New Concord, Ohio. Pleasant Hill Presbeterian Church  Session Records, 1818 -1835

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October 1818

            Pleasant Hill  Congregation was organized:  Daniel HAMMOND, Solomon ADAMS, and John RESONER being ordained elders & installed.

            March 1819.  John CONNER, Benjamin RESONER, John SHAW & Enoch RUSH were ordained elders & installed.  Nothing was known which called for the interference of Session only to admit to the fellowship of the church and to minister to the comfort of the flock although accessions were numerous as our reports have shown until Jany 13th, 1820 at which time Session met at the dwelling of the Moderator constitued by prayer(#) Members present Rev Samuel BALDRIDGE Mod'r, and the above named elders except John SHAW who had died a few day previous, and Benjamin RESONER.  Jospeh McKINNEY, Amy HOWE, & Nancy STORY appeared before Session and acknowledged that they had each been present at a scene of reveling and taken part  (#It has always been our rule to institute and adjourn by prayer when met for any business and circumstances would admit thereof.)


therein, and having given satisfactory evidence of their repentance and determination thr'o grace to avoid similar errors in future were released from all further censure in sd case.

            Adj'd                 Concluded by prayer.

                                                                        S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r


Nov 29th 1820

            Session of Pleasant hill Congregation met at the Dwelling of Robert REINEY.  Constituted by prayer.  Members all

                                                                                                on examination 

present.  Robert M REINEY and Ruth M REINEY his sister were admitted /\  and sermon being over were baptized together with Matilda, Jane and Isaac children of Robert REINEY.

            It being reported that Levi CULVER (?) a member in the communion of the church was guilty of violent anger and an attempt to fight and that John RESONER jun a baptized member had had a fight, and Peter RESONER son of Henry had been guilty of profane swearing and ?Lancing & Thomas McKINNEY & John WALTERS


baptized members had taken part with revelers therefore  Members of session were appointed to visit and converse with each of them on s'd subjects and report to Session at their next meeting.

            Adj'd to meet at the house of Solomon RESONER  on the 16th of December next at 2 oclock PM  Concluded by prayer.                                                                                                S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r


            December 16th 1820:

Session met according to adjournment.  Constituted by prayer.  present Rev. S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r, John CONNER, Benjamin RESONER, E RUSH & S ADAMS elders.  Absent D HAMMOND & John RESONER.

The minutes of the last were read     John CONNER reported Had conversed with Levi CULVER and that he confessed the crimes laid to his charge and gave such evidence


of repentance & as Session agreed to sustain as satisfactory and ordered that this minute be read in presence of the congregation.   E RUSH reported that he had attended to the order of Session but failed of accomplishing the design thereof.  Wherefor he was ordered to renew the attempt and report to session at their next meeting.

            S ADAMS reported that he had attended to the order of the last and that John RESONER acknowledged the crime of which he was charged and declared his abhorence of such conduct and a solemn determination to avoid every thing of the kind in future.  And as it was known that he had been frequently threatened with abuse on that day; and that he was followed and crowded into the battle on his way home after using all reasonable endeavours to avoid it; and as he has sustained the chararcter of a peacable person in time past; therefore Session resolved to lay no further censure


upon him and ordered that this minute be read in presence of the congregation.

Whereas John WALLS who had been admitted on certificate when this congregation was organized and had ever since refused to wait upon God in the ordinances of his house; and further it being reported that he is profane and immoral in his deportment.  Therefore Session resolved to cite him to appear before them at their next meeting and answer to charges of immoral conduct.  And B RESONER was appointed to serve him with the citation.  Adj'd to meet at this place on the 29th inst.

                                                Concluded with prayer.

            December 29th  1820

Session met at the house of Solomon RESONER.  Constituted with prayer. present  S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r, Daniel HAMMOND, E RUSH, & Sol ADAMS. Absent J CONNER 


Benjamin RESONER & John RESONER.

The minutes of the last were read.

E RUSH reported that he had complied with the order of the last, and Thomas McKINNEY appeared obstinate and called in question the authority of the Session in his case and "that John WALTERS had been absent for weeks.

            John CONNER appeared and assigned reasons for absence at the commencement of the Session which were sustained.                                                                                                                                    and J REASONER from

            D HAMMOND & John RESONER appeared and assigned reason for absence from the last and /\ the commencement of the present.  Wherefore Session agreed to excuse them.

            Benjamin REASONER appeared and assigned satisfactory reasons for his absence until the present and having reported that he had attended to the order of the last, he obtained leave of absence from the Session.

            John REASONER reported that he had conversed with Peter RESONER but as the evidence of his       humility was ambiguous  D HAMMOND  was ap


pointed to converse with him and report to Session at their next meeting.

