Records of the proceedings of the Session of Pleasant Hill from the time of the ordination and installation of the Rev S Willson over that charge Apr 5th 1832





July 1st 1832  Baptised


            Parents Presenting                     Infants


Robert  }  MARSHALL                              { Robert Willson

Polly     }                                               {


Robert  }  CONNOR                                 { Hannah Rebecca

Polly     }                                               {                


Jesse    }  WORTMAN                             { John

Betsy    }                                               {


Solomon } REASONER                            { Mehala

Nancy     }                                             { Harriett

                                                            { Sarah


August 25  Baptised



William  DUNNING                                   { Josephine


James   } POLLOCK                                 { William Willson

Eliza     }                                               {


Samuel   } MARSHALL                            { William

Margaret }                                             {


Joseph    }  CONNOR                              { Joseph Ash

Nancy     }                                             {


                                                     September 1st Baptized



            Adults                                                                                                   (p2)


Nancy    }

Mariah  }           SPEAR

Sally     }


Margaret   LONG


Jane   McNEEL


The above Adults were admitted to baptism by the session regularly met in Pleasant Hill meeting hous August 30th according to previous appointment by the moderator

Present Rev S WILLSON  Mod’r


                                                          Abraham POLLOCK}   Elders


       Samuel MARSHALL  }          


The following were admitted to the communion of the Supper

                         on examination:

Sarah SPEAR                                         Mary G WILLSON

Nancy SPEAR                                         John S WILSON

Elizabeth LONG                                       Malcum McNEAL

Margaret LONG                                      Prestly HASTINGS

Sarah BELL                                            Margaret McNEAL

Joseph REASONER                                  Jane NcNEAL

Prudence McGEE                                    Hannah SHAW   and

Benj REASONER                         James McFERREN


(p3)                 on certificate

James McGEE,    Robert McGEE  and Elizabeth McGEE



Baptised 1st September


                        Parents Presenting                     Infants


Thomas McHee (McGEE?) }                                 { Nancy

Nancy                               }                                {


John S WILLSON            }                                               { Eliza Linn

 and Mary G       }                                               {


John HUNTER     }                                               { Jno Thompson

Mary                 }                                               { James Moses


The communion administered Sept 2nd


March 1833

Removed by dismission:

                        Rebecca GEER

                        Benjamin GEER

                        Nancy GEER

May 14

            John      }

            George  }

            Margaret }      Walter

            Hannah }           and

       Maryann R  }        Elizabeth RODNEY

               And    }

       Catharine   }


27 June 1833  Dismissed by certificate                                                                              (p4)

William DUNNING and wife

12th September 1833                  Session met at Pleasant Hill meeting house at the call of the moderator   constituted by prayer  present Rev S WILLSON  Moderator

                                                                        John REASONER}

                                                                        Robert McGEE    }

                                                                    Abraham POLLOCK}   Elders

                                                                    Samuel MARSHALL}

Admitted to communion

                        Nicholas REASONER        }

                        Sarah EWING                 }  on examination 


        George HERRIOTT}

                     And          }    by certificate

         Mary Ann his wife}                       


14th   Admitted to communion                 

            Jesse LONG        }

            Nancy McGEE     }           on examination

            Mary SMOCK      }       


Baptised            children

                        Sarah Jane        }           { James }

                             And              }           {   and  }  McFERREN 

                          George            }           {  Jane   }


                                                                Samuel         } 

(p5)                 John Alvin          } son of }    and }  CONNER

                                                               Catharine       }                                  


                                                            }  Samuel}       

                        Sarah    }  daughter of    }     and  }   MARSHALL             



                                    }                       }  James    }     

            Eleanor McKinny} daughter of      }    and      }  PARKHILL

                                    }                       }Elizabeth  }


                                                            }  Thomas    }

                        Jane      } daughter of    }     and       }  McKEE

                                                            }   Nancy      }

15 Sacrament Administered  Rev J CULBERTSON assisted 


16th Dismissed by certificate  Esther AITKIN


December 10 1833   Dismissed by certificate

                        Benjamin REASONER

Zanesville  Apl 2nd 1834

Thus far examined & approved by Presby

                        Samuel W BOSE  Mdr

27th April 1834

            Baptized   Isaac STORY   adult

            And Samuel Thomas son of the above

            And Polly his wife          

26 June 1834  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the                                            (p6)

Meeting house at the call of the moderator constitute by prayer

                        Rev S WILLSON Moderator

                        Abraham POLLOCK         }

                        John REASONER }    Elders

                        Samuel MARSHALL         }

                        Robert McGEE                }


Admitted to baptism and the Lords Supper on examination

Rebecca REASONER   Samuel SCOTT and Susan his wife    Abraham VANDYKE   and Sarah McNEAL ---  And the following baptized persons to the Lords Supper


