Lake County Ohio GenWeb
Adapted from the Willoughby Public Library's News-Herald Obituary Index, with their kind permission.
Name |
Age |
Obit Month/Day |
Obit Year |
Mead, Robert R. "Bob" |
Oct. 5, 7 |
2004 |
Meade, James L. |
61 |
Feb. 3 |
2000 |
Meade, Timothy J. |
Jul. 11 |
2001 |
Meadows, Denis Edward |
69 |
Jun. 21 |
2000 |
Meadows, Herman L. |
Mar. 5 |
2003 |
Meadows, Mary Lou |
May 24 |
2001 |
Meaney, Margaret J. |
Mar. 12 |
2002 |
Means, Donald L. |
Jun. 12 |
2005 |
Means, Wade D. |
Nov. 21, 22 |
2003 |
Meconites, Dolores (Sohacki) |
May 6, 7 |
2005 |
Meden, Janey Lynn |
May 27 |
2001 |
Medina, Edith |
Aug. 5, 6 |
2005 |
Medley, Earl F. |
Mar. 13, 14 |
2005 |
Medved, Diana Lee (Habat) |
55 |
Mar. 31, Apr. 1, 2 |
2000 |
Medved, Frank J. |
May 20, 21, 22 |
2003 |
Medved, Henry J. |
Aug. 6, 7 |
2005 |
Medved, Rose R. |
Aug. 15, 16 |
2005 |
Medves, Edward Charles |
Apr. 19, 20 |
2003 |
Medves, James A. |
May 15, 16 |
2003 |
Medves, Marilyn Frances (Russ) |
67 |
Sep. 17, 18 |
2000 |
Meech, Diane Lynn (Powers) |
59 |
Dec. 28, 29 |
2000 |
Meehan, Mabel F. (Davies) |
Jul. 4, 5 |
2003 |
Meehan, Thomas D. |
Jan. 28, 29 |
2002 |
Meek, Karen S. |
Sep. 24, 25 |
2001 |
Meeker, Joyce (Ivins) |
Mar. 18 |
2001 |
Meeks, John |
Oct. 21 |
2005 |
Meeks, Melanie Anne |
Aug. 3 |
2003 |
Meeks-Fourqurean, Rose Ann |
Apr. 23 |
2004 |
Megan, Ann (Moleszko) |
Aug. 31 |
2001 |
Megley, Selma E. |
Dec. 21 |
2002 |
Meglich, James J. |
Aug. 3, 4 |
2004 |
Mehalic, David W. |
Jul. 17, 18 |
2004 |
Mehalic, Katherine A. |
May 15, 16 |
2003 |
Meier, Edward Charles |
Nov. 7 |
2004 |
Meikle, William H. Sr. |
May 26, 27 |
2004 |
Meil, Donald Stuart |
Jan. 25 |
2001 |
Meinke, Edith E. (Long) |
77 |
Nov. 14 Ash |
2000 |
Meinke, Henry "Bud" |
Feb. 15 |
2003 |
Meinke, Ronald |
Mar. 26 |
2002 |
Meissner, Charles E. |
81 |
May 25 |
2000 |
Meissner, James David |
Jun. 15 |
2005 |
Mekota, Michael Reynolds |
Oct. 17 |
2002 |
Mekruit, Robert E. |
Mar. 14, 15 |
2002 |
Melaragno, Carmela D. (Miraglia) |
Feb. 24, 25 |
2002 |
Melaragno, Mario W. |
Oct. 27 |
2004 |
Melaragno, Philip Mario |
Dec. 20, 21 |
2003 |
Melaragno, Tatiana Teresa |
SB |
Jun. 4 |
2000 |
Melari, Janet E. (Libal) |
Jan. 15, 16 |
2005 |
Melcher, Lorraine |
Mar. 30 |
2002 |
Melchiori, Norma J. |
May 14 |
2001 |
