Many gravestones in St. Mary's and Evergreen Cemeteries are in Hungarian. Often they are of limestone and in the shape of a cross with a wide base for the inscription. Some have crucifixes, some have flowers and/or photographs. The following words were found on stones in the two cemeteries and translated. This will not cover every word found on every stone, but should be enough to give the general idea of the meaning. The more extensive stones give dates and ages as well as relationships to parents, spouse, and children. Some give nativity location, and little attempt at displaying those places was made here.
Names are usually reversed, putting the surname before the given name. A wife's name is written as Smith Johnné. The -né as a suffix on a man's given name means Mrs., making this example Mrs. John Smith. Her birth name is often given after this.
Many men have the first name of Szent (Saint) but rarely use it. However, it does appear on occasion on grave markers.
Most stones begin with "Itt nyugszik"-"here rests" or "here lies" and ends with something meaning "rest in peace."
The Hungarian vowels are a, e, i, o, u, é, ü, á, ö, ó, and í.
Thanks go to Mary Sallay, Gus Enyedi, and Istvan (Steve) Herczeg for assistance with this information and the following glossary. It is still a work in progress.
Hungarian | English |
alatt | under, before, during |
äldas | blessing |
äldas poräira | Blessed dust |
anya | mother |
apa | father |
április | April |
asszony | woman |
atya | father |
augusztus, au | August |
Béké lengjen nyugvó poraik felet | Let there be peace and comfort for the remains above |
békében | in peace |
békességben | peace forever |
-ben | his; in |
boldogult | happy |
bon | in the town of |
Borbala | Barbara |
csecsemö | baby, one still nursing |
december | December |
dusi saldi | |
e | |
elhalálozás | the passing away |
elhalálozás | passing away |
elhalálozott | the deceased |
elhalt | passed away |
elhunyt | has deceased |
eliás | burial |
eltemetés | going to be buried |
eltemetett | already buried |
elföldelés | buried under |
élt | lived |
emlekül | reminder, keepsake |
emlekül e család | In memory of; the family remembrance |
én | I |
Erös va'r a mi Istenünk | ________ with__ in the Lord? |
Erzsi | Elizabeth, nickname for Erzsibet |
és | and |
észtendö | complete 12 month year |
et | not |
év | what calendar year |
évet | number of years |
február | February |
felesége | wife |
ferj | husband |
Gyászoljal Szüllei | parents are mourning |
Gujászoya férje - fia szülei és | Mourning husband son and parents |
gyász | mourn/mourns |
gyaszoljak | mourning by more than one |
gyereke | children |
gyermek, gyerek | child/ children |
Gyermeki | children |
halál | death |
halottak | death/s |
halt | die |
halva | state of death |
hamvair | ashes |
Hamvaira | peace be to his ashes or remains |
hava | month |
hitvesé | spouse |
hó, hónap | month |
hol | where or whereabouts |
hol | where or whereabouts |
holt | dead |
holt | dead |
hü | devoted |
huatna | shedding, dropping |
hüférjé | devoted husband |
hullatjuk | we are dropping/shedding |
in | from here |
ist | |
Istenben | now found in God or the Lord |
Istvan | Steven/Stephan |
itt | here |
Janos | John |
január | January |
je | |
Jézús | Jesus |
Jezus szive Légy Velem | The heart of Jesus be with me |
julius | July |
június, ju | June; June abbreviated |
készület (keszilette?) | preparation |
Kirenhü | |
konnyeket | tears |
Lajos | Louis |
leanyunk | our daughter(s) |
Légy hiv minohalálig ie neked adom az élet koronajat. | Believe unto death, I will give you the eternal crown of life. |
magyar | [German word for] Hungary |
mainvaira | |
május | May |
március | March |
Mariska | Mary |
meg- | past tense such as did |
megboldogult | happiness in the Lord |
meghalt, megholdt | death/s, did die |
Megyébé | county |
meny | daughter-in-law |
menhyhegty menyhegt | heavenly - hill, mountain |
MH (meghalt), | died |
né | wife, or as suffix on male name=Mrs. |
neha | sometime |
néhai | deceased, the late |
neje | his wife, wife of |
nevébe | Lord's holy name |
nö | woman |
november | November |
Nyugodj békében kedves edesanyam | Rest in peace sweet dear mother |
nyugodjon | let him rest |
nyugogyon | may he rest |
nyugszik | rests |
octóber | October |
ók | they |
örok | forever |
özveg | widow |
pariuen? | |
poräira | dust |
rokon | relative |
rokoniav | relatives |
Sandor | Alex |
sirhant | |
suduszik | |
Szent | saint |
szeptember | September |
szerclo | |
szeretett | with love |
szül, sz. | nee, born as, maiden name |
szül, szülök | parent |
születés | birth |
született, sz. | born |
születtek | were born |
temet | bury |
temetés | burial |
Testitere Nyugodjon Békében | Siblings rest in peace |
testverunk | family, including siblings |
tóth's | Slovak (Toth is also a surname) |
unguàri | Hungary |
zülött, | child/ children |
A Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society Cynthia Turk, Project Manager Copyright issues: Copyrights on the files on this site are held by the creators. They may be linked to but not copied except for personal use. Disclaimer: The Lake County Genealogical Society cannot be held responsible for errors in transcription or in original documents. These files were intended only as guides to original records from which the researcher should draw his own conclusions. For problems or comments on this site, contact the webmaster at |