L-M 1875-6 Morristown Directory
Morris County, New Jersey

Morris Co. Up


LaBaghIsaac  hFranklin plMorristown
LaceyE. G. photographerhPhoenix avMorristown
LaidlawThomas clerk Speedwell av cor HighMorristown
LambertCharlesMrs hMaple avMorristown
LanesMary  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
LanniganEdward masonhJamesMorristown
LanniganEllen  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
LanniganThomas  hSpeedwell av n SpringMorristown
LarssonA. H. gardenerhMacculloch av opp BoykenMorristown
LawrenceGeo. A. furniture N s Park n Post OfficeMorristown
LawrenceThomas  hWashington n opp Mansion HouseMorristown
LawsElijah U. S. NavyhWashington cor MillsMorristown
LawtonLewis C.  hFranklin pl cor FranklinMorristown
LeeJ. M.  bdsSpeedwell av junc SussexMorristown
LeekD. H.  hWashington n HighMorristown
LeekWilliam carpenterhMillsMorristown
LeekWilliam clerkhWashington n HighMorristown
LeenDennis  hJamesMorristown
LemortsH. hair worker S s Park n SouthMorristown
LemortsS. wig maker &c S s Park n SouthMorristown
LeonardAmasa saw mill &c Morris bel Ridgedale avMorristown
LeonardB. H. bar tenderhHighMorristown
LeonardJohn H. billiards and bowling saloon N s ParkMorristown
LeonardSilas  hWaterMorristown
LeonardWilliam L. carpenterhMillsMorristown
LewisCharles H.  hBankMorristown
LewisHenry laborerhN s ParkMorristown
LewisM. H.Mrsproprietor Park House Park n WaterMorristown
LewisWilliam shoemakerhSouth cor ParkMorristown
LidgerwoodJ. H.  hSpeedwell avMorristown
LinaberryGeo. bakerhSpeedwell av cor EarlyMorristown
LindslyJ. C. physicianhMorris n DepotMorristown
LimingC. C. D. segar maker WashingtonMorristown
LippmanF. L.  grocer South c Elm and Speedwell av cor HighMorristown
LittleStephen H. lawyerhWashington cor HighMorristown
LittleTheo. presidenthWashington cor HighMorristown
LockwoodA. E.Mrsdress making S s ParkMorristown
LodlerF.  hSpeedwell av n FlaglerMorristown
LoganKateMrs hAnn cor Western avMorristown
LoganWm draughtsmanhWashington n Phoenix avMorristown
LokemanWilliam blacksmith Market opp Maple avMorristown
LonarganStephen  hMacculloch avMorristown
LongA. L. trimmerhJamesMorristown
LooneyMichael teamsterhSussex n HenryMorristown
LoperWm. E. carpenterhEarly n Speedwell avMorristown
LordCooperMrs hCamp GroundMorristown
LordDanielMrs hCamp GroundMorristown
LoreeE. A. blacksmithhMt Kimble avMorristown
LoreeHenry masonhEarly n Atno avMorristown
LoreeN.Miss hSouth n ParkMorristown
LoreeStephen D.  hWashington cor Atno avMorristown
LoseyI. boardinghMt Kimble avMorristown
LouansteinA. liveryhn opp MarketMorristown
LounsburyE. L. builderhElm n HillMorristown
LounsburyWm. H. (McVay & Lounsbury)hElm opp HillMorristown
LoweGeorge A. clerkhHenryMorristown
LoweJames laborerhHenryMorristown
LoweryR. T.  hMacculloch avMorristown
LowesWm. S. boots and shoes Market n ParkMorristown
LozierOliver carpenterhEarlyMorristown
LuckeySam liquors &c.hWashington opp MechanicMorristown
LudlowJohn M.Mrs hEarlyMorristown
LundyF. L.  editor &c.hHillMorristown
LyonE. C. lawyer Washington n Mansion HouseMorristown
LyonE. T. lawyerhPerry cor Maple avMorristown
LyonSamuel tinsmithhSouth cor ParkMorristown
LyonsK.Mrs hMadison cor Macculloch avMorristown
LyonsJames masonhPhoenix avMorristown
LyonsThomas laborerhJamesMorristown
LyonsWm. painterhWashington n Atno avMorristown
McAvoyC.Mrs hWaterMorristown
