Pastorate of Rev Samuel Willson

This is a continuation of his Pleasant Hill Session Records 

June 1835  to  June 1870

V        New Concord, O. Pleasant

MI46          Hill Pres.  Ch.

N4274s   Session records, 1835-

v.2            1870


[The 1st several pages appear to be the same records as pages 11-16 recorded earlier]



18th June 1835  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator constituted by prayer  Present  Rev S WILLSON   mod’r.  Elders  John REASONER, Robert McGEE,  Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL.  Admitted to the Lords supper William GALLAUGHER and Malcom McNEAL and to baptism and the Lords supper Richard STORER all on examination.  The following were admitted to communion by certificate Catharine QUICK,Mary BAILY, Eliza BAILEY, John BRIMNER, Prudence BRIMNER, James NOBLE, Jane NOBLE  Robt BAILY.

20th Admitted to communion by certificate Wm CAMPBELL and Nancy his wife. Baptized  Rachel Ann, dauaghter of Wm and Nancy GALLAUGHER, Robert  son of James and Nancy McGEE, Elizabeth Ann Rebecca daughter of Andrew and Nancy Ann FURGESON, Rachel daughter of John and Margaret POLLOCK.  Also Richard STORER adult.

August 30th  Baptized   James son of Samuel and Margaret MARSHALL and Samuel Martin son of John and Prudence BRIMNER                                    signed   S. WILLSON


September 15 1835  Dismissed by certificate  John HUNTER and Mary his wife

June 5th 1836  Baptized  James Henry  son of George and Maryann HERRIOTT

June 30 1836     Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator constituted by prayer.  present  Rev S. WILLSON  mod‘r.  Elders John REASONER,  Robt McGEE, Abraham POLLOCK,  Samuel MARSHALL. Admitted to the Lords Supper the following baptized persons Eliza BURT, Margaret McNEAL, Sarah McNEAL and to r and the Lords Supper Hugh McNEAL all by Examination. The following were admitted to communion by certificate Nathaniel McCAUGHY and Sarah his wife, Thomas CONNER and Sarah his wife.  Adjourned to meet 2nd July at 10 of the clock

      Baptized,  Richard Alexander  son of Polly and Isaac STORER.  John McKinney son of Wm and Nancy GALLAUGHER, Joseph son of Joseph and Eliza MILLER, Elizabeth daughter of James and Jane McFERREN,  Rachel Rebecca daughter of James and Eliza POLLOCK, Harriet Few daughter of Joseph and Esther SELLERS,


Robert son of John and Margery McNEAL, Nancy Ross daughter of Sam’l and Susan SCOTT, Noah son of Abraham and Rachel MILLER.  Also Edward, Hannah, Susan, Richard, Robert, Mary, Amy and Elizabeth Jane, children of Richard and Mary STORER.                        Signed  S. WILLSON

June 30th 1836  Baptized                son of Thomas and Catharine CONNER   

July 2 1836  Session of Pleasant  Hill met in the meeting house according to previous adjournment  constituted with prayer  present Rev S. WILLSON   mod. Robt McGEE, Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL, John REASONER,  Elders.   The following charge was presented to the session.  To the Rev Pastor and Session of Pleasant Hill church.  “I do hereby charge Mrs PARKHILL  with circulating a falshood and slander against me in saying that I have charged her with 10 yds of bed ticking at 31 cts per yd and also 5 yds of muslin at 25 cts per yd which she says she never got  There is no bed-ticking charged her but 1 ¾ yds and there is no muslin charged her at 25cts per yd.  Which I can prove by James BELL  and Alexander McKINNY.


given under my hand this 2nd day of July 1836     William GALLAUGHER”    Mrs PARKHILL came forward and having hearing the charge read agreed to waive her right of ten days for preparation and declared herself willing to enter into trial.  When asked if she pleaded guilty or not guilty -- she replied that she had told the things specified in the charge and that they were true.      

     James BELL witness for the prosecutor being sworn stated in substance that he had been called by the prosecutor to inspect his books and that in his inspection of them he had not found the items of 10 yds ticking nor 6 yds muslin at 25 per yd.

       Quest by Prosecutor, Did you see ten yds of bed-ticking charged to PARKHILL at 31 ¼  cts per yd.  Ans. No.

  Quest by same.  Did you see 6 yds of muslin at 25cts per yd.  Ans no.

  Quest by accused.  Did you see anything charged on the third line below 1¼ yds bed ticking at 31¼ cts per yd.  Ans  no.  The evidence being closed and the parties heard they were requested to withdraw.  The case was then taken into consideration by session and


after some deliberation it was unanimously resolved  1st that the charges were sustained and 2nd  that session is of opinion that Mrs PARKHILL was betrayed into this guilt partly through mistake and therefore resolved that she be only admonished by the moderator and that she exercise more circumspection in her conversation in the future.                               Signed   S. WILLSON


Admitted to communion by examination    Betsy BOYD, Mary MILLER, Rebecca FURGEUSON and by certificate Robt MARSHALL, James REED, Mary REED, Sarah McGEE -------------          

Nathaniel McCAUGHEY against who a charge of drunkenness had been taken up by the session on common fame came forward and professed his repentance.  Whereupon it was unanimously resolved that he be and hereby is restored to the communion of the church.  And that his case be published to the church on monday next.   

                                                                                                S. WILLSON

Note the publication was made.                           S.W.

July 3  communion administered.



September 11th 1836  Baptized  Joseph and children of James and Eliza McCUNE     

                                                                                                            Signed   S. WILLSON

            Approved by presbytery met in Zanesville  April 5 1837             S. WILLSON  Mod’r


15th April 1837   Baptized:  Eliza Jane, daughter of Rob’t    and Polly CONNER.  Margaet Ann daughter of James and Jane NOBLE.  Catharine Ann daughter of Abraham and Polly VanDYKE.  William Shaw son of Jesse and Elizabeth WORTMAN.  Reuben son of Nancy LANNING,  and John McConnell son of Joseph and Rebecca REASONER.                                                                                                                     Signed   S. WILLSON    

23 July    Baptized   Mary Jane daughter of Melcom MCNEAL and wife.

September 7 1837  session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator  constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev  S. WILLSON   John REASONER, Robert McGEE, Abraham POLLOCK, and Samuel MARSHALL  Elders

      Admitted to communion the following


      7th September 1837

Baptized person  Allen BLACK, Jane BLACK, Jemima EWING, Juliann EWING, John MILLER, William MORGAN all by Examination.

And James CUBBISON and Lydia his wife by certificate.

9th   Baptized   Nancy Jane daughter of Wm MORGAN.  Thomas Henderson, Mary, Anna Willson, and Elizabeth children of Benjamin and Anne REASONER.  Mary Jane daughter of Joseph and Nancy CONNOR.  James Leach son of James McGEE and wife.  George Henderson son of John and Martha MILLER.                         Of John and Prudence Brimner.                                                                         Signed   S. WILLSON



            September 10 1837

Sacrament administered

11  Dismissed  Robert, Elizabeth and Prudence McGEE  also Sarah CUMMINS and Polly SPEAR  all by certificate.

                                                                                                            Signed   S. WILLSON     

     Samuel FURGESON died

April 29th 1838  Baptized  John, son of Aaron and Jane TIDBALL

June 24th  Baptized  John Reasoner son of James and Sarah BELL, also Mary and Sarah children of Allen and                               Jane BLACK

July 15th  Baptized  Martha daughter of Isaac and Polly STORER.  John Shaw sone of James and Jane McFERREN

  Sarah daugher of Malcom and Margery McNEAL, also Mary Jane daughter of John McNEAL and wife. -------

26   Baptized  Margaret Nancy daughter of James REED and wife

30  dismissed  James McGEE and his wife Nancy.

September 20th  Session of Pleasant Hill met in the meeting House at the call of the Moderator. Constituted by prayer  present Rev S. WILLSON Mod.  Elders John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, Abraham POLLOCK.


20TH  September 1838

                                    Admitted to the sacrament of the supper by examination  Elizabeth MARSHALL, Ross McNEAL, Margery McNEAL, Samuel BOYD,  Jane McNEAL, James McNEAL, and to Baptism and the supper Mary McMURRY, Cassy HILL, by certificate Ellan MILLIGAN.  Concluded by prayer.      Signed   S. WILLSON


22nd Sept session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator  constituted by prayer members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod‘r  Elders John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, Abraham POLLOCK.  Admitted to communion by examination Eliza WORTMAN, Sarah MILLER, Latitia McKINNY, Elizabeth MORGAN, Joanna YAW  concluded with prayer.                                                                                                               Signed   S. WILLSON

     Baptized   Eliza Ellen daughter of John and Margaret POLLOCK, Robert son of James and Margaret POLLOCK, Hannah Jane daughter of  Wm and Nancy GALLAUGHER, John son of Richard STORER, Sidney Asher son of George and Mary Ann HERRIOTT, Catharine daughter Andrew and


22 September 1838

Mary GEAR, Eleanor daugher of James and Lydia CUBBISON, and Margery, Izabella, Margaret, Ross and Sarah Jane children of Malcom and Izabell McNEAL.

                                                                                                                        Signed   S. WILLSON

23.   Baptized  Mary McMURRY and Cassander HILL  Adults

            Communion Administered.   Wm ARTHUR  assisted

24    Baptized  Margaret R daughter of Benjamin and Anne REASONER.                   Signed   S. WILLSON 


            Dismissed James McFERRAN and his wife Jane


23 January 1839  Session of Pleasant Hill met past 11 of the clock  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders Jno REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, constituted with prayer

Mr Robert BAILY appeared according to previous notice given him by session. It was agreed that he should answer to the following charges preferred by common fame 1st Neglect of ordinances of Gods house  II unchristian conduct toward Mr George HERRIOTT in refusing to give a plain and deliberate explanation of inquiries which Mr H. asked of him in refference to


sheep which he (Mr HERRIOTT) had killed  2nd By getting in a great rage; giving Mr HERRIOTT abusive language calling him a liar again and again in a loud boisterous angry and vociferating manner accompanied with menacing threat and gesticulations: such as drawing or shaking a stick at him smasking his fists and threatening that he could or would double him and laying his hand on him angrily. ------------------------------------------------

     The first charge Mr BAILY admitted in fact but pled that he was affected with a deafness which prevented him from hearing clearly --- This the seesion agreed to accept on the first charge.  To the second charge Mr BAILY pleaded guilty admitting all the specifications in consequence of which Session deemed further proof unnecessary.----- The examination of the case being closed the session took the case into deliberation and then resolved unanimously that the II Charge was sustained and that Mr BAILY be and hereby is suspended from the communion of the church until he give satisfactory evidence of his repentance and that this decision of session be published next Lords day after sermon.

    The publication was made.                                                                              Signed   S. WILLSON 


Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery

Salt Creek   March 2 1839                                                                       William AIKIN ( Mod.



                        June 13th 1839

Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator  Constituted by prayer  members present Rev. S. WILLSON   Elders John REASONER, Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL.  Admitted to communion by certificate:  Morgan MORGAN, Nancy his wife, and Nancy Jane REASONER; By examination Sarah and Mary

EWING, Matilda DAVIS*, Emily REASONER*, Elizabeth KINNY, Peter REASONER, Emily SHAINHOLTS*, Sarah SHAINHOLTS*, Ellen and Ann MULLIGAN*, Louisa MILLER.  The names marked thus * in the above minute were admitted to both baptism and the supper.                         Signed   S. WILLSON 


15th  Session met  members present same as the last meeting.  Admitted to the sacrament of the supper by certificate  Catharine STONE and by examination Margaret McKINNY and Rachel CRAWFORD.  Concluded by prayer.

Baptized Robert son of John and Emily REASONER, Hannah Jane daughter of Abraham and Mary VanDYKE, John Shaw son of Nancy and Isaac LANNIN (presented by the mother) and Joseph, John, Thomas Armstrong, and Nancy Ann children of Alexander an Latitia McKINNY.                     Signed   S. WILLSON 


September 1839


Sept.  Dismissed James POLLOCK & Eliza his wife

October 10th 1839  Dismissed George HARRIOTT & Maryann his wife.

Nov 5   Dismissed  Hugh McNEAL

April 5th 1840  Baptized  John FINDLY son of Robt and Polly CONNOR  also James son of Peter and Nancy Jane REASONER.                                                                              Signed   S. WILLSON 


Thus for examined & approved by Presbytery     Concord  April 7 1840    J.C. H????


April 20 1840   Dismissed Abraham VanDYKE and Polly his wife

May 7th 1840  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator  constituted with prayer   members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Mod.  Elders  John REASONER, Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL.  Admitted

to Baptism and the Lords supper Hiram and Peter SHAINHOLTZ and to the Lords supper Eliza McCAHEN


May 7th 1840  admitted to communion by certificate Daniel GLEN and Rebecca his wife; Abraham TIDBALL  Sarah his wife and three daughters Rachel, Sarah and Nancy; Mary and Willian HURON. Concluded by prayer.

