1850 Census Index for Rockaway, Morris County, NJ. This index lists primarily those who were the Head of Household, and others that had a different surname within the household. Spellings are as they are found on the census. Page IndexName 315 Adkin, Catherin 315 Adle, Arthur 315 Class, Ann 315 Cook, Edward P. 315 Cook, John P. 315 Doremus, John P. 315 Dratan, Esac 315 Hall, John 315 Hereman, John 315 Husk, Anthony 315 Husk, John H. 315 Jell, Samuel 315 Lang, Thomas 315 Munn, Peter E. 315 Peer, Ira C. 315 Peer, Jacob 315 Rine, John 315 Thomas, Sarah 315 Thompson, Thomas 315 Vanderhoof, Conrod 315 Vanderyne, Mariah 315 Vanfleet, William 316 Adle, Catherine 316 Burbrigh, Martin 316 Clark, John 316 Cook, David 316 Cook, Hiley 316 Dratan, James 316 Emry, Henry 316 Gibbon, Mary 316 Hamilton, Emeline 316 Hamilton, Jeremiah 316 Hireman, Mary 316 Hopler, Frederick 316 Lee, Eliza 316 Lee, Jesse 316 Lee, John 316 Mathews, John 316 Myres, Emeline M. 316 Peer, Calvin 316 Peer, Gabriel 316 Peer, Samuel 316 Peer, Samuel L. 316 Speer, Ann 316 Struble, John B. 316 Tunis, Joseph M. 316 Vanderhoof, Elizabeth 316 Vanhorn, John W. 317 Aber, William C. 317 Beam, Eliza A. 317 Campbell, Joseph 317 Cole, Loiza 317 Cooper, Ida L. 317 Cooper, Stephen B. 317 Dickerson, Elizabeth 317 Emmin, William 317 Gardner, Nancy 317 Green, Thomas 317 Hinchman, Eliza B. 317 Jenney, Thomas 317 Julias, Charles 317 Lanning, Francis 317 Lindsley, Frances 317 Mayhan, Mary 317 Minagh, David 317 Mott, Cinthy 317 Mulhan, Mary 317 Oliver, Sarah 317 Peer, Susan 317 Ratan, John 317 Smith, Benaga B. 317 Speer, Archibald 317 Stickle, Francis 317 Stickle, Minerva 317 Tebaut, Henry 317 Teliff, John D. 317 Vanderhoof, Mary Jane 317 Woodruff, Jonathan 318 Allin, Albert 318 Broadwell, Samuel 318 Collin, Dormany 318 Cooper, William 318 Dickerson, Cholan 318 Dickerson, Nathaniel 318 Hill, John P. 318 Huslin, David 318 Jonson, Jane 318 Livers, Abraham 318 Marsh, Elizabeth 318 Mc Queen, Charles 318 Palmer, Daniel H. 318 Palmer, Noami 318 Palmer, Sarah B. 318 Palmer, Silas H. 318 Palmer, Silas L. 318 Palmer, William 318 Peacock, Richard 318 Peer, Jacob 318 Showry, Mahlan 318 Stane, James M. 318 Talmage, Mary C. 318 Woodruff, Jonathan 318 Young, Lydia 319 Ayres, Daniel 319 Ayres, John 319 Campton, John 319 Casterline, Permiah 319 Casterline, Samuuel F. 319 Casterline, William 319 Cooper, David 319 Eglis, William 319 Gilliam, Thomas 319 Lyon, Isaac 319 Lyon, Joseph 319 Meeker, William 319 Smith, George 319 Smith, Isaac 319 Smith, John 319 Smith, John, Jr. 319 Smith, Nelly 319 Smith, William 319 Trobrige, Alva A. 320 Ayres, Joseph J. 320 Caslish, William H. 320 Casterline, Daniel 320 Casterline, Simon L. 320 Casterline, William P. 320 Cobb, James M. 320 Dell, Thomas 320 Galiger, Thomas 320 Guliger, Peter 