Isaac STORY and his wife Polly

            The following were admitted on Certificate

David HAYS

Edith HAYS

Elizabeth HAYS

Thomas McGEE

Charity McGEE

Martha McGEE

and Margery McNEAL                                                      signed  S. WILLSON


(p7)  26 June 1834 Baptized

                                                }  Joseph           }

            Isaac Harvey      { son of }     nd              } CONNOR

                                                    Nancy            }

                                                            }  James   }

            Mary Jane          {daughter of      }    and     }  POLLOCK

                                                            }  Nancy   }


                                             }  John     }          

            Esther   } daughter of }    and    }   POLLOCK


                                                                        Signed S. Willson            

28 June Session met at the call of the moderator

            Present  Rev S Willson  mod

                                 Samuel MARSHAL {

                                    John REASONER{   Elders                                   

                                    Robt McGEE       {

                                Abraham POLLOCK{

Admitted to baptism and the Lords supper

                                    Mary STORY

            Concluded with prayer         S WILLSON

Baptised by Rev Wm WALLACE

            Joseph  son of  Rev Samuel         }

                                            And           }  WILLSON

                                           Hetty          }                                                                                  


                                      } Robt  }                                                  (p8)                                                                              

            Samuel  { son of }  and   } MARSHALL    

                                      } Mary  }        


                                                }  James }

            Elizabeth {daughter of    }    and   } McGEE

                                                }  Nancy }         


                                                }  Robt      }

            Maryann  {daughter of   }    and     }  McGEE

                                                }Elizabeth  }


                                    {John    }          

            Robert  son of    { and    } HUNTER

                                    { Mary   }


            John                  }                       {

            Sarah Eliza        }                       {

            Mahla                } children of       { Mary SMOCH (?)

            Mary Ellen         }                       {


                          }                     { Abraham }

            Elizabeth } daugher of    {     and     }  MILLER

                          }                     (   Rachel   }     


29     Admitted to communion on certificate

                        Ann McELLROY

            Sacrament administered  Wm WALLACE  assisted


30     Reading HINLINE appeared before session to answer to a charge of fornication taken up against him on common fame  ---  confessed his fault and professed his repentance where upon it was resolved unamimously that he be and hereby is restored to the communion of the church and

that this be published from the pulpit after services this evening.

The publication was made accordingly      signed  S. WILLSON


(p9)  27 June  An exact enumeration of the communicants of Pleasant Hill congregation was then made and they are now put down at 102.      S. WILLSON


August 10th Baptized Jane daughter of Thomas and Sarah SPEAR -- presented by her mother alone

Aug. 29th  Dismissed by certificate   Eliza McCANE

        30              Maryann HUGHES  and  Reading  HINLINE

August 31   Baptized  George  son of  Reading and Susannah HINLINE


Solomon Reasoner   son of  John and Rebecca MARSHALL


28th September  28th  dismissed by certificate

            Jane DAVIS and Elizabeth DAVIS


Ocotber 5th  Baptized      Alesander   }  children of

                                    John          }  Samuel and

                                    Elizabeth    }  Susanna

                                         and       }   SCOTT                           


October 6 1834   Received into membership from Norwich congregation                            (p10)

            David COWDEN

            Sarah COWDEN

            Nancy Ann FERGUSON

            Mary McKINNEY

            Nancy GALLAUGHER

Nov 8  Dismissed by certificate  Thomas McKEE and Nancy his wife


January 18th 1835   received on certificate

            John McGEE

            Baptized  Hannah daughter of the above named John McGEE

                                                                        S. WILLSON


8 Mar 1835 dismissed  the above John McGEE on certificate


9th Apr 1835  Baptized  Rachel daughter of James and Sarah BELL  also

                        John son of John and Margery McNEAL

20 April   Dismissed on certificate Joseph, Rebecca and John REASONER

                                                                        S. WILLSON


(p11)  18th June 1835  Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the Moderator  Constituted by prayer.  Present  Rev  S Willson   moderator

                                                { John REASONER

                        Elders               {Robert McGEE

                                                { Abraham POLLOCK

                                                { Samuel MARSHALL     

            Admitted to the Lords supper by examination

                                    Richard STORER


The following were admitted to communion by certificate

            Catharine QUICK            James NOBLE

            Mary BAILY                    Jane NOBLE

            Eliza BAILEY                   Robert BAILY

            John BRIMNER

    And   Prudence BRIMNER


20 June 1835 Admitted to communion on certificate William CAMPBELL and Nancy his wife      (p12)


            Baptized  Rachel Ann dauaghter of Nancy and William GALLAUGHER -- Robert  son of James and Nancy McGEE --- Elizabeth Ann Rebecca daughter of Andrew and Nancy Ann FERGUSON and Rachel daughter of John and Margaret POLLOCK

