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Ancestors of Joseph Malin

Generation No. 1

1. Judge Joseph Malin1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, born November 30, 1793 in

Charlestown, Frederick, VA; died May 01, 1877 in Madison, Jefferson,

IN. He was the son of 2. William Malin and 3. Esther Berry. He

married (1) Nancy Elizabeth Mendenhall10,11,12 August 04, 1815 in

Urbana, Champane, OH. She was born August 27, 1796, and died

February 16, 1823 in Vevey, Switzerland, IN13. She was the daughter of

Dr. John Mendenhall and Elizabeth "Betsy" Jennings. He married (2)

Ann Campbell September 23, 1824 in Switzerland Co IN. She was born

Abt. 1785, and died December 19, 182513. He married (3) Elizabeth

Goddard June 07, 1827 in Switzerland Co IN14. She died Bef. October

1859. He married (4) Harriet N. Manser October 29, 1859 in Cotton,

Switzerland, IN. She died April 14, 1891 in Jefferson Township,

Switzerland, IN15.

Notes for Judge Joseph Malin:

Joseph Malin was the son of William Malin and Esther Berry, of Quaker

background, and Welsh background on his father's side. William Malin

was descendent from Randal Malin, one of the first emigrants to Chester


Judge Malin, at the age of 15, was apprenticed to Samual Russell in

Jefferson Co VA on 30 Nov 1808, Charlestown VA signed by his father,

William Malin and Samuel Russell and witnessed by Jacob Crawell and

Nathaniel Offut. . He was to learn the art, trade, and calling of a saddler.

He was to receive six weeks of schooling per year and five dollars, or one

week in harvest each year.

A clipping from the Madison Daily Free Press, February 20, 1872, reads:

"A Document of Ye Ancient Time. Our old friend Judge Malin has

handed us the following indenture of his apprenticeship, which we

publish as a relic of the ancient manners and customs of our fathers.

Very few men in this State, if any, have, we presume, such a document as

this in their possession. The Judge cherishes it, together with his

discharge from the army in 1812, with great care. how well he profited

by this ridged discipline his prosperity in life will testify, and Solomon's


injunctions verified. The following is the document:

" This indenture made on the 30th day of November, 1808, in the year of

our Lord 1808, witnesseth that William Malin, of Jefferson county,

Virginia, hath put and placed, and by these presents doth put and bind out

his son, Joseph Malin; who, on the 30th day of November, 1814, next,

will be of the age of 21 years, as an apprentice to Samuel Russell, to

learn the art, trade and mystery of a saddling. The said Joseph Malin,

after the manner of an apprentice, to dwell with and live with the said

Samuel Russell and serve the said Samuel Russell from (the date of this

indenture) until the 30th day of November, 1814, in the year 1814, at

which time the said apprentice, if he should be living will be 21 years of

age; during all which time and term the said apprentice his said master

shall well and faithfully serve, his secrets keep, and all his lawful

commands everywhere, at all times, readily obey. He shall do no damage

to his said master, nor wilfully suffer any, to his knowledge, be intended,

he shall give his said master reasonable notice thereof. he shall not waste

the goods of his said master, nor send them unlawfully to any one. At

cards, dice, or any unlawful game, he shall not play. Fornication he shall

not commit, nor matrimony contract during the said term. Taverns, and

places of gaming, he shall not frequent. He shall not get drunk, or swear,

on any account. From the service of his said master he shall not absent

himself, but in all things, and at all times, he shall behave himself as a

good and faithful apprentice ought to do, during the whole time or term

aforesaid. And the said Samuel Russell, on his part, doth hereby

promise, convenent and agree to teach and instruct said apprentice, or

cause him to be taught and instructed in the art, trade and calling of a

saddler, by the best way or means he can; and also teach and instruct said

apprentice, or cause him to be taught and instructed, to read, write and

cipher, as far as the rule of three, if said apprentice be capable to learn;

and shall well and faithfully find and provide for the said apprentice

meat, drink, clothing, and other necessities convenient for said ....... the

term afore-....... piration thereof, ..... d apprentice two .....pparel, one

suita....d one for working ....ay whereof, the .....sell and William

..... to

interchangeable .....d fixed their seals. ......IAM MALIN


The copy of the newspaper is very old and torn, with pieces missing. In

the book, HISTORY OF SWITZERLAND COUNTY, under the Judge's

profile, some of the above information is given, including the names of

the two witnesses: Jacob Crawell and Nathaniel Offut.

