

Of the proceeding of the




Of the congregation of


Pleasant Hill


[Records during Rev. James Arbuthnot’s ministry

June 8th , 1827 to October 1830]

[Spelling has been retained as on original and punctuation changed

only to comply with modern standards]



[Page 1]   Pleasant Hill                                                  June 8th 1827


The session of Pleasant Hill congregation met

Present             Rev. James ARBUTHNOT,  moderator


                        William HUNTER }

                        John REASNER               }

                        Enoch RUSH                   }    Ruling Elders

                        Dan’l HAMMOND }

                        Solomon ADAMS            }


Constituted with prayers


The following persons were admitted to the special ordinances of the church on examination


                                    Mary WALTERS

                                    Elizabeth REASNER

                                    Robert STUART

                                    Isabella STUART

                                    Elizabeth HUNTER

                                    Esther HUNTER

[p2]  And on certificate

                                    James ARBUTHNOT junior

                                    Susanna ARBUTHNOT


            Conculuded with prayer


____________________         ___________          _____________________         


June the 11th                              Baptized


Margaret MARSHALL, daughter of Robert and Mary

Samuel WYCOFF son of John and Susannah

Margaret M PEERCE  daughter of Joseph and ----

Ruben W CONNER  son of Joseph and Nancy

Benjamin W AKINS  son of George and ----

William HUNTER son of William and Isabella

Hannah C WORTMAN  daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth

Robert McDONALD  son of William and Elizabeth

Abraham McDONALD  son of  Do    and     Do

John STUART  son of Robert and Izabella

George M MILLER son of Robert and Margaret

Elizabeth PARKHILL  daughter of James and Elizabeth


[p3]                  Pleasant Hill  November 1st 1827

       The session of Pleasant Hill congregation met,  present

Rev. James ARBUTHNOT,  moderator

Nov 1


                        William HUNTER }

                        John REASNER               }

                        Enoch RUSH                   }    Elders

                        Daniel HAMMOND           }

                        Solomon ADAMS            }


Constituted with prayers


   The following persons were admitted to the special ordinances of the church, on examination

                                    Thomas E CONNER

                                    Mrs           ARBUCKLE

                                    James POLLOCK

                                    Elizabeth POLLOCK


                                    Elizabeth HARDY

            And on certificate

                                    John McCURDY

                                    Mary McCURDEY

                                    Mary CHEDISTER

                                    Mrs         HENRY

       Concluded with prayer


                                    August 12 1827

Removed                       Margaret LONG by death

                                    Sept 24  1827

                                    Catharine MARSHALL  by death

                                    Jan 6 1828

                                    Nancy STORY   by death

                                    October 15 1827

                                    Solomon ADAMS  by dismission

                                        Same day

                                    Rebecca ADAMS   by     do         


[p5]  Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery ---   J. H. PAV???

            March 25th 1827


                        Pleasant Hill   May 8th 1828


The session of Pleasant Hill congregation met,  present


                        James ARBUTHNOT,  moderator


                        Wm HUNTER                  }

                        John REASNER               }

                        Daniel HAMMOND           }    Elders

                        Enoch RUSH                   }


Constituted with prayer

The following person were admitted to the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper --- Jane WILSON,



no page 6 & 7 on film


Catherine HAMMOND, Daniel HAMMOND junior, Jane SHAW, Sarah SHAW, Mrs Eliz’th WYCOFF

Mrs Jane REASNER  on examintation

And Rachel LEANARD and Rosanna BROWN on certificate.

                                                                        Concluded with prayer

                                                                        James ARBUTHNOT  mod.


