Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Painesville Telegraph Abstracts
August, 1822

August 7, 1822


The proprietors of the Painesville School House are notified to meet at said house on Thursday the 22nd instant, at 4 o'clock, P.M., for the purpose of determining what is to be done with said house.
By order of the committee,
August 6, 1822
Keep up your Dogs.

The subscriber hereby gives notice to the inhabitants of the townships of Painesville, Perry and Madison, that he shall commence the trapping of wolves, in all of the above townships on the 8th instant. Dogs running at large will be very apt to get into traps, as many will be set. Owners of Dogs, theefore, are requested to keep them secured for the space of three weeks.
Aug. 5, 1822
Sherrif's Sale,

By virtue of a writ of venditoni expenas, to me directed from the court of common pleas of Geauga county, at the suit of Henry Champion vs. William Kerr, Calvin Cole and Hercules Carrel, I shall offer for sale as the law directs, at the house of Benjamin P. Cahoon, in Painesville, on Saturday the 7th day of September next between the hours of 10 o'clock, A.M. and 4 o'clock, P.M. of said day, to satisfy the command of said writ, the following described lands, viz, the west half of lot No. 6; east half of lot No. 7, the whole of lot No. 12, the west 5-6th of No. 23, the whole of No. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 44, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56, 57, 79, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118, of village lots in the village of Champion, which is in the township of Painesville, in the county of Geauga, Ohio - and out lots annexed to said village, No. 1, containing 34 acres and 25-100 - No. 4, containing 18 acres and 93-100 - No. 5, containing 18 acres and 93-100 - No. 13, containing 50 acres - All of the above is according to the survey of Kerr, Cole & Co. and No. 4 of Henry Champion's survey, containing 23 acres, 2 roods, and 29 rods and 6-10 of a rod of land. The whole of said lands is taken in execution as the property of Calvin Cole.
Sheriff's Office
Painesville, August 6, 1822


By virtue of an order of the Court of Common pleas of Geauga county, Ohio, I shall expose to public sale, at the house of Charles C. Paine, in Chardon, on the 21st day of September next between the hours of one and four o'clock, P.M., twenty-six acres and seventy-one rods of Land, being part of lots No. 26 and 27, in tract No. 2; in Chardon aforesaid, and bounded as follows: beginning at a post standing on the east line of the road leading from Chardon town platt to Painesville, at the S.W. corner of land deeded to Benj. Rider, Jr. thence south 22 degrees east 46 rods - thence east 87 rods and 10 links - thence north 43 rods - thence west 109 rods and 10 links to the place of beginning.
Chardon, August 3, 1822
Guardian of the heirs of Sam'l King, deceased

At Milan, Huron, on Friday the 12th July, David Abbot, Esq., aged 55 years, after an illness of about seven days. He was one of the earliest settlers in the north part of the state of Ohio; was a member of the convention that formed the Constitution of this state; served several years as a member of the legislature, and officiated in several other public capacities.

Collector's Notice

I shall commence the collection of taxes on the 15th inst., and shall attend at my office in Chardon from the 1st day of December to the 1st day of January next, for the purpose of receiving taxes not previously collected.
The following are the rates of taxes charged on each 100 acres of land for the year 1822, viz:
State tax Road tax Total
1st Rate 1 50 0 50 2 00
2d " 1 12-1/2 37-1/2 1 50
3d " 75 25 1 00

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of a writ of venditoni exponas, to me directed from the court of common pleas of Geauga county, at the suit of Samuel W. Phelps vs. Thomas King, I shall expose to sale as the law directs, on Saturday the 17th of August inst., at the house of Benjamin P. Cahoon, in Painesville, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock, P.M. of said day, to satisfy the command of said writ, the following described property (taken in execution as the property of said Thomas King) viz. One Yoke of Oxen, four Cows, one two-year old Bull, one two-year old Steer, one two-year old Heifer, and one Waggon.
ALSO - By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. to me directed from said court, at the suit of Abraham Skinner vs. Lewis Wood, I have levied on the following described property, viz. One Yoke of Oxen, one brindle Cow, one yearling heifer, and two steer Calves, which I shall offer for sale as the law directs, to satisfy the command of said writ, at the same time and place aofresaid.
Sheriff's Office
Painesville, August 6, 1822

August 14, 1822

no new local articles

August 21, 1822

Jeremia I Morrow
For Governor
Eli Baldwin
For Congress
Eleazer Hickcox
For State Legislature
Eli Bond
For Sheriff
Charles C Paine
For Coroner
David Brooks
For Commissioner


In Mentor, on the 14th isntant, Mrs. Phinor Reynolds, consort of Capt. Simeon Reynolds, of that place. Her sickness was of a short duration, but her conflicts and sufferings were violent, and terminated her mortal existence in about 26 hours from its commencement. Her amiable and endearing qualities renders her death peculiarly impressive and affecting to all her acquaintances. Those friends and relatives who were present when she expired, had, however, the consolation of witnessing a triumphant exit; as she left the world with that calmness and resignation which distinguishes the happy Christian who is in possession of a fath of full assurance. She has left an affectionate husband, five children, (the youngest an infant of seven months old), an aged mother, two brothers and a sister in the same neighborhood, and all her neighbors, to deplore her loss - (Communicated)
In Newburgh, Mr. Milton Rathbun, about 30 years of age, and Mr. Harlow Walton, aged 17. They were about descending into a well of 20 feet depth, for the purpose of cleaning it, and perished through the operation of carbonic gas, commonly called the damps in the wells. One of them, while descending, having lowered himself about 12 feet, was observed to fall: the other followed down to his assistance, ad at the same place likewise fell, and both expired before relief could be afforded. Such painful instances of mortality should serve as a caution and necessary labor. Objects passed swiftly up and down in the well, a few minutes before entering it, so as to produce an active motion in the air, will generally remove any danger. - Cleaveland Herald

SALT for sale

The subscriber has on hand a quantity of SALT, which he will sell for $4.50 per barrel, or exchange for Oxen.
Fairport, August 20, 1822

August 28, 1822


I hereby give to all persons having just and legal claims against the estate of Henry Burdick, deceased, late of Kirtland, Geauga county, to exhibit their claims legally proven for adjustment within one year from the date hereof - and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to Daniel Kerr and Asa Webster.
Administrators of H Burdick, deceased
Mentor, July 25, 1822

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