    Session resolved to cite Thomas McKINNEY & John WALLS to appear befoe them on the 18th of Jany next and answer to charges of immoral conduct, and appointed members to serve the citations.

    Adj'd to meet at pleasant hill Meeting hous on the 18th of Jany next at 11 oclock AM.

                                                                        Concluded by prayer

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r


January 18th  1821

Session met according to adjournment. Constituted by prayer.  Members all present.  The minutes of the last were read.

            Daniel HAMMOND reported that he had fulfilled the order of Session respecting Peter RESONER and that he had confessed the crimes alledged against him and made such professions of sorrow and of a determin to be careful to avoid immorality in fu-


ture as Session on hearing agreed to sustain and ordered that this minute be read in presence of the congregation.

           John WALLS appeared and acknowledged his having refused to attend on the administration of the word as charged, and also his having visited from house to house on the Sabbath, but denied immorality whereupon he was furnished with a copy of charges and the names of witnesses to support them: and issued citations for each.

           Thomas McKINNEY  appeared and acknowledged that he had acted as charged but denied the immorality of such conduct; and expressed doubts of the authority of Session over him; and Session after spending a long time in reason, exhortation and prayers were unable to discover any thing better in him than the evidence of a heart of enmity against God and a determination to resist his authority; and there-


fore agreed to give him further time to consider the matter in hope that God would grant him a sight of the evil of his ways; and give him repentance unto life.

                        Adj'd to meet at this place on the 2d of Feb next at 11 oclock AM.

                                                                        Concluded by prayer

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r

Feb 2d 1821

            Session met according to adjournment

            Constituted with prayer.  Members all present.

            The minutes of the last were read.

Whereas John WALLS having been three times regularly cited to answer to the charges  called agt him, and having acknowledged two of them and having refused to attend to this final sess. Therefore Sesion are unanimously of


of opinion that he had added contumany to the other crimes which he has confessed and therefore resolved that he be suspended from the sacraments until he gives satisfactory evidence of repentance. Ordered that this minuted be read in presence of the congregation.

E RUSH reported that he had conversed with John WALTERS on the subject of the charge alledged against him  (viz) partaking with a band of revelers and that he confessed the crime; and professed repentance for the same and declared his determination to be more watchfull of his conduct in future.

            Session agreed to sustain sd acknowledgement as satisfactory; and ordered that this minute be read in presence of this congregation.

Adjourned sine die.       

                                                                        Concluded by prayer

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r


        December 18th 1821

            The Session of Pleasant Hill congregation met at the at the house of the Mod'r   Constituted by prayer.   Present Rev S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r  Sol DAVIS, Enoch RUSH, and John RESONER elders  Absent D HAMMOND, John CONNER & Benjamin RESONER.

            Resolved unanimously to prosecute the following charges against Benjamin RESONER.

1st  Slander in charging Rev S BALDRIDGE with dishonesty and falsehood concerning the erection of Union Academy. viz  That the sd S BALDRIDGE agreed with the Trustees at the commencement of sd business to pay all the expenses thereof out of his own pocket and keep it off the Congregation entirely; and that this was the ground on which they proceeded and built sd Academy; and that he then denied his engagement and refused the payment to the injury of P Hill congregation the price of sd building.  and that he would prove it by all the Trustees.

2d  Renewing contumacy and slander which he had exercised toward sd S. BALDRIDGE in August 1820 in P Hill Meeting house; and for which he had asked and obtained forgiveness


of the injured on the same day.

3d  Charging Rev S BALDRIDGE with having notified him in his harvest field that he was about to go off and leave his congregation without if or & or word of similar amt And making use of contermelious words and actions towards and concerning sd S BALDRIDGE respecting the matter.  All in the House of John RESONER's Novr 16th 1821.  Witnesses Daniel HAMMOND, John RESONER, Sol ADAMS & E RUSH elders.

4th   Writing and publishing a slanderous letter - without dates- against Rev S. BALDRIDGE bout the 1st of November last.  Witness the elders aforsaid

5th  Aiding his son Peter in his endeavors to injure Rev S BALDRIDGE by a  malicious prosecution before the civil magistrate on the 15th inst.

Witness John McDONALD Esqr , John McKINNEY, Samuel REED and others.

Also against Peter RESONER son of Benjamin RESONER

1st  For a malicious prosecution of Rev Samuel Baldridge before the civil magistrate for a violent


assult on the 15th inst.

2  False swearing in the above case. 

    Witness John McDONALD esqr, John & Joseph McKINNEY, Samuel REED, William WALLACE & others

Adj'd  to meet at pleasant hill Meeting house on the 21st inst at half past 10 AM.    Concluded by prayer

                                                                                                Samuel Baldridge  Modr


December 21st 1821

            Session met according to adjournment.  Constituted by prayer.  Members all present.

