This is a record of the business meetings of the church from 1834 to 1882.

No baptism, marriages or deaths, but quite a few male heads of families named.

Spelling and punctuation is as seen on film



Proceedings of the

Presbyterian Church

at Pleasant Hill

1834 to




1834  Nov 3  A motion made and seconded that all arrears of repairs taking care of sd Meeting House & C  Being laying on the pews - Carried that there be a committee of three be appointed to examine into all claims of the above and be presented to be assessed on the pews.  Abraham POLLOCK  Th's FEW  Jo's LONG  appointed sd committe.

On motion it was resolved that sd Committee meet on Saturday week to examine all Claims that may be presented and this sd Commitee is empowered to Contract with some suitable person to take the repairs of said Meeting House in full &C  Adjoured 

April 26 1835  At a meeting of the heads of Families of Pleasant Hill congregation A motion was made and seconded that John McMURRY & Jno McKINNEY          be elected Trustees of Pleasant Hill congregation  A Motion made and seconded that John McMURRY be elected Treasurer of Pleasant Hill congregation.  Carried.  A motion made and seconded that Rev Wilson have the privelage of enclosing part of the grave yard for his use.

[2]       Continued                      March 28 1839

Pleasant Hill church  March 28th 1839

The congregation met and was 0rganized by calling Mr Rt CONNAR to the chair and Jas BELL secratary.

1st  On Motion it was Resolved that a subscription be taken up to pay Isaac STORER for keeping the House.

2nd  On Motion it was Resolved that a Committee (of) two be appointed to take sd subscription whereupon Wm GALLAUGHER,  McMURRY,  J BELL was appointed sd Committee.

3rd   On Motion a Committee of two be appointed to enquire of Mr STORER his price for year for keeping and warming the House whereupon Abr POLLOCK, Jno REASONER senr was appointed sd committee.  

The sd Committee reported 8 dolls for year  the report was Excepted and the Committe discharged.

4    On Motion it was Resolved that the congregation pay S MARSHALL's expences to synod last fall which was done out of the contingent funds.


5  On Motion it was Resolved that ten dolls be laid equaly on the Pews for the purpose of defraying the expenses of keeping the house.

6th  On Motion is was Resolved that a committee be appointed to revalue the Pews and lay on the Same amount of Salary on the same whereupon Jos BELL, A POLLOCK & Jessie WORTMAN was appointed said Committee.

7    On Motion it was Resolved that a committe of two be appointed to examine the Treasurer's Books whereupon Wm MORGAN & Jesse WORTMAN was appointed said Committee.

8    On Motion it was Resolved that the Subscription papers to pay J STORER be handed to Benj REASONER & Jesse WORTMAN for collection.

9    On Motion it was Resolved that Clerks be elected at this time to serve till Monday after the next Sacrament.  On Motion it was Resolved that five clerks be elected at this time (by viva voice) but after this time by Ballod


On motion it was resolved that we proceed to the election of clerks whereupon

                                    Jas  BELL

                                    Wm MORGAN

                                    Isaac STORER

                                    John POLLOCK   

                                    George HARRIOT            was elected Clerks to serve till Monday after first Sacrament.

10th  On Motion it was resolved that Rev Wilson  Publish the Election of Clerks in order as they stand on the minutes

The committe that was to converse with Mr McCLELLAND report unfavourable and discharged

11th   On Motion it was resolved that I STORER draw of the Treasurer for the amount due him and the subscription that was taken up for that purpose be refunded to them that Paid on it. 

On motion it was resolved that there be three Trustees be appointed whereupon

                                                Isaac STORER

                                                Rbt CONNER

                                                Jos NOBLE   was appointed         



Pleasant Hill church  March 31st  1840

On motion it was resolved that a commitee be appointed to settle with the Pastor.  Whereupon the chair appointed Rbt HUNTER, Sl MARSHALL, A TIDBALL sd commitee

The commitee reported that the Pastors account was 1.50 dollars the present year -the report was excepted.

Motion 2nd  It was resolved that we proceed to Elect four Clers to serve for one year   the motion was carried in the affirmative  Whereupon the following men was duly Elected

                                    Jas BELL

                                    Wm MORGAN

                                    I STORER

                                    J POLLOCK

3  It was resolved that we Elect four Trustees whereupon

                                    Jno POLLOCK

                                    Rt CONNAR

                                    Jas BELL

                                    I STORER          was elected


Motion 4   It was resolved that the Treasurer pay the pastor one hundred fifty doll's for the past year.

Motion 5th  It was resolved that there be a commitee appointed to revalue the seats for the purpose of raising the amount of two hundred and twenty five dollars enstead of one hundred and fifty whereupon the Trustees was appointed

Motion 6th  It was resolved that Elder MARSHALL draw on the Treasurer of the Contingent fund for to pay the commissioner to the General Assembly

Motion 7th  It was resolved that Isaac STORER draw on the Treasurer for ten dollars for warming the house.

Motion 8  It was resolved that a commitee of five be appointed to wait on the member of the Presbytery whereupon Jas BELL, Jno REASONER, Rt CONNAR, I STORER, A TIDBALL was appointed.

Motion 9  It was resolved that we elect a clerk whereupon Wm MORGAN was elected


Motion 10th  I(t) was resolved that we elect a Treasurer of the contingent fund whereupon Isaac STORER was elected.


                        Pleasant Hill  Dec 22  1840

            Meeting was organized by calling Jno REASONER th the chair and Wm MORGAN clerk.

On motion it was resolved to elect one Elder and four Deacons.

            The following persons were duly elected to the different offices

            Elder James BELL

            Deacons  Isaac STORER

            Robt HUNTER

            John POLLOCK

            Aaron TIDBALL



Pleasant Hill   April 2 1841

Me(e)ting was organized by calling Sam'l MARSHALL to the chair and Wm MORGAN clerk.  Whereupon  On motion it was resolved we proceed to elect four clerks to serve for one year from this time.  Wherefor the following persons were declared duly elected               Jas BELL

                                                            Wm MORGAN

                                                            Isaac STORER

                                                            Peter REASONER

On motion it was resolved that we elect four Trustees wherefor the following persons were declared duly elected

                                                            Isaac STORER

                                                            Rt CONNAR

                                                            Alex McKINNEY  sen

                                                            Jos LONG

On motion it was resolved that we elect one clerk to serve for one year wherefor Wm MORGAN was declared duly elected.


on motion it was resolved that we elect a Treasurer for the contingent fund  Whereupon Isaac STORER was declared duly elected

On motion it was resolved that the Treasurer of the contingient fund report the amount of money in his hands.

reported seven dollars and thirty one cents Ballance remaining in his hands    report excepted

On motion it was resolved that the session draw on the Treasurer of the contingient for four dollars and fifty for to defray expenses to the General Assembly and pay for the minutes of the same.

A motion was made to dispense with sining out when singing it was laid on the table for further consideration.



Pleasant Hill  Oct 4  1841

On motion it was resolved that the Treasurer of the contingent take money of the sd fund and procure tools for the grave yard.

                        Nov 1st 1841                  Pleasant Hill

The Treasurer of the contingent reported the cost of the grave tools was four dollars and fifty cents   report excepted

On motion it was resolved that the grave tools be left in the care of Isaac STORER

On motion it was resolved that the committee which was appointed to make out a bill of the cost of erecting a gallery in the East end of Pleasant Hill meeting house should report -  the committe reported the amount to be one hundred and ten doll's

On motion it was resolved that we except the report and go on and build the gallery if there can be enough money raised


On motion it was resolved that the Deacons of Pleasant Hill church be the building committe.

On motion it was resolved that we raise the money by subscription

On motion it was resolved the Deacons take up subscription untill the first monday in December and try by that time whether they can raise enough to build the gallery



            Pleasant Hill   April 2nd  1842

Meeting organised by calling I STORER to the chair. Wm MORGAN clerk

On motion it was resolved that we proceed to elect four clerks to serve for one year.  Whereupon the following persons were duly elected,  Jas BELL, Wm MORGAN,  Isaac STORER and Peter REASONER;

On motion it was resolved that we proceed to elect four Trustees to serve for one year   Whereupon the following persons were duly elected.  Robert CONNOR,  Isaac STORER,  Alex McKINNY and Wm GALLAUGHER.

On motion Wm MORGAN  was elected Secretary for the congregation for one year.

On motion Isaac STORER was elected Treasurer of the contingent fund for one year.


On motion it was resolved that the Treasurer of the contingent report - reported seven dollars and fifty four cents in his hands at this time.

On motion Rt CONNOR and Wm GALLAUGHER was appointed a committee to examine I STORER's account   Committee reported I STORER's account correct and on motion the same was excepted and adopted

On motion it was resolved that a commitee of three be appointed to repair the grave yard fence.  Rt CONNAR, Wm GALLAUGHER and I STORER was appointed sd committee

On motion it was resolved that the expenses be defrayed by a collection and if there is not enough raised in that way to draw on the treasurer of the contingent for the ballance

On motion it was resolved that the grave tools be left in the meeting house for one year



            Pleasant Hill                   March 25th 1843

Meeting organized by calling Jas BELL to the chair  Wm MORGAN  clerk

On motion it was resolved that the commitee on the grave yard fence report

On motion the committee on the grave yard fence was continued on the account of not being ready to report

On motion the subject of Sining out was laid on the Table for the present

On motion it was resolved that we proceed to elect two clerks to serve for one year   Whereupon the following persons were duly elected  Wm MORGAN and Isaac STORER;

On motion the following persons were elected Trustees  Isaac STORER, Jas NOBLE, Samuel SCOTT and Jno REASONER jun was elected to serve for one year.

On motion Wm MORGAN was elected Secratary of the church for one year

On motion Isaac STORER was elected Treasurer of the contingent fund for one year.


On motion it was resolved that we dispens with any further exertions in regard to the gallery and the money if any be collected for that purpose be refunded to the persons who gave it.

On motion it was resolved that the grave tools be left in the meeting House for one year.

On motion it was resolved that the church draw on the Treasurer of the contingent fund for the Ballance of the expenses of the commission to the General Assembly

On motion it was resolved that Jas BELL draw on the Treasurer of the contingent for his expenses to the Synod.


            Pleasant Hill March  23  1844

The congregation met it being the usual meeting for the transaction of business

The meeting was organised by calling James BELL to the Chair & William WILSON secretary

On motion  Resolved that we elect trustees James NOBLE, Peter REASONER & Robert HUNTER were elected.

On motion  Resolved that we elect two clerks  the folowing were elected  Mesers  Jas. BELL & Isaac STORER

On motion  Resolved that the spring at Pleasant Hill be walled and capped with stone in order to keep out beasts &c   The Trustees were appointed to attend to this business;

On motion  Resolved that James BELL be elected clerk of the Congregation;

On motion  Resolved that we elect Isaac STORER Treasurer of the contingent funds of the Congregation . Mr Isaac STORER the Treasurer of the Contingent funds for last year reported of the amount Recd & Paid out & the amount now in the treasury


is thirteen dollars & sixty two cents   his report was Received & adopted,

On motion  Resolved that Mr Isaac STORER receive six dollars out of the contingent funds for keeping the meeting house,

On motion  Resolved that Mr John McMURRY, the treasurer of Pleasant Hill Church have the privilage of appointing colectors if necessary for the purpose of assisting him to colect the stipens

 On motion  Resolved that we adjourn

                                                                        Wm WILLSON Clk Protem

            Pleasant hill                   May 27 1844

The congregation met according to previous notice for the purpose of electing Elders  & Deacons.  The meeting was organised by calling Samuel MARSHALL Esq to the chair & Mesrs James BELL & Robert CONNAR Judges & Mr William WILLSON Clark


On motion  Resolved that the Congregation proceed to the election of two Elders    Messrs Isaac STORER & Robert HUNTER were elected

On motion  Resolved that the Congregation proceed to the election of four Deacons   Messrs John MILLHOLLAN, Abraham MILLAR, Jesse WORTMAN and Robert CONNAR were elected.

