Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Painesville Telegraph Abstracts
September, 1822

September 4, 1822


We will offer for sale at public vendue, at the dwelling house of Peter French, in Kirtland, Geauga county, the personal property of Henry Burdick, deceased, late of Kirtland, in said county, on Friday the 20th day of September next, at which time and place the terms will be made known and due attendance given by Daniel Kerr and Asa Webster.
Admistrators of H Burdick, deceased
Mentor, August 27, 1822


On the 20th ult., by J. Sawyer, Esq. Mr. Leceister Perkins of Aurora, to Miss Nancy Blish, of Concord.


In Newbury, on Friday last, 30th ult. after a painful illness, Lemuel Punderson, Esq. PostMaster in that town, aged 40 years. He has left a wife to lament the loss of a kind and affectionate husband, and six children to weep over the untimely fate of a parent whose loss is irreparable. To those who were best acquainted with the deceased, any thing spoken in commendation of his character and virtues while living, must fail of its force - a due appreciation of his kind and benevolent disposition can only be realized by those who have participated his socity. His funeral obseques were attended by a numerous concourse of friends, whose manifestations of the most sincere esteem and regard were marked by deep and poignant grief. Mr. Punderson was one of the earliest settlers of this county, and was originally from New Haven, Ct.

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of a writ of lev. fa. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Geauga county, at the suit of William Lattimore vs. Caleb Bates, jun. and others, I shall offer for sale as the law directs, at the house of Benjamin P. Cahoon, in Painesville, on Monday the 14th day of October next, between the hours of ten o'clock A.M. and four o'clock P.M. of said day, to satisfy the command of said writ, the following described land, viz: Lot No. 10, in township No. 11, in the 7th range of townships, in the Connecticut Western Reserve, containing one hundred and eighty-one and an half acres (excepting there from five acres of land on which the mill belonging to, or now in the possession of, Daniel Olds, jun. stands)
Sheriff's Office
Painesville, Sept. 3, 1822

September 11, 1822


Is hereby given to the creditors of Isaiah Davis, late of Parkman, deceased, that one year from the date hereof is allowed them to exhibit their claims to the administrator legally proven - and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment.
C.C. Paine, Admin'r
Chardon, September 5, 1822

At Salem, on the 15th ult. Mr. George W. Putney, to Miss Pollony Bellows.
In Madison, on the 3d instant, Mr. Cushing Cunningham to Miss Emily Martin


In Concord, on Sunday last, a son of Mr. W. Jewell, aged about 7 years, in consequence of a kick which he recieved from a horse 10 or 12 days previous.
At Mantua, on the 23d ult. very suddenly, Mr. Ezekiel Ladd, aged 35 years. In his death, a wife and five small children have sustained a severe loss; and a large number of relatives morn his early removal from a sphere of usefulness in his family, and in civil and religious society. But they are allowed the consolation of believing that he has been removed to a more blissful state. His funeral was attended by a large assemblage, and an impressive sermon was delivered on the occasion, by the Rev. Jno. Seward. (Communicated)
At Monroe, Ashtabula county, on the 19th ult., Mr. Thomas Mastin, aged 62. He was born in Massachusetts, was a faithful soldier in the revolution, a good citizen, a kind husband and a tender parent, and died in the full assurance of a glorious immortality - "The righteous have hope in death." (Comm.)

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of a write of Pluries fi. fa. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Geauga county, at the suit of William Lattimore & Rufus S. Reed, vs. John Taylor and Robert Martin, I shall offer for sale as the law directs, at the house of Benjamin P. Cahoon, in Painesville, on Saturday the 21st day of September, next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, to satisfy the command of said writ, the following described lands, viz: Situated in the township No. 10 in the 8th range of townships, of the Connecticut Western Reserve, in the state of Ohio, which is also in the county of Geauga, and is known as par of lot No. 5, in tract No. 2, in said township & bounded as follows: Beginning on the west line of said lot No. 5, at the southwest corner of Isaac Palmer's land, which is 27 chains south from the northwest corner of said lot No. 5; thence east 59 chains and 76 links to the east line of the lot; thence south along the east line of said lot 20 chains and 10 links to a post in the west line of said lot No. 5; thence west by a line run 59 chains and 70 links on the west line of said lot No. 5, and thence north along the said west line 20 chains and 10 links to the place of beginning, and contains by survey one hundred and twenty acres.
Sheriff's Office
Painesville, August 20, 1822

September 18, 1822

Division Order

The Brigade Inspectors in the 9th Division of Ohio Militia, are required immediately to make their brigade returns to Israel A Robinson, of Salem, Ashtabula county, who is inpsector of the division.
By order of Maj. General Eli Bond
JAMES H PAINE, Aid de camp,
Painesville, Sept. 14, 1822


Is hereby given to the creditors of the estate of Isaiah Davis, late of Parkman, deceased, that one year from the date hereof is allowed them to exhibit their claims to the administrator, legally proven - and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment.
C.C. PAINE, Admin'r.
Chardon, September 5, 1822


In this village, on Friday last, Mr. Alexander Thompson, aged 55 years. Mr. T. had lately arrived in this country, with his family, from the north of Ireland; and by a mysterious Providence, he was taken away, after a short sickness, while his presence with them in a strange land was peculiarly desirable. During his sickness and at the funeral, the attention of the neighborhood to himself and family, indicated a general expectation, founded on his uniform appearance, and on testimonials from his native country, that, had his life been prolonged, he would have proved a respectable and useful citizen and a friend to the Christian institutions.(Communicated)

Geauga Nominations

For Congress
For State Legislature
For Sheriff
For Coronor
For County Auditor
For Commisioner

September 25, 1822

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