NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 19
Morris Co. Up



AUGUST 15th 1863 there was an allotment made of the draft; 3,026 white and 101 colored men were required in the county. Some changes and credits were afterward made, and the number finally drawn was 611, divided as follows: Morris 44, Pequannock 45, Chatham 64, Hanover 86, Randolph 4, Mendham 21, Chester 14, Jefferson 45, Roxbury 91, Washington 74, Rockaway 123.

In February 1865 there were 333 men to be drafted for, but before the draft was completed the victory before Petersburg caused the order of April 13th that drafting should cease.

March 26th 1864 Captain D. H. Ayers, who had served in the 27th and had been recruiting for the 33d, had filled a company for the 5th N. J. to the minimum number. He was mustered as captain in that regiment, April 13th 1864.

May 2nd 1864 a new company of "home guards" was organized at Morristown—Captain Fred. Dellicker, First Lieutenant Horace Ayers, Second Lieutenant D. D. Craig.

June 15th 1863, the rebel army having invaded Maryland, and then threatening Harrisburgh, Governor Curtin of Pennsylvania called upon the governors of the the neighboring States for aid. June 17th Governor Parker called for volunteers from this State, and ten companies of 30-day men volunteered for the "Pennsylvania emergency." A company was raised in Morris county, known as Company E N. J. militia, Captain George Gage, which was enrolled and mustered June 27th and discharged July 24th. It went to Harrisburgh and remained there until the victory of Gettysburg rendered its stay no longer necessary.

The following is a roll of the company:

George Gage, captain; William A. Halstead, first lieutenant; J. E. Parker, second lieutenant; James L. Marsh, first sergeant; D. W. Tunis, John T. Kent, John C. Smith and John W. Phoenix, sergeants; James M. Bonsall, Charles F. Axtell, George McKee, Joseph H. Tillyer, George Vanhouten, L. D. Babbitt, James Allen and Lyman B. Dellicker, corporals; Elwyn Bentley and Charles H. Green, musicians; Erastus D. Allen, George W. Anthony, George F. Ballentine, Jabez Beers, Andrew Bennett, D. W. Bowdish, Edward P. Brewster, George Brewster, Charles Burns, E. F. Cavanagh, Francis Childs, William Cook, S. B. Cooper, Marcus F. Crane, John S. and John N. De Hart, Aaron S. Degroot, Galin Egbert, William C. Emmett, Barnard Finegan, Arthur Ford, Edwin D. and Robert Green, Charles M. Holloway, George H. Hutchinson, David Lewis, John Ross, James D. Stevenson, George E. Voorhees, George H. Welchman, Robert Wighton, C. H. Wilson, Job Wright, James C. Youngblood.

While Captain Gage's company of militia was absent in Pennsylvania a "peace meeting" was held on Morris green, which was addressed by Chauncey Burr and others. During the speaking news of the victories of Vicksburg and Gettysburg arrived, and the meeting dispersed in confusion. A large loyal meeting was held in the same place the same evening to celebrate the victories of the eastern and western armies.


The same month two companies were recruited for the 1st N. J., then in the field—Company G (Captain Edward Bishop, First Lieutenant Daniel Dillen, Second Lieutenant Daniel L. Hutt) and Company H (Captain Richard Foster, First Lieutenant George Carlough, Second Lieutenant William Miller). As separate companies these men did not enter the service, but from them a new company was formed, under Captain Foster, which joined the 1st N. J. as Company K in January 1864, in time to serve honorably and suffer severely in the "battle summer," and to be in at the death. The company organization was disbanded at Cold Harbor, June 4th 1864, and the men were transferred to Companies K and F 4th N. J. The following is the muster roll of the company:


Captain.—Richard Foster; wounded at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12 '64; died in hospital at Washington, June 15 '64.

First Lieutenant.—William Muir; honorably m. o. Aug. 9 '64.

Second Lieutenant.—William Milnor; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 2 '64; dis. for disability.

Sergeants.—Jacob L. Hutt (1st); tr. and reduced to the ranks in Co. K 4th N. J., June 4 '64; pro. 1st lieut. Co. C 4th N. J., and assigned command of the 1st bat.; pro. Capt. Co. A 1st bat.; m. o. June 29 '65. William O. Smith; tr. and reduced to the ranks in Company K 4th N. J., June 4 '64. Samuel M. Mattox; in general hospital from Mar. 25 '64; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. and reduced to the ranks. Samuel J. Nixon; missing at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12 '64. Robert Galloway; tr. and reduced to the ranks in Co. K 4th N. J.

