Stewart Ranch Burials


Transcribed July 20, 2001 by Patricia A Scott, copyright

Mary Jane Griffith Reiter donated an old ledger book to the UNLV Special Collections library in 1980. As I viewed the book, I thought even with only 16 pages of written information, how thoughtful she was to place it in such a place to preserve that information and make it available to researchers. The ledger is old and on the first page is a hand drawn plot map with numbered locations of graves. The next page shows a map indicating some burials right next to the "road to Arden" which is next to the Salt Lake Rail Road rails. The following information is written on the pages that follow. Transcribed July 20, 2001 by Patricia A. Scott, copyright.

For those who are not familiar with the Stewart Ranch, this ranch was the site of what eventually became Las Vegas when William Clark purchased the ranch from Helen Wiser Stewart, widow of Archibald Stewart in 1905.

Oct 28     Chas. ERICKSON (ERICSON) (supposed to be)
                About 5 ft. 4 in tall
                Weight about 140 lbs.
                Age about 40 years
                Dark hair and moustache
                Struck by locomotive -S.L.- near Erie 25 miles so. Las Vegas
                Buried Oct 31 at expense of county.

Jan 9       J. McLEOD (supposed to be)
               Height about 5 ft. 10 in
               Weight about 160 lbs.
               Age about 40 years
               Dk. brown hair & moustache
               Found dead about one mile east of Stewart ranch under Mesquite tree,
               supposed to have died natural death.
               Buried Jan 12th 1906 at expense of County.

               MICHALIS, boy, 12 years old.
               Accidently shot while playing with 22 rifle
               Buried at ranch.

Page 2
1906      T. T. BERRY
              Died on train near Nipton, Calif. while enroute to Fairberry, Nebr.
              Embalmed and shipped to brother in Fairberry, Nebr.

              Greek, died, April 13, 1906, boy 16 years old.
              Buried on Stewart ranch April 15, 1906

              Aug 1906  UNKNOWN
              Height about 5 ft 8 in
              Weight about 160#
              Age about 38 yrs
              Died Aug on steps at front of Aplin Hall
              Buried Aug on Stewart Ranch

Page 3
1906      Mexican shot at Armagosa, died at Las Vegas
              Buried on Stewart Ranch.

Page 4
              DEMPSEY died in hospital at Las Vegas.
              Age about 60 yrs.
              Buried at Las Vegas.

Page 5    Second Row West Side
1            Jas. McKNIGHT died Mar 4, 1907
              Buried at ranch Mar 6 1907
              Age 38 years

2           Henry GEBHARDT killed at Ice Plant Mar 31, 1907
             Buried at ranch Apr 1, 1907
             Age about 23, German

3           Jesus GARCIA, Mexican
             Age about 30 died in hospital Apr 3, 1907
             Buried Apr 7, 1907 at ranch.

4           John MAHONEY, age about
             Shot at Boul town Apr 14, 1907
             Died Apr 15, 1907
             Buried Apr 15, 1907 at ranch
             Age about 55

5           Mexican killed at Boul town
             Died Apr 21, 1907
             Buried Apr 22, 1907 at ranch.

6           A. C. MARTIN died Apr 21, 1907
             Buried at ranch Apr 26, 1907
             Age 33

Page 6
7           M HARIGAN (supposed to be)
             Died at Las Vegas of Alcoholism July 12, 1907
             Buried at ranch July 14, 1907
             Tall, dark, age about 38

8           Jose MENDOZA died in hospital at Las Vegas July 21, 1907
             Buried July 22, 1907 at ranch

             O. S. WILEY, fireman SPSA&SL RR
             Killed in explosion at Arden, Nev. Aug 12, 1907
             Age about 35
             Body shipped to Los Angeles c/o Will Craft, 2131 E 1st St.

             C. BAILEY, Engineer, killed at Arden, Nev. by explosion Aug 12, 1907
             Age about 34
             Body shipped to Los Angeles c/o Will Craft.

             B. F. JOHNSON died Aug 24, 07
             Body shipped Aug 26

9           HARINGTON died in hospital Las Vegas
             Miners consumption
             Buried at ranch Oct 7th, 1907

Page 7
10          Mrs. BISHOP died Nov 24, 1907
              Nov 25 buried at ranch

11          W. D. NEALLY died in Co hospital Dec 28th 1907
              Buried at ranch

12          Shorty HOWARD died in Co hospital Jan 5.
              Buried at ranch 1908 exp. county.

13          Mr. KESSLER died Jan 18, 1908.
              Buried at ranch Jan 20, 1908
              Exp. county     46

14          Baby BUTTERFIELD died at Las Vegas Jan 20, 1908
              Buried at ranch Jan 2*, 1908     20

1908      MARTIN, uncle of Dr., died Feb 2nd 1908.
              Body shipped to Los Angeles.  75        (in margin is written mistake here)