Mele, Elizabeth F. |
Jan. 11, 12 |
2000 |
Mele, Richard L. |
Mar. 11, 12, 13, 23 |
2001 |
Mele, Willie Louise (Hale) |
Sep. 5, 6, 7 |
2004 |
Melega, Rose T. |
Sep. 6, 7 |
2004 |
Melega, William P. |
85 |
Nov. 18, 19 |
2000 |
Melia, Timothy J. |
Dec. 19 |
2005 |
Melin, Nancy Ann |
Jul. 17 |
2001 |
Melison, Marie D. (Catalano) |
Aug. 18, 19 |
2002 |
Melko, Caroline A. (Sapuppo) |
69 |
Jan. 13, 14 |
2000 |
Melle, Josephine S. (Slaper) |
85 |
Dec. 5, 6 |
2000 |
Melnyk, James D. |
Jan. 18, 19 |
2003 |
Melocik, Audrey L. (Hoerz) |
69 |
Dec. 31, Jan. 1, 2 |
2000/01 |
Melotti, Mary C. |
Sep. 26 |
2001 |
Melton, Kenneth R. "Kenny" |
Feb. 25 |
2001 |
Melton, Rita Mary (St. Clair) |
Jan. 21 |
2003 |
Melvald, Lena |
Jul. 27 |
2005 |
Melvin, Ralph W. Jr. |
Mar. 1 |
2005 |
Menart, Carol (Tekavec) |
Jun. 6 |
2004 |
Menart, Joseph A. "Joe" |
Jun. 19, 20 |
2001 |
Mendat, Josephine M. |
Nov. 28, 29 |
2002 |
Mendelsohn, Jean Vestal |
Sep. 9, 10 |
2003 |
Mendenhall, Bernice C. |
Apr. 19, 20 |
2003 |
Mendoza, Alice F. (Sluga) |
76 |
May 14, 16 |
2000 |
Menke, Elizabeth M. (Havard) |
Nov. 14 |
2003 |
Menn, Raymond R. |
71 |
Jan. 8 |
2000 |
Mentel, Margie (Taketa) |
Sep. 16 |
2001 |
Menzin, Laurie Beth (Toman) |
Jan. 27 |
2005 |
Merando, Keith Gene |
Apr. 7 |
2004 |
Mercer, Michael S. |
Mar. 19 |
2003 |
Merchak, Joseph J. |
Dec. 6 |
2003 |
Merchant, Roberta J. (McCandless) Martsolf |
78 |
Feb. 19, 20 |
2000 |
Merchant, Walter A. |
Apr. 3 |
2004 |
Merchant, Walter F. "Wally" |
74 |
May 14, 15, 18 |
2000 |
Mercsak, Mary Grace |
Jun. 21 |
2001 |
Mercsak, Steven J. |
79 |
Apr. 29 |
2000 |
Mercuri, Frank Jr. |
Dec. 15, 16 |
2004 |
Meredith, Edward E. |
Apr. 22, 23 |
2001 |
Meredith, Elmer L. |
Jul. 17 |
2002 |
Meredith, Jack W. |
Jul. 5, 6 |
2004 |
Mergen, Gregory B. |
Aug. 9, 10 |
2005 |
Mergl, Dorothy M. |
Oct. 23, 24 |
2003 |
Merk, Donna L. |
Aug. 28 |
2005 |
Merkel, Jon A. |
76 |
May 20 |
2000 |
Merkel, Marilyn Masse |
Feb. 11, 12 |
2005 |
Merkel, William E. |
Apr. 10, 11, 12 |
2005 |
Merlene, Josephine M. |
87 |
Mar. 14 |
2000 |
Merlini, Joann M. |
Oct. 6 |
2004 |
Meros, Nicolet "Nikki" |
Mar. 26 |
2002 |
Merrell, James R. Dr. |
Dec. 22 |
2004 |
Merriam, Forrest A. |
Apr. 26, 27 |
2005 |
Merrick, Jack |
Jun. 10, 11 |
2003 |
Merrick, Joseph P. |
Mar. 1, 2 |
2005 |