McCarrollThos. mfg. Enamel clothhSouth bel JamesMorristown
McCartyWm. druggist and county clerkbdsMansion HouseMorristown
McClellanDavid P. clerkhWestern avMorristown
McCollumAlex U. S. livery boarding stableshEarlyMorristown
McCollumCharles hats, caps, &c.bdsU S HotelMorristown
McCombWilliam masonhSouth n ElmMorristown
McCordS. O.  hMorris n SpringMorristown
McCormickThomas porter Mansion HouseMorristown
McCullumAlex. liveryhEarly n Atno avMorristown
McCullumW.  hWaterMorristown
McDermottP.Mrs hMadison bel Macculloch avMorristown
McDonaldAlex.  hMadison bel Macculloch avMorristown
McDonaldJaneMrs hSpring n MorrisMorristown
McDonaldM. painterhMechanicMorristown
McDonaldPatrick  hMadison bel Macculloch avMorristown
McDermottJames  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
McDowellJohn gardenerhMaple av n JamesMorristown
McGraneThomas  hMacculloch av bel MadisonMorristown
McGrawJohn laborerhJamesMorristown
McGrawJ.Mrs hWaterMorristown
McGuinnessJames architecthPhoenix avMorristown
McGuinnessJ. millinery and fancy goodshMaple av n MarketMorristown
McGuireJohn  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
McInteePatrick carpenterhRidgedale avMorristown
McKayWm. R. liveryhMarketMorristown
McKeeD. S. city expresshSpeedwell av ab HighMorristown
McKeeJames fishhMorris n SpringMorristown
McKenzieKenneth gardenerhJamesMorristown
McKeeWilliam carpenterhEarlyMorristown
McMurtryWilliam (Anderson & Co.)hCourtMorristown
McNairRobert clerkbdsMorris opp SpringMorristown
McNallyHenry masonhEarlyMorristown
McNamaraJacob (McNamara & Schmidt) carriage mfghSpeedwell cor SpringMorristown
McNeirSamuel carpenterhMorris bel SpringMorristown
McNultyJames laborerhPhoenix avMorristown
McVayJas. (Sullivan & McVay)hMadison n Maple avMorristown
McVayJohn (McVay & Lounsbury)hMaple av n MadisonMorristown
McVaySamuel  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
McVayT.  hSpeedwell av n HighMorristown
McVayWilliam tinsmithbdsMaple av n MadisonMorristown
MacreadyJames W. (Macready & Moore)bdsWestern avMorristown
MalleyPeter laborerhWater opp FlaglerMorristown
MalleyThomas masonbdsWater opp FlaglerMorristown
ManningJohn hostlerhSussex n HenryMorristown
MansfieldJames laborerhWater bel SpringMorristown
MarkieJohn carpenterhRidgedale avMorristown
MarkieLawrence laborerhRidgedale avMorristown
MarshCharles carpenterhEarly n Atno avMorristown
MarshE. E. clerkbdsCourtMorristown
MarshH. O. president. N. I. B.hMaple av bel OakMorristown
MartinA. N.Mrs hMadison n Macculloch avMorristown
MartinB. grocerhSpeedwell av n HighMorristown
MarshJosiah carpenterhWater n FlaglerMorristown
MasonThomas laborerhPhoenix avMorristown
MatherF. J. lawyerhSouth bel DeHartMorristown
MaySamuel J. carpenterhPhoenix avMorristown
MearleC.Mrs hFlaglerMorristown
MetickJ. M. (Flagler & Metick)hFlagler cor WaterMorristown
MeekerJ. B. agenthFranklinMorristown
MeekerTheodore painterhWater cor SpringMorristown
MeeksJ. W. bakerhSpring n MorrisMorristown
MerrellG. F. (Struble & Merrell)hWashington opp Mansion HouseMorristown
Merrell<blank>  hRidgewood ParkMorristown
MerrittR. N.Rev hSouth n BoykenMorristown
MerrettW. W. masonhSpeedwell av n Sussex avMorristown
MeslarWm. H. tinsmithhSpringMorristown
MeslarW. V. clerkbdsWater n SpringMorristown
MettlerM. W. harness makerbdsU S HotelMorristown
