Lincoln County

1881 - Royal City

Royal City is in Jack Rabbit District, on the eastern slope of the Bristol range of mountains, about a mile east of Day Mine Stage Station, and previous to 1876 was included in Bristol Disitrict, It is situated near the mines, and contains a store, saloon, boarding-house, blacksmith shop and restaurant. Ore was discovered in 1876 by Isaac Garrison and others, and a district was at once organized. The veins are found in limestone. The vein matter is black and white spar, and runs northeast and southwest with the formation. Its dip is nearly vertical. The ore is soft and carries native silver in flakes, and chambers are also found containing very rich carbonate deposits. No indications of gold exist. The Day or Jack Rabbit Mine is the principal one. It has been worked since 1876, and at present is yielding ten tons per day. It is owned by a San Francisco corporation known as the Day Silver Min ing Company, of which A. S. Gould is Superintendent. Its regular vein goes about forty dollars per ton, and the chambers of carbonate yield as high, sometimes, as $2,000 per ton. It contains a shaft 525 feet deep, and a tunnel 900 feet long. Freight from San Francisco costs $120 per ton; it costs $40 per ton from Milford, on the Utah Southern Railroad, 115 miles distant, and is brought by team. Water is hauled from wells three miles distant. A scanty supply of pine, cedar and mahogany exist at the distance of six miles. The ore is smelted at Bristol, seven and one-half miles distant. Forty miners are in the district, twenty-five locations, and the records are kept by George F. Weed.

Extracted, 2021 Aug 25 by Norma Hass, from History of Nevada, published in 1881, pages 491-492.

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