Corporals.—Richard H. Van Duyne (1st); wounded at Spottsylvania May 12 '64; died in hospital. William Jones; wounded at the Wilderness May 6 '64. John Whitten; killed at Spottsylvania May 12 '64. John B. Magee; wounded in the Wilderness May 5 '64. James McGory; killed in Wilderness May 6 '64. Anton Hubler; dis. for disability Mar. 18. John A. Peer; wounded in the Wilderness May 5 '64. Edward McConnel; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J.


John Agen; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. James H. R. Apgar; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Ebenezer Apgar; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1 '64. George Adair and Joseph Anson; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Jeter R. Auey; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Thomas Beddon, com. clerk, and Dennis Brown, missing; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 9 '64. John Bowers; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 10 '64. Robert Beam; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 2 '64. John H. Beaman; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. Jacob Z. Berry; rejected by examining board at Woolford Ford, Va. Edward Carty; wounded at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. Patrick Carey; killed at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. James Casey; detailed in ambulance corps. Abraham C. Conover; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 10 '64. John E. and Thomas H. Cook; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64; latter died. James H. Crane; killed at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. John W. Crane, drummer; absent, sick, from May 4 '64. George Crawford; killed at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. Peter Cassidy, Michael Cummings, Horace Dodd and William Drenner, tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Thomas G. Davis; killed at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. Samuel N. Ellsworth and Samuel T. Ellicks; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Henry Fitzinger; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Michael Fitzimmonds and John W. Ford; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. William W. Gearey; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Milberry Grandon and George Hilbert; deserted at Camp Perrin, Trenton, N. J., Feb. 1 '64. Jacob H. Hamma; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Thomas Headland; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1 '64. Ezra H. Hile; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. Charles A. Hughson; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64; died in general hospital. Leonard N. Howell; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. James W. Howell; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Patrick Healey; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Emmanuel Holman and Peter Jackson; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. John Kelley; missing at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. Daniel Knott; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 2 '64. Jacob S. Kunckle; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Jonathan P. Loree; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64; died of wounds May 30 '64. Charles Munn; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. James Milner; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Henry Maynard; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Daniel McHenry; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. James McLucky; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 4 '64. Thomas Murphy; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. John Miller; missing at Spottsylvania, May 9 '64; died in Andersonville prison. George Nix; wounded at the Wilderness, May 5 '64; died in general hospital. Peter O'Conner and Jeremiah Oliver; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Clifton Peer; absent, sick, from March 26 '64. Thomas Ryan; wounded at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. Peter Rawson; absent, sick, from March 25 '64. Bernard Riley; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Anthony Robertson; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Mortimer Roberts; wounded and taken prisoner at the Wilderness, May 6 '64; died in prison. Martin Siver; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Hiram Siver; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 2 '64. Patrick Sheridan; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. Michael Slam; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J.; killed at Winchester, Aug. 17 '64. Garret C. Smith; detailed in pioneer corps. Robert Smith; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. John L. Stagg; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Garret Speer; absent, sick, in general hospital. Fordham O. Schuyler; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Charles Schuyler; missing at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. John Smith; deserted at Woodford's Ford, Va., Feb. 19. Nelson Teets; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. John Tice; absent, sick, from March 1. Patrick Toole and John H. Tucker; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Peter Turner and Ward Vanderhoof; absent, sick, from May 4. William S. Van Fleet; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64; died of wounds in general hospital. Cornelius R. Van Voorhees; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Richard Vincent; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. John Van Orden; absent, sick, from May 4. Manning Wear and Henry Whitten; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. William A. Wright; absent, sick, from May 5.


Killed in action, 7; died from wounds, 12; wounded and survived, 30; missing in action, 8; absent, sick, 10; discharged for disability, 1; deserted, 3; total, 71.

Commissioned officers, 3; enlisted men, 99; total, 102; deduct 71; total for duty, 31.