Since Joseph enlisted for the War of 1812 on about the 20th of August,

1814, at Charlestown VA, it would appear the Samuel Russell released

Joseph early from his apprenticeship, as he was to serve until November


30, 1814. Joseph served as a private, being discharged at Charlestown

on or about the 30th day of September 1814. In the affidavit given by

William ....... and Humphrey Keyes, they state he was released in the city

of Washington. Joseph was a soldier in "the Volunteer Corps of

Riflemen from Jefferson County Virginia under the command of Captain

George W. Humphrey in the war with Great Britain declared by the

United States on the 18th day of June 1812, and that they are acquainted

with Joseph Malin and that the said Joseph Malin was a private in said

company, and that he served as a soldier in said company for a term of

more than fourteen days, in actual service, that he volunteered in said

company on or about the 20th August, 1814 ...."

The Treasury Department, third auditor's office showed that Joseph

Malin, Private, served from 20th Aug. 1814 to the 24th of September

1814, and was listed on the rolls of Capt. Geo. Humphrey's Company of

VA Militia.

After Joseph was released from service he next shows up in Urbana,

Champaign Co. Ohio. His father, William, also moved to Urbana - it is

not known if they came together or not. Joseph married Nancy Elizabeth

Mendenhall, daughter of Dr. John and Betsy (Jenning) Mendenhall on

August 4, 1815. In 1816 Joseph and Elizabeth moved to Switzerland Co.

Indiana, becoming one of the founders of Vevay. They probably were

part of the group who arrived with Elizabeth's father, Dr. John

Mendenhall (see John Mendenhall notes.)

The book EARLY OHIO SETTLERS, shows Joseph, as well as Dr. John

Mendenhall, his father-in-law, and James Dalmazzo purchasing land:

Malin, Joseph (C) 2 July 1818 Switzerland R:12;T:05;S:31

Malin, Joseph (B:15 Oct 1833 Switzerland R:03;T:03;S:29

Mendenhall, John

(A): 15 May 1812 Preble R:02;T:06;S:08

(C): 14 April 1813 ChampaignR:13;T:05;S:31

Dalmazzo (sic), James

(B) 1 June 1816Switzerland R:03;T:03;S:23

Dalmazzo, James

(B) 13 Aug 1836 Switzerland R:03;T:02;S:20

(A): Miami River Survey, Ranges I-VIII: Land lying east of a meridian

drawn from the mouth of the Great Miami River. Hamilton, Butler,

Shelby, Warren, Montgomery, Miami, Preble, Logan and Darke Counties

(may be all or only a part of each county) - all in Ohio.


(B): Indiana Survey: Land lying west of a meridian drawn west of the

Great Miami River (known as the "Gore"). Switzerland, Dearborn,

Franklin, Ohio, Union and Randolph Counties (all or only a part of each

county) - all in Indiana.

(C): Between the Miami, Ranges IV-XV: Lands lying north of the

northern boundary of Range III. Greene, Clark, Champion, Shelby and

Logan Counties (all or a part of each county) - all in Ohio.

Joseph was very active in business. he excelled in the quality of

manufacturing saddles, " with some of them being taken across the

Atlantic Ocean, and hundreds of miles to the interior of the continent of

Europe, where they were much admired." One of the first established

businesses in Vevay was Joseph's saddle and harness making business.

Not only were they sold around the world but they were in great demand

all over the country and throughout the bordering counties of Kentucky.

He had started his saddling business which he continued to carry on until

about 1833 or 1834. After Joseph gave up the saddle making business

his brothers-in-law, Miles Mendenhall, and James W. Cole, continued,

with his son, Ira Malin, finally carrying on the business alone for a while,

then taking on a partner, Mr. Browning.

He also served as a Justice of the Peace "when the old style of 'knock

down and drag out' was the order of the day, he was peculiarly practical

in quelling the rioters. With an ax handle in hand he rushed into the

crowd, commanding the peace, at the same time dealing blows right and

left, enforcing the command." He also served as an Associate Judge

(1829-1835), Sheriff and Treasurer(1821-25). In August 1841 William

Price was elected for two years, served but a short time, and gave the

office to Joseph Malin, who served as Deputy for Mr. Price.