Merrick, June K. (Boyd) |
Jul. 27, 28 |
2003 |
Merrick, Karl A. |
Apr. 24 |
2002 |
Merrill, Donald Hopkins |
Aug. 7 |
2001 |
Merrill, Florence Marion (Lockhart) |
Jan. 15, 16 |
2005 |
Merrill, Kathryn A. (Reed) |
91 |
Dec. 5 Ash |
2000 |
Merrill, Robert S. |
73 |
Mar. 16, 17 |
2000 |
Merrill, William J. |
Jan. 2 |
2003 |
Merritt, George A. |
Sep. 26, 27, 28 |
2001 |
Merritt, Nathan Samuel |
Jun. 13, 15 |
2004 |
Merryman, Lawrence Edwin |
Jun. 7, 8 |
2003 |
Mersek, Victoria M. (Semenas) |
Sep. 23 |
2001 |
Mertik, Joseph |
Aug. 25, 26 |
2003 |
Merva, John |
78 |
Mar. 25, 26 |
2000 |
Mervar, Anthony Edward |
Nov. 1 |
2005 |
Mesker, Mary Ann |
Aug. 17 |
2001 |
Meskinis, Ann M. |
Nov. 12 |
2002 |
Meslink, Helen A. (Mentrak) |
May 4 |
2004 |
Mesojedec, Frances C. (Clements) |
85 |
Feb. 23, 24 |
2000 |
Messenger, Jerry L. |
Aug. 20 |
2002 |
Messer, Sally |
Aug. 29 |
2004 |
Messina, Fannie |
Sep. 18, 19 |
2005 |
Messina, Frank L. |
Jan. 5, 6 |
2005 |
Messina, Kathleen M. |
Mar. 4, 5 |
2003 |
Messina, Ralph A. |
Mar. 14, 15 |
2004 |
Messina, Salvatore W. |
60 |
May 31, Jun. 1 |
2000 |
Messina, Samuel M. |
Nov. 11, 12 |
2004 |
Messner, Jay R. Rev. |
Apr. 12 |
2003 |
Messner, William Henry Sr. |
Mar. 13 |
2005 |
Mestek, Albert J. |
89 |
Nov. 16 |
2000 |
Meszoros, Alex |
Sep. 12, 13 |
2002 |
Metalonis, Vincent P. |
77 |
May 23, 24 |
2000 |
Metcalf, Jean M. (Yarham) |
70 |
May 25 |
2000 |
Metcalf, Kenneth L. |
Apr. 21, 22 |
2001 |
Metcalf, Walter W. |
Nov. 2, 3 |
2005 |
Metro, Michael G. |
Nov. 2 Ash |
2000 |
Metti, Leona M. |
Oct. 28 |
2002 |
Mettler, William W. "Bill" |
54 |
Jan. 6 |
2000 |
Metz, Augusta A. (Cowley) |
84 |
May 19 |
2000 |
Metz, MacKenzie R. |
Jun. 17 |
2004 |
Metzger, Alvin W. |
84 |
Nov. 13 |
2000 |
Metzger, Evelyn J. (Presley) |
Apr. 26, 27 |
2005 |
Meyer, Almeda I. |
84 |
Apr. 6 |
2000 |
Meyer, Alvin L. |
Jul. 30, 31 |
2003 |
Meyer, Carolyn (Diel) "Millie" |
Sep. 1 |
2003 |
Meyer, Dolores M. |
Nov. 27, 28 |
2003 |
Meyer, Helen M. (Kluth) |
Nov. 15, 16 |
2001 |
Meyer, James G. |
Apr. 11, 12 |
2001 |
Meyer, Maura K. (Kissane) |
Apr. 17 |
2005 |
Meyer, Robert C. |
Mar. 8 |
2003 |
Meyer, Robert D. |
Aug. 6, 7 |
2005 |
Meyer, Robert J. Jr. |
Feb. 21 |
2002 |
Meyer, Seville M. (Walters) |
Oct. 23, 24 |
2005 |
Meyerholt, William H. |