                                    Baptized            May 12, 1828


Joseph McKINNEY,  son of Joseph and Sarah

Margaret POLLOCK, daughter of Abraham and Jane

David SELLERS, son of Joseph and Esther

Margaret A SEATON, daughter of Robert and Nancy

Elizabeth L YOUNG, daughter of John and

Isaiah McDONALD, son of William and Elizabeth

Mary A WORTMAN, daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth


[p9]   Pleasant Hill                     September 17, 1828

            The session of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to previous appointment

                        Present             James ARBUTHNOT   Mod’r

                                                John REASNER               }

                                                Enoch RUSH                   }

                                                Daniel HAMMOND           } Elders

                                                William HUNTER }

            Constituted with prayer

The following persons were admitted to the ordinance of the Lords Supper --- Lewis McLAUGHLIN, John WALTERS, Martha McDONALD, Jane McDONALD,  Mrs ------ LONG, Rebecca GEAR, Benjamin GEAR, Robert DEAN on examination.  Mrs Mary LORIMER was also on examination admitted to the ordinances of Baptism and the Lords Supper.

                                                                        Concluded with prayer    J ARBUTHNOT  mod.


            Baptized    One adult, Mrs Mary LORIMER  and one infant,  Thomas CONNER, son of Joseph and Nancy


            Removed---        June 9th 1828    Margaret SONEFRANK     by dismission

                                    July 23rd  1828   William McDONALD            by death

                                    March 30 1829   John WALTERS senior       by death


            Thus far examined & approved Zanesville  April 8th 1829      John HUNT  mod.


[p11]                           Pleasant Hill     May 19th 1829

            The session of Pleasant Hill congregation met agreeable to previous appointment.

                        Present:            Rev. James ARBUTHNOT,  Mod  and William HUNTER,  John REASNER, Daniel HAMMOND, Enoch RUSH,  elders

                                                Constituted with prayer

Abraham MILLER, an adult person, was admitted to the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper  and Mary REASNER, to the Lord's Supper, on examination.  Concluded with prayer

                                                                        James ARBUTHNOT,  Mod 

            Baptised,  Abraham MILLER an adult


[p12]                           Pleasant Hill       Oct 7th 1829

            The session of P. Hill congregation met agreeably to previous appointment:

                        Present:            Rev. James ARBUTHNOT,  Mod  and William HUNTER,  John REASNER, Daniel HAMMOND, Enoch RUSH,  elders

                                                Constituted with prayer

Ann RUSH, Catharine REASNER, and Jane CONNER, were, on examination, admitted to full communion in the church.

                                                                        Concluded with prayer

                                                                        James ARBUTHNOT,  Mod 


            Baptized,    Oct 12th  1829,   William McLAUGHLIN, son of James and Margaret;  Rachel M. SEATON, daughter of Robert and Nancy;  Mary MILLER, daughter of Abraham and Rachel;  Sarah MILLER,


daughter of Abraham and Rachel;  Luisa MILLER, daughter of Abraham and Rachel;  John R MILLER, son of Abraham and Rachel;  Henry MILLER, son of Abraham and Rachel;  Calvin L MILLER, son of Abraham and Rachel;  and on the 2d of March 1830, Abraham S POLLOCK, son of James and Eliza; Samuel  POLLOCK, son of James and Eliza; and David POLLOCK, son of James and Eliza.

            Dismissed --- Oct 10th 1829,   Mary LORIMER;  Jan 6 1830,  James ARBUTHNOT senr and Susanna, his wife;  Feb 15th  Mary FOUGAL;  and March 1st Rosannah BROWN 




                                    Session             March 6th 1830

The session of Pleasant Hill congregation met at the call of the moderator, in the house of William HUNTER, for the purpose of investigating the case of Enoch RUSH, elder

Members present ----   Rev James ARBUTNOT, William HUNTER, and John REASONER, elders.

                                                                        Constituted with prayer.


It was agreed to take up on the ground of common fame, the following charge against Enoch RUSH, a ruling elder of Pleasant Hill congregation viz.

            Unchristian conduct in the treatment of Ann, his wife

Specification 1st  In permitting his son Joseph, a minor, (her stepson) to use highly insulting and abusive language to said Ann, on the 22 day of January


 A.D. 1830, in the house of said Enoch;  he being present, and not using the authority which pertains to him over a minor son, and in his house, to prevent the same.

Specification 2nd  In refusing said Ann permission to live in his house, except on the following terms, viz. in substance; 1st that she should exercise no authority over his houshold nor in the management of its affairs; for that he would commit to his daughters; (her step daughters); and 2nd that he was not to live with her as his wife, nor to treat her as such.