Joseph Malin, Jacob Malin (his brother) and Ira Mendenhall (among

others) endorsed a note signed by Lawrence Nihell, concerned with the

Ohio Canal Lottery. The note was dated 27th day of January 1819.

He was also known for being in the forefront in providing relief for the


Joseph was also lived in Florence, Switzerland, IN, where he was one of

the early merchants. Florence started in 1817 when it was laid off by

Benjamin Drake and called New York. Additions were subsequently

made by Joseph Malin, William Campbell and Benjamin L. Robinson.


Joseph sold his interest in the store, in 1856, to his clerks, Simon

Beymer and Lemuel Bledsoe, not demanding any money at the time of

the sale, but trusting to the young men's honor in regard to the final

payment. He also give them the benefit of his credit with the wholesale

commercial houses of Cincinnati.

Joseph also was a merchant, for quite some time, of the villages of

Fairview and East Enterprise. In Quercus Grove, started in 1815, "Jacob

Harris built the first house of any consequence in the village, and also

kept the first store, which he conducted for two years; then sold out to

Joseph Malin (ca 1817?). Malin afterward sold out to John Lampton."

In July and August of 1874 Joseph and his wife, Harriet N., of Jefferson

Co. IN, conveyed quit claims to Benjamin M. Bledsoe (for $50 - for Lots

14, 15 & 46 in Malins addition to the Town of Florence and lots 41 & 42

in Original Florence); and Lettie R. Beymer ($50 - for Lots 42, 43, and

45 in Malin's addition to the town of Florence and lots 57 & 58 in

original Florence.

In the book, GENEALOGICAL SOURCES, by Dorothy L. Riker, "The

young man [William Campbell] soon after [1832] went with his brotherin-

law, William Protsman, to Cincinnati to buy the Protsman farm north

of Vevay. making the trip on horseback, they beat Joseph Malin who

traveled by steamboat bent on purchasing the same farm." Could this

Campbell family have been connected with Joseph's wife, Ann


According to a story in the History of Switzerland County, at the time of

the 1832 presidential election several people were talking about the

upcoming elections, when someone remarked that Jackson would be

elected without doubt. "Joseph Malin in his jocular manner remarked 'I

wish the snow would fall a foot deep the night before the election.' 'What

do you make that wish for Squire' someone enquired, to which Malin

replied -- 'So that these barefooted Jackson men could not get to the

election.' This created a great deal of merriment. (p. 175)

The Switzerland Lodge No. 122, A.F.&A.M. was chartered May 30,

1851 (Vevay) and Joseph Malin was listed as one of the Charter


Vevay Cemetery inscriptions:

Joseph Malin



May 3 1877


83 years 5 Months

The Vevay Reveille - Thursday, May 10, 1877 (sent from Barbara Malin)

"Joseph Malin died at his residence near North Madison, Ind. on the 1st

day of May, 1877 aged 83 years and 5 months. Mr. Malin was born at

Charlestown VA Nov. 30th 1793. In the year 1814 he came to Ohio

where William Malin, his father, had located near Urbana. In the year

1815 he was married to Nancy Mendenhall, daughter of Dr. John

Mendenhall. In the year 1816 he removed in company with Dr.

Mendenhall and the family to Vevay, Ind. In and near which place he has

resided until his removal to Madison. The Malins and Mendenhalls were

Quakers and came from England at a very early day in the settlement of

this country. Mr. Malin was married four times, of the five children who

reached mature age only two survive him, but a large number of grand

and great grandchildren remain. Mr. Malin had an extensive acquaintance

in this and adjoining counties. Everybody knew Judge Malin. He was one

of those old time, practical, business, matter-of-fact kind of man, who

always gave free expression to his convictions regardless of frowns or

smiles, and although his outspoken character made him enemies, yet the

masses honored him for his manly decision of what he thought to be right

or wrong. He possessed warm and kindly sympathies for the sick and the

unfortunate, the poor and needy he never turned away empty. He took a

special interest in worthy young men, no matter how ever poor they

might be; to build them up in business, who will ever revere his memory

with gratitude.

"Mr. Malin also possessed a broad and liberal spirit for the public good,

gave profusely of his means to build churches of all orders of faith;

although he had not been a member of any church for many years, yet he

viewed them as safeguards to the public prosperity, by no means to be

neglected. His mission on earth is finished - let us bow in humble

submission to the High behast.