Apr. 18 |
2004 |
Meyers, Gloria M. (Zappitelli-Ross) |
May 13, 14, 15 |
2001 |
Meyers, Mary A. |
Dec. 1, 2 |
2001 |
Meyers, William E. |
Jun. 4 |
2001 |
Mezas, Margaret Mary (Melville) |
Dec. 10 |
2002 |
Mezget, Mildred |
Jan. 16 |
2005 |
Mezzacappa, Cecelia E. |
Feb. 21 |
2003 |
Mezzacappa, Theresa T. |
Mar. 8, 9 |
2001 |
Miadsi, Josephine A. (Kubizna) |
88 |
May 9 |
2000 |
Miano, Tracie Lou |
Aug. 8, 9 |
2005 |
Michaels, Cecilia B. (Bartholomai) |
Aug. 13, 14 |
2005 |
Michaels, Ralph L. |
Feb. 10 |
2005 |
Michal, George William |
80 |
Jan. 27, 28 |
2000 |
Michalski, Barbara L. (Slocombe) |
Jan. 27, 28 |
2003 |
Michalski, John R. |
Jul. 3, 4 |
2002 |
Michalski, Valerie, A. (Fuderer) |
Jun. 26 |
2004 |
Michalskim Walter C. "Sonny" |
Dec. 31 |
2004 |
Michel, Gerald H. |
99 |
May 4 |
2000 |
Michener, Ruth J. |
Apr. 19, 20 |
2003 |
Middleton, Mary D. (Douglas) "Wee Mary" |
69 |
Apr. 9, 13 |
2000 |
Middleton, William G. |
Aug. 21, 22 |
2003 |
Miecznikowski, Melvin |
6 |
Oct. 3 |
2000 |
Miers, Mary (Azary) |
Dec. 15, 16 |
2004 |
Miethke, Ann E. |
Feb. 10, 11 |
2002 |
Mietty, Sylvia E. |
87 |
Jul. 25 |
2000 |
Migdalski, Arthur R. "Red" |
81 |
Oct. 12 |
2000 |
Mignogna, Judy A. |
Aug. 8, 9 |
2005 |
Mihacevich, Victoria |
Aug. 9 |
2004 |
Mihalacki, Joseph |
Dec. 12 |
2005 |
Mihalek, Charles T. "Mickey" |
Mar. 17, 18 |
2001 |
Mihalek, John R. |
Oct. 28, 29 |
2004 |
Mihalic, Martha |
Sep. 10, 11 |
2003 |
Mihalic, Michael C. |
52 |
Sep. 13, 14 |
2000 |
Mihalik, Anthony J. Sr. |
Mar. 1, 2, 3, 4 |
2001 |
Mihalik, Catherine (Riedel) |
Oct. 9, 10 |
2003 |
Mihalik, John J. |
Nov. 1, 2 |
2005 |
Mihalko, Lillian A. (Cmunt) |
Feb. 24, 25 |
2003 |
Mihan, Blanche L. |
May 9, 10 |
2001 |
Mihelin, Martha |
Mar. 1 |
2005 |
Mihic, Vjekoslav |
Aug. 21, 22 |
2005 |
Mihm, Larry Joseph |
60 |
Dec. 22 Ash |
2000 |
Mikelonis, Dorothy E. |
83 |
Dec. 17, 18 |
2000 |
Miklacic, Mildred Kathleen |
Oct. 13 |
2001 |
Miklaucic, Lydia H. |
Jan. 21, 22 |
2004 |
Miklaucic, Penny J. (Maze) |
Aug. 7, 8 |
2003 |
Miklich, Edward M. |
Feb. 17, 18 |
2003 |
Mikol, William Eugene "Gene" |
Sep. 27, 28 |
2003 |
Mikolaj, Steve A. |
Apr. 25 |
2001 |
Mikolajski, Diane M. (Mazur) |
Jul. 22, 23 |
2004 |
Mikolay, Frank Edward |
Jul. 4 |
2001 |
Mikolic, Rose B. |
Dec. 20 |
2001 |
Mikolich, Frank A. |