            The charges agt Benjamin RESONER were read and after a free conversation on the subject it was agreed to adj until the 25th inst that he might consider the matter duly before making his reply.

Adjourned to meet at this place on the 25th inst.

Concluded by prayer.

                                                                                                            S BALDRIDGE Modr

Dec 25th 1821

Session met according to adj't  Constituted by prayer.  Members all present.

The charges agt B RESONER were read and after a free conversation on the whole matter


B RESONER after due consideration made the following declaration (viz)  I do declare that in whatever I have said concerning Rev Samuel BALDRIDGE - in time past it never was my intention or desire to injure him; and also that whatever I may have said or done I know of nothing that ought to opinate to the injury of his character as a christian or as a minister of the gospel, nor do I wish that it should.  Whereupon it was unanimously agreed and adjudged that sd declaration is sufficient to release the character of the Moderator and the church from all the injury done by reports purporting to have originated with sd Benjamin RESONER; and to restore peace and fellowship, and that sd B RESONER ought to be and hereby is released from all further censure on acct of sd charges, or whatsoever he may have endured in sd declaration.  Ordered that this minute be read in presence of this congregation on the next day of preaching here. Adj'd Sine Die.   Concluded by prayer                             S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r


Feby 4th 1822  Session met in pleasant hill Meeting house.  Constituted with prayer.  Members all present except J CONNER from whom it was learned that he was indisposed.

            Benjamine RESONER elder addressed the Session in the following or similar words (viz)  You all know that I have been for a long time deprived of the priviliges of the church and I have never been properly restored, and I am not satisfied and therefore I have signed eight Dollars to this congregation in time past, but I have now withdrawn my subscription and consider myself to have no right in the Session, and will have no more to do with it until the matter is settled in a proper manner.

Session attempted to convince him that his views on the subject were incorrect, but he withdrew without asking liberty and returned no more during the session.

            Daniel HAMMOND  was appointed to visit Peter RESONER


and converse with him relative to the charges agt him, and propose to him to meet with the Session on friday next at 1 oclock.

            Adj'd to meet at this place at sd time.

                        Concluded with prayer.

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE  Mod'r

Friday  Feb 8th 1822

Session met according to adj't  Constituted by prayer.  present as at the last meeting.

Peter RESONER being present the charges against him were read, and he replied to them in the negative.  Therefore Session resolved to cite him and the witnesses in his case to attend for trial on the 19th inst at 11 oclock AM and furnished him with a citation and the names of the witnesses to support the charges,and with his consent agreed to request through the Mod'r Rev James Culbertson and the Sessions of Salt Creek and Buffaloe Congregation to come to their assistance


on said trial.  Benjamin RESONER attended more that three hours of the former part of this Session, and attempted to join in the transaction of business and as he exhibited so disorderly a disposition he was notified that he was out of order, having seperated himself from Session in a disorderly manner.  Whereupon he verbally charged the Session with injustice respecting the judgment wich they had pronounced in his case on the 25th of Dec 1821.  And finally pointed his discourse at the Mod'r stating that he knew he would take all advantages of him, and he would never be satisfied until the matter was brought to a proper hearing.  Whereupon Session agreed to refer it to presbytery to be decided by them at their next meeting.  ordered that the Mod'r cite the witnesses named in in the case of Peter RESONER.

            Adj'd to met at this place on the 19th inst.

                        Concluded by prayer.

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE 


pleasant hill Feb 19th  1822

Session met according to adj't present Rev James CULBERTSON  Mod'r by invitation, Andrew HOWELL, Henry HUNTER, Daniel HAMMOND, William HUNTER, Abraham WARNE, Solomon ADAMS, Enoch RUSH, John RESONER and David FINLY Elders.

                                    Constituted by prayer.

Session proceeded to the consideration of the charges instituted against Peter RESONER, son of B RESONER in the following words (viz)

Charge 1st  For a malicious prosecution of Rev Samuel BALDRIDGE before the civil magistrate for a violent assault on the 15th inst.  Witness John FORSHEE Esq'r, John McDONALD Esq'r, William POLLOCK, John McKINNEY, Joseph McKINNEY, Samuel REED, William WALLACE, Robert LINN, & William HUNTER.

Witnesses being sworn except J FORSHEE Session proceeded to hear their testimony


in the following order (vz)  John McDONALD Esqr testified that Rev S BALDRIDGE was brought before him on a suit for a violent assault assault on the 15th December last wherein Peter RESONER  was prosecutor.

Q from Session.  Did Peter RESONER  swear that S BALDRIDGE violently assaulted him?  Ans  he did.

