Brush Creek Township Cemeteries

These cemetery images were contributed by Tricia Shumate .

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Barringer Cemetery

The following are stones found in Barringer Cemetery. Not all of them are intact.

"Christina wife of"

"Lewis Fry"

"Lewis Fry Footstone"

"Samuel Barringer"

"Willie Barringer"

"Willie Barringer Footstone"

Dozer Cemetery

The following are stones found in Dozer Cemetery.

"Lucinda Doxer"

"Mary (Zerkle) & Henry Dozer"

"Rhody Dozer"

"Sam Dozer Sr."

"Solomon Dozer"

Virginia Ridge Cemetery

The following are stones found in Virginia Ridge Cemetery. Some images are blurred,

"William Albright"

"Aquilla Harrop"

"Katie E. Harrop Elson"

"Thomas & Nancy Harrop"

"Mary Reece (Jones) Albright"

"Carl Edgar Perdew"

"Orrin & Alice Perdew"

"George W. Ross"

"Lucinda Ross"

"Elizabeth Sprankle"

Weaver Ridge Cemetery

The following are stones found in Weaver Cemetery.

"Goodlieb Oswald"

"John Oswald"

© 1997 - 2006. Denny Shirer