Feb. 6 |
2004 |
Mikula, Anna E. (Wagner) |
78 |
Dec. 25 |
2000 |
Mikulak, Mary A. (Znidarsic) |
75 |
Dec. 19 |
2000 |
Milan, Elaine A. |
Jul. 18 |
2002 |
Milanich, George |
Sep. 8, 9 |
2001 |
Milano, Marie C. |
Apr. 21 |
2003 |
Milavec, Virginia M. (Knofels) |
Oct. 17 |
2004 |
Miles, Josephine E. |
Nov. 13 |
2005 |
Miles, Marianna (Lepley) |
Feb. 22, 23 |
2003 |
Miley, Harold Elder "Mike" |
Sep. 3, 4 |
2005 |
Milgate, Delphine B. (Brothers) |
74 |
Dec. 11 |
2000 |
Milicia, Mary |
Mar. 29, 30 |
2001 |
Milicia, Peter Angelo Jr. |
Inf |
Jul. 13 |
2000 |
Milicki, Johanne T. |
Apr. 9, 10 |
2001 |
Militsky, Stephen A. |
Mar. 22 |
2003 |
Milkula, Esther B. (Boothe) |
Nov. 15 |
2003 |
Millberg, Ellajean F. (Beardsley) |
71 |
Sep. 8 |
2000 |
Millberg, Leonard E. |
84 |
Jul. 12 |
2000 |
Miller, Aden S. |
61 |
Aug. 22 |
2000 |
Miller, Agnes J. |
Feb. 7 |
2002 |
Miller, Albert P. |
Apr. 9, 10 |
2005 |
Miller, Alfred J. Jr. |
Apr. 5 |
2002 |
Miller, Andrew J. "Spike" |
Nov. 17 |
2005 |
Miller, Angela F. (Matjazic) "Gallie" |
84 |
Mar. 21, 22 |
2000 |
Miller, Ann |
Sep. 11, 13 |
2001 |
Miller, Ann T. |
Mar. 21, 22 |
2002 |
Miller, Audrey V. (Henry) |
94 |
Dec. 12, Jan. 5 |
2000/01 |
Miller, Barbara Z. (Zemko) |
84 |
Jul. 6 |
2000 |
Miller, Betty Mae (Lorincz) |
Nov. 7, 8 |
2003 |
Miller, Brian C. |
Nov. 2 |
2005 |
Miller, Carl E. |
82 |
Feb. 1 |
2000 |
Miller, Charlotte H. |
Sep. 16 |
2001 |
Miller, Claude |
Mar. 25, 26 |
2000 |
Miller, Dana P. |
Sep. 10 |
2001 |
Miller, David D. |
Dec. 29, 30 |
2004 |
Miller, Doris F. (Faconer) |
63 |
Dec. 14, 15 |
2000 |
Miller, Dorothy M. |
Sep. 8, 9 |
2003 |
Miller, Earl L. |
May 21 |
2004 |
Miller, Earl Raymond Jr. |
Mar. 29 |
2002 |
Miller, Edith (Caputo) |
Feb. 13, 14 |
2001 |
Miller, Edward William |
Oct. 10 |
2002 |
Miller, Eli G. |
Apr. 16 |
2004 |
Miller, Elizabeth C. |
86 |
Jul. 22 |
2000 |
Miller, Ellinor |
82 |
Jul. 14 |
2000 |
Miller, Emily A. (Keltto) |
Oct. 2, 3 |
2003 |
Miller, Eric W. |
Jul. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 |
2002 |
Miller, Eugene H. Jr. |
Jul. 22 |
2004 |
Miller, Evelyn A. |
Oct. 1, 2 |
2005 |
Miller, Frank H. |
Apr. 13 |
2001 |
Miller, Frank Joseph |
Feb. 25, 26 |
2001 |
Miller, Gus S. |
Dec. 4, 5 |
2001 |
Miller, Harriet V. |
Jan. 25, 26 |
2002 |