"His remains were brought to Vevay on the 4th of May, when funeral

services were held in the Methodist Episcopal Church by the writer, in

the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends and neighbors;

after which his remains were conveyed to their final resting place in the

Vevay Cemetery.


"In behalf of the friends of the deceased, we tender sincere thanks to the

members of the Methodist Church, in kindly opening their house of

worship, and giving their presence, and also for furnishing music

appropriate to the occasion.

I.C. Smith

(Note: It would appear that no family members attended his funeral - yet

his 4th wife, Harriet, was still living and she at least would have been


Information received 24 June 1998 from Ann Stage:

Jeffersonville, IN (which is down the Ohio river from Vevay) 1818:

The notes given by persons who purchased tickets on a credit read as

follows: Copy of one of the notes signed by Lawrence Nihell: $210. -

Five days after the completion of the drawing of the "first class of the

Jeffersonville Ohio Canal Lottery I promise to pay to William Bradley or

order at the office of Discount & Deposit of the Bank of Vincennes, the

State Bank of Indiana at Vevay Two hundred & Ten dollars, for value

received this 27th day of January A.D. 1819." This note is endorsed by

Wm. Bradley, Robert Burchfield, J. Hamilton, Jacob Malin, Joseph

Malin & Ira Mendenhall.

Vevay Reveille:

"At the February session of the board in 1821, Joseph Malin was

appointed treasurer, & in 1822 he was reappointed. In settling with the

board, Feb. Session 1822, it was found that the county was indebted to

him as treasurer in the sum of $20.43 3/4. Malin was reappointed Feb.,

1823 & 1824, and Jan. 1825. In a settlement with the board Feb. 1824,

the county was found to be indebted to Malin, the treasurer, $123.32


Vevay Cemetery Headstones:

Malin, Joseph - d. 3 May 1877 aged 73 y 5 m; Ann, late consort of

Joseph, she died 19 Dec. 1825, aged 40 y [possibly 49 y] 8 m; Nancy,

consort of Joseph, was born 27 Aug. 1796, departed this life 16 Feb.


I received the letter from The Grand

Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio, April 26, 1999:

Dear Ms. Chitwood,


We received your letter requesting the Masonic record of some past

possible members. Enclosed is a copy of the only records that we found

for the names you gave us [Malin & Mendenhall]. Unfortunately, our

records won't give you much information on the person, but it will give

you a range of dat4es that he was in the area. We have also noted on the

record where the lodge is located in Ohio to give you some sort of

direction. ....

David L. Dresser, PGM, Grand Secretary

Malin, W.C.

Palestine Lodge No. 158 (Marysville)

Initiated 3-31-1855

(Note: Judge Joseph Malin, according to other sources, was a Mason in


but they did not find him listed.)


John Mendenhall

Harmony Lodge No. 8 Urbana

Initiated 3-8-1815

Passed 8-26-1815

Raised 8-26-1815

No further record.

(My Note: Dr. John Mendenhall moved to Vevay, Switzerland, IN. He


the son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rich) Mendenhall. Their daughter,

