Lake County Ohio GenWeb

A Visit to Lake County Infirmary

The Painesville Telegraph
Thursday January 12, 1882
Page 3

Transcribed by Cynthia Turk

A Visit to Lake County Infirmary

To the Editor Painesville Telegraph

On the last day of 1881, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Carter resolved to observe it as the festive occasion is generally observed on New Year's day, and being so unselfish as to partake of the "good things" alone, and in order to render others happy, they issued invitations to the present and ex-Directors of the County Infirmary. The day was stormy and in many respects disagreeable, still nearly all the invited guests were present, being so far as we remember , Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason and daughters Katie and Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Woodman and son, Capt. E. Bvrridge, [sic] Mr. Collins Morse, Judge M. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Brown, attending Physician C.M. Hawley, Mrs.Courtwright and daughter and Mrs. And Mrs. N.N. Bartlett and daughter.

The manner in which the guests were received assured each one that he was at once among friends who knew how to make the occasion one of real pleasure. About one o'clock, and shortly before dinner, the guests were invited to pass through the institution and visit the inmates, and having visited the house when company was not expected we carefully observed the rooms, cells, inmates, cellar and kitchen, and found that the same care, cleanliness and order obtained which has characterized the institution ever since Mr. and Mrs. Carter have occupied their responsible position. The inmates are well provided for and frequently speak of the kind treatment which they receive. We learn that the present building has been occupied about six years and that Mr. Carlos Mason, whose term of office has now expired, has been one of the Directors during all and more than that time. He was kindly spoken of by all and many regrets were expressed that his connection with the institution was now to be severed. The absence of Mr. Eber D. Howe, who was once a Director and warm friend of the institution and who is now 83 years of age, was very much regretted. The present number of Inmates is thirty-five, while the average number for the four and one half years that Mr. and Mrs. Carter have had charge of the infirmary is forty. The present "helpers" in the institution are Mrs. Rice, Miss Phillips and Mr. A. Roechart, all of whom are well qualified for their respective positions. The dinner was of the very best, served in the most common sense and consequently approved manner, and was in every way characteristic of the host and hostess. The occasion was enjoyable and long to be remembered. Such homes for the otherwise homeless are creditable to our government and, in short, Lake County Infirmary, under its present management, is an institution of which every citizen of the county may be justly proud. N.N.B.

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