Name | Residence | Business |
Nativity | Came to | Came to |
Adams, Robert | Pioche | Merchant tailor | England | 1869 | 1872 |
Adelmann, A. | Pioche | Butcher | Germany | 1869 | 1870 |
Alexander, G. R. | Pioche | Druggist | Dis't Columbia | 1862 | 1872 |
Barton, G. R. | Pioche | Merchant | Utah | 1872 | 1874 |
Carden, C. R. | Bullionville | Proprietor Bullionville Hotel | Kentucky | 1863 | 1870 |
Carman, S. H. | Pioche | Blacksmith | New York | 1868 | 1871 |
Clark, D. C. | Pioche | Merchant | Maine | 1861 | 1872 |
Cook, Joseph | Pioche | Livery | Prussia | 1866 | 1866 |
Craig, John | Pioche | Deputy Sheriff | Kentucky | 1868 | 1870 |
Crooker, J. B. | Bristol | Gen. Man'g Bristol Silr M. Co. | New York | 1880 | 1880 |
Crowley, R. W. | Pioche | Printer | Ireland | 1868 | 1872 |
Culverwell, W. | Bullionville | Dairy | England | 1868 | 1871 |
Curtis, J. N. | Bristol | General Merchandise | England | 1871 | 1871 |
Dougherty, A. B. O. | Pioche | Attorney at Law | Ireland | 1866 | 1872 |
Dow, S. L. | Bristol | Engineer | Maine | 1875 | 1875 |
Duff, J. R. | Pioche | Supt, Meadow Valley Mine | England | 1862 | 1871 |
Eilers, Henry | Pioche | Saloon | Gennany | 1869 | 1870 |
Eisenmann, J. | Pioche | Hardware | Wisconsin | 1864 | 1870 |
Elam, R. H. | Pioche | Supt. Water Company | Virginia | 1873 | 1873 |
Findlay, A. M. | Panaca | Man'r. Panaca Co-oper've store | Scotland | 1872 | 1872 |
Fishbach, Jno. B. | Bristol | Postmaster | Germany | 1870 | 1870 |
Fogg, W. H. | Bristol | Timekeeper Hillside Furnace | Maine | 1877 | 1877 |
Fulks, D. A. | Pioche | County Treasurer | Tennessee | 1860 | 1870 |
Fuller, M. | Pioche | Attorney at Law and miner | New York | 1865 | 1800 |
Gelabert, John O. | Pioche | Butcher | Spain | 1865 | 1807 |
Gillan, Thomas | Bristol | Butcher | Canada | 1870 | 1870 |
Goodman, W. P. | Pioche | Stationer | New York | 1867 | 1870 |
Gorman, Geo. T. | Pioche | County Clerk | Dis't Columbia | 1864 | 1870 |
Gould, A. S. | Royal City | Superintendent Day Mine | Ohio | 1870 | 1878 |
Hagerty & Barton | Pioche | Merchants | -- | -- | -- |
Hellowell, Sidney | Bristol | Saloon | England | 1872 | 1872 |
Henderson, J. C. | Pioche | County Recorder | Missouri | 1872 | 1872 |
Henderson, W. H. | Pioche | Mining | Missouri | 1865 | 1866 |
Hildebrand, J. | Pioche | Restaurant | Germany | 1876 | 1876 |
Howell, M. D. | Bristol | Supt. Hillside Mining Co | New Jersey | 1860 | 1879 |
Kastberg, Chris. P. | Bristol | Mining | Germany | 1873 | 1874 |
Kelley, J. V. | Pioche | Agent Wells, Fargo & Co | New York | 1872 | 1872 |
Lakin, Wm. W. | Pioche | Miner | Indiana | 1869 | 1872 |
Leahigh, Mrs. Kate | Bristol | Restaurant | New York | 1860 | 1870 |
Lee, Arthur O. | Panaca | Farmer | Utah | 1864 | 1864 |
Lee, F. C. | Panaca | Farmer | Missouri | 1864 | 1864 |
Mandich, A. | Pioche | Merchant | Austria | 1859 | 1870 |
McIntyre, W. J. | Bristol | Bookkeeper Hillside Min'g. Co. | South America | 1875 | 1875 |
McKee, W. L. | Pioche | Sheriff | South Carolina | 1862 | 1869 |
Nesbitt, G. | Pioche | Merchant | Ireland | 1872 | 1872 |
Nesbitt, J. | Pioche | Merchant | Ireland | 1872 | 1872 |
Newton, D. H. | Bristol | Clerk Bristol Mining Co. | Massachusetts | 1880 | 1880 |
Nyswonger, Daniel | Panaca | Farmer | Pennsylvania | 1860 | 1872 |
Patchen, C. H. | Pioche | District Attorney | New York | 1860 | 1872 |
Philson, C. F. | Pioche | Physician and surgeon | Pennsylvania | 1869 | 1870 |
Pierson, James | Pioche | Prop. San Jose House | Virginia | 1862 | 1870 |
Reynolds, Jno. | Bristol | Supt. Hillside Furnace | Ireland | 1865 | 1878 |
Roe, Charles L. | Bristol | Mining | New York | 1864 | 1871 |
Roe, William J. | Bristol | Supt, Mayflower Mine | New York | 1872 | 1872 |
Sears, J. L. | Pioche | Telegraphing | New York | 1872 | 1873 |
Shier, John | Pioche | Merchant | England | 1872 | 1872 |
Smith, S. D. | Pioche | Grain dealer | Ohio | 1872 | 1876 |
Spear, Charles | Bristol | Engineer | Maine | 1873 | 1878 |
Stoddard, Sam | Pioche | Engineer | Michigan | 1871 | 1874 |
Stromberg, F. W. | Bristol | Hotel | Prussia | 1878 | 1878 |
Sultan, Louis | Pioche | Merchant | Prussia | 1867 | 1869 |
Turner, H. W. | Pioche | Editor of the Pioche Record | Illinois | 1873 | 1873 |
Vallejo, P. | Bristol | Assayer | California | 1878 | 1878 |
Veitch, Alex | Pioche | Saddlery | Canada | 1867 | 1869 |
Wedge, John | Panaca | Prop, of the Panaca Hotel | England | 1865 | 1865 |
Welland, Henry | Pioche | Merchant | Germany | 1861 | 1870 |
Wilkin, D. | Pioche | -- | Ireland | 1860 | 1870 |
Wertheimer L. | Pioche | Merchant | Germany | 1872 | 1872 |
Extracted, 2021 Aug 27 by Norma Hass, from History of Nevada, published in 1881, pages 671-672.
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