                                                                                                             Signed   S. WILLSON 

9th Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator  constituted with prayer   members present  Rev. S WILLSON Moderator,  Elders  John REASONER, Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL; admitted to communion by examination George McCAHON and Mariah his wife, James PARKHILL; and to Baptism and the Lords supper Lilla BOYD.  Concluded with prayer.                 S. WILLSON

10th  communion administered

11th  Baptised  David son of Isaac and Polly STORER; Joseph Lewis son  of Andrew and Polly GEAR(?); John son of Melcom and Jane McNEAL; Sarah Stephens daughter of George and Mariah McCAHON; Jesse son of Jesse and Eliza WORTMAN; Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Catharine CONNER.        Signed   S. WILLSON 

11th  Dismissed by certificate  Catharine QUICK


July 5 1840  Baptized  Letitia daughter of Joseph and Rebecca REASONER.      ----------------------------------

August 20th  Dismissed  Daniel GLEN and Rebecca his wife

                Also  Noah REASONER.                                                         Signed   S. WILLSON 


September 10th 1840  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator  constituted by prayer   members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Mod‘r.  elders  John REASONER, Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL.  Admitted

to Baptism and the supper  Richard STORER and Catharine REASONER and to the Lords supper Margaret WILLSON all by examination and Wm WILLSON by certificate.  Concluded with prayer    S. WILLSON

Sept 12  Session met constituted by prayer  members present  Rev S WILLSON Mod. John REASONER, A. POLLOCK AND S. MARSHALL  elders.  Admitted to the Lords supper by examination James HAYS & Sarah STORER  closed with prayer                                                              Signed   S. WILLSON 

Baptized  Wm and Abraham sons of Mary and Jas. HAYS; Sarah Jane daughter of James and Jane NOBLE; Sarah daughter of Jno and Margaret POLLOCK; and Jane daught of George and Mariah McCAHEN.         S. WILLSON


September 14th 1840   Session of Pleasant Hill met  constituted by prayer  members present  Rev. S. WILLSON mod.  Elders Jno REASONER, A. POLLOCK  Samuel MARSHALL   admitted to the sacrament of the supper by examination  Stephen REASONER   closed with prayer                      S. WILLSON

            Baptized  Richard STORER and Catharine REASONER (adults) --- sacrament administered --- Mr Gordon assisted   -----------------------           ------------------        -----------------------           ------------------

November 15   Baptized  Elizabeth daughter of James and Sarah  BELL

December 20   Baptized  Susanna Margaret daughter of Aaron and Jane TIDBALL

March 30 1841   Dismissed  Mary NOBLE   -----------------------           ------------------

       February 1841   Baptized  Oliver RUSSLE and Eliza his wife

April 3  Mrs SHAW died  1841

Feby 24 1841  Robt REASONER died
                                                                                    April 6 1841  S. HASS  Moderator           

Last                                                                                                                  Thus far examined and

Report /  exam /cert / infants /adults /dismissed/ died/  total    }  April 6th   approved by Presbytery met

 210    /    15   /  12 /     17   /   7     /     8       /   3  /  225     }   1841                   in Cambridge


Norwich and Pleas Hill                                                               }


May 7th 1841   Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator  constituted by prayer  Members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Mod‘r.  Elders  John REASONER, Abraham POLLOCK, Samuel MARSHALL,  James Bell.  Admitted to the communion of the church by certificate Mary ALLISON, Mary ALLISON Jr, Sarah ALLISON, and Robert HERRON. And by examination  Christian WORTMAN, Andrew PARKHILL, Hannah STORER. And to baptism and the Lords supper Mary HUNTER.                            Closed by prayer  S.WILLSON

8th  Baptized Nancy Margaret daughter of Sarah STORER; James CUBBISON son of James CUBBISON and wife, Mathew McNEAL son of John McNEAL and wife.

9th   Baptized   Mary Hunter (adult)

       Sacrament administerd   Mr HASS assisted

May    Mrs MORGAN and Joseph CONNER removed by death

May 7 1841  Session appointed John REASONER Jr and Jas BELL a committee to again inspect the books of Wm GALLAUGHER in order to discover


any entries or mistakes which might tend to exculpate Mrs PARKHILL who is still under suspension for slandering said GALLAUGHER by reporting that he (GALLAUGHER) had charged her for muslin and ticking which she never got  

8th  The committee through Mr BELL report that they supposed the(y) had found the item of Muslin (in dispute) charged to Jas. PARKHILL but found after a closer inspection that they (the committee) had taken the entry “Jas FISH transposed for Jas PARKHILL   --------------------------- Session made no formal decision.

Nov 16, 1841 --  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator constituted with prayer  members present  Rev S.             WILLSON mod  Elders Jno REASONER,  Jas BELL, S. MARSHALL.  Session took into consideration the case of Mrs PARKHILL upon the report made by Mr BELL May 8th 1841 and agreed on the following minute.  That the session have secured such additional light in the case of Mrs PARKHILL as tends in a great measure to extenuate the crime alleged against her


and the session think it probable that Mr GALLAUGHER was mistaken in the names and from the consession she makes they do again restore her to her former standing.

                                                                                                Signed  S. WILLSON


Mr GALLAUGHER appealed from this decision to Presbetery and the case was  issued at their meeting at Muskingum College January 12 1842 when on motion of Mr CULBERTSON the appeal was sustained and the decision of the session was reversed and Mrs PARKHILL thrown back on the original decision of session.

                                                                                                Signed  S. WILLSON

Cumberland  April 13 1842   Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery.  Wm H Mc???  Mod.

May 1st 1842  Baptized  Milton son of Dr Jacob REASONER and Nancy his wife.   Signed  S. WILLSON

May 19th 1842  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON  Mod  Elders John REASONER,  Samuel MARSHALL, James Bell.  The following baptized persons


                                    May 19th 1842

Were admitted to the Lords Supper by examination:  John STARRET, Samuel POLLOCK, Nathan REASONER, and Emily LONG.  The following were admitted by certificate: Catharine WILLIAMSON, Sarah and James STARRET.

                                                                                                Signed  S. WILLSON                                          

September 23rd

            Session met at the call of the moderator  constituted by prayer  members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders John REASONER,  Samuel MARSHALL, James Bell.  Admitted to the Lords supper by examination Maryann WILLSON.

24th   Session met admitted to the Lords supper by examination Samuel BOGLE. Closed by prayer  S.WILLSON

25th  Sacrament administered; Mr Reed assisted

26th  Baptized  John son of Isaac STORER and wife;  Rachel daughter of James and Mary HAYES; Hannah daugher of James REED and wife.                                               Signed  S. WILLSON 


Thus far examined & approved by Presbytery     March 31 1843  J.H. Parmeter? Mod


May 21st 1843

Baptized Robert son of Jas. and Sarah BELL; Elizabeth Willson daughter of Peter REASONER; Rachel Jane daughter of Samuel and Mary POLLOCK and Martha daughter of Samuel and Susan SCOTT. 

                                                                                                Signed  S. WILLSON

June 23   Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator  opened with prayer  members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod  Elders John REASONER,  Samuel MARSHALL, James Bell.  Admitted to communion by certificate Sarah Jane BELL.  And by examination the following baptized persons: Mathew McKINNY and Nancy his wife; Ann McFARLAND; Dixon, Rachel, Emely CONNOR; Wm C Lukre and his wife Mary;  The following were admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper Sarah, Ellen BOIL and James P BOYD.

June 24th 1843  Session met Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders John REASONER,  Samuel MARSHALL, James Bell.  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper Isaac FEW, And to the Lords supper Lucinda WILLSON.

                                    Closed by prayer                                                S. WILLSON



June 24, 1843    Baptized   Mary Josephine  Daughter of Wiiliam and Lucinda WILLSON. And Odassa daughter of Sarah Jane MORGAN                                                                       Signed  S. WILLSON

June 25   Baptised  Isaac FEW, James P BOYD and Sarah Jane BOIL (adults)  Sacrament administered   Mr Brown assisted                                                                              Signed  S. WILLSON


Baptized   John Alexander and William Thomas children of Mather and Nancy McKINNY


September 3  Baptized  Patterson, Benjamin, Rachel, Jane, Delila, Sarah, Elizabeth, Henry Clay, Louisa Catharine, Maryann,  and Stephen Lee children of Stephen and Catharine REASONER.   Signed  S. WILLSON


15th Septermber   Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator  opened by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders John REASONER,  Samuel MARSHALL, James Bell.  Admitted to baptism and the Lords supper Robert BELL and to the Lords supper by examination Hugh Herron and David Laird.  Closed by prayer.                                                                                             S. WILLSON


September 16th 1843  Baptized  Robert son of Joseph and Rebecca REASONER

17th Baptized   Robert BELL (adult)  Sacrament administered,  Mr REED assisted,                  S. WILLSON


May 24th 1844  Session of Pleasant Hill met; constituted with prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders John REASONER,  Samuel MARSHALL, James Bell.  Admitted to the communion of the church by certificate Samuel B McMILLEN and Izabella his wife; Betsy and Jane LOGSHED, and Margaret McCLAIN.

By examination James B CRAWFORD; Nancy and Ellen McCAUGHY; Samuel REED and Mahala REASONER.

25th    Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper by profession of her faith Hannah McKINNY.  Closed with prayer.

26th  Admitted to communion by certificate John MULLHOLLAND and his wife Ann; John MOOR and his wife Jane.

    Sacrament administered         Mr S BROWN assisted                 Signed  S. WILLSON

25  Baptized  Robert Willson son of Mather and Nancy McKINNY; Thomas Boston son of Samuel and Izabella McMILLEN.


May 25 1844  Baptized  Samuel Higbee son of Thomas and Catharine CONNOR; Abraham Miller son of Samuel and Louisa POLLOCK; Jane daughter of Melcom and Eliza McNEAL.

                                                                                                Signed  S. WILLSON

May 27th            Agreeable to notice previously given from the pulpit the congregation convened after the sermon for the election of elders and deacons. The election was held: and Isaac STORER and Robert HUNTER were elected elders; and Robert CONNER, Jesse WORTMAN, John MILLHOLLAND and Abraham MILLER deacons.

                                                                                                  Signed  S. WILLSON

June 9th 1844  The elders and deacons elect were ordained to their respective offices except Abraham MILLER who was absent.                                                                                    Signed  S. WILLSON

August 11th   ordained to the office of deacon  Abraham MILLER                 Signed  S. WILLSON

September 6 1844  Session of Pleasant Hill convened at the call of the Moderator constituted with prayer. Members present Rev S. WILLSON mod’r  Elders John REASONER, James BELL, Isaac STORER, Robert HUNTER.  Admitted to communion by certificate Hannah STARRET.


September 7th 1844  Admitted to communion the following baptized persons by examination  John LUKER, Jane HULL, William LUKER and his wife Mary.  Closed with prayer                   Signed  S. WILLSON


Baptized Jane Elizabeth daughter  of William and Lucinda WILLSON.            S. WILLSON

This day took and exact enumeration of the number of communicants in Pleasant Hill which amount to ~ 131

                                                                                                                                                S. WILLSON

8th  Sacrament administered  Mr Arthur assisted

9th  Baptized Elmina daughter of John MOOR and his wife Jane also Joseph son of William and Mary LUKER.

                                                                                                            S. WILLSON

October     Dismissed Robert BELL

Nov            Dismissed Sarah SHAW                                                        S. WILLSON


December .  Dismissed Jane HULL                                                            S. WILLSON

February 1845  Dismissed Cassander DILLIE

March 28th   Dismissed Mrs Mary ALLISON, Miss Mary ALLISON, and Sarah ALLISON                         S. WILLSON



March 1845

26th Dismissed Catharine WILLIAMS                                                                     S. WILLSON


            Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery  ?Norwich?  April 2 1845

                                                                        M.M. BROWN  Moderator

May 20th  Dismissed  John MOORE and his wife Jane

       24th                    James BELL and his wife Sarah      

       23  Session met constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON mod.   John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robt HUNTER, and Isaac STORER

Admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper   William STORER and his wife Elizabeth; And to the Lords supper Sarah McCAUGHY and Mary Tabitha CONNOR.    To Baptism and the Lords supper Ann McCAUGHY

       24  Admitted to the Lords supper Caroline Ellen LUKER, and to Baptism and the Lords supper John LONG. Also to the communion of the church by certificate Phebe GRUMMON. closed with prayer         

                                                                                                                        Signed  S. WILLSON


            May 24 1845

                                                Baptized Maryann daughter of Peter REASONER and wife.  James STORER son of Isaac STORER and wife; David son of John and Caroline Ellen LUKER; Martha daughter of Benjamin REASONER and wife.                                                                                             Signed  S. WILLSON

25  Sacrament administered   Mr S BROWN assisted

26th   Dismissed  James REED and his wife Margaret

June 15  Baptized Katurah and Sarah daughters of Wm and Elizabeth STORER; Samuel Willson son of George and Ann McCAUGHY.                                                                                           Signed  S. WILLSON

September 20  Baptized Elizabeth Jane of Benjamin CRAWFORD and wife;                    of Jackson WRIGHT, presented Jesse WORTMAN and wife.

Session of Pleasant Hill met at call of the Moderator. Constituted with prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Moderator  Elders Jno REASONER, S. MARSHALL, Isaac STORER and Robert HUNTER.  Admitted to communion by certificate Rosanna McCORMICK.

A charge was preferred to session by Wm HAMILTON against Wm WILLSON that 1st  said WILLSON used unchristian


September 20th 1846

abusivly to said HAMILTON in his (HAMILTON) shop by calling him an infernal liar.  Witnesses A. McKINNEY, Isaac COOK. 2nd  by circulating a false report against Mrs HAMILTON in saying that she stole  bonnet. Witnesses  I. COOK, MaryA. HUGHS.