Q 2 frm  Do Did he or did he not shew much maliciousness towards Mr BALDRIDGE throughout the the whole prosecution?

Ans  It was my impression he did.

Q frm Def  Did I not state state to you as the grounds of my prosecution that Mr BALDRIDGE insulted me by reading a letter?   Ans  yes.


Robert LINN being called and his testimony deemed unimportant was dismissed.

John McKINNEY answered the following questions.  Q 1st by Sess.  Did Peter RESONER prosecute Mr BALDRIDGE for a violent assault?   Ans  he Did.   Q 2  Did he swear before the magistrate that


Mr BALDRIDGE assualted him as specified in the warrant?  Ans he did.   Q 3 by Do.  Did he show a malicious spirit throughout the prosecution?   Ans  he appeared to be very angry at Mr BALDRIDGE .

Q  fr  Def   Did I make use of the word violently?  Ans  you did.                               approved

    Joseph McKINNEY answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Sess.  Did Peter RESONER prosecute Mr  BALDRIDGE  on a warrant for a violent assault?  Ans   he did.

Q  2  fr Do   Did he swear that Mr BALDRIDGE  had assaulted him as specified in the warrant?  Ans  he did.   Q  3  fr Do  Did he shew a malicious disposition toward Mr  BALDRIDGE throughout the prosecution?  Ans  he appeared to be out of humor and contentious.   Q 4th  did the magistrate read the law explaing an assault fefore Mr RESONER took his oath?   Ans  I think he did.

Q  1st fr  Def.  Did I state any thing more as the grounds of prosecution than that


Mr BALDRIDGE had insulted me by reading a letter?  Ans. you stated that he had assaulted you by reading a letter.    


Samuel REED being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q  1st frm Sess   Did P RESONER prosecute Mr BALDRIDGE before the civil magistrate for a violent assault?  Ans  he did.    Q 2 fr Do.  Did he show a malicious spirit towards Mr BALDRIDGE during the trial?  Ans he appeared to be irritated.              approved

William WALLACE  being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st  fr Sess  Did P RESONER prosecute Mr BALDRIDGE before the civil magistrate for a violent assault?  Ans  he did.  Q 2 fr Do  Did he swear that Mr BALDRIDGE had assaulted him as specified in the warrant?  Ans he did.  Q 3 fr Do  Did he exhibit a malicious spirit on the occassion?   Ans  he appeared to be irritated.  Q 4 fr Do  At what time did the magistrate read the law explaining an assault?  Ans  I think while Mr RESONER was examined before him.


Q  fr Def  In what way did I say Mr BALDRIDGE violently assaulted me?  Ans by reading a letter injurous to your character.                                                                                          approved

William HUNTER senr being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st  fr Sess.   Did Peter RESONER shew a malicious spirit during the trial aforesaid?   Ans  he appeared not to be well pleased.              approved

Samuel REED  stated in adition to his former testimony that  according to the best of his recollection it was after Mr RESONER had taken his oath that the magistrate explained the law defining an assault.

William POLLOCK being called answered the following questions (viz)   Q  1st fr Sess.  Did you ever know P RESONER manifest a malicious spirit towards Mr BALDRIDGE before the present on(e)?  Ans  I did.  Q 2 fr Do.  How long before it?  Ans  between one and two weeks before.  Q fr Def  how did I manifest this disposition?  by expressing


your disapprobation of Mr BALDRIDGE  as president of the singing Society; and your determination not to act under him; and also by intimating that Mr BALDRIDGE wished to secure to himself the money designed for the Singing Society.                                                                                                                                                                 approved

James HOWELL being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1 fr Sess.  did you ever know Peter RESONER  evince an unfriendly disposition towards Mr BALDRIDGE before the prosecution?   Ans  He stated that he believed that Mr BALDRIDGE, & John BALDRIDGE Samuel REED & WALLACE intended to pocket the money to be paid into the funds of a society in which they were concerned.                                                        approved

Adj'd to meet at Mr J (or I) FEW's this evening at 7 oclock.  Concluded by prayer.

Session met according to adjournment present as before.  Constituted by prayer.  Session resumed the consideration of charge No 1st and the testimony being closed they proceeded to the testimony of the Def-


endant.  The following witnesses were introduced and sworn (viz)  Henry RESONER, Abraham SMOCK, Joseph RESONER, Stephen RESONER, Joseph RUNNELS, Daniel HAMMOND junr and Benjamin RESONER junr.

Henry being call called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Def.  What was the term that I made use of at Mr McDONALDS on trial?  Ans  that Mr BALDRIDGE  assulted you.