                                                            Adjourned  William WILLSON  clk pro tem


            Pleasant hill   March 28 1845

The Congregation met & was organised by calling Mr Isaac STORER to the Chair.  The Committe who wer appoint to wall the spring were called upon to report  Their report was given and adopted.

Resolved that we elect three Trustees   Wm MORGAN, Samuel POLLOCK & Isaac STORER were elected. 

Resolved that we elect elect a Clerk for the Congregation  Wm MORGAN  was elected.

Resolved that we elect a Treasurer of the contingent  funds  I STORER was elected

On motion Resolved Messrs S. MARSHALL  J. REASONER & R CONNER were appointed a


committey to nomanate candadtes for Choristers.  The Comittey reported & was excepted. 

Resolved that we elect two clerks Jas BELL & Wm MORGAN were elected

Whereas money was raised to purchase a sett of communion were for this church   it is now reported that the were is obtained and cost $9.75 and $2.75 surplus paid over to the treasurer of the contingent funds.  The report of the treasurer of the contingent funds heard and there is now in the treasury $13.17   On motion Resolved that the Decons be required to keep an accompt of all the funds that they receive and all they pay out for the depend benevlent object and Report the same to the Congregation anualy

Resolved the Deacons draw on the treasurer of the contingent funds for making to purchace a Book for their use

Resolved  Mr STORER draw $7.00 out of the contingent funds for keeping the house

Resol  that we ajurn                               James BELL clerk


            Pleasant Hill                   March 28th 1846

Congregation met and was organized by calling James BELL to the chair and Wm MORGAN Clk

Report of the Deacons was called for   They not being prepared to report leave was granted to withhold their report untill fall

On motion the congregation proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year,  Whereupon Mr Samuel SCOTT, Wm GALLAUGHER & Peter REASONER were elected Trustees and Mr Wm WILLSON Secretary & Mr Isaac STORER Treasurer of the contingent fund

On motion it was resolved that there be a committee of three appointed to nominate suitable persons to be ballotted for for choiristirs.  Whereupon the President appointed John MILHOLLAND  Robert CONNAR & Abraham MILLER sd committee,  Sd committe report in on time the following names to be ballotted for (to vot)  James BELL  Wm MORGAN  Wm WILLSON & John STARRETT;  The congregation proceeded to ballot  after counting the ballots it appears that James BELL  &  Wm MORGAN was duly elected chorriters


to serve for one year

The Treasurers report was called for.  The Treasurer reported that he had collect and paid over to Revd GALLITAN $53 50/100  On motion it was resolved that the Treasurer collect all that he can and if he then has not sufficient money to pay Mr GALLITIN to borrow the ballance.

 The Treasurer of the Contingent fund reported $9 86/100 as remaining in the Treasury.

On motion Isaac STORER was instructed to draw on the Treasurer of the Contingent for $7 dollars for warming and attending to the hous the past year.

                                                            Adjourned         Wm MORGAN  Clk


Pleasant Hill                   June 15th 1846

The congregation of P. Hill met at the call of the Deacons.

Mr BELL was called to the chair. 

On motion of Mr MILHOOAND, Mr McMURRY made the following report concerning the finances of the church viz:  Ballance of stipends due, April 1st 1846 $ 164.91  $89.91 available, $75 unavailable; which report was received.

On motion of Mr MILHOLLAND, Resn that Mr McMURRY be instructed to collect the arrearages as soon as possible.

The treasurer of the contingent funds stated that there was in his hands $4.20, also commisioners funds $250.

 On motion of Mr I STORER;  Res. that the Deacons be instucted to purchase a hymn Book (Assembly’s last edition) for the pulpit and to draw from the treasurer of con. funds the amount which it costs.   On motion: Res. that the clerks be permitted to sing without lining out the Psalm or Hymn, as much as the half


of the time if they see proper.  On motion Congregation adjourned  Sine Die

            J BELL  chairman                        Wm WILLSON  secretary


Pleasant Hill       April 2d 1847

The congration met and organised by calling J MILHOLLAND to chair and electing James BELL Secratrey protem

On motion the treasurer of the contingent fund was called on to report & he reported $6 in treasuery

On motion the report was excepted

On motion  Resolved that the treasurer retain for his own use $6 in treasury for servises rendred the past year.

Resolved that Mr I STORER be continued treasurer of contingencies for an other year.

On motion Samuel SCOTT  Peter REASONER & Wm GOLAHAR was elected Trustees for one year

On motion the treasurer was call on to report;  his report was that he had Settled in full with Mr WILLSON til the first of April AD 1846


On motion it was Resolved that Mr McMURY be exonerated from the sum of $20.25 apart of which sum he paid Mr WILLSON and has no recept and a part bad money --- on motion Resolved that two Clearks be slected -- Resolved that a commitee of three be apointed to celect condadates for the clearkship  the chair then appointed Mr R HUNTER  I STORER & R CONNER said commitee   after a short absence they reported the names of James BELL  Wm MORGAN  John STARRETT & Nathan REASONER    the congregation then went into an election and elected James BELL and Nathan REASONER Clearks for the ensuing year -- on Motion of Mr WILLSON it was resolved that the congregation  present  Mr McMURY with an elegant Psalm and hime Book of the new addition actavo -- Resolved that a comitee be apointed to procure said book and draw on the treasury of the contingent


fund a suficient amount to purches it -- the chair then appointed Mr R HUNTER & Wm MORGAN said commitee

            Resoved that we ajourn

on motion Resolved to reconcider motion to ajourn -- Reconcidred to here the treasuers report and reported the congregation in debt to Mr WILLSON $56.54  on motion the congregation ajourned  Sine Die  J BELL Setry

            J MILHOLLAND   chairman


    Pleasant Hill  Nov 4 1847

Congregation  met by apointment

Mr John REASONER was elected to the chair.  The minuets of the last meting was read and excepted

The commitee on Mr McMURRY’s Humn Book was called on, not present    Mr McMURY informed the meeting that he had receved a Hymn Book from said commitee.  On motion Resolved to have the trustees to


the nessary repares on the stoves and windows & to purches a new stove & set it in the south isle

Resolved that the trustees try to raz the funds by subscription to pay for said repares & stove.

   on motion Meeting ajournd

                                                J MILHOLLAND  sectry


                        Pleasant Hill       April 7 1847

Agreeabel to prevous apointment the congregation met & elected Eldr STORER to the chare   The minutes of the last meeting was read and excepted

The Trustees ware called on to report thare proceedings.  Reported all things completed agreeable to arangement and a balance remained in their hands of $377  On motion the report of the com was excepted & aproved

On motion a unanimous vote of thanks was taken for the fathfull 


performance of their duty

On Motion it was Resold to pay to the treasuer of the contingent fund the surplus remaning in the hands of said trustees

On motion it was resolved to pay Mr Wm GOLAHAS(R?) $2.00 his expences in procureing stove etc for the meeting house.

On motion a commitee of three was apointed viz Eldr  S MARSHALL, R. CONER and I WORKMAN  to mak a celection of 4 candedates (2 to be Elected for the clerkship for the insuing year)  the names of Mesrs Wm MORGAN - John STARETT - N. REASONER & W HARVY ware presented to the congregation.   The Congregation then proceeded to Elect officers for the insuing year




The Treasuerer of the contingent fund reported a balance in treasury of $5.00 the report was aproved and excepted

The dekens being called on to rport the condtion of and the Rects & expendatures for Benavolent purposes ware unable to make a full report   it was then resold that the P.D make out a report in writing and hand it to Revd WILLSON to be read in the pulpate the next sabethe of preaching.

Mr I STORER requested to be relesed from the charge of the Meeting hous & recimended Mr I LUKER who was unaminously elected.

On motion Resld that the treasuer of the contingent fund pay Mr. I STORER $7.00 for his former services on motion and a unamimouse vote of thanks was taken for the fathfull discharg of his duty, in takeing care of the house.


On Motion Resld to rase a colection so as to place a sufficiancy of funds in the treasury to pay Mr STORER.

On Motion Resld  that Mr LUKER be alowed $10.00 for takeing care etc of the Meetin house the ensueing year.

     On Motion it was Resld  that the amount of funds rased some 18 months a gone for the purpos of asisting to build a Meeting house on the wabash (and said funds still remane unsent) be paid in to the contingent fund of the congregation

    On Motion it was Resld to make some arangement for Building a meeting house at Plt Hill

    On Motion a commitee of 7  ware apointed to rase funds viz  Mesrs  Ts CONNER -- A MILLER -- R. HUNTER -- Wm GOLAHAR - T. REASONER -- S.SCOTT --& Js WORKMAN


Mr McMURY Reported that he then had paid Mr WILLSON $110.00 and that a balance is yet due Mr WILLSON of $90.00

   On Motion a vote of thanks was taken for the serveses rendered by Mr McMURY to the congregation

   On Motion the congregation ajourned

                                                            J. MILHOLLAND


Pleasant  Hill    May 22d  1848

By a call of the sesion, the congregation of Pleasant hill met and was organized by electing Mr James BELL chareman

On motion it was Resolved to build a new Meeting house in the somer of 1849 --- on motion it was Resd to build it on pleasant hill.

On motion it was resolved to build a frame house 50 ft square   the Ruff self suported & square


Seeling.   On motion it was Resold to apoint a commitee of 5 persons to conduct the building of said house  whareupon the chare apointed the following person viz  James BELL, James NOBLE, John MILHOLLAND, Wm GOLAHAR & John McMURY

On motion it was Rsd to have the funds payebell as follows  viz  one third on the first of Feby next one third on the first of Septbr following and the remaneing third on the first of Jany 1850.