     The parties being present and wishing for immediate action the trial commenced by examining with witness for the prosecution, next the witnesses of the accused was heard -- then the prosecutor was heard, next the accused.  The session after brief deliberation decided that the first charge was sustained but that the second was not.  The accused being present confessed his fault alleged in the first charge, professed his sorrow and repentance and was continued in his privileges in the church -----

This decision was published next day to the church.

21st  Sacrament administer  Rev Arthur assisted.                                                   S. WILLSON


Sept 23  dismissed  Robert HERRON ---------------


May 4th 1846      Session of Pleasant Hill met at call of the Moderator. Constituted by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod  Elders John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER. The following charge was submitted to session viz.

1st That Wm WILLSON had spoken slanderously of Sam’l B McMILLIN  1st  “by assisting to circulate a report that said McMILLIN some time before he settled in this church had collected money for the preacher of the congregation in which he lived and appropriating the same to his own uses.”

2nd on being asked how said McMILLIN obtained a certificate from the session where he formerly lived, replied that McMILLIN was too mean and insignificant to receive any notice from the members of the session.

                                                                                    Samuel B McMILLIN”

Thomas MAXFIELD[may be MANFIELD], Enos JENNINGS, John BUSSARD, and R.M. ANDREWS were given witnesses to this charge.  The parties being present a copy of the charge with the witnesses were given to the accused and session after ordering citations for the witnesses of both parties; and appointing the third Monday of May at 9 o’clock A.M. for trial at the church of Pleasant Hill ajourned by prayer. ----------

                                                                                                             S WILLSON

[30]                 May 18th 1846

Session of Pleasant Hill met according to adjournment  constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER, John REASONER.   James BELL and his wife Sarah were admitted to the communion of this church by certificate.  James BELL elder, now came in and took his seat in session. 

            The minutes of May 4th were amended by the following item which was omitted on that record viz  That session appointed Messr’s MARSHALL, STORER, and HUNTER to converse with the parties to try to make a reconciliation between the parties.  The committee reported that Mr McMILLIN required Mr WILLSON to acknowledge that he had circulated a false report on him.  Mr WILLSON said he could not do it for he did not know that the report was false.                                                                    Signed  S. WILLSON

            Session proceeded to the business of the day  the parties being present and prepared for trial the session were reminded by the moderator (Mr WILLSON) of their high standing as member of a court of Jesus Christ and that they were now sitting in a judicial capacity.  The evidence was heard on part of the prosecution next on part of the accused. 

[31]       May 18, 1846

The parties being heard both for the prosecution and the defencse  The session after deliberation unanimously resolved that William WILLSON had given some currency to the report referred to in the first part of the charge; and while he no doubt had entire confidence in the truth of the report, yet so far as he gave it currency beyond what was necessary to bring it before the judiciary of the church or to discharge some other duty he acted inconsistent with the constitution of our church  Chap II sec V.

2nd   The session resolved the W. WILLSON had used language as contained in the 2nd specification inconsistent with his duty to McMILLIN.

            Resolved that as the judgment of this session the Moderator be directed to admonish Wm WILLSON to be more cautious hereafter -----------------     Wm WALLACE  Mod’r


            Session took up the following charge against S.B. McMILLIN

The session of Pleasant Hill from facts elicited in evidence before us this day in the trial between you and Wm WILLSON and from information from other sources do charge you S.B. McMILLIN with unnecessarily publishing without


the ?ange of this church the facts and allegation connected with that trial: which conduct is contrary to that christian charity recommended in the word of God and the Book of dicipline chap II sec V   S WILLSON Mod

            Mr McMILLIN haaving declard his readiness for trial   The session after dliberation decided that the charge set forth is sustained as refference to the testimony will show.  Resolved that Mr McMILLIN be admonished by the Moderator that he act with more caution in speaking of his brethren in future --------

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON Mod

Both these decisions of session were published on the Sabath following at Pleasant Hill.

Dismissed  Samuel REED                                                                                     Signed  S. WILLSON


June 11th  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator constituted by prayer   members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Moderator   Elders  John REASONER, Robert HUNTER, James BELL,  Isaac STORER.  Admitted to the Lords supper by examination Spear REASONER.

[33]                 June 13th 1846

Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator members present as at the last meeting with the addition of S. MARSHALL.  Admitted to communion  Mrs Catharine REASONER.

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON

            Session resolved to summon James PARKHILL to appear before them on Saturday 27th  inst at three o’clock P.M. to answer to them for immoral and unchristian conduct alleged against him by report --- closed with prayer.                                                                                                                 S. WILLSON


Baptized  William Craig son of William MORGAN and wife; Mary Elizabeth daughter of Samuel POLLOCK and wife; Mary Elizabeth daughter of Spear REASONER and Rachel his wife;

Mary Elizabeth daughter of Wm LUKER and wife; 

Mary Eliza  daughter of Sarah SHAW;       

Abraham  Scott son of Mathew McKINNEY and wife;

Lucretia daughter of Andrew GIERE and wife;

Juliann  daughter of John MILLHOLLAND;

John David Campbell son of James STARRET and wife;

William Alexander son of William and Nancy GALLAUGHER

                                                                                                S. WILLSON

14TH  Sacrament administer.  S BROWN  assisted

[34]     June 15th 1846

            Removed by death  Ross McNEAL  --------------

July 12th  Baptized  Thomas Kiddos, son of Wm and Lucinda WILLSON;  also  Elvira      of John McNEAL and wife.                                                                                                        Signed  S. WILLSON

31st July 1846   Baptized  David and Hannah Jane LUKER on profession of their faith.  Signed  S. WILLSON

September 10th   Session met  Constituted by prayer;  members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Moderator   Elders  John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER,  Isaac STORER.   Admitted to the Lords Supper  Hannah Jane LUKER,  Sarah WORTMAN, Mary M WORTMAN, and Abraham SCOTT all by examination.  And Keturah WOODSON by certificate.

13th  sacrament administered  M. M. Brown assisted.                                 Signed  S. WILLSON


October 8th  Dismissed  William WILLSON

5th  Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Moderator   Elders  John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER,  Isaac STORER.  

 Session took up the following charge against James PARKHILL founded on their own knowledge and common fame.

[35]      October 5th 1846

The charge was for unchristian conduct in the following specifications  1st for neglecting to attend on the ordinance of Gods house  2nd  For profane swearing accompanied with threats against life.  Witnesses to prove the charge Wm BOYD, Wm LUKER, Frazier STORER.   Mr PARKHILL was summoned to appear before session on the 17th inst at 10 o’clock A.M.  Closed with prayer.                                                        Signed  S. WILLSON      

17th  Session met constituted by prayer  members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Moderator   Elders  John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER,  Isaac STORER.  

            James PARKHILL not appearing,  Session summoned him again to appear before them on the first monday of November at 10 o’clock A.M. informing him that if he refused to appear he would be censured for contumacy and session would go on with the trial. The witnesses were summoned to appear at the above date. Closed with prayer.                                                                                Signed  S. WILLSON

November 2nd  Session met constituted by prayer. members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Mod   Elders  John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, Isaac STORER.   James PARKHILL failing to appear, session proceeded to trial in his absence.  The charge was read in presence of the witnesses.

[36]    November 2 1846

The witnesses were then sworn.  William BOYD sworn deposed as follows.  In May last on friday after working on the roads in Frazier STORER’s district PARKHILL said to me that if Frazier STORER had said one word to him about it (docking him as I understand) he (PARKHILL) said “by God I would have sunk the mattock into him” (Frazier STORER).  When I asked him “What would the session of Pleasant hill do if they knew what you now say to me he replied “I don’t care a damn for them”      Signed William BOYD

William LUKER  sworn, deposed that on a day in May last he had been working on the roads   Mr STORER had been reproving PARKHILL with others for neglecting duty when STORER was gone PARKHILL said that STORER might go to eternity.  James BURROWS told witness this at the close of work.  PARKHILL said “ I suppose STORER will dock me and if he does he may go to eternity”  This witness heard  signed  Wm LUCKER.

Frazier STORER sworn deposed that what is here testified by Wm LUKER he had heard from different persons and further that Mrs PARKHILL and Polly (mother and sister to the accused) told him that James was in the habit latterly of using profane language and had called his

[37]       November 2nd 1845

mother hard names ---    signed Frazier STORER

Session then Resolved that the charge is sustained in both specifications  2nd  that PARKHILL is guilty of contumcy in refusing to answer to the summon of session.  3rd  That he be and hereby is suspended from the communion of the church until he give satisfactory evidence of his repentance and that this be published from the pulpit on next lords day.  Closed with prayer                      signed   S. WILLSON  Mod.

16th  Dismissed  William STORER  and wife


1847  March 13  died  Mrs Polly McKINNEY


Thus far examined in Presbtery & approved  7th April 1847  Benj J LOWE (mod‘r)


April 20th 1847  Dismissed  Hannah SHAW and Sarah McCAUGHY 

May 3   dismissed Samuel B McMILLIN and his wife Isabella

24  dismissed  Mathew McKINNY  his wife Nancy and Susanna STORER       S. WILLSON 

[38]       June 2nd 1847

Dismissed Abraham Scott

7th Session met constituted with prayer Members present  Rev. S WILLSON, Mod  Elders  John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER,  Isaac STORER. Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination Hannah Rebecca CONNER and Elizabeth Jane REASONER. John BARNET and his wife Nancy were admitted by certificate                                                                                         signed   S. WILLSON  Mod.

19th  Session met Members present as on last meeting    Admitted to communion by certificate William WILLSON and his wife Lucinda and by examination John Yaw   closed by prayer                signed   S. WILLSON 

Baptized John son of Peter REASONER and wife. Sarah Louisa daughter of James STARRET and wife,  Nathan Thomas son of Thomas and Catharine CONNOR.

                                                                                                S. WILLSON 

20th sacrament administered     Rev J C Alexander assister

July 4  Baptized  Edward son of George and Ann McCAUGHY                       S. WILLSON 

[39]                      September   1847

11th   Dismissed  Nathaniel, Jane, Nancy, and Ellen McCAUGHY

November 13th  Dismissed  John McNEAL and his wife Margery, Sarah and Margery MrNEAL   

                                                                                                                         signed  S. WILLSON

January 19th  1848      Dismissed  William WILLSON and his wife Lucinda                 signed  S. WILLSON

March 22nd  1848      Dismissed  Margaretta McCLEAN


            Thus far examined in Presbytery & approved         J E Alexander  mod’r

            Washington Apr 5th 1848


May 18 1848    Session met open with prayer member present  Rev. S WILLSON, Mod.  Elders  John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Isaac STORER, Robert HUNTER.  Admitted to the Lords supper by examination Jacob, Lanius, Margaret, Laurinda HUNTER.  by certificate Elizabeth NOBLE, William BELL and his wife Jane.


May 1848   Dismissed  Hannah Christina WORTMAN and Catharine REASONER.       signed  S. WILLSON


September  29th  Session met constituted for business by prayer  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod  Elders John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Isaac STORER  Robert HUNTER.  Admitted to membership in good standing by certificate Benjamin REASONER and his wife Patsy  closed with prayer.       S. WILLSON


30  Baptized  Ezra son of Willian and Polly LUKER;  Alisadora  daugher of William and Betsy  MORGAN


October 29th 1848  Session met at the call of the moderator opened by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER  Isaac STORER.  Admitted to church fellowship by certificate Robert THOMPSON and his wife Eliza.   closed by prayer                    signed  S. WILLSON

     Nov 1st  Baptized  Thomas  Milton  and  sons of Robert and Eliza THOMPSON

                                                                                                            signed  S. WILLSON


December 6th 1848      Dismissed   Mary McMURRY                                    S. WILLSON



Thus far examined  in Pby  and approved   Cambrige  April 11th 1849

                                                Wm M Robinson   Mod

April 13th 1849   Session met at the call of the Moderator  constituted for business by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod  Elders John REASONER, Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER  Isaac STORER.

            Mary MILHOLLAND, John CHERRY, John James LOEPER, and John SCOTT were admitted to the Lords supper by examination and James WILSON by certificate.

14th  Admitted to the Lords Supper Lewis C MILLER and Robert HUNTER by examination and Mrs Mary FINDLY by certificate from the Associate R church.

                                    Business closed with prayer                     S. WILLSON

15  Sacrament administered                     Rev R Herron assisted

16  Baptized Mary Elizabeth daughter of James and Betsy NOBLE;  Mary Guhelma daughter of Robert and Emma HUNTER.                                                                                           S. WILLSON


June 10 1849    Baptized  John Peter son of Solomon S and Sarah REASONER; Matilda Jane daughter of George and Ann McCUAGHY; And Sarah Margaret daughter of Peter REASONER and wife.

                                                                                                            signed S. WILLSON

September 2nd  Jane HOGSHEAD removed by death

       September 13th  Session met constituted by prayer.   Members present Rev S. WILLSON mod  Elders  S MARSHALL, J BELL, R HUNTER, I STORER.  Admitted to the Lords supper  John McKINNY

       15th  Admitted to the Lords supper  John R MILLER and John McMURRY (senior) closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            S. WILLSON

15  Baptized Joseph Henry son of Jno and Caroline Ellen LUKER,  William Mason son of James and Hannah STARRET,  Louisa daughter of Benjamin REASONER and wife.          S. WILLSON

October     Dismissed Margaret E MAPES

21st  Baptised   Elizabeth Adeline  daughter of Josep REASONER and wife.               signed S. WILLSON


November 10th 1849  Dismissed George McCAUGHY and Ann his wife                      signed S. WILLSON

January 15th 1850   Removed by death  John REASONER

March 22nd  1850  Dismissed  James WILSON,  Keturah WOODROW, and Mary FINDLY by order of session.