320 Hall, John L. 320 Hill, Alexander 320 Larkso, John W. 320 Mc Carr, Barney 320 Roarick, Amos W. 320 Ryler, Hire 320 Sayre, Benjamin 320 Sulivan, Peter 320 Tomkins, Cyrus 320 Vail, Elizabeth 320 Vail, Thomas 320 Winslow, John 321 Anslear, John 321 Aspinwall, James 321 Blanchard, John, Jr. 321 Compton, Charles 321 Doyle, Joseph 321 Doyle, Mathew 321 Earl, Adam 321 Fairchild, Asher 321 Gallagar, Peter M. 321 Hart, William 321 Howell, George H. 321 Kilihane, Joshua 321 Lyon, John L. 321 Palmer, Elias L. 321 Shidle, Mihcale 321 Stickle, Edward 321 Vanstreet, Jane 321 Williams, Mary 321 Williams, William 321 Zeak, Joseph 322 Bempine, Jonathan 322 Blanchard, James 322 Blanchard, Martin 322 Canfield, Chilian 322 Chandler, Liman A. 322 Cotter, John 322 Decamp, Joseph 322 Dougherty, Anthony 322 Fall, John 322 Gleason, Sarah 322 Gordin, David 322 Halsey, Samuel B. 322 Halsey, Samuel L. 322 Halsy, Edmund 322 Hamilton, David H. 322 Jackson, Joseph 322 Jackson, Stephen 322 King, Jane D. C. 322 Mahan, Margaret 322 Mintan, Sarah 322 Mott, John 322 Murphy, Briget 322 Narcross, Elizabeth 322 Robben, Julian 322 Robbin, David 322 Shanger, William H. 322 Tuttle, Amy 322 Tuttle, Joseph R. 323 Boyd, William 323 Brannen, Torrance 323 Bruen, James H. 323 Conley, James 323 Dabrimple, Fredrick 323 Fuller, James 323 Grace, Margaret 323 Haines, Julia 323 Jackson, John D. 323 Long, Edward 323 Macy, Hezekiah B. 323 Mate, William 323 Mc Durmer, Mary 323 Muir, Thomas 323 Muire, Peter 323 Murphy, Edward 323 Peterson, Tom 323 Quinn, William 323 Robbin, May 323 Smith, Frederick 323 Stanburalgh, Edward 323 Stickles, Barnabas 323 Topping, Julia 323 Tunis, Peter 323 Welsher, John 323 Wiggins, Lewis G. 323 Zindle, William 324 Boley, Phebe Ann 324 Dunham, Samuel 324 Durmot, Susan M. 324 Freeman, Dayton 324 Gibbs, David 324 Gibbs, Margaret 324 Jackson, George W. 324 Jenny, Cornelius 324 Kerr, Sharlott 324 Lindsly, Gabril 324 Lumas, John M. 324 Mc Carty, Cummins 324 Mulligan, Allice 324 Powers, Jacob 324 Righter, Michael 324 Smith, Samuel 324 Star, Frederick 324 Stevedurvant, Elepholet 324 Tinney, Charles 324 Vanderhoof, Francis 324 Wood, Freeman 324 Wood, William J. 325 Beash, Moses 325 Becock, Henry 325 Blansbo, Catherine 325 Broadwell, Susan 325 Canley, James 325 Carley, John 325 Coe, Jared 325 Coe, Joseph W. 325 Compton, John 325 Dell, Lewis B. 325 Freeman, John 325 Gage, Cornelies B. 325 Garrugus, Samuel 325 Green, Joseph R. 325 Hall, Lydia 325 Hill, Eugene 325 Hurd, Edward 325 Hyler, Lewis B. 325 Ketehill, Ebenezar F. 325 Lindle, Charles 325 Louthem, Thomas 325 Mashal, William 325 Mc Kennis, William 325 Morrison, John 325 Peer, Francis 325 Rice, Agustus 325 Righter, Joseph C. 325 Smith, Amanda 325 Smith, Charles 325 Smith, Jacob 325 Taylor, Wilford 325 Wordir, George 