Nancy Elizabeth, married Judge Joseph Malin, who also moved to Vevay


Jonathan Mendenhall

Perry Lodge No. 185 Salem

Initiated *3-1-1860

Passed *3-12-1860

Affiliated 8-14-1872

Died 5-4-1892

*Bridgeport No. 181

J.B. Mendenhall

Neoacacia Lodge No. 595 Columbus

Initiated 12-7-1921


Passed 12-21-1921

Raised 1-18-1922

Died 12-23-1960

John E. Mendenhall

Glenville Lodge No. 618 Shaker Heights

Initiated 2-28-1913

Passed 3-11-1913

Raised 3-29-1913

Died 6-10-1956

J.H. Mendenhall

Yeatman Lodge No. 162 Cincinnati

Initiated 11-7-1890

Passed 12-2-1891

Raised 1-16-1891

Died 7-4-1916

Rev. J.K. Mendenhall

Rockton Lodge No. 316 Kent

Affiliated *2-25-1903

Died 1-29-1911

*From Lake Erie No. 347, Girard, PA

J.W. Mendenhall

Monticello Lodge No. 244 Clyde

Initiated 11-13-1876

Passed 12-11-1876

Raised 12-25-1876

J.W. Mendenhall

Tiffin Lodge No. 77 Tiffin

Affiliated 1-6-1880

Died 6-18-1892

J. W. Mendenhall

Greenville Lodge No. 142 Greenville

Initiated 1-5-1918

Passed 7-9-1918

Raised 8-6-1918

Died 8-4-1957


Generation No. 2

2. William Malin16,17,18,19,20, born Bef. November 1770; died

August 07, 1818 in Salem Township, Champaign, OH. He was the son

of 4. Jacob Malin and 5. Elizabeth Lemon. He married 3. Esther

Berry October 25, 1792 in Frederick VA21.

3. Esther Berry, born Abt. 1772; died Bef. 1815.

Notes for William Malin:

William Malin served in the Revolutionary War. Records from VA state:

"Council Chamber February 2, 1785 -- I do certify, that William Malin is

entitled to the proportion of land allowed a Private of the State line, for

three years service." Signed P. Henry and Thos Meriwether. Warrant for

100 acres issued to the above February 3, 1785. (Ref. No 3730)

According to family history William was disowned by the Quakers for

fighting in the Revolutionary War. It was also stated that he was of

Welsh decent.

At one time William Malin lived in Charlestown, Frederick Co., VA

where he signed the indenture papers in November of 1808 for his son

Joseph, bounding him to Samuel Russell to learn the trade of saddle


From Charlestown William moved to Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio,

living there until his death on 7 August, 1818. His first wife was Esther

Berry and nothing is known of her other then she was the mother of his

children: Jacob, Joseph, Mahlon and Mary.

William married Vashi Sharp on 18 July 1816 in Champaign Co. Ohio.

Sent from Barbara Malin: Estate record: Wednesday May 17, 1815

Champaign Co. OH, Adm on the estate of Joshua Malin dec was granted

to William Malin who together with Joseph Hedges and Joseph Malin his

surity gave bond in the sum of four hundred dollars for his faithful

administration and John Gutridge, Zephinah Lesse and Joseph Law an

appoints(?) appraisers to said estate. Would probably be related

somehow - cousin?

Received from Barbara Malin - William Malin's Will:

William Malin - Last Will & Testament


In the name of God amen. I William Malin in the County of Champaign

in the State of Ohio being weak in body but sound mind and memory, do

make and publish this my last will and testament in manner of form

following (that is

to say) First I wish the contract lately made between myself and Joel

Read to be fully confirmed and my Executor to make a deed to the said

Joel Read for all that tract of parcel of land by me sold to the said Read

(according to a

survey made by Edward L. Morgan), independent of my heirs, which said

deed I wish to be made as soon as the land shall be fully paid for. It is my

wish that my Executor shall within six months after my death sell all my

real property upon the following terms (viz) for one third of the purchase

money in hand, one third in eighteen months thereafter and the remainder

in three years after such sale which said money I desire to have divided


between my beloved wife Vashti and my four children Joseph, Mahlon,

Jacob and Mary, as it becomes due. I also bequeath unto my wife Vashti

her bed, bedstead, bedding, cupboard furnature beaureau, six chair and

one cow the remainder of my personal property I wish to be sold as my

Executor may think proper, and the money divided equally between my

wife Vashti and my four children Joseph, ,Mahlon, Jacob and Mary, and

after my must debts are all paid out of the money arising from the land

sold to Joel Read I wish the remainder to be equally divided between my

wife and four children. If my son Mahlon who is now absent should not

return within three years after

the sale of my real estate he shall receive for his legacy but five dollars

and my executor shall pay his son William two hundred dollars, and

divide the remainder of his intended legacy equally between my wife

Vashti and my three children Joseph, Jacob and Mary. It is my desire that

my Executor in case my son Mahlon should not return within three after

the sale of my real property shall give the two hundred dollars intended

for his son William to my son Joseph who shall pay it to the said William

when he arrives to the age of twentyone years together with three percent

interest. I bequeath unto Nancy Rymond one hundred and fifty dollars

during her natural life which money I desire my Executor to pay to my

son Joseph upon condition that he will give bond for the payment of the

interest of said money to the said Nancy yearly during her life which sum

shall be paid out of the money arising from the sale of my real estate and

at the death of the said Nancy shall be equally divided between my other


I hereby appoint John McAdams sole executor of this my last will and

Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness


whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of August

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

William Malin

Signed sealed published and declaired by the above named William

Malin to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who have her

unto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator.

