Madison Township Churches

Saint Mathew's Episcopal Church - The "Old Stone Church"

The folllowing article appeared in The Adamsville Register 5 June 1900

Of St Matthew's Episcopal Church
Laid with Impressive Services

On last Sunday afternoon occurred the laying of the cornerstone of the new church edifice as a place of worship for the member's of the St Matthew's Episcopal Church. The services were beautiful and impressive, being conducted by Rev Frank Bope of Zanesville, assisted by Rev Louis E Durr, rector of the church, in the presence of about 500 people.

The services were opened by singing, scriptural reading and prayer, after which Rev Durr gave a short history of the founding of the church society at that place, and also of the erection of their first place of worship. He stated that in November 1837, Rev William Smallwood, then rector of St James Episcopal Church in Zanesville visited the people living in that neighborhood and preached to them. He continued these services at intervals and on August 4, 1839, conducted the services at the laying of the corner stone of the first church building. This edifice was a wooden structure 27x40 feet and was completed at a cost of $900.

When the church was first organized it consisted of 22 communicant members, most of whom had come to this country from Ireland. They were a Christian people, and gave liberally from the bountiful harvests they had received through, toil, from the hand of Almighty God, and thus the little church colony was nurtured and sustained. The first rector of the church was Rev Amos Woodward, who was called in the year 1840.

At the conclusion of Rev Durr's remarks, Rev Frank Bope of Zanesville, made a very pleasing address. He spoke of the goodness of God and the beauty and harmony of all his creations; of the excellent abode this earth makes for man and of his advancements in the world. He repeatedly congratulated the members of St Matthew's Church for their earnest and untiring efforts in the erection of a church buidling which would make them a lasting monument.

At the close of the services the workmen placed in position the corner stone which contained a bible, a prayer book, hymnal, coins of current year, Article of Incorporation of Church in 1839, List of first vestry and wardens, list of subscribers for first church buidling, list of subscribers to building in course of construction and list of laborers on present church building. The following names were also placed in the cornerstone: President William McKinley, Governor George K Nash, Rt RevT A Jaggar DD Bishop of the Diocese, Rt Rev Boyd Vincent S T D , Bishop co-adjutor and Rev Louis E Durr, rector of the church.

The new church building is being constructed of rough stones with supports of dressed stone. It is rustic in appearance and very impressive to the beholder. It is a unique structure for this part of the country, and will make a beautiful and lasting place of worship. It will be completed at a cost of about $1500.00

Contributed by Dug Kreis