Q 1st fr Sess.  How nearly are you related to Peter RESONER?  Ans  I am his uncle.  Q 2 fr Do  Was P RESONERS  examination partly over when you arrived at Mr McDONALDS?   ans  It was.                               approved

Joseph RESONER being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Def.  Do you recollect what term I made use of at Mr McDONALDS on trial?  Ans I am not certain but I think the terms were asult and insult.  Q  1st fr Sess.  At what period of the suit did the magistrate read the law


to Mr RESONER?  Ans  before the other witnesses were examined.  Q 2 fr Do.  What relation are you to Peter RESONER?  ans.  I am generally counted his brother.

Q 3 fr Do  Did you ever know P RESONER to manifest an unfriendly disposition toward Mr BALDRIDGE before the prosecution?  Ans not that I recollect of.                                                                 approved

Joesph RANNALS being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Def.  Where did you understand that I should have said that Mr BALDRIDGE wold have pocketed the money.  ans.  Fr the Academy.   Q 2 fr Do  Did W POLLOCK say that I made use of the expression?  Ans W POLLOCK said that Stephen RESONER said it and Peter said it would have been just so.

Q 1st fr Sess.  From what was it you understood that it took place in the Academy?  Ans  from circumstances he mentioned that had taken place in the Academy.                                                  approved.


Daniel HAMMOND junr being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Def.    Where did you understand W POLLOCK as saying this expression should have been used?  ans  In Mr Benj RESONER's lane.  Q 2 fr Do   W POLLOCK say that I had made use of this expression?   Ans.  He did.                              approved

Abraham SMOCK being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Def.  Were you present in company with me in passing from the Academy to Benjamin RESONER's at the time alluded to?  Ans  I was.  Q 2d  fr Do.  Did you hear me make use of, say on assent to the saying, that Mr BALDRIDGE would pocket the money and that would be the last of it?  Ans  I did not.  Q 3d fr Do  Were William POLLOCK  and myself behind out of reach of you hearing what trussed(? could be passed) with us  Ans  No. I think you were not more than a rod behind at any time.  Q4th fr Do  Did you hear me make use of Language abusive of any person?


Ans  No  Q 1st fr Sess.  Do you know that Mr RESONER did not make use of any part of that language, that evening?  ans  I think he did not.  Q 2 fr Do   Who did make use of that language?  Ans  I do not know that any person did in particular, I know that P RESONER did not.   Q 3d fr Do .  Was any person in company with you on that evening?  Ans.  Not any person in particular the conversation was general.   Q 4 fr Do.  How many were in company?  ans  about five.   Q  5 fr  Do . Did you ever hear W POLLOCK say that it was the same evening that you were with him that Stephen RESONER and Peter should have made the expression with regard to Mr BALDRIDGE pocketing the money?  Ans  I never heard William POLLOCK say any thing about it.                                       approved

Joseph CONNER being sworn answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr Def.  Did you hear me say or assent to the saying that Mr BALDRIDGE would have pocketed the money?  Ans  No.  Q 2 fr Do  Were you present


at the time this should have taken place?  ans  I must  I must have been near or in a few rods.  Q 3d fr Do . Did you hear me make use of language abusive on any person at that time?  ans  I cannot say that I did.  Q 1st fr Sess.  How many were in company going down the lane?  ans  I believe five.  Q 2 fr Do.  Was there much conversation?  Ans  A good deal.  Q  3d fr Do.  Did you hear any conversation about Mr BALDRIDGE pocketing the money?  Ans.  I believe I did.  Q 4 fr Do.  Who were the persons you heard making use of this conversation?  Ans.  I think it was Stephen RESONER and Abraham SMOCK ?  Q 5 fr Do.  At that time were there many talking at once?  I believe there were severals.                                                                approved

            Jospeh RESONER being called again answered the following questions.  Q 1 fr Def  Where did you understand by William POLLOCK that this converstation should have taken place?  Ans  Just by Mr ROBINSON's old tent?


Q fr Sess  How far is that tent from the Academy?  About one hundred and fifty rods.  Q 2 fr Do.  What is the generall character of Abraham SMOCK respecting truth and morality.  Ans  I have heard of him telling tales that were not true in cases that were not important.    Q  3 fr Do.  Is he not considered a sabbath breaker?  Ans  I believe he is not generally considered as regarding the Sabbath properly.                                                           approved.

The testimony being closed on the first charge Session proceeded to the consideration of charge No 2 (viz) from false swearing in the above case.    Witness as above with J FEW & Sarah his wife.

John McKINNEY being called answered the following questions (viz)  Q 1st fr - Sess.  Did Mr BALDRIDGE assault Peter RESONER on the night alluded to?  Ans  I did not consider it an assault. 