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON  mod.

Thus far Examined and approved by Presbtery    met in Deerfield  Apr 20th 1850.    S. WILLSON  Mod.


May 2nd 1850   Session met at the call of the Moderator  constituted for business by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod.  Elders  Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER  Isaac STORER.

John WHITACRE and Elizabeth his wife were admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper and Thomas H REASONER to the Lords supper all by eamination ; Martha Jane REASONER and Nancy Ann REASONER were admitted to the Lords supper by certificate.                                    signed S. WILLSON


May 3d 1850   Session met for business.  Members present as on yesterday.   Admitted to

 Baptism and the Lords supper Lena SMOCK and to the Lord Supper John SMOCK, Mehala SMOCK, and Sarah CONNAR.   Jacob LANIUS came before session acknowledged he had been engaged in dancing at Tho’s CAMPBELL’s in the beginning of last winter; professed repentance and reformation and was continued in church communion. 

                                                                                                                                     signed S. WILLSON

May 4th       Session met for business.  Members present as on yesterday.  Admitted to the Lords supper John SHAW.   Closed by prayer                                                                           S. WILLSON 

     5th   Sacrament administered  Rev S BROWN  assisted

     6th  Baptized Anne Wilson daughter of Thomas and Nancy Ann REASONER. Sarah Celesta daughter of John and Sarah SHAW, Ethalinda daughter of James and Betty NOBLE.      signed  S. WILLSON

May 5th  Baptized Lena Jane SMOCK and John WHITACRE and his wife Elizabeth.                  signed  S. WILLSON

18th    Dismissed John James LUPER and his wife Mahala.               signed  S. WILLSON


June 30 1850

Baptized Maryann daughter of Isaac and Polly STORER; also Mary Ellen, Reuben, Sarah Ann, Gideon Long, John, Margaret Elizabeth, Malinda Jane - children of John and Elizabeth WHITACRE.           signed  S. WILLSON

August 11th  Baptized Samuel Willson son of Samuel and Louisa POLLOCK.              signed  S. WILLSON

August 26  Dismissed Mary Ann WILLSON.      by order of session               S. WILLSON

August 30th 1850    Session met constituted by prayer  members present  Rev S. WILLSON Moderator.  Elders  Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER  Isaac STORER.

Peter SHAINHOLTZ having absented himself for somtime past from the ordinances of Gods house came forward and having satisfied session that the difficulties under which he labored were removed he was again received into the communion of the church and restored to his former privileges.           signed        S. WILLSON          

Hannah Willson REASONER and Cyrus REASONER were admitted to the Lords Supper by examination.

                                                                                                                                      S. WILLSON


August  31st 1850  Session met for business  members present as on yesterday.  Admitted to the Lords supper  Elizabeth REASONER by examination and Samuel BURNISON by certificate.    signed  S. WILLSON

September 1st    Session met members present as on yesterday.    Admitted to the Lords supper Elizabeth SCOTT and to Baptism and the Lords supper  Benoni YAW.

                                                                                    Closed by prayer     S. WILLSON

September 1st   Baptized  Benoni YAW

       Sacrament administered  Rev W. REED aided

2nd  Baptized Sarah Elizabeth  daughter of Cyrus and Ann REASONER,  also Margaret Elizabeth daughter of Benoni and Ann YAW,                        signed    S. WILLSON

2nd  Dismissed  Richard STORER and Mary his wife.

                                    By order of session                     S.WILLSON

31st August   Received by transfer from Norwich  John and Sarah McMURRY            signed  S. WILLSON


Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery    met in Washington     April 8th  AD 1851

                                                                                    G? P? CALDWELL  Moderator


April 13th 1851   Baptized  Sameul Willson son of John and Elisabeth WHITACRE.                S. WILLSON

April 19th  Baptized Alcesta daughter of Polly and William LUKER        signed      S. WILLSON

18th April  Session met at the call of the Moderator  constituted for business by prayer.   Members present Rev S. WILLSON mod  Elders  S. MARSHALL, J. BELL, R. HUNTER, I. STORER.  20th  Admitted to membership by certificate Mrs Frances I. SHAINHOLTS.                                                                        S. WILLSON

20th  Sacrament administered                  Rev I.R. ALEXANDER       aided

21st   Baptized  John  son of Peter and Frances I. SHAINHOLTS                   signed   S. WILLSON

August 29th    Session of Pleasant Hill met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON, Moderator Elders S. MARSHALL, Jas. BELL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER.  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper  Catharine SINES and George Washington PRINGLE and to the Lords Supper Lavinia HUNTER, Sarah MARSHALL and Rachel BELL.


August 29th 1851  Received to full communion by certificate   John J LEEPER and his wife Mahala.

30  Admitted to the Lords supper  Henry MILLER.       Closed by prayer    signed   S. WILLSON

31st   Baptized  Catharine SINES  and George Wasington PRINGLE . . . . . Sacrament administered  Rev I. ANDERSON aided   

September 1st 1851  Baptized Henry Clovis,  Mary Trumbo and Hetty Higbee  children of G.W. and Margaret PRINGLE;   Rachel Martha  daughter of Benjamin REASONER and wife; Samuel Linn son of Thomas REASONER and wife . 

    Dismissed Hanah STORER                                  signed   S. WILLSON


February 1st 1852   Baptized  Robert Speer son of Peter REASONER and wife.         signed   S. WILLSON

     16th  Dismissed  Jacob W LANUS.                                                                    S. WILLSON

                        Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery  at Chandlersville  

                        April 14th  1852    M.M. BROWN   Moderator


May 13th 1852    Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator. Constituted for business by prayer. Members present Rev S. WILLSON, Moderator Elders Samuel MARSHALL, Robert HUNTER, James BELL.  The following baptized persons were admitted to the sacrament of the Supper:  Nancy JORDAN, Almyra Seraphina MILLER, Anna Margaret MYRES, Margaret Elizabeth BOYD, Rachel Ann GALLAUGHER, William MARSHALL, Thomas BOYD and his wife Maryann, John BOYD and his wife Matilda.

15  Baptized  Abraham Miller son of Solomon S and Sarah REASONER.  Admitted by examination to the Lords supper William YAW and his wife Margaret.                Closed by prayer

16th  Admitted to the lords supper by examination  Mary Ellen SMOCK.  Sacrament administered.  Rev W.R.   FULTON aided                                                                            signed S. WILLSON

May 14th  Margaret McKINNY was removed by death.

17th  Baptized  Joseph Dunehue son of James and Betsy NOBLE;  Leicester Jones son of John J and Mahala LEEPER; Samuel William son of John and Matilda BOYD; Icilius Creighton son of Cyrus and Elizabeth REASONER.

                                                            Signed                          S. WILLSON

[49a- duplicate page #]

May 25th 1852                Dismissed Hannah Ann STORRET signed  S. WILLSON

June  20th  Baptized William son of Nancy (widow) JORDAN

Martha Jane wife of Nathan REASONER  died June

Robert THOMPSON  died


September 3rd  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Moderator.  Elders S. MARSHALL, James BELL, Isaac STORER, Robert HUNTER.

Admitted to the Sacrament of the supper  John Cyrus EWING, Hanah Elizabeth REASONER, and Hugh HUNTER.

Sept 4th  Admitted to the sacrament of the supper  John BENNET and Hester POWER all by examination. 

         closed by prayer                                                                S. WILLSON

Baptized Alpha and Nancy Jane daughters of Hugh and Livinia HUNTER;  Frederick  son of Benjamin CRAWFORD and wife.                                                                              signed               S. WILLSON


December 6th 1852  Dismissed Thomas W BOYD his wife Maryann, and Anna Margaret MYRES.

                                                                                                            signed               S. WILLSON

February 17th 1853   Session of Pleasant Hill met Constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod.  Elders Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER.  Admitted to the Lords supper, John BARNET by examination and his wife Sarah by certificate from the associate reformed church.                                 signed S. WILLSON


            Thus far examined & approved in Presbytery    

            Marietta    April 14th 1853            Wm REED  Mod’r


May 15th   Baptized Francis Eugene son of John and Elizabeth WHITACRE; and Sarah Margaret daughter of Samuel and Rachel POLLOCK.

            29th  Baptized  Samuel Willson son of W and Margaret PRINGLE, also Margaret McMillin daughter of Thomas REASONER and wife.                                               signed               S. WILLSON


June 2nd 1853   Session met at the call of the moderator  Constituted by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod‘r.  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER.  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper Isaac COMSTOCK and Alanson A MUNROE; and to the Lords supper William BARNET and George W CRAMLET all by examination. The following were received as members in good standing by certificate Margaret SINES, Rebecca NOBLE, and Esther MILHOLLAND.

4  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper Mrs Harriett Wolcot FEW.  Closed by prayer

       Baptized Alonzo Fleming son of Henry MILLER and wife.                                               signed S. WILLSON

5  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper Mrs Elizabeth SHAINHOLTS (widow) and to membership by certificate John WALTERS.

            Baptized Harriet Wolcot FEW, Alanson Achison MUNROE, Isaac COMSTOCK and Elizabeth SHAINHOLTS.

            Sacrament administered  Rev Marquis aided.

                                                                                    Signed      S. WILLSON


June 17th  1853   Baptized  David son of Peter and Frances SHAINHOLTS.

AUGUST 28TH 1853 Baptized  Mary Isabel, David William, and Anne Jane children of John and Sarah BARNET; also David son of James and Betsy NOBLE.

September 15th  Session met; opened by prayer.  Members present: Rev S. WILLSON Moderator,  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER. 

The following baptized persons were admitted to the Lords Supper by examination:  Stephen LONG and James CHAMBERS.  The following were admitted by certificate Daniel GLENN; George WALTERS; Rachel WALTERS; John Andrew WALTERS and his wife Mary Jane WALTERS, Elizabeth Ann WALTERS, Mary Ellen WALTERS, Catharine WALTERS; Mary COLE; Margaretta COLE; Minerva COLE; and Mrs Rachel REASONER

September 17th  Session met   admitted to the communion of the church  Mrs Lucinda wife of Lewis MILLER by certificate.    closed by prayer                                   S. WILLSON

18TH  communion administered  - alone

Oct 5th Dismissed  John MILLER

Dec 8th Dismissed Benjamin REASONER, his wife Betsy and daughter Hannah Elizabeth, also Hannah Rebecca CONNOR.                                                                                              S. WILLSON


January 9th 1853 [probably should be 1854]

Dismissed  Wm MORGAN and his wife Betsy

March 17th 1854 Dismissed William LUKER and his wife Polly also Sarah STORER by order of session 

                                                                                                                                    S. WILLSON

            March 18th  Session of Pleasant Hill met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod,  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, James BELL, Isaac STORER.   Admitted to the fellowship of this church by certificate William BAY and his wife Rebecca Jane and to baptism and the Lord’s Supper Mary F McDONALD, Mary Ellen METCALF, Hannah Jane YAW, and Elizabeth YAW.  The following baptized persons were admitted to the Lord’s Supper Mrs Nancy HUSTON?, Elizabeth Jane CONNER, Wilson CONNER.         Signed  S. WILLSON

19   Baptized Mary F McDONALD, Mary Ellen METCALF, Hannah Jane and Elizabeth YAW.

       Sacrament administered    Rev J P COLDWELL  aided.

20  Baptized daughter of John BOYD and Matilda his wife

20  Dismissed  James BELL, his wife Sarah and duaghter Rachel; also Wm BARNET and his wife Hannah Jane.

April 5th  Dismissed  Thomas REASONER and his wife Nancy Ann.

       8th  Dismissed  John McMURRY Jr.


            Thus far examined & approved in Presby    

            at  Cambridge    April 12th 1854

                                    M.A. HEGE   Mod’r

May 12th 1854 Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod,  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER.   Admitted to membership by certificate Thomas C COOK and his wife Mariah also Laura COOK; Eliza Jane COOK; and Mary Ann COOK.

Samuel WALKER was admitted to baptism and the Lords Supper and his wife Rebecca to the Lords Supper.

                                                                                                            Closed by prayer

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON      

14  Baptized  Samuel WALKER.  Sacrament administered    Rev W.M. Robinson aided

13  Baptized   {Jno Calvin son of Henry MILLER;  Flora Theresa  daughter of Alanson MUNRO; 

                    {Sam’l Hackman[?] of Jed WALTERS.  

15th   The church and congregation of Pleasant Hill met according to previous notice given from the pulpit Rev S. WILLSON was called to preside and Nathan REASONER to record the ---ing of the meeting.  Resolved that this church elect an addition of 3 to the session and 4 to the board of deacons  George WALTERS, Jesse WORTMAN, and Nathan REASONER  were elected elders and Jno WHITACRE, Sam’l POLLOCK, Alex’d McKINNY and Peter REASONER deacons


June 4 Jesse WORTMAN, George WALTERS, and Nathan REASONER this day were ordained elders and John WHITACRE, Samuel POLLOCK, Alexander McKINNY and Peter REASONER deacons of the church of Pleasant Hill .