     On motion it was was Rsold that the building commitee have the disposal of the old house as they may think best

On motion  Resld that the Secratery solicit a subscription paper to each member of the fund commitee

On motion the meeting was ajourned   J MILHOLLAND  = Setry



Pleasant Hill Church    Oct 2d

After sermon Congregation met Mr REASONER in the Chare & John C H?ERVY  Secretay

The commitee for subscriptions was called on to report 

 They reported progress  

 on motion Isaac STORER was added to the subscription commitee

on motion of Mr BELL, that we then proceed to take up subscription -- carried;

on motion of Mr BELL,  Mesrs HUNTER & STORER was added to the building commitee

$735 or there about subscribed by individuals present

The Trustees were instructed to put the present house in as comfortable condition as posable for the winter

on motion of Mr STORER, Meres  BELL & NOBLE were appointed


a comitee to draft a plan of house stile etc and present the same at the next meeting

The meeting was adjourned to meet at this place on the first monday of Nov at 12 oclock

1848  Nov 6th

            Pleasant Hill

                        Congregation met and organised by Mr HUNTER in the chare and N REASONER secty

The Solisiting commitee reported $1202 subscribed

The drafting commitee Reported  report Excepted Resolved that  their plan govern the building commitee but that they have power to alter or amend at there discretion

On motion the solisiting commitee is reqested to continue ther experties until next meeting.  On motion 


of Mr WILLSON that their be a congrational meeting on this day  three weeks, to here the differant reports and any thing that may come regularly before them

Adjourned to meet the 3 monday in Nov

1849  March

By previous apointment the congregation of Pleasant Hill met  Mr CONER in the chare   the minutes of May 22d /48 ware read and res’d,  The treasuerer of contingent fund reported a balance on hand of $6.57

The congregation then proceeded to elect officers for the ensueing yar whereupon N REASONER, John STARRETT war elected cleark and Samual POLLOCK, John (?)ZANE & Spear REASONER Trustees and Isaac STORER Treasuerer of contingent fund  and John



On motion it was Resld that Pleasant Hill be considered the reagular place of preaching during the somer(?) when not other wise appointed

On notion Resd that the clerk line out at the commencement of church Exersizes except P.M. meeting, the balance of the singing to be descrationery

Resolved that the colecting com't be requested to raise at least $10 more each.

Resld that Esqr MARSHALL be added to the colecting commitee

Meeting then adjourned                                      J MILHOLLAND  secty


Pleasant Hill April 2d 1849

By prevous motion from the pupet the congregation met to take into concideration the propriety of buying a certin piece of land of Mr W McCLELEN for the use of said congregation

Mr R. HUNTER informed the congregation that the said piece of ten ac could be purchised for $25  On motion Masrs R. HUNTER, I STORER & Wm GALAHAR was appointed a commitee to purchas said piece of land

On motion Resolved to apropreate $25 out of the funds for building the new meeting house, to pay for said land.

On motion Resd that Esqr MARSHALL receive from the treasuer’s of the contingent fund $1.25  Money paid by him to commistioners fund.


On motions Resd to appoint a comte to wait on Mr Jno WHITAKER to know if the old house could be left for the use of the congregation until the first of Octr next whareupon  S. SCOTT & J MILHOLLAND ware appointed said commitee

On motion meeting adjourned

                                                                        J MILHOLLAND    secty


New Concord                 Nov 24th 1849

The Congregation of Pleasant Hill met in the Babtist Church to transact Business  I STORER in the chair.

Motion was brought before the house to have the Pulpit in the new Meeting house at Pleasant Hill put in the west end.  the motion lost   On motion it was resolved that the Trustees be authorized to buy two New stoves for the new house   On motion it was Re’d that Mr R. HUNTER be aded to the trustes to procure the New stoves.   Meeting thence adjourned                             J MILHOLLAND   S’try


15th April 1850   Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to notice given from the pulpit.

The committee appointed at a previous meeting to assess the Salary on the seats reported they had discharged the duty assigned them and submited two plans for the lettings of the pews  the following is the adopted plan

Let a cryer appointed for the purpose proceed to sel pews to the highest bidder never commencing lower that the marked price but if no other person bids the chooser takes it at the marked price  the amount bid on the pews to be set as the regular stipend to be paid anually on said pew

Resolved that the 2nd plan proposed be adopted after some discussion was carried.

A motion to reconsider the above motion was carried and the former motion was again proposed   the motion of the original motion was carried by a vote of 23 to 17.

Resolved that the balance of seats not sold be put in the hands of the treasurer

Resolved the com-- to furnish the tables


be discharged  Resolved that Rev S WILLSON Family be allowed pew No. 1

Resolved that the two old stoves be sold to be replaised with new ones to be replaised in the fall.   Resolved that Mr FARR be allowed eleven dolls for the tables  Resolved that there be a settee procured for the pulpit   Resolved that the trustees furnish a suitable settee

            Meeting then Adjourned

                                                            N REASONER   Secty


Oct  7th  1850   Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to notice given from the pulpit

Resolved that  1/7 of what was laid on the pews be stricken off    Resolved that  J McMURRAY  Wm MORGAN  and  Dr PRINGLE be a com-- to make this reduction.  Resolved that Abraham MILLER have to old sove for two dolls.    Resolved that a com-- be appointed to sell the old stoves & purchase new ones   the com consisted of  R. HUNTER  R CONNER  & I STORER

                        Meeting then adjourned


April 4th 1851  Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to notice given from the pulpit  Resolved the com: to reduce the price of the pews be discharged   Resolved that the report of the stove com be accepted and the com be retained    Resolved the report of the building com  be accepted.  The Building committee reported that they had engaged William PATTERSON to build the meeting house for 1445 dolls and that he did eleven dolls 65 cts extra work-- and that they have paid all Mr PATTERSON’s claim  Where upon it was resolved that the report be accepted   the Ballance of 7 dolls be paid to Mr GALLAUGHER and that the thanks of this church and congregation be given to the comt   for the fidelity perseverence and care with which they attended to the duty entrusted to them by this ch & congregation

Resolved we raise a collection to pay Mr HUNTER for the stove  Resolved the stove com be discharged   A paper was received from Pby requiring the payment of 7 twelfths of 133


dolls for the Presbyterial Acadamy at Washington   This paper was submited to a com of three  the com comsisted of Wm MORGAN, S POLACK & P REASONER   the com  reported not to pay any part of it.  Resolved the report of the com. be received and adopted   Resolved we draw on the treasurer of the contingent fund to raise the ballance of the commissioners fund    Resolved we buy an octava addition of the psalms and hymns for the pulpit  congregation paid one dollar for said book

Resolved that we go into the election of cerks

Resolved these be 2 clerks elected

            Cyrus REASONER  & Wm MORGAN was duly elected

Resolved  Robert HUNTER jr be elected Secretary for one year    Resolved that Wm STORER’s claim of  14 dolls for keeping the house be paid by the treasurer of the of the congregation

Resolved the report of the treasurer be received and the thanks of the congregation be tendered to him for his promptness on attending to the affairs of the church 


Resolved that the money raised for Foreign Missions is intended to constitute our  Pastor Rev S WILSON a life member of said board

                        Meeting then adjourned

                                                            N REASONER      Secty

Pleasant Hill  October  13th  AD 1851

The congregation met according to previous appointment  Samuel MARSHALL was chosen chairman of the meeting

Resolved that the building comt be instructed to draw on the treasurer of the contingent fund for $5 to pay of Mr Wm GALLIGHER's claim on said committee

Res that the meeting adjourne                                         R.W. HUNTER, Secty


Pleasant Hill   April 6th AD  1852

   The congregation met according to previous appointment.  Dr Pringle was chosen chairman of the meeting. Resolved that there be a committee of three appointed to examine the grave yard fences,  Messrs  R. CONNER, S. SCOTT, and J WHITAKER  were appointed said committee.  the committee reported that the fence needed repairing.  Res that the grave yard fence be put within fifteen feet of the East end of the meeting house.  Res that an election being held for chorister.   S. REASONER and L. MILLER were duly elected.  Res that the same Trustees be continued for the ensueing year.  Res that R.W. HUNTER be continued clerk for the ensuing year.  Res that the trustees be instructed to procure fastnings for the front of the pews.  Res that Isaac STORER be treasurer of the contingent funds for the unsueing year.  Res that there be a percentage put on the pews to raise funds for defraying contingent expences.  Mssrs R. CONNER, J. BELL and  I. STORER were appointed to levy sd tax    Resol that the meeting adjourn                         R.W. HUNTER  Sec


       Pleasant Hill    April  1st  AD 1853

The congregation met according to previous notice and Samuel MARSHEL was chosen chairman of the meeting.  Resolved that the report of the trustees be excepted.  Resolved that the same trustees be continued for the ensueing year.  Resolved that R.W. HUNTER be continued as clerk for the ensuing year.  Resolved that Isaac STORER be continued treasurer of the contingent fund for the ensueing year.  Resolved that the trustees draw on the treasurer of the contingent fund for two dollars to pay for the coal boxes and that Rev S. WILLSON draw on the treasurer of the contingent fund for money that he paid into the commisioners fund.  Res that the trustees be sustained in haveing the meeting House insured.  An election being held for choristers  Nathan REASONER and


William MARSHALL were elected   Resolved that the treasurer's report be received and the thanks of the congregation be tendered to him for his promptness in attending to the affairs of the congregation.. Res that the meeting adjourn                                                         R. W. HUNTER  Secretary

April 3rd  AD  1854

The Congregation of Pleasant Hill met according to previous notice.  Samuel POLLOCK was called to the chair and Samuel MARSHAL clerk protem

Resolved that the report of the trustees be accepted and that they be paid six dollars and forty eight cents for the ensurence of the house and other purposes

Resolved the old trustees be continued for another year.

            Resolved that N REASONER act as clk of the congregation for the ensueing year


An election being held for choristers N. REASONER & Wm MARSHALL was elected

Resolved the treasurer be instructed to pay Rev S. WILLSON  fifty dolls making in all two hundred & fifty dollars this year.   Resolved the con meet & clean out the grave yard   Resolved that Mr John WALTERS be allowed to get the seats numbered and the congregation is to sustain him

                                                                                    N REASONER  Clk

Pleasant Hill  May 15th 1854

Congregation organised by calling Rev S. WILLSON to the chair

Resolved we make an addition to the board of Elders and Deacons

Resolved there be an additon of three to the board of Elders

Resolved the session be a com-- nominations the com discharged the duty assigned them  Resolved we go into the election of Elders  Resolved the member of Norwich Church have not a vote in this election


The following persons were elected Elders  George WALTERS, Jesse WORTMAN & Nathan REASONER.  Resolved we elect four Deacons  Resolved the Session make the nominations.  The following persons were elected Deacons  Samuel POLLOCK,  John WHITAKER, Peter REASONER, & Alexander McKINNEY.

Resolved we meet to clear out the grave yard on the thursday succeeding the first sabath of June meet at 10 oclock

Resolved that the large trees in the grave yard be removed        Adjourned


Pleasant Hill October 9th 1854

Members organized by calling Mr MARSHALL to the chair.   Resolved we erect a coal house.  Resolved that Messrs STORER, GALLAUGHER & N REASONER be a building comt. & that they draw on the contingent to pay the expenses.  Resolved the com be instructed to build large enough for both coal and Saddles  Resolved the same com be instructed to furnish suitable


tools for the grave yard.  Res that there be a collection raised for the purpose above mentioned & put in the contingent fund  Res  Mr STORER be allowed  fifty cents for cutting the locust sprouts out of the grave yard.  Adjourned


Pleasant Hill   March 31st AD 1855

The congregation met agreeable to previous notice given from the pulpit & organised by calling George WALTERS to the chair.  Resolved the com to build the coal & saddle house be continued.  Resolved there be a trustee appointed for ten years for Pleasant Hill Church to take care of the deed and papers of the church:  Isaac STORER was elected

Resolved we go into the election of the other two trustees  Thomas E CONNER & John WALTERS was elected   Resolved we go into the election of choristers  N REASONER and Wm MARSHALL was elected.  Resolved that I. STORER be continued 


Treasurer of the contingent fund  Res that N. REASONER be continued Secretary for one year.

Res. that we add fifty dollars to the yearly salary of the Rev S. WILSON

Res that the congregation Present Mr McMURRY with a neat & well mounted cane.  Res that the President Deacon furnish and present the cane in the name of the congregation and the he draw on the contingent fund

Res that the report of the Treasurer of contingencies be received.