Q 1 fr Def  Did not Mr BALDRIDGE say that what he had written he had written?  Ans  he did.   Q 2 fr Do.  Did he not say that he was not goint to be hunted down in such a lawless manner?   Ans  He did.     approved.


At this stage of the investigation the parties considering the testimony under the former charge as virtually embracing all that can be legally introduced under the present one agreed to introduce no more witnesses.

            After the parties were heard to their satisfaction and retired Session proceeded to judge in the case; and did adjudge unanimously that the charges are both supported.  And in adition the Session cannot refrain from expressing their pointed disapprobation of the conduct of Mr RESONER as eminantly calculated to injure a Minister of the gospel and distract the church.  And therefore unanimously adopt the following resolutions (viz)  1st That Peter RESONER be and he hereby is suspended from the privilege of the church until he


gives satisfactory evidence of the sincerity of his repentance.

And 2d that this judgment be publickly read in the several Congregations under the care of Rev S BALDRIDGE as soon as convenient.  The Session would further state that the Moderator and Elders of pleasant hill Congregation took no part in this decision.

                        Adj'd  Sine Die.

                                                            Concluded by prayer

attest  W WALLACE   Clk pro tem --


  Thus far examined and approved  by Presbytey  April 16th  1823

                                                                        S.B CLARK  Modr

Pleasant Hill  Apr 8 1822

            Session of P Hill Congregation met.  Constituted with prayer  present  Rev S BALDRIDGE Modr  Daniel HAMMOND, Enoch RUSH, & John RESONER  elders.  Absent John CONNER   Sol ADAMS  elders.


Peter RESONER son of Benjamin RESONER being present applied to have the liberty of bringing further testimony for the purpose of exculpating himself in the case of accusation before Session wherein he was tried on the 19th of February last; and stated that if sd liberty was granted he considered himself able to prove that his prosecution of the Modr of Session before the civil Magistrate was not malicious and that he had not been guilty of of false swearing in or concerning  sd case of prosecution; and for the support of prop. 1st proposed for witnesses

                                                                        William WALLACE

                                                                        Samuel REED

                                                                        Mathew FINLEY

                                                                        Nancy    HILL

                                                                        Daniel HAMMOND junr

                                                                        John YAUGH junr

                                                            &          Benjamin RESONER jur

And for the support of prop 2d                 John FORSHEE  Esqr

                                                   &       Benjamin RESONER  Senr

Session agreed unanimously to grant sd request and also agreed to call the Modr & Session who officiated on the aforesaid trial attend and officiate in the


on the 15th inst at 11 oclock AM.

            Peter RESONER engaged to notify the Session of Salt Creek & Buffaloe Congregations of the proceeding of sd trial and of their appointment to judge in the case and waived the beefit of written citation for his witnesses.

                        Adjd  to meet at the House of William HUNTER elder on the 15th at 11 oclock A.M.

                                                            Concluded with prayer

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE  Modr      

Aprl 15th 1822

            Session met according to adjournment.  Present  Rev J CULBERTSON  Modr by invitation

                        Andrew HOWEL                          {

                        Wm HUNTER                              {

                        Henry HUNTER                           {

                        Benjamin BAY                            {                       Elders

                        Daniel HAMMOND                       {

                        Wm RANNELLS                           {

                        Enoch RUSH                               {

                        Solomon ADAMS                        {

              &        Abraham WARNE                       {

            Constituted with prayer

            Peter RESONER appeared before Session -------


and in support of his application for a new trial gave an account of the testimony he proposed introducing.  After mature deliberation Session unanimously came to the resolution that they would not grant a new trial, inasmuch as the principal witness proposed & and the only one whose testimony would tend to affect the judgment of Session cannot be admitted.

            From all the circumstances of the case however they indulge the persuasion that Mr RESONER did not intend to swear falsely but was pushed forward by the influence of passion which prevented him from taking the proper care in informing himself of the nature and amount of the warrant issued.  They therefore recommend that he make acknowlegments to the Session of P Hill of Maligenty  and rashness in the commencement of the prosecution; and of Obstinacy in continuing the prosecution after the law explain an assault was read to him.  And upon this acknowledgment they recommend that the 


Session restore him to privileges.

            Adjourned Sine Die

                        Concluded with prayer

                                                                        James CULBERTSON    clerk pro tem


            pleanant Hill  Aprl  29 1822

Session of p Hill Congregation met.  Elders present John CONNER, John RESONER, Solomon ADAMS & Enoch RUSH;  absent Daniel HAMMOND.

Rev T.B. CLARK  Modr by invitation.