18th   Baptized John WILLSON son of Nathan and Rachel REASONER

August 11th 1854  Session met constituted by prayers Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod,  Elders S. MARSHALL, Rb’t HUNTER, Isacc STORER, Jesse WORTMAN, Nathan REASONER.     Admitted to communion by certificate Mary Jane BOYD; Marth Emily and Anna Margaret WALTERS; and John and Benjamin WORTMAN were admitted by examination.  

            A communication was read from Rob’t ALEXANDER requesting session to take some measures to raise funds for the MILLER Academy. Session resolved that as the church and congregation of Pleasant Hill in a regular congregational meeting assembled did on the 4th April 1851 resolve that this congregation will pay no part of the tax imposed by Prebetery for the Miller Academy therefore the session deem it improper for them to take any action contrary to the aforesaid resolution of the church and congregation.          Closed by prayer

13th  Sacrament administered  Rev Robt Herron aided

Aug 6 1854  Solomon REASONER died


August 19th 1854  Session met  Constituted by prayer  Members Present  Rev. S.WILLSON Mod  Elders S. MARSHALL, Rb’t HUNTER, I. STORER, George WALTERS, Jesse WORTMAN, N. REASONER.  Dr G.W. PRINGLE appeared fefore session and requested an investigation of certain reports scandalous and derogatory to his christian character.  Session complyed with his request and to give form to the process of investigation agreed to take up the following charges viz That Dr G.W. PRINGLE on the 12th day of August 1854 take from Robt HARPER in the store of HARPER and McDONALD with the intension of stealing two finger rings of the value of 20 cts each.  Witnesses Robt HARPER and James CHAMBERS (a boy)  Wednesday 30 August at 10 P.M. session agreed to meet in Pleasant Hill meeting house to attend to the trial of said case.                  Closed with prayer

                                                                                                                        Signed S. WILLSON Mod

30th August 10 o’clock Session met constituted by prayer  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod,  Elders S. MARSHALL, Rb’t HUNTER, I. STORER, G. WALTERS, J.WORTMAN, N. REASONER

Dr. G.W. PRINGLE being present declared himself ready for trial.  Robt HUNTER sworn deposed as follows:  Dr PRINGLE came into the store and took out 2 rings and in 10 minutes returned with a ring to have it exchanged making that it was a present give


August 30th 1854

… to his wife by Mr THOMPSON.   I exchanged the ring for him, he left and returned in a few minutes and I told him he had taken two rings from our desk and we could prove it  he said he had and had just come to pay for them.  Quest   was the ring brot back to be exchanged one of the rings taken?  Ans  not sure -- looked like it .  Quest  was the ring brought back to be exchanged large enough for a woman?  Ans Twas larger that the one exchanged for. Quest by defendant did you hear me say I will take these to try how they will fit?   Ans.  No.  Quest by def.  Was I in  my usual way that day?  Ans  you was not.  Quest by Moderator  was the drunk?  Ans I don’t know   he was not in his usual way there was something the matter.  Quest by def  did you Mr Harper begin to publish it in the street or did Robt  CONNER come to you and make inquiry about it ?  He came to me and made nouinces about it.   James CHAMBERS did not appear.  The evidence being closed and opportunity for remarks being given to the session Dr PRINGLE was heard in his defence.  The session then resolved that the charge was not sustained.  But since Dr. P by his own confession took the ring under the influence of opium without giving proper notice or securing the consent or attention of Mr HARPER  Session Resolved


August 30 1854

That Dr PRINGLE be admonished by the Moderator and give promise of more circumspection in his christian deportment in future and then he may resume his standing in the church and that the decision of session be published from the pulpit on the next day of public service in this house. -- Dr PRINGLE  complied with the decision and was admonished by the Moderator --- the publication was made from the pulpit of Pleasant Hill after the afternoon service of Sab the 10th Sept 1854.  closed by prayer    Signed by S. WILLSON Mod.

Sept 28th  Dismissed Joseph REASONER and his wife Rebecca

Nov 12th   Dismissed  Mrs Harriet W FEW     by order of session                  S. WILLSON

       Baptized Charles Brown son of John and Elithabeth WHIT[ACRE?]

       25TH  Session met Constituted by prayer   Members present Members Present  Rev. S.WILLSON Mod  Elders S. MARSHALL, Isaac STORER, Jesse WORTMAN, George WALTERS, Nathan REASONER.  The following baptized persons were admitted to the Lords supper Mrs Martha COMSTOCK, Samuel G WILLSON, Abagail N WILLSON

March 19th 1855  Dismissed Mrs Mary COLE and her daughters Margaretta and Minerva; also John WHITACRE and his wife Betsy.                                                                          Signed S.WILLSON


        Thus far examined & approved    Zanesville   Apr 12 1855

                                                                                                J.E. ALEXANDER    Mod’r

May 17th 1855    Session met  Constituted by prayer  members present Rev. S.WILLSON Mod  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, Rob’t HUNTER,  Isaac STORER, Jesse WORTMAN, George WALTERS, Nathan REASONER.   The following Baptized persons were admitted to the Lord’s supper Richard A STORER, Martha STORER, and Nancy SCOTT.  The following were admitted by certificate  Nancy SPEER, Jane SPEER; Thomas REASONER and his wife Nancy Ann and John LORIMER and his wife Izabella M.

19th  Baptized  Almyra Louisa daughter of Samuel POLLOCK  and wife; Meritt Brown son of Lewis MILLER and wife; Charles Leander son of Sanuel WALKER and wife. Rachel Narcissa daughter of John LORIMER and wife; Emerson Huston son of Cyrus REASONER and wife; Lucretia daughter of Wm LUKES and wife; Benjamin son of Th J REASONER and wife; Wilma daughter of Mr BAY and wife.   closed by prayer        S. WILLSON  Mod


May 20th 1855                Sacrament administered                         (ses’n adjourned)

21st   Baptized  Tirza Jane daughter of Wm McHELVY and Mary his wife; also Mary Margaret daughter of John SMOCK and Lena Jane his wife.                                         Signed S.WILLSON

July 7th 1855   Dismissed    Miss Margaret SINES                                        S.WILLSON

Sept 15   Session met opened by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod‘r,  S. MARSHALL, Jesse WORTMAN, Rob’t HUNTER, I. STORER, N. REASONER.

Admitted to the Lords Supper  John Alvah CONNOR.

                                                                                    closed by prayer

Dismissed  Samuel WALKER  and his wife Rebecca

    16th  Sacrament  administered  Rev Platt aided

    17    Baptized  Rachel Louisa daughter of Henry MILLER  and wife

March 16th 1856  Baptized Samuel son of Peter REASONER and wife

                                    Cambridge  April 9th 1856

                                    Thus far examined and approved

                                                Wm M Robinson      Mod


April 22nd 1856  Dismissed  Thomas C. COOK and his wife Mariah and daughters Laura, Eliza Jane and Maryann.                                            by order of session                     S. WILLSON

May 12th  Dismissed  Alanson Munro  and his wife Mary.                S. WILLSON

17th  Dismissed  Hanah Jane YAW                                                S. WILLSON

19th  Dismissed  Robert HUNTER and his wife Emily                       S. WILLSON      

June 13th  Session met  constituted by prayer  Rev S. WILLSON Moderator  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, George WALTERS, Isaac STORER, Jesse WORTMAN, Robert HUNTER, Nathan REASONER.

Admitted to the Lords supper by certificate George CUTHBERTSON and his wife Sarah also Alex’d SCOTT; and by examination Sarah Price WALTERS.               Closed by prayer            S. WILLSON

Dismissed   Juliann SHAW                                                                       S. WILLSON


June 14th 1856

                        Baptized Alva Clovis son of Lewis MILLER  and wife; Samuel Thomas son of John and Izabella LORIMER;  Benoni Dixon son of Benoni and Ann YAW; Harry Alonzo son of William J CARSON and Nancy his wife.                                                                                  signed  S. WILLSON

 June 30th  Dismissed  David GLENN and his wife Mahala

27th July  Baptized Robert son of Nathan and Rachel REASONER.                 S. WILLSON

August  5th  Dismissed Mrs Mary Jane NELSON

Sept 19th  Dismissed  William BAY and Rebecca Jane his wife

19th   Session met constituted by prayer  Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders Sam’l MARSHALL, Jesse WORTMAN, George WALTERS,  Rob’t HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER.  Admitted to the Lord’s supper by examination Elizabeth Wilson REASONER

20th Admitted to the Lords supper by examination Mary Jane CRAWFORD and Andrew Howell MARSHALL,

            closed by prayer.  Sacrament administered  Rev KELLY aided  Signed  S.WILLSON 

22ND  Baaptized  Mary Candace  daughter of John and Sarah SHAW;  also  Elma, David, Arnold, Milton, Francis children of Isaac and Martha Ellen COMSTOCK; also Thomas Pollock son of James and Elizabeth NOBLE.

                                                                                                signed  S. WILLSON


            September 1st 1856   Thomas CONER died

10  Mrs ------ CONER died.      17th  Mrs. Sarah FEW  died

24th  Dismissed  Alex’d SCOTT.  William R. MARSHALL and Isaac COMSTOCK  and his wife Martha Ellen. signed

                                                                                                                                                S. WILLSON

            Thus far examined & approved in Presytry, at Newark, Apr 11 1857

                                                                        James M. Hatt  mod’r

1st March 1857  Session convened at the call of the Moderator

Admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper   Robert SPEER.    After Sermon the above named candidate was Baptized. 

N.B. This minute is authentic tho not made in the proper time or place.   S. WILLSON          

May 15th 1857  Session met constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders  George WALTERS,  Jesse WORTMAN, Rob’t HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER. 

Admitted to the Lords Supper by certificate Mary WALTERS.

16th  Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination Oliver BARNET and by certificate Robert W HILL   closed by prayer                                                                                     signed  S. WILLSON


June 21st 1857  Session met constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders  George WALTERS, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER.   Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper  George Washington CRAWFORD.                                                  closed by prayer

   Baptized George Washington CRAWFORD,  and afterward Mary Jane, Elizabeth, and Rob’t Hunter  children of said G.W.  and Izabell CRAWFORD; also McFarland son of Thomas and N.A. REASONER and Theodor Chalmers son of Samuel and Louisa POLLOCK.                                  signed  S. WILLSON

22nd    Dismissed  Abagail Narcissa Willson (now Mrs ENDLY)

September 12  Session met opened by prayer Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders S. MARSHALL, Isaac STORER, George WALTERS, Jesse WORTMAN, Nathan REASONER.   Admitted the Lords supper by examination Hannah FERGUSON.   closed by prayer                       signed  S. WILLSON


Dismissed   William CARSON and his wife Nancy L

14th  Baptised  Elmer Wilson  son of Lewis MILLER and wife


            January 18th 1858   Dismissed Samuel G WILLSON.

April 3  The number of members in Pleasant Hill as ascertained From an exact enumeration from the seat roll are 128

            Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery at Zanesville  Ap 7 1858

                                                            W. M. GRINES   Mod.

 April 9th 1858   Session met  constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders S. MARSHALL, George WALLTERS, Jesse WORTMAN, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER.   Admitted to the fellowship of the church by certificate James WHITE and his wife Amelia and by examination Joseph BARNET, Samuel F. STORER, John Findley CONNER.

10th  Session met.   Members present as on yesterday.  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords supper by examination  Sarah Elizabeth McKINNY, Rachel Ash WHITACRE, Sarah Standish FEW, Mary Lorimer FEW, Susan SHAINHOLTS, Benjamin FERGUSON; and to the Lords Supper Rachel Emma WALTERS, Elizabeth CONNOR,


April 10th 1858

Hannah Jane HUNTER, William Shaw WORTMAN.

11th    Baptized  Benjamin  FERGUSON, Sarah E. McKINNY, Rachel WHITACRE, Sarah S FEW, Mary L FEW, Susan SHAINHOLTS.    Sacraments Administered  Rev J KELLY aided

25th  Baptized  Sarah Louisa daughter of Solomon S and Sarah REASONER, Helena Mills  daughter of Henry and Almyra S. MILLER,  Sarah Margaret daughter of John A. and Mary WALTERS.   

Session met  Members all present  Closed by prayer.                    signed  S. WILLSON

June 7th   Dismissed  John WORTMAN    by order of session     S. WILLSON

September 2nd   Session met  constituted by prayer Members present Rev  S. WILLSON  Mod’r.  Elders  S. MARSHALL, Jesse WORTMAN, G. WALTERS, I. STORER, Robt HUNTER.   Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper  Ann Malissa HENDERSON,   and to the Lords supper Alexander Small MILHOLLAND,  Sarah Jane NOBLE, Eliz. Rutledge NOBLE,  Catharine CUTHBERTSON.

3rd   Session met  Members present as on yesterday.  Admitted to communion by certificate Nancy and Jane SPEER

[67]    September 3rd 1858

and Mrs Sarah J Noble; by examination to Baptism and the Lords supper Caroline Cookson WHITACRE and to the Lords supper Maryann REASONER, Harriet MILHOLLAND and Abraham MILLER

4th  Session met  Members present as on yesterday    Admitted  Eliza Jane WRIGHT to the Lords supper and Mary SPEER:  and to Baptism and the Lords Supper  Mary SPEER, Martha SPEER, and Mary YAW.