326 Anderson, David 326 Blanchard, Susan 326 Blanshard, John 326 Broadwell, Silas 326 Cook, John W. 326 Corty, John M. 326 Dehart, Charles 326 Duby, William 326 Estele, Stephen 326 Gailoan, Charles 326 Garagus, Stephen 326 Hart, Edward 326 Hurd, Cornelia 326 Kirk, Thomas 326 Miller, Samuel R. 326 Misner, John 326 Phalor, Margaret 326 Riddle, Walter 326 Robbin, Marthar 326 Simpson, Rosell 326 Smith, Mahlon 326 Tuttle, Samuel 327 Ackly, Harriet A. 327 Babcock, Thomas 327 Beach, Amza 327 Eakley, W. 327 Estile, Noah 327 Gardner, Charles 327 Gustin, William 327 Kelse, John B. 327 Kinney, Charles A. 327 Lee, Samuel 327 Mc Cormic, John 327 Merrit, James 327 Miller, George 327 Miller, Margaret 327 Miller, Sarah A. 327 Moore, Stephen 327 Norris, Alexander 327 Robbins, Jacob 327 Rodgers, David 327 Smith, Margaret 327 Steekle, Hubbard 328 Beach, Isaac 328 Beach, Phebe 328 Brown, William 328 Cooper, Daniel A. 328 Dunham, James 328 Easton, Joseph 328 Eddy, John M. 328 English, James 328 Estler, Daniel 328 Farrel, Hugh 328 Jacobs, Roswell D. 328 King, James 328 Kitchel, Sarah 328 Magroth, Thomas B. 328 Morrison, David L. 328 Mott, Elisha 328 Murry, Mathew 328 Pierson, Unice 328 Smith, Thoams 328 Stage, Margaret 328 Stage, Shortal 328 Vanderhoof, William 328 Voorhees, Abram 328 White, Martin 328 Willis, Aaron 328 Wire, William 329 Allen, Henry B. 329 Badgly, Benjamin 329 Benjamin, Edward 329 Braint, John A. 329 Broadwell, Maryann 329 Case, John W. 329 Estile, William 329 Franickar, Peter 329 Hagland, Mahlon 329 Hathan, Mary E. 329 Jones, Samule 329 King, Barnabas 329 Kirwin, William 329 Mc Durmet, Susan 329 Miller, Phillip 329 Miller, Ralph 329 Pernall, Fanny 329 Pike, John J. 329 Roland, George 329 Shedell, Jacob 329 Showry, George B. 329 Skinner, George 329 Studivant, Lewis G. 329 Tinney, William 329 Treathaway, Samuel 330 Abbot, Abijah 330 Braylah, William 330 Clark, John 330 Dickerson, John 330 Doyle, Peter 330 Francis, Asher 330 Francisco, David W. 330 Francisco, Robert E. 330 Ivy, John 330 King, James 330 Magor, Francis 330 Mills, David 330 Nancorrow, James 330 Ore, Thomas 330 Parrish, Thomas 330 Pinch, Joseph 330 Roberts, Joh 330 Ross, Abraham 330 Todd, John 330 Tomas, John 331 Bennet, Adam 331 Brannen, Barnabas 331 Coragin, John 331 Danlin, James 331 Fanigan, John 331 Farral, Barny 331 Farrel, Brigit 331 Farrel, Michael 331 Goliger, Patrick 331 Gollager, Barny 331 Guliger, Barnabas 331 Kearnan, Patrick 331 Ladden, Patrick 331 Ladon, Mathew 331 Mc Durmet, Francis 331 Mc Durmet, James 331 Mc Durmet, Lorran 331 Mc Laniae, Isaac 331 Morgan, James 331 Ryerson, George 331 Ryley, Brannen 331 Tone, John 332 Andrew, James 332 Blake, George A. 332 Brannen, Jonathan 332 Casay, Mark 332 Davery, William 332 Decamp, James 332 Doland, Mary 332 Doland, Samuel