            Benjamin RESONER being present agreed to submit to the decision of Session in his case on the 25 of December last and futher -- Stated that the cases in which he had acted in a manner offensive to Said Session of the 4 and 8 of February last, was through irritation of mind and misunderstanding of their judgment and not from a principle of contempt, for


which he expresses his sorrow, and is determined to guard himself against the like in future.  He also stated that at the time he presented charges to the Pby of Lancaster at their last Session against Rev S BALDRIDGE that he did it unadvisedly, and without sufficiently consulting the disipline of the Church and therefore committed himself in presenting sd charges for which he is sorry, and declares that on a review of the subject that he has no charge against the Said S BALDRIDGE. and the difficulties being settled he hopes to live with him in peace and friendship.

Peter RESONER appeared before Session and made the acknowledgments required by Session in his case on the 15th instant. 

Session after deliberation adjudged the above satisfactory on these points, and that this be read in  Pleasant Hill Congregation.     T B CLARK    Modr p.T


October 1st 1822

Session of P Hill Congregation met at P Hill Meeting House  Constituted with prayer

present  Rev S BALDRIDGE  Modr  John CONNER, Daniel HAMMOND, Wm HUNTER, Enoch RUSH, John RESONER elders. Absent Benj RESONER & Solomon ADAMS

            Mary S CONNER came forward and made such acknowledgments with regard to the known circumstances of her having had an illigitimate child as would have been satisfactory only for reports of contrary nature which had emanated from David RANNAL to whom she had sworn the child and; and from his friends. Therefore Session being informed that testimony was probably attainable which might cast light on the case resolved to adjourn until sd testimony could obtained if it existed.

                                                Concluded with prayer

                                                                                    S BALDRIDGE Modr


            December 31st 1822

Session of P Hill Congregation met at the house of their Modr.  Constituted with prayer  present  Rev S BALDRIDGE Modr  John CONNER  D HAMMOND,  W HUNTER, Enoch RUSH,  John RESONER & Sol ADAMS  elders.  Absent   Benj RESONER.

Whereas  James HUNTER & Robert MARKY were present, citations were served on them as witnesses in the case of M.S. CONNER aforesaid.

            Robert MARKY being duly sworn stated that a few day before David RANNELS went off to Kentucky in the latter end of the year 1821 or the beginning of 1822 they being in bed together in the House of Thomas BAY junr  Sd David informed him that he and Mary S CONNER had kept company a long time and that he had respected her but she had refused to marry him on acct that they were both poor but that she was not a maid now be known

                                                                                                                                                Robt MACKEY



James HUNTER being duly sworn saith that in the month of August 1821 He and David RANNALL being in the harvest field of Wm BATES sd David informed him that he had received favors from Mary S CONNER; from which he had been very wary through fear of being the father of a child but on being informed that others had received similar favors his mind was now relieved, for he thought that her character was not very good and that he believed he her to be a fortune seeker and that he had been accustomed to keep her company but was now about to abandon her.

                                                                                                                                    James HUNTER

Daniel HAMMOND, W HUNTER, E RUSH, J RESONER  S ADAMS ELDER and  Samuel BALDRIDGE, R MACKEY, J HUNTER, Luwellen HOWEL being duly sworn answered the following questions by the Mod'r   What has been the general character of Mary S CONNER with regard to truth and honesty


since your knowledge of her exclusive of the matter alluded to respecting her child: and individually stated that it had been good.

                                                                        Daniel HAMMOND

                                                                        Wm HUNTER

                                                                        Enoch RUSH

                                                                        John RESONER

                                                                        Solomon ADAMS

                                                                        Lucinda BALDRIDGE

                                                                        Robert MACKY

                                                                        James HUNTER

                                                                        Lewellen HOWEL

Thereupon Session resolved unanimously that the testimony is now suficient and that Mary S CONNER be restored to the communion of the church and that this minute be read in P Hill and Buffaloe congregations when convenient.

                                                Adjd  Sine Die

                                                                        Concluded with prayer

                                                                                                S. BALDRIDGE  Modr


Jun the 22 1825  Pleasent Hill about a year ago a charge was presented against D. HAMMOND by S. ADAMS for intoxacation  the Caus hes been finley canceled in Session it is admited that Daniel HAMMOND lived in the known habets of Sobriety and that thos who saw him on that day and suposed he was drunk judged from apearance & not from seing him drink and since who saw him on the sam day and near the same place thinks he was not intoxecated and admits they might be mistaken  the Session and partys fully satisfyed and reconcil on the subject

the above was Red to the Congreats preasent  R Mr CLARK

                        Wm HUNTER  John REASONER  elders


June the 22 1825  Pleasant Hill Congreat at a Comunion held at this  place by the Reverent F CLARK  there was eighty Comunicants  nine Children baptised        five admited by Certifycate