                                                                                                Res meeting adjourn

                                    Pleasant Hill   April 8th  1856

            Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to notice given from the pulpit

The meeting was organised by calling Elder MARSHALL to the chair and A. SCOTT  sec pro tem.   The chairman of the committee for building a coal  house presented his report.  On motion of Rev  S. WILLSON the report was received.



On motion of the same the report was adopted.  Mr P REASONER offered a motion that a general subscription be taken to defray the expences of the coal house. Rev S WILSON  moved that the Deacons circulate the subscription papers. Mr I STORER offered a motion to go into an election of Trustees.  On motion of Mr P REASONER the original trustees were continued.  Mr P REASONER offered a motion to go into the election of choristers and on motion of Mr R CONNER a comittee of three was approved to nominate candidates.  Messrs I STORER, R CONNER & P REASONER were appointed said com.

An elcection being held Messrs N REASONER and Wm MARSHALL were elected.   Mr P REASONER offered a motion that the people of Pleasant Hill congregation meet on the 22nd instant to lift and relay the carpet of the church.


On motion of Mr P REASONER  the treasurer of the contingent Fund was instructed to pay Mr Wm LUKER the amount of his claim for stove pipe.

On motion of Mr R HUNTER thirty dolls ($30.00) were laid on the seats, in addtion to the amt already assessed.

And on motion of Mr I STORER a comt. of three was appointed to make the assessment.  Messrs J McMURRY, I STORER and Jno WALTERS were appointed on said committee.

On motion of Mr I STORER the original recording Secretary was retained.  On motion of Mr R HUNTER the meeting adjourned  Sine die

                                                            Mr S MARSHALL  chairman

                                                            A SCOTT --- Sec pro temrga


April 1st  AD  1857

            Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to previous notice given from the pulpit.

On motion of Mr R CONNER the com to raise thirty dollars laid on the seats were called on to report

        The com reported they had done as they were instructed. On motion of Mr R HUNTER the com were sustained

On motion of Rev S WILSON the church and congregation aprove of Mr I STORER paying off the claim of insurence on the house. On motion of Mr R CONNER that there be a com of three appointed to moninate candidates for clerks Messrs R HUNTER, R CONNER and S POLLOCK were appointed said com.

The  com performed the duties assigned them.  On motion of Rev S WILSON that we go into the election of trustees.  On motion of Mr R CONNER the original trustees were continued.


On motion of Rev WILSON that we go into the election of clerks.  An election being held Andrew H MARSHALL & Wm CARSON were elected.  On motion of Mr S POLLOCK the origianal recording secretary was retained and on motion of Mr R CONNER the meeting adjourned.

                                                                        S STORER chair

                                                                        A RESONER  scty

April 3d  AD 1858

            Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to previous  notice given from the pulpit.

      On motion of  Mr R CONNER that Messrs I STORER, T.E. CONNER & John WALTERS were continued trustees for another year.  On motion of Mr John WALTERS that all the men and women in the house have a vote at this election for clerks.  On motion of the same that there be four clerks elected.



were appointed a com to nominate candidates for clerks.

On Motion of Rev S WILSON  the report of the com to nominate said candidates be received.

The election being held Messrs  A.H. MARSHALL, W.E. CONNER, H MILLER, and Nathan REASONER

On motion of Mr John WALTERS that one back seat be allowed for clerks & amended by saying any seat they can obtain.

On motion of Mr R CONNER that we draw on contingent fund for the ballence of the Comminsioners fund.  On motion by the same that there be a com appointed to inquire into the fence bussiness and to negociate with Mr STORER for the land.

The com consisted of Messrs  R. CONNER, I STORER, A McKINNEY, J WALTERS ans Samuel POLLOCK.

 On motion of Mr R SPEER



that the Trustees be instruced to trade lands with Mr STORER.   On motion of Mr R CONNER that we build an oak fence and 12 feet pannel.

On motion of Mr R SPEER that a com of five be appointed to superintend building and raising money for the fence.  The com consisted of Messrs  T.E. CONNER, S.S. REASONER, John BENNETT, Peter SHAINHOLTS & S POLLOCK ---

On motion of Mr R CONNER that it be left discretionary with the com to build the fence of either oak or cedar posts.

On motion of Mr J WALTERS  that one third of the fence money be paid of the 1st of August.  On motion adjourned.                                                               N. REASONER   Secty


April 9th  AD 1859

            Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to previous notice given from the pulpit.

On motion of Mr Samuel MARSHALL that the com to negotiate with Mr STORER were discharged.

On motion of Rev S WILSON that he congregation are satisfied with the fence of locust post and pine boards.

    On motion of Mr Robt SPEER that the original trustees be continued for another year.  On motion of Mr R SPEER that there be a com of three appointed to furnish suitable ladder and buckets for the protection of the house.  Messrs J WALTERS, Lewis MILLER, & R SPEER sd com.

On motion of Mr George WALTERS that the report of the fence com be adpopted & the com have the thanks of the congregation & be dischanged.  This motion amended by Rev S WILSON that the com be retained untill all the money be collected and the business all done up.


On motion of Rev S WILSON that the com. to have the land surveyed and the deed made be discharged except Mr Thos E CONNER who is to see that the deed is recorded and all right.

On motion of Rev S WILSON that Mr T.E. CONNER be paid out of the funds belonging to the church for surveying.

On motion of Rev S WILSON that the expence of recording the deed be taken out of the surplus fence money.

On motion of Mr Samuel MARSHALL that if there is any more surpluss fence money that the expences of the ladder and buckets be paid out of it.

On motion of Mr Samuel POLLOCK that we go into the election of clerks.  The election being held Messrs A.H. MARSHALL & John F CONNER were elected.

     On motion of  Rev S WILSON that a com of three be apponted to examine the state of the roof & employ a workman if they choose to assist them.


And amended by Mr T.E. CONNER to examine the floor or any other improvement they may think proper.

Messrs James McDONALD, Henry MILLER  & Peter REASONER were appointed said com.  On motion of Mr John WALTERS that a com of three be appointed to negotiate with Mr McMURRAY for seats for use of the Clerks.  Messrs John WALTERS, Peter REASONER, & Lewis MILLER were appointed said com.    Adjourned

                                                                                                            A. REASONER   Secty


            May 30th  AD 1859

       Congregation of Pleasant Hill met according to previous motice and organised by calling Peter REASONER to the chair.  The com to examine the state of the roof and floor reported that the roof is entirely done & the floor needs repairs.

On motion of  Rev S WILSON that the com to examine the house be


retained and employ workmen and right on & fix up the house & the congregation will sustain them.   On motion resolved that the money be raised by subscription.  Resolved that the roof be made of white oak lap shingles.

On motion resoved that a com of five be appointed to raise the money.  The following persons were appointed said com.  Messrs  Robt CONNER, Samuel POLLOCK, John SHAW, Robt SPEER and Samuel SCOTT

Resolved the subscription money be paid in three months and amended by saying four months.

                                                                                    meeting then adjourned      N. REASONER


                        Pleasant Hill        June 18th 1859

Congregation met agreeable to previous notice and organised by calling Peter REASONER to the chair.

The com to raise the money to pay for roofing the house was called on to report   they reported they had raised the had raised as follows - S POLLOCK ten Dollars, John SHAW forty one dollars & Robert CONNER twenty eight dollars; making in all Seventy nine dollars.

On motion it was resolved that all the persons in the house that have not been solicited be before they leave the house.

On motion it was resolved that we go into a com of the whole for five minutes.

On motion it was resolved that the soliciting com again report  the report is 179 dollars raised.

Resolved we adjourn                              Nathan RESONER   clk


            October 3rd AD 1859

Congregation of Pleasant Hill met agreeable to previous notice and organised by calling Alexander McKINNEY to the chair.

On motion it was resolved that we make some arrangments to clean out the grave yard.   On motion it was resolved that a collection be taken up that purpose.

On motion it was resolved that Isaac STORER & Peter SHAINHOLTZ be appointed a com to attend to this business.   On motion it was resolved that there be a com of three appointed to lay off the new part of the grave yard in order R CONNER, J STORER & N (or A) REASONER was appointed said com

 On motion it was resolved that the money in the hands of the Treasureer of the contingent fund be applied to keeping the house.


            Pleasant Hill   April 9th 1860

     Congregation met agreeable to previous notice and organised by calling Mr Robt CONNER to the chair.

On motion it was resolved that the com to clean out the graveyard be called on to report.   They reported they employed J.S. McKINNEY to do the work and it was nearly finished for which they pay him seven dollars.  Whereupon the com was discharged.  On motion it was resolved the com to lay off the new part of the grave yard be called on to report.   they reported that they had not done any thng at it   the report was accepted & the com continued & instructed to have it done at their earliest convenience.  On motion it was resolved that we go into the election of Clerks.  On motion it was resolved that a com of three be appointed to nominate suitable candidates    Messrs I STORER, S POLLOCK & J WALTERS was appointed said com.  The election being held J.F. CONNER & Jesse WORTMAN, Jr was elected.  On motion it was resolved that the com to replace the house be called on to report   they reported that it was all done up & paid for   Whereupon it was resolved that the com have the


thanks of the congregation for their fidelity & faithfullness in performing the duties assigned them & that they be discharged.  On motion it was resolved that the original trustees  Isaac STORER, T.E. CONNER, & John WALTERS be continued  On motion it was resolved that the Clerks have the previlege of occupying the back seats as heretofore   On motion it was resolved that we go into some measures for a Sabath school in this place. 

            On motion adjourned

                                                            N REASONER  Sect--

            Pleasant Hill  Oct 11th 1860

Congregation met and organised by calling Peter REASONER to the chair.

On motion it was Res that the com to lay off the new part of the graveyard be called on to report   they reported they had laid it off in order as far as the small gate North of the church

On motion it was resolved that the report be rec'd and the com discharged.

     On motion resolved that 25cts be laid on each pew for the purpose of keeing the house.

On motion Res that the money in the contingent


fund be applied to keeping the house.  On motion Res that there be a collection taken to get stove piping & repair the house.

On motion Res that there be a com appointed to fix the stove pipe and do the repairs of the house   com consits of I STORER & Alexander McKINNEY Jr         Adjourned               N REASONER   Scty

Pleasant Hill   

            April 6th 1861

                        Congregation met agreeable to previous notice given from the pulpit and organised by calling Mr Robert CONNER to the chair.

            The com to furnish stove pipes and repair the house were called on to report they reported they have fixed the stoves but the repairs of the house are not yet done.

            On motion resolved the report be received and the com retained.

            The election being held for Clerks John F CONNER & Jesse WORTMAN were elected.

On Motion Resolved the original trustees Messrs I STORER, John WALTERS & Thos E CONNER be continued.


            Pleasant Hill       April 18 1862

            Congregation met persuant to appointment and organized by calling Decan McKINNEY to the chair and calling? Jno MILHOLLAND Secratary protem

The minutes was read of the previous meeting Elder I STORER chair of the committee on repairs reported that no repairs was made for want of funds  Reported approved and Commitee continued.