B. 332 Hieff, Joseph T. 332 James, Iwlliam 332 Killday, Edway 332 Kinney, John 332 Landen, Lewis 332 Lenterbox, Charles 332 Lundin, Jesse 332 Riley, Peter 332 Ryley, Thomas 332 Sandford, Hannah 332 Smith, Phillip 332 Ward, Patrick 333 Babbit, Stephen B. 333 Baker, Jeremiah 333 Doughty, Samuel 333 Hopp, Cornelia 333 Hurd, Stephen 333 Kader, Loza 333 Kiner, John 333 Kiner, Sylvester L. 333 Lumeriy, Charles 333 Mc Clan, John 333 Mc Peek, Elizabeth 333 Norman, John C. 333 Oram, Robert F. 333 Rowe, Thomas 333 Spencer, David 333 Spencer, Nathaniel 333 Vanderhoof, Charles 333 Weaver, John 333 Whitehead, William 333 Wiggins, Daniel 333 Wiggins, Daniel L. 333 Wiggins, William 333 Young, Emily 334 Bannel, Henry 334 Branna, John C. 334 Branson, Patrick 334 Breech, John 334 Doland, John G. 334 Emmers, Andrew J. 334 Goble, Charles 334 Goble, Z. W. 334 Kitchel, Mathias 334 Kitchel, Nathaniel 334 Munn, John M. 334 Orsborn, John 334 Rabben, Thomas 334 Schenk, Aaron 334 Shawger, Abram W. 334 Snider, Andrew 334 Van Dersdrirne, Cornelius 334 Van Duiyre, Percy 334 Wire, Charles 335 Beam, Isaac 335 Bradly, Hugh 335 Bredell, Edmand B. 335 Casey, Cathrin 335 Clark, Barny 335 Darine, Patrick 335 Deagen, Cathrin 335 Doland, Elizabeth 335 Doland, Michael 335 Farrel, Owen 335 Ficlere, Joseph 335 Halsy, Randle 335 Johnston, Cathrin 335 Johnston, Edward 335 Maginnis, Eliza 335 Maginnis, Martin 335 Maran, Michael 335 Morgan, Thomas 335 Shawger, Joseph 335 Shawger, Leopald 335 Smith, James 335 Tebow, Gabriel 335 Vanover, Silas 336 Barnes, George 336 Blakley, George W. 336 Farreth, John 336 Haren, Noah 336 Lindle, George 336 Lyon, Stephen L. 336 Maret, Mary 336 Marret, Daniel 336 Marsh, Samuel B. 336 Nicholis, Lewis 336 Palmer, Abram V. 336 Palmer, David L. 336 Pruden, Ludlow 336 Shawger, Andrew 336 Sickles, John 336 Tibow, Joseph 337 Degraw, Isaac 337 Henderson, Henry 337 Henderson, Peter D. 337 Lindsly, Richard 337 Onsted, George 337 Porte, John 337 Shawger, Abram 337 Smith, J Ohn C. 337 Smith, Jacob 337 Smith, John 337 Smith, Richard R. 337 Starr, Willaim H. 337 Trelif, Stephen 338 Anderson, James 338 Babbit, Amza 338 Barton, Stephen 338 Bayley, Asa W. 338 Casper, James 338 Chitsler, Cathrin 338 Cole, Mariah 338 Davenport, James L. 338 Day, Eliza 338 Dickerson, William L. 338 Dobbin, Patrick 338 Egbert, Peter 338 Goble, Mary 338 Harnel, Henry 338 Hiller, Danil 338 Kindred, John 338 King, Hard 338 Larula, John 338 Oland, Michael 338 Ralph, Hannah 338 Shawger, Charels 338 Shawger, Danil 338 Skews, Elizabeth 338 Smith, David A 338 Stanton, John 338 Walton, John 339 Beach, Cathrin 339 Beach, Collumbus 339 Blanchard, Joseph 339 Coe, Alfred 339 Dow, John 339 Garrand, Robert 339 Geek, Mathias 339 Hiler, Sarah J. 339 Hyler, George 339 Miedenot, Rosanna 339 Mills, Elizabeth 