Genealogy and Local History in Esmeralda County, Nevada
Archives and Libraries

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The following agencies have original records relating to Union County genealogy and history.
Some of the libraries listed in the next section also have original records relating to Union County genealogy and history.
There are many libraries which have materials relating to Union County genealogy and history. The following libraries have noteworthy collections of materials in that subject area. Their specific holdings are noted following bibliographic citations appearing on the various genealogical resource pages throughout this web site.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Family History Library
35 North West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-1003
Phone: 801-240-6996 - FAX: 801-240-5551
Hours: Mondays 7:30 AM-6 PM, Tuesday-Saturday 7:30 AM-10 PM
Commonly referred to as the LDS Family History Library, it is the largest genealogical library in the world containing more than 250,000 volumes, nearly 2 million reels of microfilm, and more than 350,000 microfiche. The Library is equipped with numerous microfilm and microfiche readers and printers as well as photocopiers. The Library also has computers with a variety of resources on compact disk. The Library does not maintain a web page, but further information is available on a number of unofficial web pages via Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet, LDS & Family History Centers. The Library has also established an online catalog.
The Library maintains a system of branch libraries referred to as family history centers (FHCs). Each LDS family history center has a copy of the Ancestral file, International genealogical index, and other comprehensive indexes useful in genealogical research. Each FHC also has a copy of the LDS Family History Library catalog on compact disk and on microfiche. The catalog can be used to identify microfilmed and microfiched materials which can be requested via interlibrary loan for use at the family history centers. To find the address of the LDS family history center near you, check one or more of the lists of LDS FHCs online via Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet, LDS & Family History Centers. Since these lists are often incomplete you might want to also check your local telephone directory under Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. LDS family history centers are staffed by volunteers and usually open a limited number of hours so it is best to call ahead to determine the hours as well as the exact location of the FHC in your area.
- Central Nevada Museum
1900 Logan Field Road
P.O. Box 326
Tonopah, NV 89049-0326
Phone: 775-482-9676
FAX 775-482-5423
- Nevada Historical Society Museum-Research Library
1650 North Virginia Street
Reno, 89503
Phone: 800-NEV-ADA8
- Nevada State Library and Archives
100 North Stewart Street
Carson City, NV 89701-4285
Phone: (775) 684-3310
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas Lied Library
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 457001
Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001
Phone: 702-895-2100
LN: Silver Peak Library: Goldfield Public Library
LA: PO Box 430
CY: Goldfield
STC: Nevada
ZP: 89013-0430
PH: 775-485-3236
LS: Director: Kristine McDonald; Librarian: Diane Shimp
YF: 1976
FY: Jul 2000 - Jun 2001
LH: BK-VOLS - 15,000
CP: American Library Directory (tm) (c) 1997 Reed Elsevier, Inc.
FRN: 0073963600714292
SAN: 309-7048
AN: 0024451
Updated 2019 by David Gochenour
Copyright ©2008 Robert V. Bremer
All rights reserved