Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Painesville Telegraph Abstracts
December, 1822

December 4, 1822


In Kirtland, by the Reverent J. Badger, Mr. N.K. Whitney to Miss E.A. Smith.


In this village, yesterday morning, widow Charity Blodgett, aged 65. While living she was an example of true piety, and when conscious of her approaching dissolution, she manifested an entire resignation to the will of God. The friends and relatives of the deceased are requested to attend her funeral, this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late residence.
In New Orleans, of the yellow fever, Mr. Carlos V.J. Hickox, formerly one of the editors of the Cleveland Register.


All persons having claims against the estate of John Maston, deceased, late of Painesville, Geagua county, are informed that one year from the 22nd day of October last, is allowed to exhibit them agreeably with law. Immediate payment from all those indebted is expected.
Hardin Cleaveland, Administrator
Painesville, December 2, 1822

Notice is hereby given,

To all persons having claims against the estate of Malcrum Crofoot, deceased, late of Painesville, Geagua county, are informed that one year from this date, is allowed to exhibit them agreeably with law. Immediate payment from all those indebted is expected.
Benjamin Crofoot, Adm'r
Painesville, December 2, 1822

December 11, 1822


The co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, was dissolved on the 23rd ult. by mutual consent.
J.W. Snedeker, S. Sherman
Painesville, December 2, 1822


All persons having demands against the estate of Abiathar Sutliff, deceased, late of Ashabula County, Ohio, are hereby notified to exhibit them legally proven, for adjustment, within one year from this date - and all indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payments.
Clara Sutliff, Administratrix
November 1, 1822

Ohio Penitentiary

There has been committed to this prison, since its first establishement to the present time, 310 convicts. Since the 9th day of February last, 45 have been received. During which time, 5 have died and 20 have been pardoned, 17 have served out their time, and 4 have made their escape.
There is now in the Penitentiary 113 - two of whom are in for life, a male and a female. Of the above number, 103 are white males, 9 colored, and 1 white female.
The following are the crimes for which the present number are sentenced, viz:
Larceny 25
Burglary 7
Passing counterfeit money 16
Horse-stealing 26
Incest 2
Murder in the 2d degree 5
Carnal conx. with a crazy woman 1
Forgery 6
Rape 3
Arson 4
Altering notes 1
Coutnerfeiting bank notes 7
Having in possession plate for do. 1
Sheep stealing 1
Stabbing 2
Manslaughter 1
Assault and Battery and maiming 1
Perjury 1
Not known 3

Their former occupations were as follows:
Laborers 26
Farmers 36
Paper-maker 1
Cabinet-makers 4
Counterfeiter 1
Tailor 4
Hunter 1
Millers 2
Idiots 2
Physician 1
Shoemakers 7
Sailors 5
Blacksmiths 3
Tinner 1
Clothier 1
Cotton-spinners 2
Wagon-makers 2
Clerk 1
Swindler 1
Stone-masons 3
Carpenters 2
Whip-maker 1
Waiter 1
Weaver 1
Preacher 1
Justice of the Peace 1
Not known 1


The subscriber will pay seven cents per pound for green Hides, and 14 for dry, or as much as any person in this county, in cash,
Delivered to his Tannery, in Concord
Caleb Mason
December 10, 1822

Boot and Shoe Making

S. Russel
Informs his friends and the public, that he has commenced the above business in teh new shop 2 doors west of Lattimore's store where he will be ready at all times to attend to business with which he may be favored.

To the Friends of Agriculture & Manufactures in the county of Geauga

In these times of pressure, no arguments can be necessary to prove the importance to the community of encouraging, by every seasonable exertion, the advancement of Agriculture & Manufactures, within our country; and believing that the formation of Societies, having such objects in view, has had a very salutary effect in exciting a spirit of emulation, and diffusing substantial knowledge in this and the adjoining states. Under these impressions, the public are hereby notified that a meeting will be held at the house of Charles C. Paine, in Chardon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of January, next, for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of forming a Society within the county of Geauga, for the promotion of said objects.
The citizens generally are invited to attend.
Many Friends to Agriculture and Manufactures
Dec. 17, 1822
Masonic Notice

The Brethren of the neighboring Lodges, are respectfully invited to unite with the members of the Temple Lodge, No. 28, in celebrating the birth day of St. John, the Evangelist, at the Masonic Hall in Harpersfield, on Friday the 27th instant.
James R Ford, Secretary
Harpersfield, Dec. 10, 1822

December 25, 1822

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