Specification 3rd  In living in a state of seperation from Ann, his wife.

                                    Witnesses --- Rachel RUSH and Susanna RUSH


It was also agreed to take up, on the ground of common fame, the following charge against Ann RUSH, wife of Enoch, viz.  Withdrawing from the bed and board of Enoch her husband, and living in a state of seperation from him.

Adjourned to meet in Norwich, at the house of William HUNTER, on Wednesday the 10 inst. At one o’clock.

                                                            Concluded with prayer


                        Norwich, March 10th 1830

The session of Pleasant Hill congregation met agreeably to adjournment.

Members present ----   Rev James ARBUTNOT, William HUNTER, Daniel      HAMMOND, and John REASONER, elders.                                                              Constituted with prayer.

[p17]   The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Enoch RUSH appeared; and having waived his constitutional right of a citation ten days previous to trial, session, with his consent, proceded to the investigation of his case.

Mr RUSH then asked and obtained the liberty of making some statements in relation to his conduct as referred to in the above charge and proceding as follows ---- he said;

            That on the evening of the 22nd  January 1830, his two youngest sons were called to supper, and, one of them replying that they had already eaten, Joseph RUSH, (the Joseph referred to in the above charge,) used this language: Where did you eat?  Have you been eating the nibblings of her brats? (ie Ann RUSH’s brats)

[p18] That Joseph said, her (Mrs. RUSH’s) children were fed on sugar and apples, while his brothers had to put up with their nibbling;  That she (Mrs. RUSH) was so lazy that he had not gat a meal in good time since she came there, and when he did get it, it was not fit to eat;  That he would not have his brothers used in such a way as she used them.  Joseph got in a passion, said she had no business there, and wished he had not let her come, then: said she did not supply his lame sister with drink; That if his sister was capable of being moved, he would take her where she would be bet-  used,  Said that she (Mrs RUSH) was always grunting and pretending to be sick. 

[p19]  That she was dirty; no turnpike’rs wife was dirtier; and that she was a damned bitch.

Mr RUSH said that two or three times he told his son Joseph to hush.  That he thought it imprudent to say more to Joseph at the time, owing to the high excitement of his passion; but about an hour after, he talked to him more freely.

In relation to the 2nd specification, in the charge, Mr RUSH this stated:  That on the morning of the 23 January 1830, Ann, his wife, left his house, and returned again on the 27th of the same month:  That he asked her if she had come back with the design of staying and she replied that she had come back with that design, if they could live agreeably.

[p20]    She said, further, that she had settled with John WYCOFF; (the administrator on her late husband’s estate); and that what was coming to herself and children (of said estate) could come into the hands of Mr RUSH, to help him afit of his present difficulties, if they could live peaceably.  That Mr RUSH replied to her that she had left him without any provocation from him.  That she might stay in the family, and should be well treated; but he “would never live with her as man and wife” -- and that his daughtes should have the authority and management of the house.  That Mrs RUSH replied to this  “ If we do not live together as man and wife, we will not live together at all.”  That she then left him, and that they have lived in a state

[p21]  of seperation ever since.

Here Mrs RUSH remarked, that on the evening of the 22 January, Joseph RUSH wished her children were in Hell.   This remark Mr RUSH admitted as true.

Mr RUSH having closed his statements, Session considered it unnecessary to call any wittnesses in relation to the charge under consideration

Mr RUSH asked, and obtained, liberty of introducing witnesses, to show good reason why he had refused Ann, his wife, permission to live in his house except on the terms specified in the charge against him, and also to show the reasons why Joseph, his son, had used the language referred to in said charge.  Accordingly, Mr RUSH introduced Andrew CALDWELL, his son-in-law; and Rachel RUSH, his daughter; who being sworn ----

[p22]    Mr CALDWELL proceded to state; ---  That on the evening of the 22nd January 1830, he was in the house of Enoch RUSH; that Enoch’s little son, Enoch, also by name, was eating at the table;  that Irad, another little son of Mr RUSH’s was called, and came, but there was no food on the table, except what was on little Enoch’s plate, that little Enoch divided his meat with Irad and called for more;  That Mrs RUSH, thinking it was milk he wanted, said he could get no milk; That little Enoch said, it was meat he wants;  and that Mrs RUSH said, he was poorly for meat, but gave him none.