Miller, Helen J. |
Feb. 7 |
2003 |
Miller, Henry Clay |
64 |
Mar. 26, 27 |
2000 |
Miller, Henry R. |
Jul. 9 |
2004 |
Miller, Herbert |
Apr. 14 |
2005 |
Miller, Ida B. |
Jan. 4 |
2005 |
Miller, Ida K. (Kardos) Fawcett |
Oct. 28, 29 |
2003 |
Miller, Isabella (McMahon) |
Jan. 3 |
2001 |
Miller, Jack |
Sep. 27 |
2001 |
Miller, James |
Jan. 10 |
2001 |
Miller, James F. |
Sep. 8, 9 |
2004 |
Miller, James R. |
Nov. 17 |
2005 |
Miller, James R. Sr. |
May 11 |
2001 |
Miller, Jean A. (Koshar) |
Jun. 8 |
2001 |
Miller, Jeanette R. |
Apr. 25 |
2001 |
Miller, Jennie M. |
Dec. 4 |
2003 |
Miller, Jerris K. |
Sep. 28, 29, 30 |
2001 |
Miller, Jessie T. (Gnidynski) |
82 |
Feb. 8 |
2000 |
Miller, John N. |
Apr. 22 |
2003 |
Miller, Joyce Irene (Kindy) |
Apr. 15 |
2004 |
Miller, June "Mary" |
Mar. 3 |
2002 |
Miller, Kathleen J. (Morgan) |
Sep. 13, 14 |
2003 |
Miller, Kathleen T. (Ward) |
Jan. 1, 2 |
2005 |
Miller, Kenneth L. |
Jun. 13, 14 |
2001 |
Miller, Kenneth W. |
Aug. 7 |
2001 |
Miller, Lawrence T. "Larry" |
Apr. 25 |
2002 |
Miller, Leigh |
Jul. 14, 15 |
2004 |
Miller, Leona O. (Hutter) |
Jan. 11, 12 |
2003 |
Miller, Leonard V. |
Jun. 27, 28 |
2001 |
Miller, Lily M. |
Feb. 26, 27 |
2005 |
Miller, Lois J. |
Jul. 19, 20, 21 |
2005 |
Miller, Lois M. |
Apr. 10 |
2003 |
Miller, Louise V. (Calhoun) |
87 |
Dec. 2, 3 |
2000 |
Miller, Margaret (Bakarich) |
Jul. 16 |
2005 |
Miller, Mary C. (Galido) |
Jun. 18, 19 |
2004 |
Miller, Mary Margaret |
Jan. 26, 27, 28 |
2001 |
Miller, Melvin D. |
Apr. 15, 16 |
2004 |
Miller, Melvin E. |
May 30 |
2004 |
Miller, Mildred F. Layfield |
74 |
Dec. 20 |
2000 |
Miller, Nancy E. (Grossman) |
Jan. 22 |
2005 |
Miller, Nicholas J. "Uncle Nick" |
Apr. 23 |
2002 |
Miller, Norma Lee |
Dec. 11, 12 |
2005 |
Miller, Patricia M. |
Sep. 5, 6 |
2003 |
Miller, Paul L. |
72 |
Aug. 24, 25 |
2000 |
Miller, Peter Jr. |
May 13 |
2003 |
Miller, Reva L. |
Jul. 16, 18 |
2002 |
Miller, Robert A. |
Oct. 22, 23 |
2001 |
Miller, Rose Ellen (McClure) |
83 |
Aug. 15 |
2000 |
Miller, Rose (Sabetta) |
105 |
Mar. 8 |
2000 |
Miller, Roy G. III "Jack" |
Jan. 14, 15 |
2005 |
Miller, Ruth E. |
Nov. 14, 15, Dec. 1, 2 |
2002 |
Miller, Ruth E. |
Nov. 26 |
2004 |
Miller, Sharon L. (Luckey) |
Jun. 9 |
2005 |
Miller, Steve R. |
Mar. 13 |
2005 |
Miller, Thomas L. |
Mar. 17 |
