Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Painesville Telegraph Abstracts
November, 1822

November 6, 1822

The following articles will be received in payment for newspapers, at the prices affixed to them, if delivered in this village, otherwise a deduction on grain of 1-1/4 cents per bushel, will be made.
Wheat 44 cents/bushel Butter 9
Rye and Corn 25 Tallow 12-1/2
Oats 15 Lard 5
Flax 8 per pound Pork 3
Wool 50 Beef 2-1/2 and 3
November 5, 1822


AT Kirtland, by Nathaniel Wheeler, Esq., Mr. Newal K. Whitney, to Miss Ann Smith, all of the above place.
At Mentor, Mr. Hall Durand to Miss Lydia Ingersoll, both of Mentor.

Village Lots in the Town of Painesville

The subscriber is authorized by Gen. Henry Champion to make sale of the following lots in the village of Champion, viz., West half of lot No. 6 - east half of No. 7 and West 5-6, No. 23. Whole lots - No. 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 79, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 93, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118. Out lots No. 1, 4 and 5, according to the survey of Kerr, Cole & Co. and No. 4 of H. Champion survey.
For terms apply to the subscriber
Lemuel G Storrs
Painesville, November 1, 1822

November 13, 1822

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of a writ of vendi. exp. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Geauga county, at the suit of the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie vs. Gaius Pease, I shall offer for sale as the law directs, at the house of B.P. Cahoon, in Painesville, on Saturday the 14th day of December next, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A.M., and 4 o'clock, P.M. of the said day, to satisfy the command of said writ, the one equal undivided half, part of the following described tract of land, being in the township of Mentor, in the county aforesaid, to wit: 96 dollars 77 cents, original purchase, in the 175 acres of land on the south line of township No. 10, in the 9th range of townships, in the Connecticut Western Reserve, which was surveyed to Charles Parker, being an undivided share of said 175 acres, as 13,000 bears to 26, 1087 - said land hereby meant to be contracted to said Carrol, is estimated at 87 acres and 25-100th, bounded as follows: on the south by the township line, on the west by the Bloss lot and the Johnson tract, so called, on the north by land owned by Lemuel Fobes, jun. on the east by lands owned and occupied by John Stevers, containing 175 acres, which was levied upon by said sheriff to satisfy a writ of alias fi. fa.
Hezekiah King, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office
Painesville, November 12, 1822


The subscriber calls loudly on all those indebted to him, to make immediate payment. Those neglecting this call, must not be disappointed, if they have a louder one after the first day of January next, as greater lenity cannot consistently be given.
Cash will be paid for seasonably caught
Hatting and Shipping Furs
A boy 13 or 14 years of age, who can come well recommended, is wanted as an apprentice to the Hatting business.
Edward Partridge
Painesville, October 28, 1822

November 20, 1822

Masonic Notice

The brethren of Meridian Orb Lodge No. 10, are requested to meet at Masonic Hall, in Painesville, on the 26th inst., at six 'clock P.M. to transact some important business to the lodge. A punctual attendance is earnestly solicited.
Warren French, Sec.
Nov. 20, 1822

Is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Orson Davis Johnson, late of Burton, Geauga Co., deceased, that one year from the 22nd day of October 1822, is allowed them to present their accounts legally proven for settlement. Those indebted are requested to make immediate payment.
Jacob Van Duzer, Adm'r
Celna Fidelia Johnson, Adm'r'x
Burton, Nov. 9, 1822

Boot and Shoe Making

Snedeker and Sherman

Give notice ot the citizens of Painesville, that they will continue the above business during the season, in the shop lately occupied by Hull & Meneley, a few doors down of the printing office, where they will punctually attend to all business committed to them in their line of their profession, in the best manner and upon the shortest notice.
Painesville, November 12, 1822


State of Ohio
Geauga County
I have this day taken out from Samuel Butler, a Justice of the Peace of Painesville, a writ of Attachment against James Day, an absent debtor.
Painesville, November 18, 1822
John Beckwith

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of a writ of Ga.Sa. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Geauga county, at the suit of Rufus S. Reed & Wm. Lattimore, against Grove A.D. Streeter, I have taken the said Street, and he has availed himself of the statue in such case made and provided by turning out to me to satisfy the command of said writ, the following described property, viz: The one equal undivided part of a tract of land, situated in the township, No. 11, in the 8th range of the townships, in the Connecticut Western Reserve, in the state of Ohio, and in the county aforesaid, containing in the whole one acre and one fourth of an acre of land, with the appertenances thereon belonging, consisting of a distillery house and other buildings and also the distilling apparatus that is attached to the said proprty, excepting one kettle and boiler, that is in a small arch - The disposal and undivided part of the above described property, excepting the said kettle aforesaid: to satisfy the command of the settlement, I shall offer for sale as the law directs on Saturday the 21st day of December, next, at the house of _.P. Cahoon, in Painesville, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day.
Hezekiah King, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office
Painesville, November 19, 1822

November 27, 1822

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