Question by Enoch RUSH --  Did you think there was enough victuals on the table for one boy, instead of two?

[p23] Ans.  I did not think there was more than enough meat, for one boy; and all the bread which I saw a piece of loaf crust, and two or three pieces of biscuit, which appeared dry.

Question by session ----  What time in the evening did you see the boy eating?

Ans.  Within half an hour of sunset.

Ques 2nd by session ---  Was it a piece which that the boys were eating, after their return from school, or was it their supper?

Ans.  She [Mrs RUSH] called it supper.


            Rachel RUSH, daughter of Enoch, was called in and questioned.

Question 1st by Enoch RUSH --- Do you think that my little boys were put off with victuals, by my wife Ann, which were not sufficient nor suitable?

[p24]  Ans.    After I recovered from my sickness so as to be able to walk, I went to the kitchen to get a piece.  I found in the server nothing but what appeared to be the crums which had been gathered off the table.  My step-mother said to me;  “That is some bread which I have for the boys’ supper”.  She the cut a piece off the loaf and gave it to me.

Ques 2nd  by Enoch RUSH ----  Did she make a difference between her children and mine, in their treatment?

Ans   Her children some times eat supper at the table with rest of the family, when your boys waited.

Ques 3rd  by Enoch RUSH  ---  Do you know whether pies and preserves, brought by the neighbors for the sick in my family were carried by my wife into the kitchen and not

[p25]  brought back.

Ans.  I know they were; but do not know what was done with them then.

Ques 4th by Enoch RUSH ---  After my wife had left the house, and you were able to go about did you see any waste of bread or meat?

Ans.  I saw no waste of bread, but meat had been thrown in the soap fat.

Ques by Session -- What kind of meat was thrown in the soap fat?

Ans.  Pieces of prk, some of which I supposed would weigh a pound.

Ques by Enoch RUSH --- In what condition did you find the house when you got able to go about?

Ans.  It was in confusion and dirty; and the cloaths were dirty.

Ques by Session --- Did your step-mother

[p26] complain of being sick for some time previous to her leaving the house?

Ans.   She was complaining for about three weeks.

Ques by Session --- Did she keep her bed much of the time?   Ans.  The greater part of the time.

Ques by Session --- How long was she going about previous to her leaving the house?

Ans.  I think nearly two weeks.



Question by Session to Enoch RUSH --- Did you indeavor to induce your wife to treat your children than you supposed she was treating them?  Ans.  I felt a delicacy in letting her know that I harbored an ill opinion of her; but I sometimes told her that I wanted her to treat my youngest children and hers alike.


            Ann RUSH, wife of Enoch, asked liberty

[p27] to make some statements relitive to the charge exhibited against her; and to have some witnesses examined; which was granted.  She then stated ---   That she had left the house of Enoch RUSH, her husband, on the 27th of January last, and has been in a state of seperation from him ever since.  That the statements of Enoch RUSH, in relation to the charge against himself, embraced the principle cause of her quiting his house.  She said further,  That she had employed a Mrs LOYD to knit a pair of stockings for Enoch RUSH; that for this work she paid four pounds and a quarter of pork;  That said Enoch charged her with stealing this pork, and that things of a similar nature had occurred.

     Question by session ---  Have you any expectation that you and Enoch RUSH will ever come together again:

[p28]   Ans.  I do not know; but I am willing to live with him if he will treat me as a wife, and let my children live with us.  I know it is my duty to live with Enoch RUSH, if he will let me live with him as I know we ought to live.