2005 |
Miller, Thomas O. D.V.M. |
67 |
Jul. 2 |
2000 |
Miller, Thornton |
57 |
Jan. 18 |
2000 |
Miller, Tony |
Mar. 4 |
2003 |
Miller, Vernon P. |
Jun. 5, 6 |
2001 |
Miller, Virgil Sr. |
Apr. 16 |
2002 |
Miller, Wilbur S. "Webb" |
Mar. 15 |
2005 |
Miller, William A. |
Apr. 7 |
2005 |
Miller, William H. |
Aug. 2 |
2002 |
Miller, William J. |
Aug. 22 |
2005 |
Miller, William P. |
Apr. 9 |
2003 |
Miller, William P. "Bill" |
Jan. 15 |
2003 |
Millett, Anthony J. |
Apr. 17 |
2001 |
Millett, Rose |
86 |
Oct. 12 |
2000 |
Millhouse, Ruth E. (Smith) |
Nov. 23, 24 |
2004 |
Milliken, Elizabeth (Dye) Rev. "Betty" |
86 |
Apr. 2, 3 |
2000 |
Millonzi, Frances M. (Guzzo) |
Dec. 24, 26 |
2005 |
Millonzi, Mary (Zupancic) |
87 |
Nov. 16, 17 |
2000 |
Mills, Charles W. |
79 |
May 14, 15 |
2000 |
Mills, Edwin W. Sr. |
Dec. 18, 19 |
2004 |
Mills, Elva E. |
Jan. 19 |
2002 |
Mills, Flora T. (Forti) |
Aug. 8, 9 |
2004 |
Mills, Leland E. |
Nov. 21, 22 |
2003 |
Mills, Mary Lou |
Oct. 16 |
2004 |
Millsaps, William R. |
Oct. 20 |
2001 |
Milmont, Patricia L. (Mason) "Pat" |
Nov. 7 |
2005 |
Milnar, Albert J. "Happy" |
Jul. 2, 3 |
2005 |
Milner, E. Celesta |
Sep. 5 |
2002 |
Milner, James D. "Scotty" |
65 |
May 20 |
2000 |
Milo, Charlotte M. (Reddy) |
Dec. 13, 14 |
2003 |
Milo, Joseph F. |
Dec. 19, 20 |
2002 |
Minadeo, Frances M. |
Feb. 5, 6 |
2005 |
Minadeo, John |
Jun. 7 |
2001 |
Minardo, Angela (Orozco) |
May 29 |
2004 |
Minardo, George R. |
Dec. 10 |
2005 |
Minardo, Samuel S. |
Jun. 7, 8 |
2003 |
Minaschek, Maria |
May 5 |
2004 |
Minello, Frank G. |
Oct. 11, 12 |
2004 |
Miner, Steven P. |
Nov. 15 |
2005 |
Minges, Thurston C. "Tike" |
69 |
Nov. 17 |
2000 |
Mingione, Mary E. (Ortolani) |
90 |
Dec. 18, 19 |
2000 |
Mingle, Constance A. (Barron) |
Dec. 11 |
2003 |
Mingle, Laura Golden |
Mar. 13 |
2005 |
Mingone, Larry Thomas |
Dec. 21 |
2001 |
Minich, Chester C. |
Sep. 11, 12 |
2001 |
Minicucci, Ethel C. |
Apr. 10, 11 |
2000 |
Minnick, Darrell Jr. Rev. "Bud" |
Sep. 17, 18 |
2004 |
Minnick, George W. "Bill" |
Feb. 5 |
2002 |
Minnick, Lori (Tidy) |
Aug. 10 |
2004 |
Minnis, Joseph N. "Nebo" |
Jan. 3, 4 |
2001 |
Minor, Joan Richards |
53 |
Dec. 20 Ash |
2000 |
Minor, Pat R. Rev. |
Jul. 31 |
2005 |
Minor, William L. |
73 |
Dec. 22 |
2000 |
Minotas, Barbara A. (Jochum) |
