First Families (Settled 1805-January 1, 1831) and
Pioneer Families (Settled January 1, 1831-January 1, 1861) that were approved .
Submitter A-K Ancestor Date Email
Norman K. Adams Jr. Lewis Adams 1816
Susannah Reid 1816
Pearleen Craig Boblitt Andrew Craig 1846
Phyllis Evans Bollinger Isaac Clem 1831
Nancy Wright Brennan Laura Hutchinson Epps 1840
Susannah Epps 1841
William Epps 1840
David Hall 1840
Lydia Hall 1840
Sophia Stoddard Hall 1840
Cyrus Smith 1816
Phoebe Smith 1816
Stephen Alvaro Smith 1840
Daniel Stoddard 1840
Shirley M. Ray Bronte Thomas Cummins 1828
Parker Sullivan 1820
Rebecca Sullivan 1828
Charles Brunner Christian John Stevens 1810
James Stevens 1810
Christian Idle   1813
Thomas H. Stevens 1819
Anna Idle 1830
Jacob Idle 1830
Martin Idle 1820
John Campbell 1816
Adam Wise 1816
Mary Elizabeth Wise 1810
Jane Woods 1830
Mary Prince 1816
David Campbell 1827
Katharine Kessler 1827
Henry Kessler 1813
Barbara Kessler 1813
Daniel Campbell 1850
George E. Cannon James Anderson 1818
William Kenton Sr. 1822
Dolores Jacobs Clark Robert R. Green 1830
Lucinda Jane Green 1851
John Conrad Williams 1850
Lucinda Jane Talbot 1828
Rodham Talbot 1814
Shiela J. Farmer Clay Stephen King 1829
Judith A. Reiman Clore Alexander Doty 1850
Hiram Doty 1825
Jonathan Doty 1816
Hammet Hatfield 1840
Sarah Hatfield 1850
Margaret McBride 1859
Alexander McCorkle 1811
Elizabeth McCorkle 1825
Elizabeth Middleton 1833
John Middleton 1833
Susan Middleton 1833
Margaret McBride 1859
Abraham Thompson 1839
James Thompson 1839
Elizabeth West 1833
Mary Lou McAlexander Crapnell Kezia Crutchfield Kenton 1810
James McAlexander 1816
David McAlexander 1838
Elizabeth McAlexander 1830
Job Goslee 1825
James Kenton 1818
Elizabeth Thomas Kenton 1818
Arthur Thomas 1807
Thomas Kenton 1820
Doris L. Valentine Dilbone William Calland 1829
John Hoover 1826
William Moore 1819
Melvin C. Eisaman Elizabeth Johnson 1832
Levi Williams 1832
Linda J. Ellis Harmon Limes Jr. 1844
Richard S. Evans Isaac Evans Jr. 1812
Isaac Evans Sr. 1812
Mary Evans 1812
Phyllis Stradling Folsom Henry Stradling 1846
Russ Frank Martin Frank 1820
Daniel Helmick 1810
Sarah Sally Argabright 1820
Norman Gearhart William Gearhart 1812
Terri L. Gorney Hannah Burwell 1820
Jonathan Burwell 1820
Eleanor Rooney Gove Andrew Davis 1811
Rebecca Davis Pence Kelley 1810
Samson Kelley 1811
Joseph Loudenback 1820
Noah Loudenback 1821
Sara Jane Kelley Loudenback 1821
Rebecca Loudenback Clark 1846
Roger Gove Thomas Stone 1837
Adam Goul 1820
Christian Goul 1830
Elizabeth Goul 1820
Elizabeth Goul 1843
Ruth Lawson Goul 1830
Judith Freeman Gove 1846
Henry Hazel 1810
Sarah Johnson Hazel 1810
Rachel Hazel Lawson 1816
Thomas Lawson 1816
Mary Stewart Madden 1819
Nathaniel Madden 1811
Perry Madden 1832
Deborah McFarland 1813
Robert McFarland 1811
Ann Oliver 1807
Peter Oliver 1805
Elizabeth Baker Stewart 1811
Matthew Stewart 1811
Isaac Stone 1832
Lucy Wilson Stone 1832
Sarah Goul Stone 1842
Sampson Talbot 1805
Susan L. Eisaman Gowan Elizabeth Johnson 1832
Jesse Williams 1832
Levi Williams 1832
Lewis E. Graham John Graham 1834
Eunicy Smith 1834
Barbara L. Johnson Harshman Jesse Johnson 1832
John L. Johnson 1845
Silas Johnson 1845
Abraham Weidman, Jr. 1839
Abraham Weidman Sr. 1832
Judith E. Baker Hite Elizabeth Loudenback 1819
Mary Pence 1811
Louise Barritt Kemp Abner Barritt 1811
June Zoll Kiser Catherine Kessler Campbell 1827
John Campbell 1816 1816
Eliza Johnson Jenkins 1844
Mary Polly Snyder Jenkins 1848
Thomas Jenkins 1816
Adam Kite   1815
Catherine Sipes Kite 1836
Submitter L-Z Ancestor Date Email
Nancy M. Bachtell Lewis Levi Bryan 1812
Parker Bryan 1821
Lita M. Peterson Lindell Samuel Black 1810
Samuel Haines 1816
Hezekiah Spain 1805
Thomas Spain 1805
Herbert Loudenback Joseph Loudenback 1820
William Loudenback 1827
Judith A. Meeks Lutzweit Alexander McCompsey 1811
Matthias J. McCompsey 1811
Nancy Brust Massie Elizabeth Amanda Ware Cline 1840 nmassie
Lester Ware 1840
Nona Rhoades McGrath Rachel Brock 1835
Sarah Davidson 1854
