Lake County Genealogical Society (Ohio)

Beall Farm Cemetery

In 1926 G.P. Rawson copied the inscription of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Beall. It is said that there are two or three stones on the quiet forested hill on the west side of the stream on the Beall farm. It sets back from the house which is far back, about 3/4 mile from Kirtland-Chardon Road, across the stream from Wisner Road. In 1840, the landowner map shows that the State of Connecticut still owned the land where the cemetery is now. Although a complete deed search was not done, some items were notable in the history of this family farm. Thomas Beal (sometimes later spelled with two Ls) purchased 32 ½ acres of land from the estate of Joshua Stow. Then he obtained 25 acres for $1.00 from the state of Connecticut in Range 9, Township 9, Tract 3, and Lot 77 in Kirtland Township, (Deed records Vol. H pgs 362 and 671).

On 17 February 1865, John P. Markell, administrator for "Thomas Beal, deceased on the 30th day of November AD 1864, filed by his petition in the probate court,... praying for an order to sell the following Real Estate... parts of Lot 77 and 78..." 57 ½ acres. The property was sold by public auction to Hushai Beal, and recorded in Vol. V, pg 251.

Interestingly, it appears that Hushai Beall purchased the same property from Annette J. Smith for $108.92 on 9 May 1864, before the death of Thomas (Vol. W, pg 168). A look at this deed might reveal the cause. A year later to the day, he purchased 1.66 acres from William E. Blair for $52.80 and two days later sold to the same person 0.51 acres for $16.83. (Vol. W, pg 564 and Vol. 1, pg 238)

The 1874 map shows H. Beall owning this property, just south of that of W.E. Blair. There were some other land transactions, and then we come to 4 October 1884, recorded in Vol. 13, pg 532 a transfer of the property. "For the consideration of support maintainance [sic] and good care in sickness and in death from this date, during the natural life of Grantor and my doctor and funeral expenses and one dollar received to my full satisfaction of D. L. Randall the Grantee..." A Thomas Beal was still owning property adjacent to this property.

In 1926 at the time of the reading, the farm was owned by the Murch family. In 1998 it belonged to the Blair family, on the private Blair Lane.

This inactive cemetery is on private property with no public access.

Kirtland Township

Beall Farm Cemetery



Sec- tion


Stone #




 Beall, Elizabeth




Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Beall, died Nov. 14, 1854, aged 66


from old readings


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