Congregation then proceeded to Elect 2 clerks for the insuing year, which resulted in election of Jesse WORKMAN & David SELLERS

On motion John BENNETT & Robert SPEER were elected Trustees for the insuing year and Jno MILHOLLAND Sectry.   The meeting then adjourned 

                                                                        Alex'd  McKINNY (chair)

                                                            Jno MILHOLLAND (sctry)


Pleasant Hill     Sepbr  29  1862

Congregation met by anoncement for the pulpet and organized by calling Jno MILHOLLAND to the chair - and Peter SHANEHOLTZ Secty pro tem  The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved.

The Commitee on repairs reported that the ruff had been repaired and paid for out of the contingent fund   But that the sealing was not yet repaired-- which report was excepted and commitee continued with instructions to have the sealing repaired at the expence of the congregation.

It was then moved and seconded that a commitee of two be appoined to confer with Rev WILSON in referance to his future salery.  Elders HUNTER & STORER was appointed said commitee, who after a short confirance reported that the Rev WILSON ad agreed to reduce his Salery $50.00 .  Rev WILSON  then made a few remarcks, apart of which was, that he had taken into concideration the disturbed condition of our countery, which had grately imbarsed the people -  but when peace and


prosparity would be again restored, the congregation would again make it the same as heretofore and that he would be a part of what ever the present arearages might be when assertained, which could not now be assertained, as Mr MURREY the treasurer was not present.

            The report of the commitee of reffinance was approved   The meeting then adjourned

                                                John MILHOLLAND  Cm

                                    Peter SHANEHOLTZ  Secty pro tem



Persuant to previous notice from the Pulpit

The congregation met & organized by chosing John MILHOLLAND to the chair & Peter SHANEHOLTZ Secty pro tem --- Peter SHANEHOLTZ was elected Treasurer on motion of Rev S WILSON the meeting resolved to have a commitee of three chosen to concider the propriety of making an adetion to the Session and how maney(?) and make a selection of candidates.

Commitee choson ware I STORER, S. MARSHAL & S. SCOTT --- Report of com to elect 3 members and nominated  J AMSPOKER, P. REASONER,


A McKINNEY & T CONER.  Congregation then proceeded to balet. The result was J. AMSPOKER, and P. REASONER ware Elected - and A. McKINNEY and T.E. CONNER  resulted in a tie vot.  Cong"  proceeded to a second Ballot -- which resulted in a tie vote between CONNER & McKINNEY --- when on Motion of Rev S. WILSON the congregation agreed unanamously that both be concidered Elders.  On motion of Rev S. WILSON, the same commitee (except SCOTT -- P REASONER take his place) take into concideration how maney Decans are nessary to Elect --- and  to make nominations of candedates -- Commity reported foure and nominated  S. SCOTT, D. SELLERS, R. SPEER, & Jno SHAW   Cong"   proceeded to Balet which reulted in the Election of S. SCOTT, D. SELLERS, R. SPEER & Jno SHAW.   On motion of Rev S WILSON it was unanamously agreed if nothing be in the way, that said Elected Elders be ordained on the next Sabeth.   Meeting then adjourned 

Novr 27th 1862  (Pleasant hill)

                                                            Jno Milholland  C-m

                                                P. SHANEHOLTZ   Sectary protem


Pleasant hill  April 7" 1863

Persuant to previous notice from the pupet Congregation met and organized by calling Joseph McKINNEY  to the chair.

The minutes of the last years meetings was read and approved, except the ancteals(?) of Mr AMSPOKER & MR CONNER which ware amended so as to read J AMSPOKER & T.E. CONNER --- Committe on repares Reported no progress. Report apoved and commitee continued.  on motion Resolved to elect 2 trustees for the insuing year. Jas NOBLE &  Robert SPEER ware elected.  Resolved to elect 2 clearks for the next year -- Isaac STORER &  Robt SPEER ware chosen tellers -- the election was by ballet and resulted in the Election of David SELLERS and Jesse WORKMAN.    John MILHOLLAND was Elected Secretary for the ensuing year. 

Treasurer of Stipans Reported $200.00 subscription -- and that he would pay  Mr WILSON in full and colect the defecat (if any) off the Dlinquants.  Resolved that  the Sexon be paid 1/2 yearly $10 for his services.


on motion it was resolved to rais the dficiancy of Rev WILSON sallery to the 1st of April Inst   Subscriptions circulated and the sum of $23.50 was subscribed and paid and Messers I STORER & R SPEER was appointed to Solicet each seat holder to contribut to the same object.  Treasuerer of contingent fund reported $2.80 in the treasury                   congregation then adjourned

                        Jno MILHOLLAND Secty    Jas McKINNEY    Chair



                        Pleasant Hill   April 2nd 1864

                        Persuant to notice, congregation met

Minutes of the last meeting reand and aproved

The meeting then proceeded to the election of four clearks, when Jesse WORKMAN, Andrew MARSHAL, H.C. PRINGLE & W H McKINNEY ware elected for the insueing year.  John SHAW & James NOBLE ware elected trustees. John MILHOLLAND was elected Sectary

Isaac STORER was elected treasuer of contingent fund.


Treasuer report a defeciancy to pay the paster and the sexon of $8.50 for which their was no subscription whereupon said deficiancy was raised by members present and $7?.00 surpluss.

Meeting then adjourned.

                                                A McKINNEY  chairmen

            John MILHOLLAND, Setry


Pleasant hill   May 16" 1864

            Agreeable to previous notice congregation met and proceded to elect two Dekens which resulted in the Election of James NOBLE and -----  WORKMAN to said office.

    -----  WORKMAN not being present, Elder R. HUNTER was instructed to give him notice of his election and that the ordination would take place on the first sabeth in June next if nothing prevented.

                                                                                    Alex McKINNEY  chrman

                                                            John MILHOLLAND   Secty


Pleasant Hill        April 15 th 1865

By previous notice the congregation met to transact the anual business of the church.  Samuel MARSHALL was elected chaireman  The minutes of the two previous meetings ware read, and approved.  The congregation went into an Election of officers                     

Foure clearks ware elected viz A.H. MARSHALL, Jesse WORKMAN, Mr(or Wm) H McKINNEY and C PRINGLE.  Three Trustees; viz James NOBLE sr, John SHAW and John VANDEVERT, and Isaac STORER  Treasuer of contingent fund.  P SHANEHOLTZ  Treasuer reported $2.15  defecient to pay the Preacher and sexton, which was contributed on sight by the members present.

By a sence of the meeting it was injoined on the trustees to have the graveyard cleaned of Briers and other Rubish, and that sheep be imployed to some extent for the purpose.  I STORER treasuer of contingent fund reported $8.92 in treasury.  It was resolved to apply the same to the care of the


grave-yard and spring, on motion meeting then adjourned.

                                                signed Samuel MARSHALL   chm

                                    secty  John MILHOLLAND


Pleasant Hill   April  23"  1866

Congregation met after Divine Service

the meeting being called to order Peter REASONER was elected to the chair and Clovis PRINGLE secratary pro tem

A motion was offered that the officers of the church, who have serving for the past year be reelected, which motion prevailed

A  motion was presented that a commitee of 3 be appointed to have the plastering of the House repared -- which for reasons was withdrawn

The treasuerer of the contingent fund reports $14.00 in the treasuery

On motion the congregation tendered their cincear thanks to Messers NOBLE and VANDEVERT for their kindness in fencing and cleaning the spring.


on motion the commitee that was appointed at the last meeting for the purpose of cleaning the graveyard, be

continued and that they be paid from the contingent fund.

On motion the meeting then adjourned

                                                                        P REASONER  chairman

            C PRINLE Secty


Pleasant Hill     May 21"  1866

Congregation met and organized by electing Isaac STORER to the chare

Jno MILHOLLAND   Secratary

Treasuerer reported a defeciancy of $30.50(or $32.50) to met the payment of the Preachers Salary for the last year  Whereupon Mr J AMSPOKER moved that the amount be raised by voluntary donation, when the amount of $32 was subscribed and paid as per list of subscribers names.

on motion a commitee of 3 viz


Robert HUNTER, Jonas AMSPOKER, and John MILHOLLAND, was appointed by the chare to soliset Pew-holders to add an adetional amount to their Stepans

Meeting then adjourned


                        Pleasant hill  April ? 1867

Congregation met according to previous notice and organized by calling Peter REASONER to the chair When the following business was transacted  John VANDEVERT and Jas NOBLE were elected trustees. Andrew MARSHALL and Jesse WORTMAN were elected clerks

On motion it was resolved that the young people meet at ??oclock to improve(?) singing


[78/(76)] On motion Jas NOBLE and John SHAW were appointed to confer with  Andrew MARSHALL and Jesse WORTMAN with regard to giving  instructions in ?????   Treasurer of contingent fund reported $14 in the account.  On motion Peter REASONER was elected Treasurer of contingent fund

Treasurer of Congregation reported a delinquency of $40.24 of which was raised on sup.

On motion a committee of two be appointed to confer with John McCLELLAND  with regard to the purchase of some land as hitching ground.  Mr  AMSPOKER and Mr CULBERTSON were appointed said committee

[79/(77)]  On motion JM SCOTT was elected Secretary  

On motion adjourned

                                                                        Samuel CONNER   C

                                                as         J M SCOTT   Secty


                                                                        Pleasant Hill

                                                                                    May 21 1867

Congregation met according to previous notice and was organized by calling John MILHOLLAND Esq to the chair. The minutes of the last two meeting were read and adopted.  The committee to ???  ?? pew holders to add to stipens reported $15.00 raised  the report was accepted and sd committee discharged

On motion unreadable line

[78] to sell one acre unreadble line  the report was adopted and the committee discharged On motion the purchase of land was unreadable line

Treasurer of Congregation reported a deficiency of $10

Treasurer of contingent fund reported $17 83/100 on hand

On motion the reports were accepted and approved.

On motion resolved to ??? the amount due Mr WILSON be paid out of the contingent fund.

On motion it was agreed to allow John VANDEVERT ?John SHAW unreadable the Treasurer of contingent fund

[ 79]

the expense of fencing the spring

On motion was  . . .  unreadable

On motion a committee was appointed to raie funds and make all necessary repairs on the House

On motion a committee of five was appointed: Robert HUNTER, John VANDEVERT, Peter REASONER, Jas SCOTT, and J AMSPOKER was appointed said committee

On motion a committee of Mrs STORER Mrs REASONER, Mrs SHAW be appointed to ????  ???? to pay for ????

On resolved to add ???? ???? to the committee ????

[no page #]

A motion was made  to ???? ?????  amount on the pews to raise the stipen.

On motion a committee of   be appointed to attend to this matter.  ???? John MILHOLLAND, I STORER and P. SHAINHOLTS were appointed said committee

Treasurer reported a settlement in full with Mr. WILLSON.

The committee to confer with Andrew MARSHALL and Jesse WORTMAN reported that they had discharged the duty assigned them and that A. MARSHALL and J WORTMAN ???  willing ???? ????  as desired

On motion adjourned

                                                            John MILHOLLAND   Chairman

[no page #]

Pleasant Hill   April  1868

The meeting was called by electing Andrew MARSHALL to chair  T.C. CONNER Secty protem  On motion Jas NOBLE and John VANDEVERT were elected trustees.  On motion A MARSHALL & J WORTMAN were elected Clerks.  On motion Peter REASONER was elected treasurer of contingent fund.   On motion the committee on repairing the church was continued.  On motion the  report of Treas of contingent fund was called for.  On motion sd report was accepted and approved.  On motion the Treasurers report was called for  The report was received and accepted.  On motion  a committee of two be appointed to wait


unreadable names and John AMSPOKER were appointed said committee.