George Rhoades 1835
Jacob Roads 1835
Margaret Van Ness Nelson John Croke Edmondson 1851
Betty Carlston Pex Hugh Bay 1820
Corinne Reilly Noah Kite 1820
William Kite 1818
Sarah Frysinger 1818
Adam Kite 1820
Elizabeth Runkle 1820
Catherine Sipes 1836
Sarah Kite 1842
John W. Pence 1841
Eric D. Richhart Isaac Rubart 1820
Margaret Clark Rickard Frederick Ambrose 1806
Joseph F. Stone 1850
Loretta Rooney Adam Wiant 1821
William Cook 1846
Julian Wiant 1824
Lewis Cook 1820
Mary Smith 1847
Calvin Cook 1820
Peter Smith 1822
David Smith 1818
Jeffrey Rouze Edward Covington 1810
Sarah Covington 1810
Elizabeth Kavanaugh 1820
James Kavanaugh 1819
Matthew Kavanaugh 1820
Rachel Covington Kavanaugh 1814
Mary Kiger 1805
Adin Wiley Rouze 1830
James Rouze 1805
Sarah Covington Rouze 1850
Mary Weaver 1805
William Weaver, Sr. 1805
Lydia Davis Ruppert Noah Davis 1820
Clarissa Harriet Fudger 1831
Dorthy Eaton Shaffer David H. Eaton 1855
John Eaton 1850
Catherine Houseman 1854
David Clark 1830
Lydia Clark 1824
George Fithian 1820
Mary Dawson 1850
Margaret Rhodes 1860
Nancy Flowers 1830
James Flowers 1830
Othnial Preston 1820
Roger Shaffer John Shaffer 1830
William Purkeypile 1830
Anna Purkeypile 1830
Catherine Purkeypile 1830
Chrystina M. Shelton Jeremiah Dempsey 1839
Stephen King 1829
Richard Stanhope 1807
Joseph Stillgess 1848
Alma L. Horton Shewfelt Calvin Cary 1827
Francis Wilson 1815
Joy L. Coon Shreyer John Cowan 1806
William Frankenberger 1806
Martin R. Stewart Jacob J. Briggs 1842
James Davis, Sr. 1847
Thomas Jenkins 1816
Peter Slusser 1833
William Williams 1831
Patricia Russell Stickley Andrew Bodey 1827
Clarissa Empie Bodey 1852
Christian Bodey 1817
Joshua Empie 1850
Elizabeth Bodey 1830
Abraham Leonard 1840
Mary Jane Jenkins Leonard 1840
George Leonard 1840
Catharine Zerkel Leonard 1840
Morgan Jenkins 1840
Rebecca Goleanor Jenkins 1840
Lewis Zerkel 1850
Catharine Branner Zerkel 1850
Erasmus Zerkel 1857
Rebecca Shaffer Zerkel 1857
Michael Zerkel 1830
Margaret Good Zerkel 1830
Solomon Shaffer 1860
Sarah Zerkel Shaffer 1860
George Zerkel 1840
Catherine Roush Shaffer 1840
John Calvin Russell 1850
Clarissa Alice Bodey Russell 1860
William Cook 1846
Mary Smith Cook 1847
Zachariah Zerkle 1858
John D. Wilson 1835
Sarah Forry Wilson 1856
John wilson 1820
Miah Dickey Wilson 1835
Rudolph Forry 1855
Sarah Fennigan Forry 1855
Miles Wilson 1818
Jane Vance Wilson 1818
William J. Abbott 1840
James Abbott 1850
Susanna Neer Compton 1860
Annie Peck Cook 1820
Mary Maggert Wiant 1821
Keziah Critchfield Kenton 1810
Arthur L. Thomas Lewis Adams 1816
Beth Titer Joshua Kemp 1848
Elizabeth Ann harvey Kemp 1830
Roland Harvey 1826
Phoebe Mathis Kemp 1826
Henry S. Petty 1837
William S. Petty 1836
Elizabeth Lippencott Petty 1809
Ezekiel Petty 1809
Margaret Scott Petty 1809
Gerald L. Toomire William Toomire, Sr. 1830
Carleen O. Spain Uhley Abraham Spain 1809
Robert M. Spain   1836
William C. Watt John C. Watt 1820
Thomas Watt 1817
Anne Daly Wattman George W. White 1825
William McKinley 1825
Lucinda McKinley 1825
Mary Cunningham McKinley 1825
Marguerite E. Turner Welty Cecelia Brown 1845
Thomas Miller 1845
Abraham Powell 1816
Anna Smith Powell 1816
Madison Powell 1850
Timothy Powell 1816
Margaret Taylor 1818
Carol Price White Christopher Richards 1830
Kenneth Wilson Adam Buroker 1820
Elizabeth Pence 1820
Lewis Pence 1820
Barbara Pence 1820
James Neal 1848
Barbara Taylor 1848
Sarah Kite 1842
John W. Pence 1841
James Taylor 1826
Catherine Bibler 1827
James Wilson 1811
Mary Zimmerman 1836
Tonya Rose Wingfield Keziah Critchfield Kenton 1810
Thomas Kenton 1810
James Russell 1817
Mary kenton 1810

Do you share ancestors, have more info, need more info?

If you are a member of First Families or Pioneer Families of Champaign County, would you like your email posted? Please let me know.

County Coordinator - Nancy Massie
This site may be freely linked to, but not duplicated without consent. Ideas and suggestions welcome.
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