E.L. Morgan

Thomas Stewart

John Foster (his mark)

The State of Ohio Champaign County: I, Samuel Gibbs clerk of the court

of commonpleas of said County, do certify that the above or forgoing is a

true Record of the last will and Testament of William Malin as presented

by John

McAdams, the Executor therein named to the court of common pleas of

the County aforsaid, on Monday the fourteenth day of September

Eighteen hundred and eighteen, at Urbana in said County and then

thereby the oaths of Edward L. Morgan and John Foster two of the

subscribing witnesses thereto duly proven and on file in my office.

Samuel Gibbs Clerk

Subject: deeds

Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:23:50 EST

From: melvin brown <>

In checking over the Champaign County deeds that I have photocopies

of, I find that I have copies of three deeds for William Malin's land - one

when he purchased it in 1811 and two when it was sold by his estate's

executor John McAdam. Would you like me to send copies to you? Off

the immediate family as subject matter, this evening our genealogical

society speaker was Sandra Hargreaves-Luebking - title of her talk:

"Ladies of the Evening and Other Bright Lights". If you have a chance,

take the opportunity to hear a very good speaker. She'll be at our

seminar tomorrow too. I'm hoping for some jewel of information to help

get past the current walls in both my Malin and my Faulkner lines.

Anna Brown

On that same page in the History of Champaign County, is to be found

"William Malone was buried with Masonic honors August 18, 1818."

Could this have been our William Malin? An interesting thought.


Anna [William Malin died on 7 August 1818 in Champaign County OH

so dates would be correct.]

The passage I quoted is from the Beers 1881 History of Champaign

County, page 249; that book states that the Harmony Lodge was

represented in Cincinnati Jan 1, 1810, by its first Worshipful Master but

that the minutes were silent as to when the warrant for lodge operation

was granted. The first Masonic Lodge meeting convened in Urbana was

on Sep 20, 1809 at the court house.

Anna Brown

Following taken from "Early Settlers of Champaign County and

Surrounding Areas, Volume 1" by Pat Stickley & June Kiser - contains

weekly newspaper columns written by Champaign County Recorder

Warren Everhart, pages 101 & 102.:

"First Meeting of the Town Council, written October 9, 1957: The town

of Urbana was incorporated in 1836 [sic - I believe 1816] and under its

charter it assumed its corporate powers by electing its corporate offices at

an election held on March 2, 1816. The election resulted as follows:

George Fithian, mayor; recording clerk, A.R. Colwell; trustees, John

Reynolds, William Fyffe, William Glenn and Daniel Helmick; William

Niel, treasurer; John Wallace assessor; and WILLIAM MAHLIN, town

marshal. The election was certified by George Hill, Simon Kenton and

Anthony Patrick as judges and Samuel Ponge and William Patrick, clerks

of election." [Could this William Mahlin be our William Malin?]

Notes for Esther Berry:

A Thomas Berry was born 1718 in Ireland and died 1799 in VA. He

married 1st Esther Buchanan (born 1718-1755) and 2nd Esther Ward

after 1756. The family lived in the Augusta Co., VA area. (Information

was from Susan Michaelis).

Email from Barbara Martin - great, great granddaughter of Judge Joseph

Malin and Elizabeth Goddard:

"Esther Berry was born abt. 1772, father - Thomas Berry born 1718 in

Ireland and died 1799 in Virginia, Mother - Esther Ward, born about

1737 and married about 1772. Thomas married Esther Buchannan (born

1718 - died 1755) first and secondly Esther Ward aft 1756. The family

lived in the Augusta Co. Virginia area. (Her information was obtained by

her brother from Susan Michaelis).

[Page 79 - photocopy of handwritten page]


Thomas Berry, Born in Ireland 1718

The children of Thomas Berry and ___ Buckannon his wife

James Berry

Barbary Berry - wife of David Dryden

Thomas Berry -

Mollie Berry - wife of James Trimble

Wm. Berry - was killed at the Battle of Gilford 1778

Esther War second wife of Thomas Berry [above line:1730 died 1816]

born in Penn

The children of Thom and Esther Berry were

Betsy Berry - wife of James Harris

George Berry - married Betsy Lowry

Susanna Berry - wife of Samuel McChesney

John Berry - married Jane Temple

Rebecca Berry - wife of Caleb Litten

Esther Berry - wife of David McCord

Frances Berry - married Nancy Berry

Esther Berry McCord was born Apr 13 1770 - Died Dec 27 [--?--]

David McCord born June 5 1765 married to Esther Berry 1795-12-8 --

Died Jan 1-1827

This paper was written by a descendant of David and Esther McCord in

the 1880s.

