Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Painesville Telegraph Abstracts
October, 1822

October 2, 1822

We are requested to announce Daniel Kerr, of Mentor, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner at the ensuing election.
The friends of Harvey Cook, in his absence, have requested us to state that he will not be a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this county, at the ensuing election.
A List of Letters Remaining in the Post-Office, on the 31st September 1822

Beckwith, Asaheil
Badger, Joseph
Crafford, Robert
Cone, Salmon
Crandal, Elish
Cole, William
Cole, Calvin -2
Crofts, Christopher
Dannel, Nancy
Dimmick, John
Foster, Chancey C
Gilbert, Algernon S
Harding, John
How, Francis
Hopkins, Samuel
Hathaway, J
Kingsbury, Solomon
King, Hezekiah
, Liuge, Ralph
M'Carter, Owen
M'Curdy, Robert
Phelps, Hannah
Parsons, Warham
Phelps, Samuel W
Raney, Olive
Spring, Squire
Sarles, George
Tracy, Abel jr
Tracy, B F
Trucker, Elisha
Taylor, Abraham -2
Wheeler, Hannah
Wright, Jacob
Warner, Grove
Jed'h Hills, P.M

October 9, 1822

This number of the Telegraph completes the first quarter of its publication. We have found it necessary to suggest this fact to many of the subscribers, who commenced with the first number. For the accomodation of the public, subscriptions, the following gentlemen are authorized to receive subscriptions and payments:
Joel Jones, Esq. - Salem
Benjamin Hibbard - Ashtabula
Samuel Hendry - Harpersfield
Jona. Sanborn - Madison

There grew, during the past summer, in the garden of Mr. David Parmly, in the township of Perry, in this county, a Cucumber, which measures from end to end, six feet two inches and a half! It was a species called the snake-cucumber; and grew in two or three circles, bearing an exact resemblance of a rattle-snake when coiled up.

In this vilalge, on the Thursday last, Frederick Wirt, in the 15th year of his age. The cause of his death was somewhat singular. About 9 days previously to his death he had the misfortune to run a nail into the bottom of his foot, the wound of which healed up in four or five days. Soon after, he was attached with a violent contraction of the muscles and tendons throughout the system, succeeded by lock-jaw, which soon terminated his existence.

We the subscribers, being appointed to superindent the building of a bridge across the Grand River, at or near the ferry now operated by Capt. Skinner, will receive propsals to undertake the work, previous to the 1st day of December, next.
William Lattimore
Henry Bishop
Abraham A Skinner
Painesville, October 5, 1822

October 16, 1822


Wheras, my wife Clarissa, has left my bed and board without any provocation, I do hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Theodore Roys
Burton, October 9, 1822

October 23, 1822

Notice is hereby given,

That a petition will be presented to the next legislature of Ohio praying that the act entitled "an act declaring Grand River, in the counties of Geauga, Ashtabula and Trumbull navigatable, and for the erection of mill dams thereon" passed December 26, 1815 may be repealed.
October 15, 1822

October 30, 1822


In this village, on Sunday last, Mr. Robert Offer to Miss Nancy Fleming.
In Perry, Mr. Ansel Rider to Miss Desiah Butler - Mr. Ornan Butler to Miss Jemima Lockwood.
In Madison, Mr. Henry Pond, to Miss Phebe Abbe.
In Harpersfield, Mr. James Woodworth, to Miss Thanful Ellis.

At New Orleans a few weeks since, of the prevailing yellow fever, Mr. James White, Printer, formerly Editor of the Trump of Fame (now the Western Reserve Chronicle), published at Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio.
At Cincinnati, Mr. John Hill, late of Pittsburgh, aged about 26 years.
At Spadre Bluff, Arkansas territory, Colonel Matt Lyons, US Factor of the Cherokee Nation, aged 76 years.

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