339 Myers, William 339 Powers, Albert 339 Ridner, William 339 Serch, Loisa 339 Tapping, Silas 339 Tice, Henry 339 Tutle, Ebenezer 339 Vanderhoff, Samuel 339 Vanderhoof, Henry 339 Wade, Estila 339 Wegins, Joal 339 Wigins, Matilda 340 Blackey, John L. 340 Bloomer, Patrick 340 Dreysaw, Auther 340 Glier, Andrew Z. 340 Harteton, Henry 340 Harteton, Rebecca 340 Mitchel, William 340 Sanders, Elicenin 341 Cole, Lewis 341 Conklin, Daniel 341 Crane, Abrham 341 Crane, John 341 Davinport, Jemima 341 Davinport, Manning 341 Decker, Frederick 341 Earl, John 341 Earle, John 341 Gould, Charlotte A. 341 Greenswicke, James 341 Holley, William 341 Looker, Allen P. 341 Lyon, Daniel 341 Shaw, Anna 341 Shaw, Conrad 341 Shaw, Joseph 341 Smith, William 341 Tuttle, Elizabeth 341 Weaver, Jacob 342 Anderson, William 342 Davinport, Peter 342 Day, George 342 Degraw, Henry 342 Degraw, Mary 342 Demouth, Cyrus 342 Demouth, Elijah 342 Demouth, James 342 Fredericks, Henry 342 Hopkins, John 342 Lozaw, Isaac 342 Lozaw, John 342 Lozaw, Richard 342 Mattory, Lewis 342 Merit, Edwin M. 342 Morgan, Daniel 342 Morgan, Margaret 342 Morgan, Mariah 342 Palmer, John 342 Shawger, Lewis 342 Smith, Alfred 342 Stalter, Joseph 342 Vreeland, Henry 342 Wallace, John D. 342 Whitehead, James H. 343 Belcher, John 343 Blanchard, Martin 343 Bosted, Abnor 343 Bosted, John 343 Elison, John 343 Elison, Joseph W. 343 Lavoe, Giliam 343 Lavoe, James L. 343 Matthews, Elijah 343 Merrit, Davis P. 343 Palmer, Daivd 343 Shanger, George B. 343 Shonger, Charles 343 Sisco, Jesse 343 Stagg, James 343 Watts, Ann 343 Willis, William 344 Ackley, Lemuel 344 Babcock, Abraham 344 Barton, John 344 Bosted, Ezra 344 Bosteda, Gideon V. 344 Cook, Stephen 344 Dobins, Lucy 344 Eackley, Ephraim 344 Henderson, William 344 Hovenkamp, Matthias 344 Morris, Nathan 344 Sanders, John 344 Sanders, Moses 344 Shanger, Marcus D. L. 344 Shipman, Andrew 344 Smith, William 344 Stalter, John 344 Tuttle, Stephen 344 Vliet, Mary 344 Winters, Abrahma 344 Zeek, Christopher 344 Zeek, Lewis 345 Blanchard, Aaron 345 Cook, Alfred 345 Cook, Calvin 345 Cook, Chileon 345 Douglass, Timothy 345 Eberly, Martin 345 Heriman, Abigail 345 Hyler, Sarah 345 Lash, Joseph 345 Lash, Robert 345 Maynard, John 345 Odle, Sarah 345 Peer, James M. 345 Stickle, Jacob P. 345 Stickle, Mary 345 Till, Catherine 345 Vanderhoof, Richard 345 Weaver, Harmon 346 Beach, Catherine M. 346 Beach, Columbus 346 Carroll, Edward 346 Cashen, Catherine 346 Cogan, Patrick 346 Cummings, James 346 Grant, John 346 Hall, Daniel 346 Mc Coy, James 346 Mc Dermott, Rosanna 346 Mc Mann, Mary A. 346 Miligan, Charles 346 Muligan, Hugh 346 Nicholls, Able 346 Riley, Andrew 346 Riley, Edward 346 Rudden, Bridget 346 Ryan, William 346 Tenyke, David 346 Vanderbush, Thomas 346 Waers, Estella 346 