Lake County Genealogical Society (Ohio)

Madison Miscellaneous Stones

There are several gravestones that have been located in Madison Village that are not on graves at this time. It is believed that all of these have been replaced on the grave and the old stones are what we have discovered. All of the stones below were found in different places on Main Street in Madison Village.

The Merriman monument is on the northeast corner of Main and Eagle in town. It stands alone, and was from the old Centreville Cemetery across the street. The dates do not bear this out, and only one of the people on the stone is not mentioned on stones in Fairview Cemetery. It is also said by historians that this is not, and never was a burial site, but some mystery remains as to where the bodies actually are. The old monument was left on this corner by the family in memoriam.

The David Brooks stone is found at the home of Alma Ritola, age 100 in 1998. It is part of the back steps. Her home was the home of Solomon Kimball.

The two Addison Russell stones were in the barn at the Kimball homestead down the street from the Ritolas. Addison apparently died on this farm.

All of these stones are on private property, but the Merriman monument is out in the open, visible from the village park.

There is an unsubstantiated report regarding Jesse Ladd who lived at the corner of Main and Wood Road. His daughter apparently had stones in the basement wall, but they have been taken.

Updated 19 FEB 2010.

Madison Township

Other Grave Markers  

Proofed 22 May 1998


Sec- tion


Stone #




 Merriman, Grata T.
 Merriman, Kate C.
 Childs, Irwin S.
 Childs, Ellen B. Merriman
 Childs, Harry M.
 Merriman, A., Dr.




[N Side] Grata T./ Wife of/ Dr. A. Merriman/ Died Sept. 23, 1881/ aged 78 yrs/ MERRIMAN [S side] Kate C./ Daughter of/ Dr. A. & GT Merriman/ Died Feb. 23. 1870/ Aged 3 yrs./ CHILDS/ [E side] Irwin S. Childs/ 1840 [NE]/ Ellen B. Merriman/ His wife/ 1842-1897/ Harry M. Childs/ 1871-1894/ [W side] Dr. A. Merriman/ Died/ July 23, 1867/ Aged 72 yrs.


On NE corner of Eagle and Main Streets. See Fairview Cem., B3-3-5 and 6 for Ellen and Harry.

 Brooks, David




David Brooks, Esqr,/ Died/ Nov. 17, 1854,/ Aged 82 years/ & 10 mos.


On Solomon Kimball Property. See alsoFairview Cem. B3-12-11

 Kimball, Addison Russell




Addison Russell/ Son of/ Abel & Philena/ Kimball/ Died Feb. 23 1842,/ Aged 2 years 1 M. 1 D.


On Kimball homestead in outhouse. See Fairview Cem. B2-10-1

 Kimball, Addison Russell




In Memory of/ Addison Russell/ Son of/ Abel & Philena/ Kimball/ Died Fe. 23, 1842/ Aged 2 years 1 m.


Worn marble stone on Kimball homestead in outhouse. See Fairview Cem. B2-10-1


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