk

on sabbath 8th the sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered by Rev  A EAGELSON and on same day declared the pupit vacant

Closed by prayer

                                                A.H. MARSHALL  Clerk

January 9th 1875

Session met & was constituted with prayer.  members presant Jonas AMPSOKER, Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER, Robert CARINS, Andrew MARSHALL

The following persons presented their certificates from Deerfield(?) church being found in proper order was admitted to full membership of this church   Wm J MASSEY  & his wife Mary E MASSEY.

                                                Closed with prayer

                                                A.H. MARSHALL  Clerk

Isaac STORER died  January

the 22nd 1875





the next page has only the word "the"

the following page begins the records of Rev James Arbuthnot

Transcribed by Penny Pollock

© 1997 - 2006 Denny Shirer for Union Township, Muskingum County, OHGW