The following is a list of battles in which this company was engaged. All were fought in Virginia, and all before Hatcher's Run in 1864:

Wilderness, May 5-7; Spottsylvania, May 8-10; Spottsylvania Court-house, May 12-16; North and South Anna River, May 24; Hanover Court-house, May 29; Tolopotomy Creek, May 30; Cold Harbor, June 1-10; Before Petersburg ("Weldon Railroad"), June 23; Snicker's Gap, July 18; Strasburg, Aug. 15; Winchester, Aug. 17; Charlestown, Aug. 21; Opequan Creek, Sept. 19; Fisher's Hill, Sept. 21, 22; New Market, Sept. 24; Mount Jackson, Sept. 25; Cedar Creek and Middletown, Oct. 19; Hatcher's Run, Feb. 5; Fort Steedman, Mar. 25; Capture of Petersburg, Apr. 2; Sailor's Creek, Apr. 6; Farmville, Apr. 7; Lee's surrender, Appomattox, Apr. 9.


volunteer infantry was chiefly composed of Morris county men. The colonel was George W. Mindel. William H. Lambert was adjutant for about six months from July 13th 1863, and was succeeded by Stephen Pierson.

The regiment was mustered in at Newark, by companies, in August and September 1863, for three years or the war, and left the State September 8th for Washington. It soon marched into Virginia, and encamped at Warrenton. Here it was assigned to the 11th corps, and remained until September 25th, when the corps started for the west, to become a part of the Army of the Cumberland. It 1864 it went "marching through Georgia" with Sherman. The engagements in which it took part were as follows:

Chattanooga, Tenn., November 23d 1863; Mission Ridge, Tenn., November 24th and 25th 1863; Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8th 1864; Resaca, Ga., May 15th and 16th 1864; New Hope Church, Ga., May 25th to June 1st 1864; Pine Knob, Ga., June 15th and 16th 1864; Muddy Creek, Ga., June 17th and 18th 1864; Culp's Farm, Ga., June 22nd 1864; Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27th 1864; Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20th 1864; Siege of Atlanta, Ga., July 22nd to September 2nd 1864; Siege of Savannah, Ga., December 11th-21st 1864; Averysboro, N. C., March 16th 1865; Bentonville, S. C., March 18th-20th 1865.

The following is a roll of Company I:


Where not otherwise mentioned in the following paragraphs the officers of Company I were enrolled or commissioned at the dates immediately following their names; mustered in August 29th 1863, for three years' service, and mustered out July 7th 1865.

Captain.—Samuel F. Waldron, Aug. 29 '63; killed at Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 23 '63. Nathaniel K. Bray; commissioned Dec. 20 '63; mustered Jan. 1 '64; pro. major April 4 '65. Joseph P. Couse, commissioned April 4 '65; mustered April 29 '65; appointed 1st lieut. Co. A Sept 25 '64.

First Lieutenant.—J. Warren Kitchel; commissioned Aug. 22 '63.

Second Lieutenants.—Francis Child; wounded July 20 '64; pro. 1st lieut. Co. B Sept. 25 '64. Orlando K. Guerin; commissioned Nov. 1 '64; mustered Jan. 26 '65; appointed Q. M. sergt. Sept. 5 '63; transferred to Company C; died in 1881. William L. Geary; commissioned May 16 '65; not mustered; brevetted capt. U. S. Mar. 13 '65.

First Sergeants.—John C. Smith, Aug. 13 '63; pro. 1st lieut. Co. A June 6 '64. Theodore Manee, Jan. 1 '65; sergt. Aug. 24 '63.

Sergeants.—James Connor, July 1 '64; corp. Aug. 20 '63. Thomas Shephard, Apr. 1 '65; previously corp.; dis. May 3 '65. George Hager, Apr. 1 '65; corp. Aug. 18 '63. Peter Dienen, May 1 '65; corp. Aug. 24 '63. Levi Smith, enrolled Feb.16 '64; corp.; sergt. Jan. 1 '65; dis. May 3 '65.

Corporals.—Edward Blake, Aug. 22 '63. Martin Dolphin, Aug. 25 '63. John Phillips; enrolled Aug, 27 '63; corp. Apr. 1 '65. Michael Stager; enrolled Aug. 28 '63; corp. May 1 '65. Frederick W. Studdiford; enrolled May 4 '64; corp. May 1 '65; tr. from Co. K. John M. Bennett; enrolled Aug. 22 '63; corp. May 1 '65. James A. Burr, Sept. 6 '64, for 1 year; corp. Jan. 1 '65; dis. Apr. 28 '65.