Mrs RUSH called on John McCURDY as a witness,  who being sworn, thus saith ----

That he had frequently called in the house of Enoch RUSH during the sickness of some of the members of said RUSH’s family;  That witness knowing RUSH had lately married, took particular notice to the manner in wchich Ann, his wife treated her sick step-children; and thought her very kind and attentive to them.  Witness saith further that RUSH told him that Ann, his wife was a good conditioned woman; and that one of RUSH’s daughter told him she and her sister could live

[p29] very well with their step-mother.  Witness saith further;  that he has no hesitation in saying that Ann RUSH was realy ill, and in a very delicate state of health, for some weeks previous to her leaving the house of Enoch her husband.



         William HUNTER, elder, being called as a witness and sworn, thus saith ---  That being in conversation with Enoch RUSH, respecting the family of the latter, some of whom were then sick;  RUSH spoke in commendation of his wife Ann, representing her as careful, kind and tender to her step-children, then sick.

Question by session --- How long did this converation take place before the seperation of RUSH and his wife:

Ans.  I think not more than two months.



[p30]    The testimony being closed, Session proceded to decide in the case of Enoch RUSH and the charge exhibited against him being read and compared with his own statements.

The following questions were put ---

1st  Is the first specification, in the charge against Enoch RUSH, established by his own statements?

            Decided unanimously in the affirmative.

2nd   Is the second specification in the charge against Enoch RUSH established by his own statements?:

            Decided unanimously in the affirmative.

3rd     Is the third specification in the charge against Enoch RUSH established by his own statements?:

            Decided unanimously in the affirmative.

This charge being this established, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously

[p31]  adopted viz.

            Whereas Enoch RUSH, a ruling elder, in the Presbyterian congregation of Pleasant Hill, has been by his own statements, convicted of the conduct specified in the above *charge, Therefore

            Resolved 1st  That the said Enoch RUSH be, and he hereby is, deposed from the office of ruling elder;  And

                        2nd  That he be, and he hereby is, suspended from the sacraments. Until he shall have given satisfactory evidence of his repentance.


            Decission of Ann RUSH’s Case.

As to the case of Ann RUSH, wife of Enoch RUSH, Session are of opinion

1st  That the facts specified in the charge against her are established by her own statement; -- *See above, pages 14 and 15

[p32]  But ---

2nd   On a review of the testimony, and the statements of Enoch RUSH himself, they are of opinion, that the only terms, on which said Enoch left it in her power to remain with him, were inconsistent with the marriage relation, and such as she was not bound, by any law, human or devine, to comply with; and 

3  That, therefore, she is to be considered as retaining her standing and privileges in the church.

The moderator was directed to publish the results of these processes in the churches of Pleasant Hill and Norwich.

                                                            Concluded with prayer

                                                            James ARBUTHNOT   Modr


 Records approved up to April 7th 1830      Jacob LITTLE  Moderator



                        Pleasant Hill    October  16th  1830

The session of P. Hill congregation met agreeably to previous appointment, and was constituted with prayer.

                        Present  Rev James ARBUTHNOT,  Mod

            And       Daniel HAMMOND           }

                        John REASNER   and       }    Elders

                        Samuel MARSHALL         }          

The following names persons wer on examination received viz  John MARSHALL, Elizabeth REASNER, and Hannah WALTERS, to the ordinances of Baptism & the Lord’s Supper; and Rhoda REASNER, Hannah HUNTER, and Sarah BRADBURY, to the Lord’s supper ----  William DUNNING and          his wife were admitted on certificate.


Baptized ---        John MARSHALL,  an adult

                        Elizabeth REASNER,  an adult 

                        Margaret Lorinda HUNTER, infant daughter of Robert & Hannah,

                        Samuel Paxton WORTMAN, son of Jesse and Elizabeth

                        Washington Fry REASNER, son of Peter & Rhoda


Died May 1830               Mary CHIDISTER

-----  Oct 15th  1830        William HUNTER,  Elder

Dismissed -- Oct 12th 1830  Joseph WILSON and Elizabeth, his wife


                                                                                    James ARBUTHNOT

Transcribed by Penny Pollock

© 1997 - 2006 Denny Shirer for Union Township, Muskingum County, OHGW