Nov 12th admited on examination two

May 12th 1826 at the     ---   ---  --

comunion at Pleasant hill administered by the Reverent Mr McMILLEN two admited on  exemenation  one adult parson  five on serteifacet  four children Baptised  the amount of Communicats Ninty-six

                                                                             [p43] to [p48]     pages blank


Feby 20th 1824

Session of P Hill Congregation met at P Hill meeting House  Constituted with prayer  present  Rev S BALDRIDGE  Modr  D HAMMOND  J CONNER  Wm HUNTER  John RESONER elders with Andrew HOWEL elder of Salt Creek congregation who took his seat in Session by invitation.  Session agreed to take up and enter on the consideration of the following charges (viz) Charge 1st agt John McDONALD immoral conduct.

Specification 1st

Unchristian and reproachful language to and concerning the pastor of P Hill congregation and all the orderly members thereof.  In P Hill Meeting House on or about the 20th Aug't 1823. Witness S BALDRIDGE D HAMMOND and ??????


Writing and sending an unchristian, slanderous and offensive letter to the pastor of P Hill Congregation Aug 23d 1823  Witness his own hand writing and signature.

Charge agt Solomon ADAMS  Immoral conduct

Specificaton 1st

A falsely framing himself on Lancaster Pby as a commisioner of p Hill Congregation.



Lying in representing himself to be a commissioner as aforesaid.


Reproachful falsehood in representing all that were friendly to Rev S BALDRIDGE in P Hill Congregation as the infamous with regard to number and character and also the most trifling part of the ?session? t?????  respecting primary affairs.


Insultingly charging Daniel HAMMOND elder with lying & Rev S BALDRIDGE with dishonesty.  In Zanesville  Jany 20th 1824.  Witnesses  Rev S. BALDRIDGE, Daniel HAMMOND, William McLAUGHLIN,  and Lancaster Psby in general.

            Charge against Enoch RUSH  Immoral conduct.

            Specification 1st

Insinuating that he knew something so criminal of Rev S BALDRIDGE that had it not have been for for his own wife he would have heard him preach for two years past.  On or about the 20 of Aug 1823 p Hill Meeting House & at the

Witnesses  Session of  P Hill congregation and others.


Charge agt John CONNER, William HUNTER, Solomon ADAMS, Enoch RUSH, John RESONER elders and John McDONALD, Benjamin WORTMAN and John SONNEFRANK. Publishing or ?? the publication of a base false and slanderous letter against Rev S BALDRIDGE under their own signature date "Nov 24th 1823.  In Union trading Nov 25th 1823 if presence of Lancaster prby and many others.  Witness sd  Prby.

Charge agt John McDONALD, Benjamin WORTMAN and Jesse WORTMAN, his son,  John RESONER and Solomon RESONER, Solomon ADAMS, Robert RAINEY, John SONNEFRANK, John YAW senr, Thomas DEAN and John CRAWFORD.

            Specification 1st

Holding an illegal and disorderly meeting


Making out and forwarding false ?words?  to Lancaster Pby dated Dec 18 1823.  Slanderous to the character of the pastor of p H Congragation.   Witnesses  Lancster pby


John HADDEN, Reding HINELINE, John WALTERS senr, David SELLERS, Daniel HAMMOND, S. BALDRIDGE, Abraham POLLOCK & many others.

After a free conversation it was agreed on to meet again here on the 25th inst.

A letter having come to hand from Rev Mr EDGAN (or EALGAN)  Mod of the Session of Washington Congregation Kentucky requesting information relative to Daniel RANNALLS junr having seduced a young woman previous to his leaving this county, as he there enjoying church privileges on the certificate from Buffaloe Session which he obtained before the sd affair became publick.  Whereupon resolved  unanimously that the Mod of this Session the sd information to sd Session in Ky.

Adjd to meet here on the 25th inst at 12 oclock

Concluded with prayer

                                                                                    S. BALDRIDGE  Mod


[no page number]

June the 22 1825  Pleasant Hill Congregation

At a communion held at this place by the Reverent T Clark there was eighty comuients    Nine children baptised     four admited by Certifycate

Nov 12th  admited  on examination  two 

May 12th 1826  at the  -----         ----         -----

            comunion at Pleasent Hill administered by the Reverent Wm McMILLEN   two admited on exemenation  one adult parson  five on Serteifacet  four children baptised   the amount of Communicats   Ninty-six


end of this part of Records.  Next page is p1 of Rev Willson Apr 5th 1832



This information from Family History Library film #912247    Church Records - New Concord, Ohio


Transcribed by Penny Pollock

© 1997 - 2006 Denny Shirer for Union Township, Muskingum County, OHGW