5th  Session met  Members present as on yesterday    Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper  Rebecca YAW.  Closed by prayer                                                             signed                                       S. WILLSON

Baptized  Rebecca YAW, Mary YAW, Mary SPEER, Martha SPEER, Ann Melissa HENDERSON, and Ann Cookson WHITACRE.     Sacrament administered      Rev W. MILLIGAN  aided     signed                  S. WILLSON

oct. 11th  Dismissed  Elizabeth Ann WALTERS  (now Mrs BOYD)

Nov 15  Dismissed  Rachel A WITAKER

December 19th  Baptized  Theodore Henry  son of Nathan and Rachel REASONER


February 27th 1859

Baptized  Joseph Long son Peter and Fanny SHAINHOLTS  and Annie Willis daughter of James and Amelia WHITE.                                                                                                                  signed   S. WILLSON


April 1  No of communicants now in Pleasant Hill  142

May 8th Baptized James Milton son of Lewis Miller and his wife


May 26th  Session met: constituted by prayer   Members present Rev  S. WILLSON  Mod’r.  Elders  S. MARSHALL, Jesse WORTMAN, George WALTERS, Nathan REASONER.   Received into the communion of this church by certificate  Daniel GLENN and his wife Mahala; Mariah Isabella BARNET;  James McCUTCHION, his wife Catharine; and  Margaret J MARSHALL;  William GAULT his wife Louisa , their son Milton L and daughter Mrs  Sarah Margaret Walker.

28th  Admitted to communion of the church by certificate Mrs Mary AMSPOKER and Miss Mary AMSPOKER;  by examination Thomas Lester? WALTERS and Henry Clovis PRINGLE

            Closed by prayer

29 Sacrament Administered                                singed  S. WILLSON



September 29th 1859   Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders Samuel MARSHALL, Rob’t HUNTER, George WALTERS, Jesse WORTMAN, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER.  Admitted to the Lords supper by examination Jesse WORTMAN Jr.

Octobert 1st   Session met Members present as at last meeting   Rob’t HUNTER committee appointed to visit Mrs VATE report that she confessed to the sin of fornication with her present husband previous to their marriage  --- proessed her sorrow and repentance -- and session restored her to her former standing and ordered thes facts to be published in the church on next monday -- The above was published on church on Oct 3rd.

  3rd  Baptized Edwin, Florence J, Ann Eliza and Margaret Price, children of James and Mary F McDONALD  presented by the mother.

Oct 7th   Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders S. MARSHALL, George WALTERS, Isaac STORER, Jesse WORTMAN and  Nathan REASONER.  Session agreed to take up the following charge against Thomas REASONER viz   That on the 1st day of May last being the Lords day) said


Oct 7th 1859

REASONER did about the hour of 4 o’clock P.M. attempt to commit the act of bestial coition with a cow.  Witnesses:  Oliver BARNETT, Margaret E BARNETT, Joseph BARNETT, Mariah J BARNETT, Nancy THOMPSON, David G THOMPSON, Catharine SINES,  Thomas McKINNY,  and Angeline McKINNY.  Isacc STORER was apointed

to give a copy of the above charge and witnesses to said Thomas REASONER and cite him to attend at Pleasant  Hill meeting house on the 17th inst at 10 o’clock A.M.  Mr STORER  was also furnished with citation to the above

Named witness requiring them to attend at time and place above named except Jos and M J Barnet whose citations were committed to Samuel MARSHALL.   Adjourned to to meet in the church on the 17th  inst at 10 o’clock A.M.  Close by prayer   signed by  S. WILLSON

Oct 17th  10 o’clock A.M.  Session met constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders S. MARSHALL, Jesse WORTMAN, Rob’t HUNTER, I. STORER, and  Nathan REASONER. The minutes of the last session were read and corrected by inserting  that Geo WALTERS was instructed to cite Mrs Nancy THOMPSON.  Mr WALTERS arrived and took his seat.  Messrs WALTERS, MARSHALL and STORER being called upon answered that they had served the citation entrused to them at last meeting of session.  In consequence of non attendance of the accused session resolved again to cite him (and the witnesses formerly cited) according to the book of dicipline and that Saturday 29th inst

[71] Oct 17th 1859

At 10 o’clock  A.M.  be appointed for trial.  The citation to accused was instructed to S. MARSHALL and Mr WALTERS  was appointed to cite David and Mrs Nancy THOMPSON. Oliver BARNETT and his wife Maragret E. BARNETT and Thos McKINNEY witnesses being present promised to attend Session adjourned to meet at Pleasant Hill church on Saturday 29th inst at 10 A.M. closed by prayer.

                                                                                                            S. WILLSON Mod’r

Pleasant Hill oct 29 1859  10 A.M. Session met constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod’r  Elders S. MARSHALL, R HUNTER, I. STORER, Jesse WORTMAN.  Accused being present declared himself ready for trial and requested Nathan REASONER to manage his case:  to this request session acceded.

Oliver BARNETT being present and sworn deposed as follows:  “on the first sabath day of May 1859 I was out in the field and I seen a man after a cow and I stoped and look at him who was after Waltars cow; and our own cattle across meeting him; and one of them was in a frolic --the bull was after her and he took after her too: and the bullgot on the cow; and the man run up and chasd the bull off and catched the cow by the tail and she started to run and throwd him in a tree top; and he got up and run around the top of the tree and headed her and drove her and the bull along the fence into the hollow and got the bull up on the bank and the cow in by the fence and the bull looking down on him; the cow

[72]                                                                 Oct 29, 1859

Head was head was next to one and he was behind the cow and his face was next to one; he was in that position till there was some dogs begun to bark; and he got up on the fence, and look and the cow started up the hollow and he started after her, and he stopted and look back and started on again, and stopd and look back and wiped his feet and came back cross’d the road into the bottom and came across to the run and went down the run”  oct 29 1859  Oliver BARNETT  Quest by Mod’r  How far were you from accused when he chas’d the bull off the cow?  Ans 40 rods.  Quest by Mod’r How far did he chase the cow after he chas’d the bull off her until he brought her to a stand?  Ans  15 rods I reckon.  Quest by Mod’r  Are you sure that the man that chas’d the bull off the cow and brought her to a stand was Thomas REASONER?  Ans Yes.  Quest by Mod’r  Was it your impression that he intended to commit bestial coition with the cow?  Ans  From his manner I could think nothing else.  Quest by Mr HUNTER  was the cow confined?  Ans  No nothing but she was in fence corner.  Quest by Mod’r  Was his pants buttoned or unbuttoned?  Ans  I don’t know  Quest  by N REASONER  In what field were you in when you saw this?  Ans  In the wheat field about 6 rods from the orchard  Quest by same  How did you know twas Thos REASONER?  Ans  when he left the cattle he took across the bottom and I took down the fields until within a stones cast of him.  Quest by same  Was he at any time out of your sight from he was with the cow until you got within stones cast of him?  Ans  Yes  Quest by S. MARSHALL  Had he his coat on?  Ans  no he took it off.  Quest by same Had the man you met his off:  Ans yes. 

[73]                                                     Oct 29th 1859

Mrs Margaret E BARNETT being sworn deposed as follows. “on the first first sabath day of May 1859 about 4 o’clock PM Oliver and me was taking a walk down through the fields and as we was returning I seen a man in the field with the cows; he was after WALTERs cow, when we first seen him:  we stop’d a little while and then pass’d on a short distance and still he kep on after the cow, then we stop’d to see what he was going to do:  I said it was Thos REASONER.  Just then as we stop’d the second time our own cattle came across meeting him; and one of them was in a frolic, and the bull was after her and he left the other cow and took after her; and the bull got on the cow and he run up and chased him off and catched her by the tail and and she started to run and threw him in a tree top; then he jumped up and took around the way; and headed her and drove her and the bull down along the fence into the hollow; and he got her cornered in by the fence and the bull up on the bank looking down on him; and the cows head was next to me; and he was behind the cow, and his face was next to me; he had her in that position till there was some dogs began to bark over in the bottom and he got up on the fence and looked and the cow started up the hollow; then he got down and started after her again and stop’d and looked back and then he went a little farther and put up his hand and looked again and then wiped his feet on the grass and started and crossed the road into the bottom and came across the run and I could not see him any more”                                                                                        signed   Margaret E BARNETT

[74]  Quest by moderator  How it was Thos REASONER?  Ans  by his walk, dress and manner.  Quest by Mod’r  Did you think he was attempting to commit a base act?  Ans,  Well that was my idea of it.  Quest by N REASONER.  How close was REASONER to the cow?  Ans, pretty near.  Quest by Mod’r  Was he in actual contact?  Ans.  I would not [s]wear he was; not would I like to swear he was not.

            Joseph BARNETT Sworn  and deposed as follows.  I and my wife were called from the house by Oliver BARNETT;  when we came we saw Thos REASONER having a cow in the fence corner;  he immediately behind her;  he remained so for about a minute; dogs barked and he left the cow, got on a fence looked about; then took after the cow again -- stop’d again look’d back -- went a little farther --stop’d came back --crossed the road to the bottom -- had his coat on his arm -- came acorss as far as the run.  I crossed out own fields as far as Mr FREDINS down to bottom until I was within three rods of him; and I am sure ‘twas Thos REASONER; for he still had his coat on his arm.  Signed Joseph BARNETT.   Quest by Mod’r   When did this transaction take place?  Ans  first sabath May 1  59.  Quest by same  About what time of day did this occur?  Ans between four and five o’clock P.M.  Quest by N REASONER  Did you think twas Thos REASONER or did any one suggest it to you?  Ans  no Sir, I thought so my self.  Quest by same   What distance were you from the transaction?   Ans  I should place it in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 rods.  I am not very good at guessing distances.  Quest by same  had he a hold

[75]                                                     Oct 29  1859

of the cow in the fence corner?   Ans  he was close behind the cow.   Quest by same  Was you in sight of him all the time until you got within three rods of him?   Ans  no I lost sight of him some time.

Mrs Mariah Isabella BARNETT  Sworn  depose as follows  

 “on the first sabath day of May between four and five o’clock I was out in yard; and Oliver called Jospeh and me out to him; and shew’d me a man down in the field with a cow; he had the cow in by the fence; and her head was next one; and he was behind the cow; and his face was next to me; and he was there a little while; till there was some dogs got to barking, and he got up on the fence; and looked; and the cows started up the hollow, and he started after them; and he stop’d and look’d and started on again after the cow; and stop’d and look’d back; and wiped his feet on the grass; and came back and crossed the road into the bottom; and came acorss to the run; and that was the last that I seen of him; he had his coat carrying on his arm.  signed  Mariah Isabella BARNETT.     Quest by S MARSHALL  Did you think ‘twas Thos REASONER?   Ans  I was not acquinted with the man did not know him until afterwards.           Mrs Nancy THOMPSON  Sworn  deposed that on sabath (she tinks twas the first sabath of May)  Thos and Benjamin REASONER left Andrew THOMPSON about noon.      David Thompson  sworn deposed as follows.  That Thos REASONER with his father Benjamin REASONER left Andrew Thompson about

[76]                                                     Oct 29 1859

noon; he thinks on first sabath of May 1859.  Evidence closed on part of the Session.      Dr G.W. PRINGLE  Sworn  deposed as follows   Quest by N REASONER   Did BARNETT tell you how far the transaction between REASONER and the cow took place from him?    Ans  yes he said ’twas as far as to GAULTS ; we were then in Alex’d McKINNYs smith shop.     Nicholas SMITH Sworn  deposed as follows    That Thos REASONER told him on a sabath evening he viz Thos REASONER had been out to see old Mr David THOMPSON that he was low and this conversation took place about 4 o’clock P.M.  farther said deponent saith that as he heard the story from Joseph BARNETT if he understood aright the distance from the witness to where the accused was with the cow;  he would say it was 80 rods; and farther that on the 3rd of June Joseph BARNETT told him the transaction took place last sabath two weeks; but at the time he viz BARNETT admitted he might be mistaken.  Witnesses now closed. The evidence now being closed the remarks of each member was made and Mr N REASONER heard on behalf of the accused.  Then the vote was taken and the charge sustained.  Whereupon it was resolved: that the said REASONER, be, and hereby ?recluded from the privilleges of church communion until he give evidence of his penitence; and by approved probation shall shew a fitness for the sealing ordinance of Gods house.

                                                                                                closed by prayer      signed

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON


30th Oct Session  met and Members all present except George WALTERS.  Being requested by Nathan REASONER to open the case of Thos REASONER (decided on the 29th inst) for the hearing of new evidence which as he alledged would throw new light on the case tending to exculpate the accused.  Session Resolved to ear the evidence on part of the accused and also farther evidence on part of the prosecution.  With the consent o f N. REASONER Session resolved to meet at 1 o’clock P.M. 4th Nov on the ground where the witnesses saw the transaction and then to meet in Concord for the hearing of the evidence and adjudging the case.     