MillerGeorge carpenterhMorris n SpringMorristown
MillerGeo. laborerhMacculloch avMorristown
MillerHenry laborerhWaterMorristown
MillerH. W.  hMaccullouch av opp BoykenMorristown
MillerJ. painterhMorris n R RMorristown
MillerJohn L. painterhMorris n R RMorristown
MillerJ. W.Mrs hMacculloch av bel OakMorristown
MillerL. E. printer JerseymanMorristown
MillerN. teamsterhRidgedale avMorristown
MillerM. A.Mrs hSpring n MorrisMorristown
MillerWilliam L. painterhElm bel SouthMorristown
MillsAlfred mayorhMacculloch av n BoykenMorristown
MillsJames farmerhEarly cor MillsMorristown
MillsJohn J. farmerhMillsMorristown
MillsM.Miss hSpeedwell av ab HighMorristown
MillworthJoseph laborerhSpring cor WaterMorristown
MintonGuy lawyer Bates' Building, WashingtonMorristown
MitchellJohn gardenerhPhoenix avMorristown
MitchellMatthew  hElm n FranklinMorristown
MitchellThomas florist Morris cor PineMorristown
MonroeM. B.  hAtno avMorristown
MontgomeryWm marshalhCourt cor AnnMorristown
MooreJ. M. constablehSpeedwell av n FlaglerMorristown
MoorePatrick  hMacculloch avMorristown
MooreSamuel clerkhMaple av n MarketMorristown
MooreWm H. (Macready & Moore)hWestern avMorristown
MorehouseD.  hSouth n Madison avMorristown
MorelandThomas sextonhFranklin n Franklin plMorristown
MoreyE. S. clerkhMorris n ParkMorristown
Morley<blank> druggisthMorris n ParkMorristown
MoranJohn laborerhPhoenix avMorristown
MoranM.Mrs hSpeedwell av n SpringMorristown
MornGeorge hostlerbdsU S HotelMorristown
MornGeorge laborerhJamesMorristown
MorrisMichael  hBankMorristown
MorrisM. E. clerkhBankMorristown
MorrisJohnMrs hElm n HillMorristown
MorriseyJohn laborerhWater bel SpringMorristown
MorriseyMorris  hMadison bel Macculloch avMorristown
MorrowDavid  hAnn n CourtMorristown
MorseC. M. lawyerhRidgedale avMorristown
MosierJames painterhSouth cor ParkMorristown
MottM. E.Mrs hWashington n Atno avMorristown
MuchmoreFred (Carrell, M. & Co.)hMorris ab Ford avMorristown
MuchmoreG. (Carrell, M. & Co.)hMorris c Ridgedale avMorristown
MuchmoreJ. W. (Day & Muchmore)hMorris c Ridgedale avMorristown
MuddellSamuel street com.hSpeedwell av n HighMorristown
MuirC. M.MrsmillinerhWashingtonMorristown
MuirC. M. grocerhWashingtonMorristown
MuirEdward A. lawyerhWashingtonMorristown
MuirW.Miss hMorris n ParkMorristown
MuirZ. L.Mrs hWaterMorristown
MulfordC. H. merchant tailorhMaple av n MarketMorristown
MulfordF. W. merchant tailorhMaple av n MarketMorristown
MulfordS.  hSpeedwell av n Sussex avMorristown
MulfordT. F. clerkbdsWashingtonMorristown
MulfordT. S. restauranthWashingtonMorristown
MulfordWilliam clerkhPhoenix avMorristown
MulhallJere.  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
MulhallPatrick  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
MullenJ. C. carpenterhPhoenix av n WashingtonMorristown
MungerE.Miss hWater n SpringMorristown
MurpheyCatherine  hWashington cor MillsMorristown
MurphyHugh watchmanhSpeedwell avMorristown
MurphyJoseph masonhRidgedale avMorristown
MurphyMartin  hMadison bel Maple avMorristown
MurphyWilliam  hSpring n MorrisMorristown
MurrayJames gardenerhSpeedwell avMorristown
MurrayJohn laborerhMadison cor Macculloch avMorristown
MurrayMichael laborerhSpring n MorrisMorristown
MurrayThomas  hMadison cor Macculloch avMorristown
MyersWilliam (Myers & Co.)hWashington n BankMorristown

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