On motion unreadable line fencing the Grave Yard ?fence?  and that they the prvilege of empolying a man to do the work and pay him out of the contingent funds.

On motion that  we have preaching half the time in Concord.  On motion this Subject laid on the Table untill next meeting

                                    On Motion adjourned

                                                A. MARSHALL  Chair

                                    T.C. CONNER Secty protem


Pleasant Hill    April 21, 1868

Congregation met according to previous announcement   John MILHOLLAND  was called to the chair when the following business was transacted

Resolved that we as a congregation unite with Mr WILLSON into asking Presbytery to dissolve the relation existing between us as Pastor and people.

A motion was then made to leave the subject of having preaching half the time in Concord on the Table for the present which was lost.

The vote was then taken for 1/4 of the time Concord which resulted in 33 for and 21 against 

On motion that Rev WILLSON continue to occupy his pew free

On motion that Mr HUNTER be a committee to  inform him of the action of the Congregation


On motion that a comitttee of three be appointed to give their state for Balance due Rev WILLSON       Jas NOBLE, Isaac STORER, & Peter REASONER were appointed said com.

On motion a committee be appointed to confer with a Com of Norwich in regard to securing a preacher. Mr STORER, Mr AMSPOKER and Mr REASONER were appointed said committee

On motion that a comm be appointed to con? of the ??? of the congregation with regard to Rev WILLSON's dismissal to Presbytery.  On motion that the delegate from this church to Pres act as commisioners

On motion that the fund of Comm to ?? Assembly be paid out of contingent fund.

Treasuer reported $72. defecit                            Adjourned

                                                J MILHOLLAND Chr

                        J.M SCOTT  Sec 



                        Pleasant Hill      Oct 2??   1868

On motion  Mr STORER and Mr VANDAVERT were appointed a committee to repair the stoves and the expenses be paid out of the contingent fund.

Treasurer reported $86.10 received and $86.00 paid out forsupplies leaving a surplus of 10 cents in the Treasury.

A committee consisting of Mr NOBLE, Mr STORER, Mr SHAW, Mr REASONER and Mr WORTMAN were appointed to collect the next six months stipends.

On motion  the Mr STORER  serve as Treasurer until next regular meeting.

                        On motion adjourned                 

                                                            Jonas AMSPOKER


J M SCOTT   Secty


                        Pleasant Hill        Feby 11? 1869

Congregation met according to previous notice and was organized by calling Peter REASONER to the chair.

On motion that a vote be taken to ascertain if the congregation is ready to secure a stated supply for one year which carried unanimously in the affirmative.   On motion that we proceed by Ballot which resulted in choice of Mr WILLIAMS.

On motion that a committee be appointed to settle the place of preaching.  Mr VANDEVERT, Mr WILSON, Mr STORER, Mr AMSPOKER, and Mr CULBERTSON  were appointed  said committee.  Committee reported that Preaching be at Pleasant Hill in the morning and at Concord in the evening.  On motion the report was received and th committee discharged.  On motion that a committee of    be appointed to


solicit those that were not present at the meeting.   Mr SHAW, Mr STORER, and Mr CULBERTSON were appointed said committee.

On motion that Mr WILSON be invited to preach as a supply.  On motion that Mr STORER be a committee to extend the invitation.  On motion adjourned

                                                                        Peter REASONER  Ch



            Pleasant Hill                   April 24th 1869

According to previous notice congregational meeting was held,  On motion I STORER was called to the hair and Jonas AMSPOKER  Secretary.  On motion I STORER  was appointed Trustee for ten years.  On motion B. WORTMAN & Andrew 


MARSHALL were elected Clerks for one year.  On motion Benjamin WORTMAN was chosen Treasurer of contingent fund.  On motion J.M. SCOTT was elected Secretary of Congregation.  On motion Treasurer of contingent fund reported a balance of 4 cents in the treasury.  On motion Isaac STORER was elected Treasurer of Congregation and reported as follows.   Received $58 62/100 and paid $10.00 to John Vandavert? for attending the Meeting House.  Cash on hand $12 62/100  On motion adjourned.

                                                                        I STORER  Charman

                                                Jonas AMSPOKER   Secy


Pleasant Hill    May 1 1869

On motion Squire MILHOLLAND  was called to the chair and S.T. STORER was appointed Secretary protem, Isaac STORER gave a statement of the meeting before prodeeding to business.  On motion of Mr AMSPOKER, Rev Mr R. MILLER be invited to come and preach for us, with a view to becoming our Pastor.  A vote was taken by ballot which resulted 15 in the affirmative and 11 in the negative.  Owing to the division it was moved that the foregoing action be indefinitely postponed.  On motion the committee on invitation of supplies be insturcted to invite Rev FOY to preach for us a few days.  On motion the Committee (with the advice and consent of the session) be instructed to invite


a minister to hold a Sacramental service in this church

On motion we adjourned

                                                            John MILHOLLAND  C,m

                                    S.T. STORER  Sec por tem,


                                    Pleasant Hill       June 19 1869

Congregation met in accordence with previous notice from the pulpit  was organized by calling I STORER to the chair, and J AMSPOKER, scribe.  On motion resolved that we take measures to call Mr FIELDS.  After the vote was taken, the result was 41 votes for Mr FIELDS and none  against him.  On motion it was resolved that a committee be appointed to confer with Norwich Church with reference to Mr FIELDS.  P. REASONER & R. HUNTER were appointed said committee.  On motion a committee was 


appointed to solicit Subscription  John HALSTED, John SCOTT,  Gillespie CUBBERTSON and Benjamin WORTMAN were said committee.

                                                                        I STORER   Chm

            J. AMSPOKER   Secy protem


                                    Pleasant Hill    Jan 15, 1870

Congregation met according to appointment  Peter REASONER in the Chair.  On motion that we proceed to elect a pastor, which resulted in the choice of Rev J. D WALKINSHAW by a unanimous vote.

On motion a committee was appointed to confer with a Com of Norwich with regard to securing a Parsonage.

Mr AMSPOKER, Mr STORER and J. M. SCOTT were said com.

On motion a committee consisting of B. WORTMAN, G. CULBERTON,  Abr AMSPOKER & J.M. SCOTT were appointed to solicit subscription.                              P. REASONER     ch

                                                            J.M. SCOTT secy


Pleasant Hill                   Feby 9 1871

Congregation met according to previous notice.

On motion of Mr STORER  Jonas AMSPOKER was elected chairman and N.R. MORGAN chosen Sec

The object of the meeting as stated by Mr STORER being to consider the propriety of erecting a new Presbyterian Church in or near the village of New Concord.  Peter REASONER moved for the erection of the same, which after being seconed and discussed was carried in the affirmative,  Mr P. GAULT moved for the election of three persons to procure a situation for a church in or near New Concord which was carried and the following


persons were elected on said committee  Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER, and N.R. MORGAN.  The Chairman appointed J.M. SCOTT and Robert CAIRNES  in connexion with the foregoing committee as a building committee.  On motion meeting adjourned. 

                                                                        J AMSPOKER  Ch

            N.R. MORGAN   sec


Pleasnat Hill     Mar 8 1871

Congregation met according to previous notice.

P. MARSHALL  was called to the chair.  When the following business was transacted

On motion of Mr AMSOPKER that the old house be repaired.  Amended by Mr 


John MILHOLLAND that a committee be appointed to ascertain the amount necessary to repair the House.  the vote being taken resulted in 21 yeas and 30 nays.  The vote was then taken on the original motion which resulted in 19 yeas and 45 nays.  On motion of Thomas CONNER that a committee be appointed to ascertain the amount that it will cost to to repair the house which was lost by 12 of a majority.  On motion of Mr I STORER that the moving of the church to Concord be submitted to Presbytery which was carried in the affirmative.  It was then agreed that the delegate from Pleasant Hill should act as commissioner to Presbytery.

On motion of E.S. LYLE


that the disaffected party select their own commissioner to represent them in Presbytery which was carried.

On motion adjourned

                                                                                    A. MARSHALL   Ch

                        J.M. SCOTT   Secty


                                    New Concord  May 27 /71

Congregation met according to previous notice.  A MARSHALL was called to the chair.  E.S. LYLE and John HALSTED were elected Trustees. 

J.M. SCOTT was elected Treasurer and W.P. GAULT was elected Secretary.  On motion A. MARSHALL,  M.D. HARPER, MISS M.A. STORER AND MISS S. MILLER were chosen choiristers.

                                                                        A. MARSHALL   Ch

                        J.M. SCOTT  Sec


Ground first broke for Concord Presbeterian church

August 4th 1871  On Jos ?STRAINS? field

New Concord, O  July 31st 1871 

Meeting came to order by calling  Peter REASONER to the char.  Object of meeting called for.   Stated by Mr Isaac STORER   VIZ to aggree on a day to tear down Pleasant Hill Church.  On motion we meet at Pleasant Hill Thurdsay Aug 3rd to commence tearing down.  Motion carried.  On motion we meet on the Site selected by committee for building Friday and Saturday Aug 4th and 5th for the purpose of preparing a place for the foundation   Motion carried.  On motion Mr Peter REASONER and Mr Jno HALSTEAD be chosen to superintend the tearing down of the Church.  Motion carried. On motion we adjourn.  Motion carried.

                                                                                                            Peter REASONER Chrm  

                                                            W.P. GAULT   Secy


New Concord Ohio  Dec 23rd   /71

Meeting came to order by calling Ezra LYLE to the chair  Business of Meeting Stated  On motion Mr Isaac STORER was elected treasurer of Building fund for the Congregation.  Moved and Seconed that Mr Ezra LYLE be released from his Subscription in consequence of his acting as Sexton for the Congregation.  Gratuitously.  Motion carried.  On motion a committe of three was appointed to Salicit additional Subscriptions for the purpose of covering arrearages in Pastors Salary.  Committee consisted of Isaac STORER, Peter REASONER and Robert CAIRENS.  Moved and Seconed that W.P. GAULT be added to the Choristers.  Motions carried.

On motion we adjourn.  Motion carried.

                                                                                    Ezra LYLE  Chm

                                                W.P. GAULT    Secy


New Concord Ohio  Nov 17th  /72

Meeting came to order by calling John MILHOLLAND to the Chair.  Moved and Seconed that we proceed to the election of two Elders.  Motion carried.  On motion the persons elected shall receive a majority of all the votes cast.  Moved and seconed that a Committe be appointed to Select candidates for Elders.  Motion lost.  On Motion all Members and Supporters were allowed to vote. Moved and Seconed that the four highest candidates in the first Balot be considered thereafter as the only candidates.  Motion carried.  On motion Ezra LYLE by his own request was excused as a candidate for Elder.  On Second Balot the Election resulted in the election of Robert CAIRNES and Andrew MARSHALL as Elders.  On motion their election was declared unanimous.  Moved and Seconed that we proceed to the election of three Deacons and that we vote for them by Ayes and Nayes.  Motion lost.  Moved and Seconed we elect by Balot.  Motion Carried.  Election resulted in the election of Charles MORGAN, John HALSTEAD and W.P. GAULT for Deacons.


On motion the election was declared unanimous.  Moved and Seconed we adjourn.  Motion carried.