            Also Richard STORER  an adult


August 30  Baptized   James son of Samuel and Margaret MARSHALL also Samuel Martin son of John and Prudence BRIMNER                                     S. WILLSON


September 1  Dismissed by certificate  John HUNTER and Mary his wife

                                                                        S. WILLSON


June 5th 1836  Baptized  James Henry  son of George and Maryann HERRIOTT


June 30 1836                 Session of Pleasant Hill met at the call of the moderator constituted with prayer.  Present  Rev S. WILLSON  mod.  John REASONER  Robt McGEE  Abraham POLLOCK  Samuel MARSHALL       Elders 


(p13)  Admitted to the Lords Supper the following  Baptized persons on examination

                        Eliza BURT

                        Margaret McNEAL

                        Sarah McNEAL

                        Margery McNEAL

And to Baptism and the Supper  Hugh McNEAL

The following were admitted on Certificate

                        Thomas CONNER and Sarah his wife

                        And Sarah [in blotch]aughey

Adjourned to meet 2nd July at 10 of the clock

Baptized  Richard Alexander  son of Polly and Isaac STORY- 

            John McKinney son of William and Nancy GALLAUGHER-  

            Joseph son of Joseph and Eliza MILLER- 

            Elizabeth daughter of James and Eliza POLLOCK- 

            Harriet Few daughter of Joseph and Esther SELLERS-  

            Robert son of John and Margery McNEAL- 

            Nancy Ross daughter of Samuel and Susan SCOTT- 

            Noah son of Abraham and Rachel MILLER-

            Also Edward, Hannah, Susan, Richard, Robert Mary, Amy and Elizabeth Jane, children of      Richard and Mary STORY                                                signed   S. WILLSON


June 30th 1836  Baptized --------  son of Thomas and Catharine CONNOR                  (p14)


July 2 1836  Session of Pleasant  Hill met in the meeting house according to adjournment  Constituted with prayer  member present  S. WILLSON   mod.

                        Robert McGEE                }

                        Abraham POLLOCK         }  Elders

                        Samuel MARSHALL         }

                        John REASONER }          

The following charge was presented to the session

“ To the Pastor and Session of Pleasant Hill church.  I do hereby charge Mrs PARKHILL  with circulating a falshood and slander against me in saying that I have charged her with 10 yds of bed ticking at 31 cts per yd and also 5 yds of muslin at 25 cts per yd which she says she never got  There is no bed-ticking charged her at 25cts per yd which I can prove by Alexander McKINNY and James BELL -- given under my hand this 2nd day of July 1836     William GALLAUGHER

Mrs PARKHILL came forward and after hearing the charges read agreed to waive her right       

(p15) of ten days for preparation and declared herself willing to enter into trial --- when asked if she pleaded guilty or not guilty she answered that she had told the things specified in the charge and that they were true.  

            James BELL  Witness for the prosecutor being sworn stated in substance that he had been called by the prosecutor to inspect his books and that in his inspection of them he had not found the alleged items of 10 yds bed ticking nor 6 yds muslin at 25 per yd.

Quest by Prosecutor, Did you see ten yds of bed-ticking charged to PARKHILL at 31 ¼  cts per yd.  Ans. No.

Quest by same.  Did you see 6 yds of muslin at 25cts per yd.  Ans no ---- quest by accused.  Did you see anything charged on the third line below 1 ¾ yds bed ticking at 31 ¼ cts per yd.  Ans  no -----

            The evidence being closed and the parties heard they were requested to withdraw. --- The case was then taken into consideration by session and after some deliberation it was unanimously resolved  1st that the charges were sustained and 2nd  that session are of opinion Mrs PARKHILL was betrayed into this guilt partly through mistake and therefore resolved that she be only admonished by the moderator and that she exercise more circumspection in her conversation in the future.

                                                                                    Signed   S. WILLSON


Admitted to communion by examination                                                                               (p16)

Betsy BOYD



And by certificate                                   Robert MARSHALL

                                                               James REED

                                                                ------  REED  

                                                               Sarah McGEE 

      Nathaniel McCAUGHEY against whom a charge of drunkenness had been taken up by the session on common fame came forward and professed his sorrow.  Where upon it was unanimously resolved that he be and hereby is restored to the communion of the church -- and that the case be published to the church on Monday next.   Note the publication was made.

                                                                        Singed    S. WILLSON


September 27th 1836  Baptized    Joseph and children of James and Eliza McCUNE                                       

Transcribed by Penny Pollock

© 1997 - 2006 Denny Shirer for Union Township, Muskingum County, OHGW