Monroe Township Churches

Maysville Methodist Episcopal Church - Historical

In 1822, under the guidance of Rev. J. P. Durbin, the Maysville Methodist Episcopal church was formed. Rev. Durbin was a circuit preacher on the Zanesville circuit. The first class was formed at the home of Hugh and Mary Ballentine which was located in Section 5. They met there for over twenty years until they could afford to build their own edifice. A plot was chosen in Section 5 of Monroe township in 1848. It was close to the Coshocton county border. This building burned down in 1854. The church members immediately rebuilt and the new church was dedicated in 1855. The Maysville Methodist Church cemetery which was built beside the church still exists and is just north of Marquand Mills and the Reservoir on Route 83. NOTE: Ballentine is also referred to as Ballantine.

The intial members included:
Hugh Ballentine
Mary Ballentine and family
William Clark
Nancy Clark and family

Otsego Baptist Church

Many of the local residents attended Salem Baptist Church and in July 20, 1844, a constitution was received from Elder William Sedwick for a Baptist conregation in Otsego, an offshoot of the Salem congregation. He served as pastor until resigning May 19, 1849. The church was first built at the eastern edge of Otsego on Plainfield road. At a cost of one thousand dollars, a thirty by forty foot brick edifice was built. It was replace later by a frame structure, forty by fifty feet at a cost of two thousand, five hundred dollars.

Some of the early pastors of this church were:
Rev. B. Allen
Elder Hugh Brown
Rev. J. B. St. Clair
Elder Clouse
C. T. Emerson
Rev. Henry Gravitt
Rev. E. W. Handel
Rev. G. T. Jones
Rev. A. Jordan
S. R. Mears
Elder William Sedwick
J. C. Skinner
Rev. J. G. Whitaker
Rev. A. Woder
Some of the early members of this church were:
Mary Jasper Bradford
Sarah Bradford
Elizabeth Buker
Barton Cone
Jared and Eliza Cone
Philip Darner
Rebecca Darner
Abraham Emler
Elizabeth Emler
Mary J. Emler
Wiliam and Mary Emler
Charles and Margaret Foster
Charles Frazer
Harriet Frazer
Asheba Lane
David and Elizabeth McVicker
Daniel Milton
George Milton
Susan Milton
Ruth Nash
James Reed
Matilda A. Reed
Drucilla Richardson
Nelson F. Richardson
Margaret Ross
C. G. Sedwick
H. C. Sedwick
Sarah Sprague
Ellen Trimble
James Trimble
Mary Trimble
Rebecca Trimble
Maria Wortman

Otsego Presbyterian Church (Mount Pleasant Presbyterian) - Historical

Organized in 1848 by Rev. William Wilson and Rev. William Wallace, the church was first known as Mount Pleasant Presyterian Church. The name was later changed after the union of the old and new divisions of the Presbyterian Church. The first structure was built in 1849 on land donated by Malcolm McNeil Sr. It was located in the northeastern quarter of Section 19 which was southeast of Otsego. A cemetery was created next to the church yard.

Some who preached there included:
Rev. Alexander
Rev. March
Rev. Robert Marquis
Rev. McBride
Rev. W. V. Milligan
Rev. Russell
Rev. William Wallace
Rev. Watson
Rev. William Wilson
Rev. McNight Williamson
The original members included:
Arthur and Catherine Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hamilton
James McNeil
John and Margery McNeil
Malcolm, Jr. and Eliza McNeil
Malcolm, Sr. and Isabel McNeil
Margaret McNeil
Margaret McNeil, sister of James
Margery McNeil, sister of James
Mary McNeil
Mary McNeil, sister of James
Sarah McNeil, sister of James

Otsego United Methodist Church (Methodist Episcopal)

The Methodist Episcopal congregation was the first religous organization in the township. It was organized by William Knox and Jacob Young in 1816 when the area was still part of Highland township. The first sessions were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bainter.

Some residents who first class included:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquand
George and Lydia (Sprague) Bainter
John Bainter
Miss Jack?
Ashfield and Elizabeth Watraus

In 1828 this church became part of the Methodist Protestant Conference. Today the church is known as Otsego United Methodist.

Pleasant Valley Methodist Church - Historical

Pleasant Valley Methodist Church was organized in 1828 under the guidance of Rev. Myers and Rev. Gibbons. The church was located in the northeastern quarter of Section 6. While the church has long since dissappeared, the cemetery remains in that location. The first chosen leader of the church was Phineas Palmer.

The founding members were:
James and Electa Holcomb
Phineas and Margaret Palmer
David and Mary Richardson
Elijah and Elizabeth Sprague
James and Susanna Sprague

Union Chapel Methodist Church - Historical

Union Chapel Methodist Church was organized in 1860 by Rev. H. T. Lawson. The church was established on land in the northeastern quarter od section 1. The first class leader was Robert Donaldson. Some members, like the Spragues, belonged to other churches prior to Union. The church no longer exists.

The first class of members was:
Nancy Donaldson
Robert Donaldson
Samual and Charity Echelberry
Alice Elsen
Hannah Elsen
Frances Holcomb
Susan Holcomb
Elijah and Elizabeth Sprague
George W. and Sarah Ann Vensel

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