                                                                                                John MILHOLLAND   Chm

                                                                        W.P. GAULT   Secy

New Concord  Ohio   Nov 17th  1873

Meeting came to order by calling John MILHOLLAND to the chair.  On motion we proceed to the Election of two Elders.  Motion carried.  Moved and Seconed that the persons elected shall receive a majority of all the votes cast.  Motion carried.  Moved and seconed that a committee be appointed to Select candidates for Elders.  Motion lost.  On motion all member and supporters be allowed to vote.  Carried . On motion the four highest voted for on first Ballot be considered the candidates.  Motion carried.  On motion Ezra LYLE be excused as a candidate for Elder. Carried  Election resulted in the election of Robert CAIRNES and Andrew MARSHALL. On Motion their

[no #]

the election was unanimous.  On motion we preceed to the election of three Deacons.  Motion carried.  Moved and Seconed they be elected by Ayes and Nayes.  Motion lost.  Moved and Seconed we elect by Ballot.  Motion carried.  The election resulted in election John HALSTEAD, Charles MORGAN, and W.P. GAULT.  Moved and seconed that the Congregation make the vote unanimous  Motion carried.

Moved and seconed that the Congregation return a vote of thanks to Our Methodist Brethren for the use of their house of worship for the past two years and that a Suitable copy of resolutions be Sent them.  Motion carried.  Moved and Seconed that the old Communion cloth be sold.  Motion carried.  On motion we adjourn  Motion carried.                                                                          John MILHOLLAND    Chm

                                                                                    W.P. GAULT              Clk

[no #]

New Concord   April 14th  1873

Meeting came to order by calling G.W. PRINGLE to the chair.  Moved and seconed that the Congregation takes measures to enclose the Church lot with a suitable fence. Motion carried  Moved and Seconed that a petition fence be built ten feet South of the Church from east boundary to west.  Motion carried.  On motion the South side be Board fence Motion Carried.  Moved and Seconed that the petition and front fence be of ?Palens  Carried.  Moved and Seconed that the Surplus fund in hand of Treasurer of building fund be appropriated for the fence.  Carried.  Moved and Seconed that we build a coal house  Motion carried.  Moved and Seconed that a committee of three be appointed to Superintend the building of fence and coal house.  Carried.  Committee consisted of Messrs  Ezra LYLE, Robert CAIRNES and Peter REASONER. On motion we adjourn.  Carried.

                                                                                    G.W. PRINGLE  Chm

                                                                                    W.P. GAULT     Clk


                        New Concord   Ohio   Sep  22nd  1874

Meeting came to order by calling John MILLHOLLAND to the chair.  Moved and seconed that Mr LYLE be instructed to put up a Sign at the Door that there will be no Tobacco Chewing allowed in this church  Motion carried.  Moved and Seconed that we proceed to Select seats.  Motion carried.  On motion the Treasurer of the Congregation was called on to report.  On Motion the Committee for Saliciting Subscription for 1871 be discharnged. Carried.

Moved and Seconed that the three young Deacons and Isaac STORER be a committee to Salicit subscription  Motion lost.  Moved and Seconed that the three young Deacons Salicit additional subscription for the purpose of covering arrearages in Pastors Salary  Carried.  Moved and Seconed that the Deacons and Treasurer report Semianually  carried.

On motion the committee on repairs was continuted.

On motion the Trustees, clerk and Treasurer of Church be continued  Carried.

On motion we adjourn  Carried

                                                            John MILLHOLLAND  Chm

                                                             C.P. MORGAN  Clk P.T.


            New Concord  Ohio  Dec 27th /74

Meeting came to order by calling Mr. MARSHAL to the chair.  Minuets of last meeting read and approved.  On motion the committee on repairs be continued.  Report of Deacons on Collection of Arrearages called for. Report accepted.  Moved and Seconed that a committe of three be appointed to Make arrangements with pastor on arrearages up to June 10, 1873  Carried.  Messrs STORER, REASONER and AMSPOKER appointed  Committe reported and discharged.  Making a full Settlement with Pastor up to June 10th /73. Moved and Seconed that Thirty dollars of Mr LYLE's building Subscription be allowed him for Service rendered in caring for the house. Carried.

Treasurer report Called for.  Report accepted
On motion we adjourn  Carried                                                    A. MARSHALL  Chm

                                                                                                W.P. GAULT   Clk


            New Concord  Ohio  June 13th /74

Meeting came to order by calling Isaac STORER to the chair.  Object of meeting state by Mr CARINS.  Treasurers report called for  Report accepted. Moved and Seconed that the Motion of Dec 27th 1873 respecting Mr LYLE'S Salary for the first year as Sexton be reconsidered.  Carried   Moved and Seconed that that Mr LYLE be allowed Forty Dollars ($40.00) as services as Sexton the first year.  Carried,  Deacons report on New Subscription called for   Report accepted.  Moved and Seconed that the Session act as a committee to present Subscription papers to Pastor.   Motion lost.  Moved and Seconed that the Deacons in connection with the Session be a committee to present papers to Pastor.  Carried.  Treasurers report called for. Report accepted.  Moved and Seconed that John SCOTT's resignation as treasurer be accepted  Carried.  Moved and seconed that W.P. GAULT  be elected as Treasurer of Congregation Carried.  Moved and Seconed that C.P. MORGAN be elected as Secretary of Congregation.  Carried


On motion Andrew MARSHAL and W.P. GAULT be elected as Choristers  Carried.  Moved and Seconed that the preasent Trustees be continued  Carried

    On motion we adjourn  Carried

                                                            Isaac STORER  Chm

                                                            W.P. GAULT  Secy


            New Concord  Ohio  Sept 26th  /74

Meeting came to order by calling A.H. MARSHALL to the chair.  Object of meeting stated by chairman viz to unite with pastor to dissolve the pastoral relation with the congregation.

Moved and seconed that we send for Rev Elfrich to give his reason for his dismissal from the congregation  Carried                                                   

Moved and Seconed we vote by ballot  Motion lost  Moved and seconed that we concur with the request of Mr Elfrich for his dismissal

Motion lost                                                                                             A.H.MARSHALL Char

On motion we adjourn  Carried                                        C.P. Morgan  Sect


New Concord  O   Oct 31st /74

Congregation met according to previous notice from the pulpit and was organized by calling P. REASONER to the chair.  Moved and Seconded that we as a congregation pay up our half yearly subscription untill Dec 10th  /74 to pay up all arrearages.  Carried.

Moved and seconed that we pay Rev N.C HELFRICH at the rate of four hundred ($400) dollars for services since last June  Carried.  Moved and seconed that the daily collection be continured  carried.

Moved and seconed that all announcements be made to the Preacher by the Treasuer Deacon.  carried.

Moved and seconed that a committee of two be appointed by the char to confer with Norwich for soliciting candidates  carried   Isaac STORER and A.H. MARSHALL constitutes the committee.

Moved and seconed that we pay Mr LYLE


for his services as sexton and then demand his stipens.  Carried

Moved and seconed that we have subscription paper now, for the purpose of paying Rev Egleston for holding the communion  Carried.

Moved and seconed that the deacons get up a paper to present to the congregation on monday for the purpose of defraying espenses of supplies.  carried

On motion adjourned

                                                                                    P. REASONER    Chm

                                                                                    C.P. MORGAN    Clk


                        New Concord  O      Nov 9th /74

            Meeting came to order by calling John St. CLAIR to the chair.  Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.  Object of meeting stated by P. REASONER viz - to raise subscription for supplies.  Moved and seconed that the paper for raising subcription for supplies be adopted.  carried

Moved and seconed that this paper presented to every member of the congregation.  carried.

Moved and second that Mr LYLE be instructed to procure a lamp from the town council, and put the same at the small gate next the road to be light in the evenings for the benefit of persons going to and from church.

Moved and second that we adjourn.  carried.

                                                            John  St CLAIR   Chm

                                                C.P. MORGAN   Sect


                        New Concord  O      Jan 8th /74  (prob. /75)

            Congregation met according to previous announcement by the session.  Moved by Mr STORER that P. REASONER act as chairman.   Moved and seconed that we proceed to vote for Rev KELLY as pastor.  carried.  Moved and seconed that we vote on the following motion by rising to the feet.  carried

Moved and seconed that we accept Rev. KELLY as Pastor of this church.  After the vote was taken, the result was 16 votes for Mr KELLY and 19 against him.

                                    On motion we adjourn,

                                                            P. REASONER  Chr

                                                C.P. MORGAN,  Sect


                        New Concord  O      April 15th  1876

            On motion of Mr REASONER that Mr. CAREINS act as chairman.  Motion carried.  Moved that T.P. NOBLE act as secretary.  Motion carried.  The contingent fund was next in order.  Remarks by Mr REASONER, also asking for report of said fund, which was given by Mr GAULT.  Moved and seconed that said report be accepted, motion carried.  Moved and seconed that no money be paid from the contingent fund without an order from two of the Trustees, motion carried.

Moved that the Clerks be elected by ballot. Motion carried,  Clerks elected are as follows,  W. H MARSHALL,  C. PADEN, and  D. NOBLE.  Moved and seconed that M. LILE and HALSTED act as Trustees.  Motion Carried.

Moved and seond that W.P. GAULT act as treasuer of the Contingent fund, Carried.  Moved and seconed that we appoint the last Saturday of May to see about repairing of the Grave Yard.  Carried


Moved and seconed that we authorize the Trustees to sell a portion of the South West corner of the Cemetry ground.  Carried.

Moved and seconed that we have the Windows hung with weights, carried  Moved that the expenses for the windows be taking from the Contingent fund.

Moved and seconed that we adjourn.  Motion carried.

                                                R. CARIENS   Chm

                                                T.P. NOBLE   sect pro tem


                                    Pleasant Hill     May 27th 1876

            The congregation having assembled on the grounds of Pleasant Hill Grave Yard, spent some time in cleaning the grounds and repairing fences.  After which the meeting came to order by calling Mr. Saml POLLOCK to the chair.  The object of the meeting was to consult as to the propriety of making the effort to procure the sum of $500.00 to be permanently appropriated to the effect of defraying the expenses of fencing, clearing, and keeping


in good repair the grounds of Pleasant Hill Grave Yard. On motion a committee of five viz. Messrs  Peter REASONER, Saml POLLOCK, Jesse LONG, Thomas MARSHALL and Jos McKINNEY was appointed to solicit subscription to the fund by correspondence.                                    Saml  POLOCK  Pres

            On motion we adjourn                                                    S.W. PRINGLE   Sec pro tem

            ______________________                      _________________________


            New Concord  O  Sept 8th  /76

Meeting came to order by calling John St CLAIR to the chair.  Moved and seconed that we take addional mesures to raise $400 dollars to call Rev. F. BROWN as Pastor carried.  Moved and seconed that we suspend the daily collections  carried.  Moved and seconed that we have a subscription for six months -- contingent fund  Carried.

On motion we adjourn

                                                J. ST CLAIR  Pres

                                                C.P. MORGAN  Clk


            New Concord  O       Sept 30th  1876      

Meeting came to order by calling A.H. MARSHALL to the chair.   Moved and seconed that the hour of Preaching be changed permanently to two O'clock until we raise our quota, then the time will be changed to ?caven time.  Carried.