Discharged.—William R. Frazer, sergt.; enrolled Aug. 27 '63; dis. Mar. 31 '65, for disbility.

Transferred.—Theodore F. Rogers, sergt.; enrolled Aug. 10 '63; tr. to v. r. c., Mar. 15 '65; dis. July 18 '65. Charles Fengar; enrolled Aug. 23 '63; tr. to v. r. c.

Died.—David Russell, sergt.; enrolled Aug. 4 '63; died of disease at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 8 '64. John McArdle, corp.; enrolled Aug. 18 '63; killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 16 '64.


The first date following these names is the date of enrollment; the second, if any, that of muster-in; in most cases they were the same. The figure following the date indicates the number of years for which the man enlisted. The men were mustered out in June or July 1865.

William R. Adams, musician, Aug. 10 '63, 3. James Allen, Aug. 12 '63, 3; Aug. 23 '63; prom. com. sergt. Sept. 5 '63. John Anys, Jan. 9 '64, 3; Jan. 11 '64; dis. May 3 '65. George F. Ballentine, Aug. 10 '63, 3; Aug. 29 '63. William Bannon, Aug. 4 '63, Aug. 29 '63; dis. May 12 '65. Lawrence Bergen, corp., Aug. 26 '63, 3; private June 25 '65. Daniel Berry, Sept. 6 '64, 1; dis. Apr. 28 '65. Charles Bird, Oct. 27 '64, 1. George Bowen, Apr. 13 '65, 1; dr.; dis. May 3 '65. Lionel Brooks, May 4 '64, 3. Milton Brooks, Feb. 8 '64, 3. Jefferson Brutzman, Oct. 11 '64, 1; tr. from Co. B. J. A. Burr. C. H. Chapman, Sept. 7 '64, 1; dis. Apr. 28 '65. Samuel D. Coombs, Aug. 21 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Samuel P. Davis; Apr. 11 '65, 1. Peter Degraw; Dec. 29 '63, 3; tr. from Co. E. Christopher Devine, corp.; Aug. 25 '63; private June 28 '65. Thomas Dougherty; Aug. 29 '63. Evan B. Edmunds; Apr. 12 '65, 1; dis. May 3 '65. Horace B. Fletcher; Sept. 13 '64, 1; dis. Apr. 28 '65. Mark Fohs, Aug. 28 '63, 3; musician. Barnabas C. Goucher; Nov. 24 '63; Dec. 5 '63, 3; dis; May 4 '65. John W. Green, Aug. 25 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Michael Haggerty; Aug. 22 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Thomas Hayden; Aug. 29 '63, 3. dis. May 3 '65. Hugh Hefferman; Feb. 21 '65, 1; transferred from Co. B. Frederick Holland; Aug. 25 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3. James Johnson, Sept. 23 '64, 1; dis. April 28 '65. Henry F. Jones; Aug. 26 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. William Kaine; Jan. 17 '65, 1. Nathaniel Kiser; Sept. 7 '64, 1; dis. April 28 '65. Joseph Lang; Oct. 15 '64, 1; dis. May 3 '65. John Leininger; Oct. 18 '64, 1; dis. May 3 '65. Abraham Lynn; Aug. 18 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3. Adolphe Machowof; April 14 '65, 3; dis. May 3 '65; tr. from Co. K. Anthony Mares; June 15 '64, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Andrew McCain; Aug. 20 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; dis. May 12 '65. John McDonald; Aug. 18 '63, 3. Bernard McManus; Aug. 24 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. William McNeil; Aug. 24 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. John L. Megill, musician; Aug. 15 '63. Ernst H. Meyers; Oct. 15 '64, 1. Charles Miller; April 13 '65, 1; dis. May 3 '65. William Miller; April 7 '65, 1. Nicholas Moore; Aug. 8 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3. Josiah Mullen; March 29 '65, 1; dis. May 3 '65. James Murchie; Oct. 15 '64, 1. James Murtough; Oct. 19 '64, 1; dis. May 3 '65. Gottlieb Prob; Aug. 28 '63, 3; m. o. July 27 '65. John G. Propst; Aug. 27 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Philip Y. Redding; Aug. 18 '63; wounded at Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, '64. Jacob Riker; Sept. 23 '64, 1; tr. from Co. E 35th N. J. William Ryan; Oct. 15 '64, 1. Moody A. Sandburn; Sept. 21 '64, 1; dis. April 28 '65. Valentine Sealand; Sept. 22 '64, 1; dis. April 28; tr. from Co. D. Herman Seibert; April 6 '65, 1. William Shiell; Oct. 15 '64, 1. Edward Smith; Aug. 19 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; tr. to v. r. c., May 3 '64; returned to Co. March 2 '65. Richard D. Soden; corp. Aug. 25 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; private May 1 '65; dis. May 3 '65. Lewis Stage; Jan. 30 '65, 1; dis. May 3 '65; tr. from Co. C. William R. Stelling; Oct. 11 '64, 1; dis. May 3 '65. Michael Taggart; April 12 '65, 1; dis. May 3 '65. John Weiderberger; Oct. 19 '64, 1. Joseph We??l; Aug. 12 '63, 3. Peter Wendel; Oct. 21 '64, 1. Wilbur Wetsel; Aug. 10 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; dis. May 12 '65. James Wood; Jan. 6 '65, 1; dis. May 3 '65; tr. from Co. A.