Oct. 20 |
2004 |
Minotas, Olga M. (Gorencic) |
Mar. 21, 22 |
2005 |
Mintler, Virginia W. (Esterquest) |
91 |
Mar. 3 |
2000 |
Mintus, Leonard |
75 |
Aug. 29 |
2000 |
Mirabile, Mathew Mark |
18 |
Jul. 17, 18, 19 |
2000 |
Miragliotta, Andrew J. |
Dec. 14 |
2001 |
Miranda, Angel Pacheco |
Nov. 7 |
2002 |
Mirch, Joseph Frank |
Jun. 1 |
2003 |
Misheck, Mary (Valduga) |
Sep. 7, 8 |
2004 |
Miskiewicz, Craig W. |
Aug. 13 |
2002 |
Misky, Dawn Marie (Frasher) |
Dec. 7, 8 |
2003 |
Mismas, Jeanne F. |
Feb. 21, 22 |
2001 |
Missus, Diana M. |
56 |
Mar. 7, 8 |
2000 |
Mitchell, Carolyn May Smith |
Aug. 15, 16 |
2001 |
Mitchell, Dewey T. Jr. |
Sep. 8 |
2004 |
Mitchell, Earl A. |
8? |
Nov. 15 Ash |
2000 |
Mitchell, Erwin D. |
Dec. 9 |
2005 |
Mitchell, Evelyn G. (Ginn) |
Oct. 8, 9 |
2002 |
Mitchell, Frank |
86 |
Feb. 29 |
2000 |
Mitchell, John E. |
Sep. 18, 19 |
2003 |
Mitchell, Kathleen Jane (Williams) |
Mar. 6 |
2004 |
Mitchell, Kenneth William |
Nov. 30 |
2004 |
Mitchell, Laverne Bob |
Dec. 28 |
2003 |
Mitchell, Lillie Bee |
Oct. 8 |
2003 |
Mitchell, Margaret D. (Denbrock) |
Nov. 28 |
2004 |
Mitchell, Margaret M. |
May 4, 5 |
2004 |
Mitchell, Miley S. (McClain) |
78 |
Nov. 26, 28 |
2000 |
Mitchell, Raymond |
Sep. 2, 3 |
2005 |
Mitchell, Roy W. |
Jul. 27, 28 |
2002 |
Mitro, Carole A. |
66 |
Apr. 17, 18 |
2000 |
Mitrovic, Irene T. |
Jul. 6, 7 |
2002 |
Mitrovic, Paul R. |
78 |
Jul. 15, 16, 17 |
2000 |
Mitrovich, Shirley |
62 |
Jun. 16 |
2000 |
Mitterer, Leon G. |
Jun. 2 |
2001 |
Mittower, Dorothy |
May 26 |
2003 |
Mittower, Franklin A. Jr. |
Feb. 24 |
2005 |
Mitzel, Helen I. |
83 |
Oct. 28, 29 |
2000 |
Mivec, Anna M. |
Dec. 5 |
2001 |
Mizen, Gerald T. "Jerry" |
Oct. 1, 2 |
2004 |
Mizenko, George |
Oct. 13 |
2002 |
Mizerak, Paul |
Apr. 20 |
2005 |
Mizlock, Coletta L. (Flagg) |
Feb. 10, 11, Jun. 10 |
2001 |
Mizner, Alice E. (Roberts) |
Aug. 4 |
2005 |
Mlachak, June C. (Kramer) |
Nov. 29, 30 |
2004 |
Mlachak, Shirley A. (Myers) |
Dec. 29, 30, 31 |
2005 |
Mladsi, Josephine A. (Kubizna) |
88 |
May 10 |
2000 |
Mlinac, Dorothy Ann "Dottie" |
Jan. 11, 12 |
2001 |
Mlinar, Josephine E. (August) |
84 |
Jul. 28, 29 |
2000 |
Mlinko, Dolores R. |
Mar. 28 |
2004 |
Mlynarczyk, Adeline (Mikolajczyk) |
Jan. 12, 13 |
2003 |
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