                                                                                                                        Signed  S. WILLSON Mod’r

      New Concord Nov 4th ½ past 2 P.M.  Session having met at 10 clock P.M. on the ground occupied by witnesses when they saw Thos REASONER (as alledge) with the cow; and having examined the different localaties named by the witnesses tending aaect the evidence of the witnesses; after satisfying themselves met and constituted by prayer Members present Rev S. WILLSON  Mod’r  Elders  S. MARSHALL, R. HUNTER, I. STORER, Jesse WORTMAN and N. REASONER.  Solomon S. REASONER being sworn deposed as follows, “ About the meddle of June 1859 having an errand with Oliver BARNETT and got through with it; I said that there was a considerable talk in the settlement and that it was seen here; and that I would like to hear what the right way of it was; but I understood that it was Joseph BARNETT

[78]                                                                 Nov 4th 1859

 and wife that saw it:  Oliver BARNETT said that Joseph BARNETT and wife was in the house at the time, and did not see it; but he and Elisabeth did.  And as long as it was got out, he supposed there was more told than he had told.  He would tell all that had happened:  he said; that himself and Elisabeth was in the wheatfield going home to get ready to go to prayer meetin and that they saw somebody in with the cow; and that they stood and looked at him till they felt satisfied it was Thos REASONER, and that he was after the cow;  then he said he spoke to Joseph he was in the house, and told him what they had seen; and for him to go across the field, and meet him to be sure that it was Thos REASONER.  I told him the person might have went some other course.  Oliver BARNETT said that he followed and kept in sight till Joseph BARNETT got with him T REASONER and Joseph BARNETT went with him to town; and Joseph BARNETT went to prayer meeting and Thos REASONER went toward home: then I asked if there was anything done, he, OliverBARNETT said no:  I do not want you to understand that there was.”                Signed  Solomon S. REASONER 

            Catharine SINES  Sworn on part of the prosecution deposed as follows:   Quest by Mod’r   What time of day did Thos REASONER come into town of first sabath on May last?  Ans  About time of prayer meeting  Quest by same   What was the usual hour for prayer meeting?  Ans  about 5 o’clock P.M.   Thomas McHENRY  sworn  deposed as follows


“That he saw Thos REASONER said evening about 5 P.M. or not more than 10 or 15 minutes before 5  he had his coat on his arm.  Quest by N.REASONER  Are you sure it was the first day of May?  Ans  I am sure it was the same evening alluded to by Oliver BARNETT.  Quest by same  Was Joseph BARNETT at prayer meeting that evening?  Ans  no.  Quest b Mod’r  how and when did you learn that it was supposed to be Thos REASONER that was wrestling with the cow?  Ans on the same evening I believe.    Mrs Angeline McKINNY  sworn  deposed as follows   I saw  Thos McKINNY come into town same evening about 5 o’clock ---  owing to a witness being absent on part of the defence  Session adjourned to meet at Pleasant Hill on monday 7th inst at 10 o’clock A.M.  Closed by prayer                                                signed  S. WILLSON Mod’r

            Pleasant Hill Nov 7th  10 o’clock A.M.  1859  Session met constituted by prayer   members present  Rev. S. WILLSON  Mod’r.  Elders  S. MARSHALL, Geo WALTERS, I. STORER, Jesse WORTMAN, Nathan REASONER.  Minutes of last session were read and approved  then R. HUNTER came in and took his seat.  Mrs Elisabeth BENNETT being sworn deposed as follows  “Mrs M E BARNETT was at my house on a visit about the first of July 1859;  About the time she was leaving we went to the garden and when there she said she wished for some of my flowers; she took some of the white and red flowers


 and one present remarked to her that she would have a mixture; I then asked her if it was true that they were going to have a mixture up the run: said she Mother it is too true to make a joke of and I do not know whether he got his ends accomplished or not; or words to that effect”  Signed  E. BENNETT    Quest  by N. REASONER  Did not Mrs BARNETT say that she saw Thos on the cow?  Ans  It is just as I have written it    Quest  by Mod’r  When you asked Mrs BARNETT if it was true that they were going to have a mixture up the run did you allude to the report of Thos REASONER making attempts on the cow and did those present so understand it?  Ans  So I think.      Nancy Jane REASONER  sworn deposed as follows  “ I went Monday 4th of July to pay Mrs BENNETT a visit.  I was not long there till we got to talking about Margaret Elizabeth being down to see her  I do not recollect the day she was down;  I asked Betsy if Margaret E said anything about Thos; and she said she did, and I said I thought if I could hear it from Margaret E I could put confidence in her words, but I could not put much in oliver from the testimony he gave at Rob’t MARSHALLs  Betsy said Margaret E called Oliver and told him that it was Thos REASONER; and oliver told her twice to hush and never say so again.  Betsy said when Margaret E came down she did not whether to mention it to her or not.  She said they took a walk into the garden; and Betsy had different kinds of flowers in the garden and Margaret E said to Betsy when I go


to start home I want some of all these flowers  I want to  have a mixture  Betsy said she thought if she mentioned it then was the time,  She said to Margaret E  I understand you are to have a mixture up your way;  Margaret E said it is too true,  She said the first time he mounted her she threw him in  brush heap; and the next time she gave me to understand he accomplished the wicked deed.  I said Betsy how could he manage to get at a cow; so she said he run her in a ditch, she said there was some other cattle after the cow and he drove them away, and I said how was they sure it was Thos  she said Joe secreted himself behind a tree till Thos came past him.   signed Nancy Jane REASONER.  Evidence closed

Members called on for remarks.  After a few interchange of opinions session Resolved That nothing has transpired in the examination of the witnesses examined before us today and since the 29th to alter our judgment of the 29th ult, and we do hereby confirm it; and order that the said decision be published to the congregation on the 3rd sabath of Nov from the pulpit after sermon.   signed  S. WILLSON Mod'r and Clerk

   N B  The publication was made as ordered above.

March  Dismised  Mrs --------- METCALF

25th  dismised  George W CRAWFORD

                                                                                    signed  S. WILLSON


            Thus far examined & approved in Presbytery  at Nemark  April 25, 1860

                                                                                                J. M. DRAKE  Mod'r

April 27th 1860  Session met, constituted by prayer  Members present:  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r,  Elders S. MARSHALL, G. WALTERS, R. HUNTER, I. STORER, and N. REASONER. Admitted to comunion of the church by certification  Jonas AMSPOKER his wife Mary and daughter Mary B; Robert McCLURE and his wife Martha; Rob. DAUGHERTY and his wife Eliza Jane.

28th  Session met.  Members present as on yesterday. Admitted to baptism and the Lords Supper Mahala WHITACRE, Christene FURGESON and Mary FURGESON.  closed by prayer.  S. WILLSON

Baptised George Dixon Son of Henry MILLER and wife also Mary Louisa Daughter of  Lewis MILLER and wife.

29th Baptized Mahala WHITACRE, and Mary and Christene FERGUSON.

Sacrament administered      Rev J. KELLY   aided

May 4th the following persons were transfered tothe new organization of Beula at Claysville  A. MILLER, Rachel MILLER, Lewis C. MILLER, Lucinda MILLER, Henry MILLER, Almyra MILLER, A. MILLER Jr, S. POLLOCK, Louisa POLLOCK, George CULBERTSON, Thos E CONNER, Wilson E. CONNER, Mary BARNETT, 

                 Sarah         "              Catharine    "        Jno A          "

                  Kate         "                Elizabeth     "       Mary S        "                                     S. WILLSON 


September August 30 1860    Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mo'r  Elders  Saml MARSHALL, G. WALTERS, I. STORER, R. HUNTER Jesse WORMAN  N.REASONER.

Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper   Elisabeth Ellen HENDERSON ------------- Sept 1st  Session met  members as at last meeting admitted to Lords Supper  Mary Trumbo PRINGLE  Closed by prayer

Baptized  --------------- infant  -------   of Robt and Martha McCLURE

2  Baptized  Elizabeth Ellen HENDERSON.  Sacrament administered  Rev M.A HOGE  aided  -- signed S. WILLSON

Nov 20th  Dismised  Samuel T. STORER

Dismissed  Miss Mary AMSPOKER (now Mrs TENON)

March 2nd 1861  Dismissed  Andrew J WALTERS  and wife

April 1st 1861  No on communicants in Pleasant Hill 141


            This far examined  & approved in Presbytery.  April 10, 1861

                                                            J. R. DUNCAN

            Zanesville, O


May 3rd 1861  Session met  Constituted by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL, Robt HUNTER, Jesse WORTMAN, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER.  Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination  John H CRAWFORD and Elizabeth GLENN

4  Session met   Members present as on yesterday with the addition of G. WALTERS.  Admitted to communion by certificate John DAUGHERTY, closed by prayer    signed  S. WILLSON        

17th  Dismissed Joseph BARNETT and his wife Izabell.

June 5th  Dismissed Susan SHAINHOLTS and Jane MUNROE

16th Session met  opened with prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL, Geo WALTERS, Robt HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Nathan REASONER.  Admitted to the communion of the church by certificate Thos CONNER and his wife Catharine and George CULBERTSON and wife Sarah.  Closed by prayer

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON

 22nd Dismissed  George CRAWFORD

October 4 1861   Session met at the call of the moderator.  Constituted by prayer  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  Robt HUNTER, Jesse WORTMAN, George WALTERS, Nathan REASONER.

Dismissed Nathan REASONER and his wife Rachel


                                    October 4th 1861

Admitted to the communion of the church by certificate  Fanny MILLER

7th  Baptized  Louy Jane and Wm Irwin  children of Fanny MILLER;  Mary Woodruff daughter of Mary McDONALD Closed by prayer                                                                                                S. WILLSON

19th  Dismissed  Geo WALTERS, his wife Rachel and daughters Mary Ellen and Catharine, by order of session

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON

19th  Dismissed  John WALTERS

27th Feby 1862  Dismissed Jno ? EWING


            Thus far approved  in Presbytery at McConnlville    April 6, 1862

26th May 1862  Dismissed John ? Conner and his wife Emma

29th  Dismissed Juliann, Mary and Eliza EWING.

Session met  constituted by prayer  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  Robt HUNTER, Isaac STORER

Admitted to the communion of the church by certificate  Samuel G WILLSON and Wilson CONNER, David SELLERS and Tabith his wife

31 Baptized John Bluford  son of John and Lena SMOCK,  Adalia daughter of Robt McCLURE and wife.

                                                                                                signed  S. WILLSON

[86]                             May 31, 1862

Session met   Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL,  Robt HUNTER, Isaac STORER.  Admitted to the Lords Supper the following baprized persons  Joseph McKINNEY and his wife Mary, Ann Eliza SHAW, Martha SCOTT, Hester Ann CULBERTSON.    Closed by prayer    signed    S. WILLSON

June 2 1862  Baptizaed Adala daughter of David and Mary T SELLERS.

27th   Dismissed Sarah T and Mary E Walters 

September 28th 1862  Session met  Constistuted by prayer Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  Robt HUNTER, Isaac STORER. Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper William Henry McKINNEY and to the Lords supper John STORER  by certificate  Mrs Mary C BLAKE                      signed   S. WILLSON

28th  Baptized William Henry McKINNEY    Sacrament administered

29th  Baptized William Lee son of Isaac and Mary E McCLELLAND    signed   S. WILLSON

[87]                             October 1862

7th  John McMURRAY  died

Nov 15  Dismissed  Robt CONNER  and Mary his wife

February 1863  Dismissed John BENNETT and his wife Elizabeth

November 27  The congregation of Pleasant Hill met according to previous notice given from the pulpit.  John MILHOLLAND was chosen chairman, and Peter SHAINHOLTS clerk.  The congregation resolved to elect Elders additional to the present session. on county the ballots; Jonas AMSPOKER and Peter REASONER were declared duly elected; and Alexander McKINNEY, and Thomas E CONNER were a tie whereupon the congregation proceeded to a second balloting; which again reulted in a tie.  The Congregation the by a unanomous vote; declared Alex'd McKINNEY and Thos E CONNER both duly elected Elders.

The congregation next proceeded to ballot for Deacons and upon counting the ballots: Samuel SCOTT, David SELLERS, Robert SPEER and John SHAW were declared duly elected.    SCOTT and SELLERS declined serving.

Nov 30th  Alexander McKINNEY, Thomas E. CONNER, and Peter REASONER were ordained Elders; and John SHAW, and Robert SPEER, Deacons - Jonas AMSPOKER having been ordained an Elder previous to his election here.                                                                                          signed   S. WILLSON


            Examined and approved at Washington  Apr  16 1863


12th April 1863  The No of communicants now in this church according to a carful enumeration by the Pastor and Treasurer are 105

May 2nd  Dismissed Mrs Mary McDONALD

May 2nd  Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL,  Robt HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Jonas AMSPOKER, Alex'd McKINNEY, Thos E CONNER, Peter REASONER.  Admitted to membership on certificate from the Methodist Episcopal church  Hanah Jane NOBLE.  Closed by prayer.                                                                                                                                    S. WILLSON

3 Sacrament administered  Rev Hamilton   aided

4th  Baptized  Louella Daughter of Robert and Eliza Jane DAUGHERTY

June 21  Baptized  Sarah Emily  daughter of Peter and Fanny SHAINHOLTS

July 10th  Dismissed Milton GAULT and his wife Eliza Jane


[89]                             July 12th 1863

Baptized  Mezzini, Alexander, Anna, James, Letishia Jane, and Melissa Allene children of Joseph & Mary McKinny.