Moved and seconed that we call Rev F BROWN  as Pastor of Pleasant Hill Congregation for one half of his time at two o'clock at a Salary of $400.00

Rev BROWN received 26 votes for Pastor and one against him.  A committee was appointed to make out a call, consisting of the following named persons. viz  J.K. WATSON, J. SCOTT, J. HALSTED, W.P. GAULT and C.P. MORGAN.  Moved and seconed that this call be left to the delegate of session to be presented before Presbytery.  Carried.

On motion we adjourn.               A.H. MARSHALL   Pres

                                                            C.P. MORGAN, Sect


                        New Concord  O   Feb 19th  1877

Meeting came to order by calling Rev BROWN to the chair.  Moved and second that we proceed to elect three elders.  carried

Moved and seconed that A.H. MARSHALL and S. SPEER act as tellers  carried.  On motion this vote was made unanimous.  The election resulted in the election of John St CLAIR, R. DAUGHERTY, and S. SPEER as elders.  Moved and seconed that C.P. MORGAN act as trustee for six months.  carried.

Treasuer report called for, was heard and accepted.  Moved and seconed the daily collection be renewed.  Motion lost.   Moved and seconed that we receive Mr W.P. GAULT resignation as treasuer, and S SPEER be placed in his stead.  Motion laid on the table until the middle of March at which time it will be taken up.  Moved and seconed that we take this subscription for contingent fund fund, to pay up the contingent fund untill the 1st of Jan?

                                                                                    Rev BROWN  Pres

On motion adjourn                                                         C.P. MORGAN  Clk


                        New Concord  O   March 29th  1877

Meeting came to order by calling John MILHOLLAND to the chair.  Moved and seconed that we proceed to elect three trustees.   Carried.  Moved and seconed that Mr LYLE be nominated as trustee for ten years.  Carried. Moved and seconed that Mr LYLE be elected trustee for ten years. carried. Moved and Seconed that W.C. AMSPOKER and John HALSTED be elected trustees for one year. Carried.  Moved and seconed that the congregation refer the choristers to the session.  Carri ed.

Moved and seconed that the trustees be instructed to deed the square part of the Cemetry, and all of it, if it be put into the endowment fund.  Amended by deeding the cemetry proper.  Carried.  Moved and seconed that our Trustees be instucted to sell the L part of the cemetry and the proceeds be devoted to the congregation.  Motion lost.  Moved and seconed that the Trustees be instructed to sell the L part of the cemetry and hold the money til futher orders.  Carried


W.P. GAULT's resignation as Treasurer was accepted.  S. SPEER was elected treasurer and C.P. MORGAN clerk for the ensuing year.

On motion we adjourn

                                                                        John MILHOLLAND  Pres

                                                                        C.P. MORGAN    Sect


            New Concord  O             Feb 11th  1878

Meeting came to order by calling Wm C AMSPOKER to the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.  The  treasuer report was read & received.  Resolved  that we express the thanks of the congregation to Mrs Heattie WILSON for her liberal gift of One Hundred dollars to missions of the Presbyterian Church.

2d  That the clerk of the congregation be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the donor.

The above was complied with.


Proceedings to incorporate the 1st Presbyterian church of New Concord  Muskingum Cyt Ohio  formerly known as Pleasant Hill congregation.

Whereas in pursuance to public announcement the two preceeding Sabbaths from the pulpit by the Pastor Rev Ferris BROWN that there would be a special meeting of the congregation on monday February 11th 1878 to take into consideration measure for the congregation to become a body corporate.

In pursuance of said case, the  congregation assembled and was called to order by Wm. C AMSPOKER occupying the chair.  After the object of the meeting being stated -- It was on motion resolved that the Presbyterian Church of New Concord (formerly) known as Pleasant Hill) now take necessary steps to become an incorporated body and did bo by nominating and unanimously Electing the following officers:

            President  Andrew H. MARSHALL,


Clerk Chas P. MORGAN,  Treasuer Stuart SPEER,  Trustees, Ezra S. LYLE, John HALSTED, and W.C. AMSPOKER.  on motion a committee of three were appointed to draft By Laws for the regulation of this body, consisting of E.S. LYLE, Stuart SPEER, and S.F(?) STORER.  On motion we adjourn to meet at the call of the Presidnet of the Incorporation.


Feb 11th 1878                                                    Wm C AMSPOKER  Pres

                                                                        C.P. MORGAN   Clk        


New Concord  Ohio   Feb 15th 1879

            The congreation met in pursuance of a call by the President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.  Treasurer's report called for -- read and accepted.  Moved and seconed that we proceed to the election of officers.  Motion carried.  Move and seconed that the by laws be set aide so that we can elect by acclamation.  Carrried.  The following officers wer elected by acclamation -- President A.H MARSHALLK, Clerk, C.P. MORGAN -- Treasurer Stuart SPEER -- Trustees Ezra S. LYLE, John HALSTED, and Wm H AMSPOKER, -- Moved and seconed that the committee which were appointed to confer with the Rev Brown upon the salary questioin be accepted and committee be discharged; Carried.  Moved and seconed that the Session abe instructed to raize an addional subscription to Partor's salary.  Motion lost.      A.H. MARSHALL  Pres

                                                On motion adjourn C.P. MORGAN Clk


New Concrd  Ohio   Jan 26th 1880


The congregation met in pursuance by the call of the President.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.  Treasurer's reprt called for, read, and accepted.  Moved and seconed that we proceed to the election of officers.  Carried. Moved and seconed that we reconsider the previous motion.  Carried, Moved and seconed that we disband this organization known as the  Incorporated Presbyterian Church of New Concord, formerly known as Pleasant Hill.  Motion carried.

The meeting left without a President, A.H. MARSHALL was called to the chair and C.P. MORGAN  was elected Clerk,pro tem.  On motion S. SPEER was elected Treasurer.  Moved and seconed that we elect three trustees  Carried.  Movd and seconed that we elect one trustee for ten years. Carried.  Moved and seconed that Dr PRINGLE, and D. NOBLE act as tellers. Carried.


On motion Wm C AMSPOKER was elected trustee for ten years, N.R. MORGAN and E.S. LYLE were elected Trustees for one year each.  On motion M.L. HARPER was elected Clerk.  oved and seconed that the receive E.S. LYLE's resignation as Trustee.  Carried.  Moved and seconed that Finley CUNNARD be elected trustee for one year.  Carried.

Moved and seconed  that the elders and Deacons meet to consider the delinquent subscriptions.  Carried.  Move and seconed that the seats be assest to raize Pastor's salary.  Move and seconed that this motion be laid upon the table untill the next meeting.  Carried.  Moved and seconed that we adjourn to next monday after the next communion.  Carried.                           A.H. MARSHALL Pres

                                                            C.P. MORGAN  Clk pro tem


            New Concord  Jan 19, 1881

Congregation was organized by calling Robert DAUGHERTY to the chair.  Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted.

The object of the meetng as stated was to har the Treasurer report and transact any other business which might e presented.  Mr SPEER, Treasurer gave a report in full for the past year which was received and adopted.  Moved and seconded a committee of five be appointed to visist those who are not paying in the support of the church that we may remove the feficiency standing against the congregation.  motion carried.  Stuart SPEER, Peter REASONER, John St CLAIR, Robert DAUGHERTY and N.R. MORGAN  were 


appointed on said committee.  Moved and seconded that this committee be required to report to the officers of the church by Feruary 1st 1881  motion carried. 

Moved and seconded The motion laid upon the tabel in reference to assessing the seats to raise the Pastor's salary be taken up for discussion.  motion carried.  Moved and seconded  It be again laid upon the table.  Motion carried.  Moved and seconded C.P. MORGAN and Finley CUNNARD be reelected as trustees for another year.  Motion carried.  Moved and seconded the report of the Trustees in reference to arrangement of seats be accepted  Motion carried.  Moved and seconded The trustees be instructed to continue their work in the arrangement of seats.


Motion carried.  Moved and seconded The session be asked to take cognazance of all those not paying to the support of thechurch and that they be dealt with as, in the Judgement of the session, they deem proper.  Motion carried.

Moved and seconded Mr Stuart SPEER be elected Treasurer for another year.  Moved and seconded we adjourn to meet the first Monday after our first communion in 1882.  motion carried.

                                                            Robert DAUGHERTY


                                                            M.L. HARPER   Secy


New Concord  June 12  1882

Congregation was organized by calling Andy MARSHALL  to the chair & W.C. AMSPOKER, Secy  Minutes of last meeting read and approved.  On motion  N. R. MORGAN & J.M. SCOTT  were elected trustees for one yeare (Caried)

On mottion that we adopted the old rule of Pleasant Hill Congregation of Electing the Trasure for life, or good behaviour (caried)  On motion we reconsidered the above motion. (caried)  S.S. SPEER was elected Tres for one yeare.  On motion that the  motion passed Jan 26 1880 in regard to raising the Pastors salary by assessing the seats and tabled at our last two meeting be taken up (lost)

Treasure report called for read and exepted.  On motion that the Elders & Deacons, form


themselves into a commitee and raise money to pay of arrearages (caried)

On motion that this commitee be instructed to assess each member according to his or her valueation of real estate to pay of arrearages (lost)  On motion that each member be be taxed 50 cts to pay arrearages (caried)

                                                Meeting closed

                                                Andy MARSHALL  Pres

                                                W.C. AMSPOKER  Secry  pro tem


Presbyterian Church   Sept 16  /82

Congregation met and was organised by calling J.M. SCOTT to the chair.  M.L. HARPER elected Secy.  Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.  A report of the committee of elders and deacons appointed at the last meeting was falled for   The committee reported that this meeting was called on behalf of their work as a committee.  The treasurer reported that the probable amount of arrearages on Pastor's Salary at the end of this year would be $205.  Moved and seconded that the motion passed at the last meeting levying a 50 ct tax on each member be repealed.  motion carried.  Moved and seconded that the Treasurer be insturcted to refund the amount alray paid under this assessment


motion carried.  Moved and seconded that a tax of $200 be levied on each member to pay arrearages on Pastor's salary  motion carried.

Moved and seconded that the Treasurer in connection with W.P. GAULT be instructed to notify each member of this action and also notify them that payment of the above will be required on or before a certain date.  Motion carried.  Moved and seconded a tender of $350 be made to Rev BROWN for next year's salary  motion lost.  Moved and seconded a revised subscription list be made and what ever amount raised be tendered Rev BROWN for his salary next year.  Motion carried.  Moved and seconded W.J. MASSEY and M.L HARPER  be appointed to canvass the


congregation for this purpose  motion lost.  Moved and Seconded the deacons be intructed to canvass the congregation and report at a congregational meeting after services on Monday after next communion  motion carried.

Moved and seconded the deacons be instructed to  procure a revised subscription list for a contingent fund  motion carried.

Moved and seconded John St CLAIR be appointed to canvass the congregation to raise arrearages in contingent fund.  motion lost

Moved and seconded we adjourn to meet after service on Monday after next communion.  motion carried

                                                                                    J.M. SCOTT  Pres

                                                                                    M.L. HARPER  Secy


            The minutes of 1883 if their were any are not on record. From Feb  3rd 1884 are recorded in new journal purchased for the purpose.      [ initials perhaps] G.S.D



This information from Family History Library film #912247    Church Records - New Concord, Ohio

Transcribed by Penny Pollock

© 1997 - 2006 Denny Shirer for Union Township, Muskingum County, OHGW