15          MORRIS died Mar 22, 1908, consumption.
              Buried at ranch Mar 24, 1908 by county.

Page 8
              Mrs. WISE died Apr 5 1908
              Body shipped to L Angeles     75

16          Ray *. BROWN died Apr 6 1908
              Buried at ranch       25

              CAHILL shot accidently Apr 20 1908
              Died same day
              Body shipped to Fon du Lac, Wis. April 23, 1908   175

              Levi GREER died at Baetty, Nev May 19, 1908
              Potomane poison (sic)
              Body prepared at Baetty and shipped to L.A. for burial

              Joseph WEBB shot at Dry Lake June 23 1908
              Body shipped to J.P. Webster, Memphis, MO
              June 27, 1908

17          Wm. BROWN died at Las Vegas July 1, 1908
              Buried at ranch July 2, 1908     25

18          Baby WYATT burned to death Sunday, July 5, 1908
              Buried Sunday July 5, 1908 at ranch    10

19          Robert GRANDE died Aug 3 1908 of consumption.
              Buried at ranch Aug 5, 1908      50

Page 9
              T. (?) SHAKARIAN, Armenian, died at Ice Plant Aug 6, 1908
              Shipped to Los Angeles August 8, 1908            40

20          Wm J. BEDELL burned accidently while asleep Aug 22, 1908
              Buried Aug 25 1908 at ranch.

21          Augustine BIANCHAI killed in explosion at Arden Plaster Co. Sept 5, 1908
              Buried Sept. 6, 1908 at ranch.

22          Baby FERRIS died. Buried at ranch      10

23          PERKINS died Nov 25, 1908
              Buried at ranch Nov 27, 1908
              Heart Disease                                         25

24          Victor BOSWELL died (killed) at Arden Dec 5 1908
              Buried at ranch Dec 8, 1908         100

25          W. B. BEALL(could be BEALE) died Jan 3rd 1909
              of heart failure  Age 55 (about)
              Buried at ranch Jan 5 1909

1-3         John KESSLER died Jan 12th 1909          25
             Aged 19 years of pneumonia
             Buried at ranch Jan 14th 1909

Page 10
             Lawrence KENDALL died on train near Las Vegas       100
             of heart failure on Jan 16th 1909
             Shipped to Butte, Montana Jan 19th

2-3        C. D. THOMPSON                                         50.00
             Shot himself at Rocks,(Rox) Nev. Jan 20th 3 a.m.
             Buried at the ranch Jan 22nd 1909

             C. S. HALL                                                     175.00
             Died at Beatty, Nev. Jan 28th 1909
             Shipped to Denver, Col.   Jan 30th 1909

3-3        C. E. GABRIEL   aged 42 years                        40.00
             Died at Las Vegas, Nev. Feb 24th 1909
             Buried at ranch Feb 25 1909  Consumption

             Mrs. F. A. BUOL  aged 26 yrs.                        100.00
             Died at Las Vegas Nev. Feb 26th 1909
             Shipped to Washburn, Wis. Feb 26th 1909
             Child birth & Pneumonia

             Baby BUOL  aged 3 days                                  25.00
             Died at Las Vegas Nev. Feb 28 1909
             Shipped to Washburn, Wis. Mar 1st 1909

             Manuel SHULER  aged 35                            135.00 p
             Died at or near Logan Nev  Mar 30
             Shipped to Payson Utah April 2nd 1909

4-3        "Shorty" ALEXANDER  35 yrs                        25.00
             Died at Overland Hotel Las Vegas Apr 10th 1909
             Buried at ranch Apr 13 1909
             Chronic alcoholism

Page 11
              Chas F. LEE   aged 28                                  125.00
              Died at Las Vegas  Apr 10th 1909
              Shipped to Los Angeles Apr 12 1909

              L. L. BURCH     aged 55                             150.00
              Died at Las Vegas  June 30th --09
              Shipped to Rock Island July 2nd 1909

              Baby MICHALIS                                          35.00
              Died at Las Vegas July 10th --09
              Buried at New Cemetery July 11 --09

5/3        FINNEY                                                       50.00
              Died at Eldorado Pass July 14th --09
              Aged 45
              Buried at New Cemetery July 19 --09
(NOTE: N.H. Finney found dead at RR Pass
shot by Queho)

6/3        Pablino Del REAL                                       25.00
              Died at Las Vegas Oct 5th 1909
              Buried at New Cemetery Oct 7th
              Thrown from hand car

              William LILLY   aged 55 yrs.                     200.00
              Died at Las Vegas Oct 14th 1909
              Killed by gasoline engine
              Body shipped to McGaheysville Vermont

7-3         A. MINKS                                                  35.00
              Died at Arden Nev. Oct 18th 1909
              Supposed to have been struck by passing train
              Buried at New Cemetery  10/19

0/3        Baby EDWARDS  aged 2 yrs                    40.00
              Died at Las Vegas Nev. Nov 20 1909
              Buried at Las Vegas   Nov 22nd 1909
              Died of spinal meningitis
              Buried at new cemetery.