Zeek, Anthony 346 Zeek, Mathias 347 Anderson, John 347 Barton, William 347 Bored, Arthur 347 Core, Thomas 347 Curtis, Samuel 347 Degraw, Peter 347 Dobins, George 347 Dobins, Lorenzo 347 Galiger, Michael 347 Hazleton, Nathan 347 Henderson, Eleazur 347 Hovenkamp, Simeon 347 Lynch, Martha J. 347 Mahon, Terance 347 Mathews, Elizabeth 347 Mc Cabe, Alexander 347 Mc Collan, Robert 347 Morse, Sarah A. 347 Muligan, William 347 Odle, James 347 Riley, Miles 347 Ruden, James 347 Scott, James 347 Smith, Alfred 347 Smith, Gilbert 347 Sulivan, Peter 347 Vanderhoof, Jane 348 Beam, Joseph H. 348 Blanchard, Martin H. 348 Degraw, Jeremiah 348 Degraw, Michael 348 Dixon, William 348 Easton, Joseph H. 348 Estler, Henry 348 Hanvine, Abraham 348 Hopler, Charles A. 348 Hyler, Aaron B. 348 Hyler, James H. 348 Hyler, Martin 348 Hyler, Silas 348 Hyler, Stephen 348 Matthews, Mary A. 348 Riley, Mary J. 348 Rogers, July A. 348 Rogers, Lewis 348 Smith, John 348 Sprons, Pheby 348 Stalter, Lewis 348 Stickle, Beeman 348 Stickle, Charlotte 348 Zeek, Susan A. 349 Alrover, Jerusha 349 Babcock, Elmyra 349 Babcock, Margaret 349 Beach, Samule L. 349 Beams, Moses W. 349 Beams, Parel 349 Cochran, Samuel 349 Dobins, Susan 349 Hermian, Willaim P. 349 Hyler, James 349 Hyler, Joseph 349 Hyler, Peter 349 Hyler, William 349 Jones, Henrietta 349 Jones, James A. 349 Kitchel, Abraham F. 349 Lewis, Emma 349 Lyon, Eliphalet 349 Morrison, James 349 Odle, Maning 349 Robeson, Isaac 349 Robeson, Samuel 349 Stalter, William 349 Stickle, Anna 349 Tuttle, Mary E. 349 Tuttle, Squire 349 Ward, Phineas 349 Weaver, Thomas 349 Westervelt, James 349 Williams, Catherine E. 350 Beam, Edward 350 Beams, Henry 350 Blanchard, Abnor 350 Blanchard, John 350 Earl, Abraham, Jr. 350 Farrel, James 350 Hason, John 350 Kitchel, Elizabeth 350 Kitchel, Hannah 350 Migan, James 350 Taylor, Sarah A. 350 Towley, John 350 Tucker, Charles 350 Vanorden, Thomas 350 Vanwinkle, Jacob 350 Winget, Jacob 350 Zeek, Stephen 350 Zeek, William C. 351 Brown, William 351 Campfield, Alfred 351 Decker, John 351 Dixon, Ann 351 Dixon, Cyrus 351 Dixon, William M. 351 Earle, John W. 351 Hopler, Jane D. 351 Miller, Frederick 351 Mix, William 351 Romine, Henry 351 Stickle, James 351 Vanderhoof, Cornelius 351 Vanderyne, Cornelius 351 Vunigs, James 351 Williams, Abnor 351 Winters, William 351 Youngs, William 352 Blanchard, Sarah 352 Cobb, Catherine 352 Cobb, Jesse 352 Cobb, Joseph C. 352 Davinport, Edward 352 Earle, Peter 352 Fredericks, Jmaes 352 Hyler, Daniel 352 Kimble, Jacob 352 Lacy, Henry 352 Mc Cormick, John 352 Meeker, Stephen 352 Morgan, Joseph 352 Ockoback, George 352 Ockobock, Frederick 352 Ockolock, David 352 Peer, Daniel 352 Shanger, Frances 352 Shaw, Frederick 352 Shaw, John 352 Shipman, Henrietta 352 Shipman, Sarah 352 Vanderhoof, John |