This page is a registry for settlers and residents of Lake county (or those townships that later
became Lake county in 1840). "Residence" can be established by their name being found in a Lake county
record (census, probate, will, court, marriage..) or a township record from Concord, Kirtland, Leroy, Madison, Mentor, Painesville,
Perry, or Willoughby. Settlers need not have remained in Lake county, but must have resided there at some time.
Entries will be limited to individuals born before January 1, 1921 (including the pioneer's children).
You are also welcome to append or correct entries located here, especially if your e-mail has changed. Send that to your volunteer Host e-mail. Unfortunately the submission system is no longer functional for new entries.
The above paragraph and this moderated (edited) forum was begun about 1996 by Becky Falin, and is continued now. Although these entries may be edited, they are not verified, and are the sole responsibility of the submitter. Your Volunteer Host, Cynthia
Ahern -
Ames -
Allen -
Amidon -
Amsden -
Anderson -
Arnold -
Bacon -
Baker -
Balch -
Banham -
Barbhouse -
Barrett -
Barto -
Basquin -
Batchelder -
Bates -
Beckwith -
Bell -
Billington -
Black -
Blakely -
Blish -
Brabander -
Brainard -
Brass -
Brick -
Bronson -
Brooks -
Brott -
Brown -
Bruntage -
Buchan -
Buck -
Burke -
Burtis -
Butler -
Burns -
Byrns -
Call -
Callow -
Carroll -
Carpenter -
Case -
Chadwick -
Chambers -
Churchill -
Chaffee -
Chappel/Chappell -
Chase -
Clapp -
Clark -
Cole -
Colwell -
Cone -
Conley -
Connor -
Cook -
Covey -
Craine -
Crary -
Crellin -
Crofoot -
Crow/Crowe -
Cudworth -
Cummings -
Cunnabell -
Curtis/Curtiss -
Cutler -
Daigen -
Davet -
Davision -
Delahaye -
Dennis -
Densmore -
Dodge -
Donaldson -
Doty -
Duncan -
Dunwell -
Eddy -
Eames/Emes -
Euches -
Evans -
Farr -
Fitzgerald -
Flood -
Flynn -
Forbes -
Forbey -
Ford -
Foster -
Frank -
Fredebaugh -
French -
Frost -
Gaffney -
Gale -
Gallager -
Gardner -
Garrett -
Gawne -
Gaylord -
Gifford -
Gill -
Glines -
Gordon -
Gray -
Green/Greene -
Griffin -
Graves -
Grover -
Hall -
Hamm -
Hancock -
Hanks -
Harmon -
Harris -
Harroun -
Harter -
Haskell -
Haylor -
Hemenway -
Henning -
Herrick -
Hills -
Hines -
Hinkly -
Holly -
Hopkins -
Hunt -
Huntington -
Huntoon -
Ide -
Inman -
Ives -
Jacobus -
Jacquet -
Jewell -
Johnson -
Jones -
Jordon -
Judd -
Keener -
Kellogg -
Kelly -
Kelsey -
Kenning -
Kent -
Kewish -
Kimball -
Kimmy -
King -
Kingsbury -
Kirby -
Kissick -
Knowlton -
Kuster -
Langson -
Law -
Lawrence -
Leakey -
Leonard -
Lett -
Lloyd -
Lockwood -
Logan -
Lohiser -
Long -
Losey -
Luke -
Magee -
Magoon -
Main -
Malkin -
Mallo -
Mallory -
Mann -
Marsh -
Mathews -
May -
McAdams -
McCarthy -
McClellen -
McClurg -
McCoy -
McDonald -
McEuen -
McMackin -
Meacham -
Mentor -
Merrill -
Merriman -
Miers -
Miller -
Miltner -
Morgan -
Monroe -
Morton -
Mosher -
Mueller -
Murphy -
Murray -
Nehls -
Norton -
Nowlen -
Ontis -
Osborn -
Ostrander -
Owen -
Pacholke -
Paine -
Page -
Parker -
Parkman -
Parrish -
Parsons -
Patchin -
Peck -
Peterson -
Pierce -
Pike -
Powers -
Price -
Priest -
Proctor -
Pruyn -
Quayle -
Quincy -
Quirk -
Radcliffe -
Rajala -
Ransom -
Reed -
Reigert -
Rhodes -
Richmond -
Riippa -
Riley -
Rintala -
Robb -
Rockafellow -
Rodda -
Rogers -
Rooney -
Rowland -
Sample -
Sawtell -
Sayles -
Schmittel -
Sedgebeer -
Shepard -
Sherman -
Sherwood -
Sinclair -
Skinner -
Smith -
Smythe -
Snell -
Solosi -
Sprague -
Squires -
Stafford -
Stanley -
Steinfurth -
Stevers -
Stewart -
Stinchcomb -
Sullivan -
Sutherland -
Sweet -
Taft -
Taylor -
Tear -
Tinkham -
Titus -
Tombes -
Tower -
Tracey -
Travis -
Trumbull -
Tucker -
Turner -
Tuttle -
Tyler -
Underwood -
Upham -
Usher -
Valleau -
VanSyle -
Vesey -
Vrooman -
Waite -
Walters -
Watrous -
Watson -
Webb -
Webster -
Wedge -
Welch -
Werbach -
Wheeler -
White -
Whitney -
Williams -
Wirt -
Witt -
Witter -
Wood -
Woodward -
Woodworth -
Wooldridge -
Worthington -
Wortman -
Wright -
Yatchso -
Young -
Unknown Surname -