Search Tips:
- Searches are not case sensitive, e.g., the search Goldfield or the search GOLDFIELD would retrieve the same messages.
- Boolean operators and, or, and not may be used, e.g.,
- the search goldfield and esmeralda would retrieve messages which contain the words goldfield and esmeralda, although these words may not necessarily appear together.
- the search goldfield or columbia would retrieve messages which contain either the word goldfield or the word columbia.
- the search goldfield not esmeralda would retrieve messages which contain the word goldfield but do not contain the word esmeralda.
- Truncation is possible by adding an asterisk to the end or middle of a word to broaden a search, e.g., the search cemeter* would retrieve messages which contain the words cemeteries, cemetery, etc.
- Phrase searching is possible by enclosing search terms in quotation marks, e.g., the search "central nevada museum" would retrieve messages which contain those three words appearing in consecutive order.
- Nesting of search terms is possible by enclosing search terms in parentheses, e.g., the search (goldfield or esmeralda) and smith would retrieve messages which contain either the word goldfield or the word esmeralda which also contain the word smith. Without parentheses Boolean operators execute from left to right.