A Joseph Berry of Frederick County, VA appears on the Frederick

County 1759, 1764, and 1779

Rent Rolls.

Some VA Berry information:

Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789

Berry, Andrew State : VA

County : Mecklenburg Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 34

Age ranges in household : 04-01

Berry, Badley State : VA

County : Albemarle Co.

Year : 1779


Berry, Baldwin State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1773

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Benja. State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1770

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Benja., Jr. State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1770

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Benjamin State : VA

County : Frederick Co.

Year : 1779

Berry, Benjamin State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1769

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, David State : VA

County : Chesterfield Co.

Year : 1783

Page # : 050

Census type code : Tax List

Berry, Edward State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1764

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Enoch State : VA

County : Hampshire Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 27

Age ranges in household : 04-00

Berry, George State : VA


County : Fauquier Co.

Year : 1770

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, George State : VA

County : Fauquier Co.

Year : 1777

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, George State : VA

County : Hampshire Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 25

Age ranges in household : 04-02

Berry, George State : VA

County : Northumberland Co.

Location : Stephen Parish

Year : 1748

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Geroge State : VA

County : Fauquier Co.

Year : 1770

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, H. State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1782

Census type code : Tax List

Berry, Harmon State : VA

County : Culpeper Co.

Year : 1764

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Henry State : VA

County : Fauquier Co.

Year : 1779

Berry, Henry State : VA

County : Prince William Co.

Year : 1753


Census type code : Rent Roll

Additional individual information : HEIRS

Berry, Henry State : VA

County : Prince William Co.

Year : 1754

Census type code : Rent Roll

Additional individual information : HEIRS

Berry, Henry State : VA

County : Prince William Co.

Location : Michaelmass

Year : 1751

Census type code : Rent Roll

Additional individual information : HEIRS

Berry, Isham State : VA

County : Amherst Co.

Year : 1783

Page # : 047

Census type code : Tax List

Berry, James State : VA

County : Virginia Colony

Location : Virginia East Shor

Year : 1651

Berry, Joel State : VA

County : Hampshire Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 24

Age ranges in household : 05-00

Berry, Joel State : VA

County : Hampshire Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 27

Age ranges in household : 04-00

Berry, Joel State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1769

Census type code : Rent Roll


Berry, Joel State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1773

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Joel State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1782

Census type code : Tax List

Berry, Joell State : VA

County : King George Co.

Year : 1769

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, John State : VA

County : Culpeper Co.

Year : 1779

Berry, John State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1764

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, John State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1770

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, John State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1772

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, John State : VA

County : Fairfax Co.

Year : 1774

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, John State : VA

County : Frederick Co.

Year : 1782


Page # : 20

Age ranges in household : 08-00

Berry, John State : VA

County : Mecklenburg Co.

Year : 1779

Berry, John State : VA

County : Mecklenburg Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 34

Age ranges in household : 07-03

Berry, Joseph State : VA

County : Frederick Co.

Year : 1759

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Joseph State : VA

County : Frederick Co.

Year : 1764

Census type code : Rent Roll

Berry, Joseph State : VA

County : Frederick Co.

Year : 1779

Berry, Joseph State : VA

County : Prince Edward Co.

Year : 1783

Page # : 059

Census type code : Tax List

Berry, Margaret State : VA

County : Mecklenburg Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 34

Age ranges in household : 08-00

Berry, Peter State : VA

County : Amelia Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 11


Age ranges in household : 06-09

Berry, Reuben State : VA

County : Hampshire Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 25

Age ranges in household : 07-00

Berry, Richard State : VA

County : Princess Anne Co.

Location : E Upper Precinct

Year : 1783

Page # : 061

Census type code : Tax List

Berry, Robert State : VA

County : Virginia Colony

Location : Virginia East Shor

Year : 1651

Berry, Thomas State : VA

County : Frederick Co.

Year : 1782

Page # : 21