Discharged (for disability).—William Fagan; enrolled Aug. 17 '63; dis. June 14 '64. William Herbert; enrolled Aug. 11 '63; dis. Aug. 3 '64. William H. Kelly; enrolled Aug. 10 '63; dis. April 2 '65.

Transferred.—(The date of enlistment and muster and the number of years for which the man enlisted follow the name. The transfer was to Company C where not otherwise stated.) Joseph Aspinwall; Sept. 7 '64, 1. Abraham Benjamin; Dec. 29 '63, 3; from Co. E and to v. r. c. Abner B. and Charles Bishop, 1. Richard C. Burris, 1. Ambi and Lewis Conklin. Michael Conlon; Mar. 31 '65, 1; to Co. A. Horace Davis; Sept. 7 '64, 1. Erastus Degraw; Sept. 23 '64, 1; to Co. H. William Drew; Sept. 7 '64, 1. George Ely; Feb. 28 '65, 3; to Bat. E. John Fuller; April 4 '65, 1. Michael Galey; Sept. 14 '64, 1; to Co. A. Robert J. Harrison; Aug. 24 '64, 3; to v. r. c., April 1 '65; dis. July 20 '65. William Healey; Sept. 28 '64, 1; to Co. K. John Heusefall; Sept. 7 '64, 1; to Co. K. John Kennedy; Oct. 11 '64, 1; to Co. K. William Margeson; Sept. 7 '64, 1. William Masker; Aug. 20 '63, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 20 '65. Ernst Mayer; Sept. 9 '64, 1; to Co. F 35th N. J. Charles E. Mayo; April 4 '65, 1. Nathan Parliament; Sept. 7 '64, 1. Charles Ryerson; Aug. 26 '63, 3; wounded June 23 '64, at Kenesaw Mountain; tr. to v. r. c., Jan. 16 '65; dis. July 25 '65. Charles H. Wood; Mar. 7 '65, 1; to Co. D.

Died.—(Enrolled and mustered in August 1863 when not otherwise stated, and for three years.) Charles Anys; Jan. 9 '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Feb. 13 '65, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20 '64. John Braan; Jan. 7 '64; died of disease, at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 18 '64. Martin Braan; Jan 7 '64; killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20 '64. James Butler; of disease, at Hilton Head, S. C., Mar. 29 '65. Frederick Ehrnest; Dec. 29 '63; killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga,, July 20 '64. Thomas Farrell; at Chattanooga, Tenn., July 12 '64, of wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 16 '64. Andrew Folt; of typhoid fever, Jan. 9 '64. Joel Jones; of chronic diarrhea, at Bridgeport, Ala., Nov. 5 '63. Martin Krom; of disease, at Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 12 '64; Edmund Leaver; of typhoid fever, at Lookout Valley, Ga., Jan. 23, '64. John Personett; of disease, at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 17 '64. August Shawagar; of wound, at Newark, N. J., Sept. 17 '63. Abraham Vanderhoof; killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 16 '64. Thomas Williams; enrolled Nov. 27 '63; killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20 '64. Amzi Willis; Jan. 5 '64; died of dropsy, at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 1 '64. Louis Witte; drowned in Tennessee River, Nov. '63.

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