                                                                                                                        sign  S. WILLSON

September 19th  Session met  constituted by prayer members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL  Robt HUNTER  Isaac STORER  Jonas AMSPOKER  Alexander McKINNEY  Peter REASONER  Thomas CONNER.  Admitted by exmination to the Lords Supper  Julia MILHOLLAND and Mary GAULT.  closed by prayer

                                                                                                                        S. WILLSON

February 2nd 1864  Dissmissed  David SELLERS and his wife Mary Tabitha     signed  S. WILLSON


            Approved by Presbytery at  Newark    April 21 1864    Alex R HAMILTON  Mod'r


[90]     April 23rd 1864

Dismissed  Sarah E McKINNEY (now Mrs Bogle)

April 30th  Dismised Robert McCLURE and his wife Martha also Thomas N HANSON.    signed  S. WILLSON

May 14TH  Session met constituted by prayer members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  Jonas AMSPOKER  Robt HUNTER  Isaac STORER  Alexander McKINNEY  Peter REASONER  Thos CONNER.

Admitted to the Lords Supper  Nancy Ann McKINNY.  closed by prayer         S. WILLSON

15th  Baptized   Nancy Ann McKinny,  Sacrament  administered   Rev J Kelly aided     S. WILLSON

September 16th 1864  Session met constituted by prayer Members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders Robt HUNTER Jonas AMSPOKER  Isaac STORER  Peter REASONER  Thomas CONNER.  Admitted to Baptism and the Lords Supper Mrs Angeline McKINNY and the Lords Thomas A McKINNY

17th  Session met Member present as on yesterday with the additon of Samuel MARSHALL.  Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination Isabell AMSPOKER and by certificate Mrs Cate C YAW  closed by prayer  S. WILLSON


September 17th 1864  Baptized Catharine Jane, James Adam, Samuel Thomas and Mary Josephine children of Mrs NOBLE (widow)                                                            signed     S. WILLSON

Sacrament administered     Rev H FULTON   aided

February 25 1865  Dismised  Mary HENDERSON

March 25  Dismissed  John DAUGHERTY

April 15th  1865  Dismissed  Robt SPEER and his daugher Mary     signed     S. WILLSON

April 25 Dismissed Phebe GRUMMON  and Robert DAUGHERTY and his wife Eliza Jane

            Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery at Duncans Falls  April 26th /65

                                                                                                            Wm E. Hunt  Mod.


June 23rd 1865  Session met  constituted by prayer members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER.

Admitted to the Lords supper, John VENDERVERT; and his wife Nancy to Baptism and the Lords Supper: M HALSTEAD was admitted to the Lords supper.                                          signed  S.WILLSON

August 10th  Dismissed  Ellen HENDERSON

September 4th  Dismissed  Elizabeth  Dixon

September 8th 1865  Session met  Constituted by prayer members present  Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  S. MARSHALL, R HUNTER, Jonas AMSPOKER, Isaac STORER, Thomas CONNER, Peter REASONER. 

Admitted to the Lords Supper  Thomas  CONNER.

Sept 9th  Session met  Members present as on yesterday  Admitted to the Lords Supper Mary Elizabeth NOBLE.

Session being informed that Rob't DAUGHERTY and wife were dissatisfied with the certificate granted them by session last April  Session.  Resolved that Mr DAUGHERTY and his wife be furnished with the following certificate viz: " Robert DAUGHERTY and his wife Eliza Jane are by this dismissed in good and regular standing  until January 15 1864 since which time they have for causes unexplained to us ceased to attend upon the ministration of the word and ordinances of the church of PH.

[93]     September 9th 1865

They inform us that this certifcate is asked to be presented to the church of Beulah " By order of session" whose vote was taken by ayes and no's all voting aye.  September 9 1865               S. WILLSON  Mod'r

   September 9th  Baptized  Laura Bell, Alice May, and Estella Augusta children of John and Mariah Jane Halstead presented by the mother.                                     signed                           S. WILLSON


Sept.  11th 1865  Rev M.R. MILLER   Dear Sir  The session of Pleasant Hill church regularly constituted have heard with regret the report of Elder Marshall who was appointed May 4th 1863 by this session to inform you that this session deemed your preaching in New Concord an encroachment on the Pastoral limits of this church and insch close proximity to Pleasant Hill meeting house an infringment  of the rights of the session of this church.  Being informed by Mr Marshall that you refused to desist.  This Session remonstrate against your course as being disorderly, subversive of that fraternal kindness which ought to be cherished between neighboring churches contrary to the decisions of the highest judiciary of our church and contrary to the decisions of

[94]                             September 11th 1865

the Presbytery of Zanesville at its session at Coshocton Sept 1852.  Being unwilling to believe that you will willfully and obstinately persist in a course contrary to the decisions of the author above us & so subversive of the rights of Pleasant Hill; so muuch calculated to strengthen the hands of a  party in their schemes to injure Pleasant Hill and give trouble to its Pastor.  We again ask you to cease you ministration in New Concord and we appoint Jonas AMSPOKER a committee to make known to you this our desire.  Done in Session on date above written.                                                                            S. WILLSON Mod'r


Session appointed Peter REASONER and J. AMSPOKER alternate to attend the sessions of Presbytery of Zanesville to be held in McConnelsville on 26th inst.  closed by prayer   signed  S. WILLSON


Decr 3d Session met constituted by prayer  Members present   Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  J. AMSPOKER, Robt HUNTER, I. STORER, T.E. CONNER   Admitted to church fellowship by certificate  Mrs Sarah Philena FINDLY,  closed with prayer     signed    S. WILLSON

20th  Dismissed  William S WORTMAN                 S. WILLSON

29th Dismissed      Willson  CONNER


[95]              January 30th 1865

Dismissed Oliver BARNETT  and his wife  Elizabeth  signed  S. WILLSON

February 6th 1866  Isaac FEW died

April 22  Session met constituted by prayer  Admitted to the communion of this church by certificate  George CRAWFORD and his wife Isabella     Closed by prayer.                                    S. WILLSON


            Approved by Presbytery at Zanesville  April 25th 1866    H. M. Henry   Moderator


[96]                             May 18th 1866

Session met Constituted by prayer.   Members present  Rev S.WILLSON  Mod'r  Elders   Robert HUNTER, Jonas AMPSOKER, Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER, Thomas E CONNER.   John R. WATSON, Gillespie CULBERTSON, Simon ELLIOT, and John K HUSTON were admitted to the Lords supper by examination.

19th  Session met  Members present as on yesterday except Mr AMSPOKER.  Admitted to baptism and The Lords Supper by examination   Joseph E McKINNY.   Closed by prayer.                     S.WILLSON

20th  Baptized  Joseph Ezekiel McKINNY                                        signed  S. WILLSON

21st  Baptized  George Chalmers  son of John K and Hester A WATSON                               signed  S. WILLSON

August 18th 1866  Dismissed Isabella P AMSPOKER.                                  signed  S. WILLSON

September 30th  Session met Constituted by prayer  Members present   Rev S. WILLSON Mod'r  Elders  Jonas AMSPOKER, Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER, Thos CONNER.   Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination John REASONER.


August 3st  1866

Session met  Members present as on yesterday.  Session having heard that George CRAWFORD had unlawfully whiped William TIPTON a boy under the care of the Moderator  said  CRAWFORD by request appeared before session. 


}           blank space


September 1st  Session met  members present as on yesterday except Mr AMSPOKER who was absent.  Admitted to the Lords supper by certificate  John WORTMAN and his wife Isabella and by examination Sarah Margaret REASONER.

Baptized  Jesse Willson, Elisabeth, Samuel Henry, John, Joseph, and James  Children of John and Nancy VENDERVERT  also ---- Nancy J, Sarah G, and Catharine H  Children of John and Isabella WORTMAN.

Sept 2nd  Sacrament administered  Rev W.M. GRIMES   aided

Sept 3rd  Session met  all members present except Mr Hunter.  Closed by prayer  signed    S. WILLSON


            Approved as far as written   at Cambridge  April 24th 1867

                                                                                    Henry Fulton  Mod'r


May 17th 1867  Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S.WILLSON  Mod'r  Elders Jonas AMPSOKER,  Robert HUNTER, Isaac STORER, Thomas E CONNER, Peter REASONER.  Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination  NobleKELLY, Martha  FINDLY, Calvin C HERRIOTT, William P. GAULT

18TH  Session met.  Members present as on yesterday except Robert HUNTER who was absent.  Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination.  Martha GALLAUGHER.


20th  Baptized    Ines Belle and Laura Etta  children of Mathew and Sarah Philena FINDLY   signed  S. WILLSON

October 1st 1867   Session met constituted by prayer.  Members present  Rev S.WILLSON  Mod'r  Elders  Robt HUNTER, Jonas AMSPOKER, Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER, Tho E CONNER.  Admitted to communion by certificate Mrs Henrietta Kinkaid Mrs Clauida


October 11 1867

McDONALD and on examination Samuel PRINGLE

12th  Session met  Members present as on yesterday.   Admitted to communion by certificate Mrs Susan Pierce. closed by prayer                        signed                           S. WILLSON

13th  session met constituted by prayer  Members present  Rev S. WILLSON  Elder Peter REASONER.  Admitted to the Lords supper by examination John HALSTEAD.

14th Session  met  all members being present except Thomas E Conner --  Closed by prayer.    S. WILLSON

Arpil 19 1868  Baptized  Eliza May Daughter of Peter and Frances Jane SHAINHOLTZ. 

                                                                                                                        signed    S. WILLSON

April  22nd   Dismissed  Catharine  McCUTCHEONS

         22nd   dismissed  Jesse WORTMAN                                     signed    S. WILLSON

25th  Received by transfer from Norwich church   William C AMSPOKER       signed  S. WILLSON


April 27th 1868

Received by transfer from Norwich church  George KEYS and his wife Dareus Jane.  signe  S. WILLSON        

Pastoral relation between Rev S. WILLSON  and Pleasant Hill church dissolved on April 28th 1868 at Presbtery at Rushville


            Thus far examined & approved in Presbytery at West Rushville  Apr 29th /68

                                                                                    C.C.B. DUNCAN  Mod

June 7th  68       Jonas AMSPOKER clerk of session

Session met,  Members present  Rev FOULK moderator,  Robert HUNTER, Jonas AMSPOKER, Thomas CONER, S. STORER, Peter REASONER.  Admitted to the Lords Supper by examination Sely Ann Kelly.  Closed by prayer

September 20th 1868  Session met  Constituted by prayer  Members present  R HUNTER, Jonas AMSPOKER, Thomas CONER, Peter REASONER, I. STORER.  Rev John KELLY Moderator.  Admitted to the Lords supper  by certificate Mrs. James MILHOLLAND

Dismissed by certificate James and Nancy SPEER also Peter SHAINHOLT and wife and T CONNER


April the 8th 1869  Session met  Members present AMSPOKER, CONNER, REASONER, STORER.        Peter REASONER was appointed delegate to Presbytary at Zanesvill to met on the 13th inst.  Jonas Amspoker clerk of session

April the 9  dismissed John K WATSON and his wife                                   J. AMSPOKER


            examined and approved  by Prby at Zanesville  April 14 1869

                                                                                                unreadable  Mod.


William GALAGHER  Senr  departed this life  April the 17th 1869     Jonas AMSPOKER


Pleasant Hill June the 4th 1869  communion session  Rev Fields officiated.  Session met  Members of session  present HUNTER  CONNER


REASONER,  STORER and AMSPOKER and after being constituted,  the folowing persons was receved by certifycate Mrs Mary Ann PADEN and Mrs Louisa HOFFMAN and on examination Ada Eliza GAULT and dismissed George KEES and wife.                                    Jonas AMSPOKER   clerk

               departed this lifE, Margaret MARSHALL widow of Samuel MARSHALL deceased on the 6th of July 1869                                                                                           Jonas AMSPOKER

            Pleasant Hill November the 19 1869     Session met  Comunion season  moderated by Rev Henry PEARCE

constituted by prare   members present  AMSPOKER, CONNER , STORER.  Ajorned untill the 19 after cervice. REASONER now present    received on certifycate  Esra S LYLE and his wife Mary from the church of Beulah and dismissed Simon ELLIOTT and wife to Norwich also recevid George HERRIOTT and Martha HERRIOTT from the church of Norwich.  ajourned  closed with prare.                                    J  AMSPOKER


depart this life  Mrs DUNGAN  wife of  Levi  DUNGAN  January 22 1879                     J  AMSPOKER

Session of Pleasant Hill met and resolved that Jonas AMSPOKER be our delegate to presbtery to meet at New Ark

Ohio  April 19th 1870.                                                                             J  AMSPOKER


            Newark O  April 20 1870    Examined and approved      C.S.  MARTINDALE    Moderator


May the 2 1870  dismissed  Mrs Findley  wife of John Findley                                  Jonas AMSPOKER

June the 10th 1870 comunion season  Rev Wm FERUSON administered the Lord supper

the session met  member present  AMPSPOKER, CONER, REASONER, and STORER and constituted by prayer the folowing persons were receved on certifycate


Mr Robert CARIENS and wife and Charles CARIENS and Mary A CARIENS and W.E. CONNER by certifycate and on crtifycate Mr Charles P MORGAN and his wife and Jane McKINNY on examanation and to Baptism and Lords supper Jane NOBLE to the Lords supper and William REASONER to the Lords supper and his wife Elenor to Baptism and the Lords supper  session closed with prayer.                          Jonas AMSPOKER

Baptised  Allen son of John and Nancy VANDEVERT and also Lorena Aletta daughter of Charles P and Mary Ann MORGAN   dismissed Elizie BARBER by certifycate                                          Jonas AMSPOKER

Transcribed by Penny Pollock

© 1997 - 2006 Denny Shirer for Union Township, Muskingum County, OHGW