Page 12
8/3        Franklin HALL                                        38.00
              Died at Las Vegas  Dec 28th 1909
              Buried at the ranch Dec 31st 1909

00/3      Baby MALONEY                                    15.00

              Piute Squaw                                            35.00
              Murdered at section house
              Las Vegas by Mexican Mar 25th 1910
              Buried at ranch Mar 26th 1910

              Reece H. SEBRU                                 150.00
              Died at Las Vegas  June 4th 1910
              Shipped to Los Angeles Cal. June 15th 1910
              Brights disease

              Julie MARTINEZ                                  15.00
              Died at Las Vegas
              Aged 11 months
              Buried at ranch  cause unknown

              Linnard MOORE
              Died at Las Vegas
              Buried at ranch    brain fever

              Jose TAPIA
              Died at Las Vegas  11/22--10                3.50
              aged 22 yrs. (Mexican)
              Buried at ranch
              Cause of death unknown

28/1      W. HARRIS
              Died at L.V. hospital  3/7--11              22.50
              Buried at ranch  3/8--11  age 65

Page 13
              Jas KAVANOUGH                            27.50
              Died at Jean  Mar 19th 1911
              Buried at Jean Mar 20th 1911
              Cause of death supposed to have been alcoholism
              Age 60

29/1      Carl BORGLUND    certf                  22.50
              Burned to death in cabin at Las Vegas Apr 10th 1911
              Buried at ranch Apr 11th 1911
              Age about 50 yrs

4/3        Harris PINCKNEY of Moapa Nev   certf   22.50
              Died Apr 13th 1911   aged 3 yrs 3 months
              Buried at ranch Apr 14th 1911
              Died from burns received in tent fire

1 1/2-7   J. W. SPENCE      certf                              22.50
               Died Apr 21st 1911   aged about 35 yrs
               Buried at ranch Apr 22nd 1911
               Died at Martins Hospital of Morphine habit

30/1       W. H. CAMP          certf                          22.50
               Died Apr 30th 1911   aged about 40 yrs
               Buried at Ranch May 1st 1911
               Died at County Hospital of Tuberculosis

               Sarah E. LESTER     certf                       170.00
               Died may 3rd 1911 on train from Los Angeles Cal
               Body embalmed & Shipped on 5/4--11
               to Watertown, S. Dakota   age 13 yrs 6 m
               Aneurism of the heart

1 1/2-8   E. LARREAN        certf                          22.50
               Burned to death in Overland Hotel fire
               on May 23rd 1911
               Buried at ranch May 25th 1911
               Aged about 40 yrs.

Page 14
1 1/2-9    Antony PAROLIN                             75.00
                Died at Las Vegas  June 13th 1911
                Buried at ranch  June 14th 1911
                Aged 30 yrs.    Typhoid fever

1 1/2-10  Laura S. TURNER                            77.00
                Aged 45 yrs  Died at Clark & Martins Hospital
                June 30th. Buried at ranch July 6th 1911
                Pelvic infection

2/26        UNKNOWN
                Killed by train at Moapa Nev. July 22
                Buried at ranch July 23rd 1911

3/18        P. ROSCOE   Mexican
                Killed by train at Moapa Nev. July 23
                Buried at ranch July 24th 1911
                Age about 50 yrs.

                L. CASTRO
                Killed by train at Moapa Nev July 3rd
                Buried at Moapa Nev July 4th 1911

2/27        James F. MAGNER                       100.00
                Buried Oct 10 1911 at ranch

3/19        Calarina LEON                               22.50
                Aged 40   Killed in quarrel at Gem Saloon
                Las Vegas Sept 26th 1911
                Buried at ranch Sept 28th 1911

3/20        Mike K. RYAN                               22.50
                Died as Clark & Martins hospital Sept 28 1911
                Buried at ranch Sept 29th 1911

                Harry O. CONNELL   aged 22 yrs
                Found dead in water hole north of Carp Nev
                Body shipped to Boston Mass.

5/21        W. PHELAN                                  55.00
                Died in hospital from injuries rec'd in Johnnie Mine
                Buried at ranch.

3/8          Henry FLARVOY   (colored)
                Died on Mar 6th SPLA&SL right of way about
                10 miles east of Las Vegas by being burned to death
                by campfire. Aged 53 yrs.
                Buried at ranch cemetery on Mar 8th 1913


Last Updated: January 31, 2020