NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 18
Morris Co. Up



IN accordance with the provisions of the act of July 22nd 1861 a draft of 10,478 nine-months men was made August 4th 1862 in this State, and the allotment for this county was 650 men. The arrangements for the draft did not interfere with volunteering, and from Morris county companies were at once raised in this way for the 27th regiment, viz.: Company B, Captain John T. Alexander, from Randolph and Washington; Company C, Captain Nelson H. Drake, from Roxbury; Company E, Captain August D. Blanchet, from Chatham, Hanover, etc.; Company G, Captain James Plant, from Pequannock; Company I, Captain Alfred H. Condict, from Morris and Chester; Company L, Captain Henry F. Willis, from Rockaway.

George W. Mindel was colonel of the regiment. Augustus D. Blanchet was commissioned major September 23d 1862, being promoted from the captaincy of Company E. J. Henry Stiger was assistant surgeon of this regiment, as also of the 33d.

The regiment was mustered September 19th 1862, and left the State for Washington October 10th 1862. On arriving there it encamped on Capitol Hill, and soon after at Alexandria, where it was assigned to the 2nd brigade of Casey's division, defending Washington. On the 1st of December it went to the front of the army of the Potomac, being assigned to the 9th corps. In that connection it was engaged at Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th 1862. In February 1863 the corps went to Newport News, Va., to meet a threatened movement of the enemy. In the following month the 27th was detached from the 9th corps and sent to the west. On its way home after the expiration of its term it remained in Pittsburg and Harrisburg ten days to aid if needed in repelling Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania. The regiment was mustered out at Newark, N. J., July 2nd 1863.

The principal loss of the regiment occurred May 6th 1863, as related below substantially in the words of a member of the regiment, who wrote from near Somerset, Ky., four days after the affair:

"Last Tuesday we received a lot of tents borrowed from a cavalry regiment. We had hardly pitched them when a most bountiful storm visited us, but my tentmates and myself were prudent men, for we built our house upon a rock. The storm had just passed over when our adjutant ordered tents to be struck and line of march formed in fifteen minutes. In less than the allotted time the 27th was in line, ready for the word. The mud in the road was deep, and, as it is very 'unmilitary' to let down fences and walk on the sod, we splashed through it until about 3 o'clock P. M., when we encamped on a hill at whose foot flowed a splendid stream of clear cold water. Here Dayton and I fired a mammoth brush heap, by which we cooked our bacon, boiled our coffee, and dried our tents and blankets.

"In the morning bright and early we started for the Cumberland River, a distance of thirteen miles. We reached its banks at 3 o'clock P. M. The means of ferrying us over was flat boats--or, rather, coal barges--thirty feet long. To prevent the boats being washed down by the current two ropes were stretched across like a letter V, the two uniting in one on the opposite shore. The means of propelling us consisted of six men placed in the bow of the boat, who would grab the rope, pull, let go and grab again. The upper rope was used by the infantry, while the artillery and transportation train were carried over by the lower boat. All the companies with the exception of parts of companies C, B, and L had passed over without accident. Fifty or sixty men were carried over at each trip. Captain Alexander was in command of Company L. The boat that contained these companies had reached within forty feet of the opposite bank when the men at the bow lost hold of the rope and could not regain it. The boat started down stream, driven by a rapid current. The men became panic stricken and rushed to the opposite end of the boat, which caused it to sink, and in less time than it has taken me to write this account the whole boat-load was swept by the lower rope into the rapid Cumberland. Those who could swim were seized by the death grasp of those who could not swim. It was an awful sight. May God spare me from being again a spectator of such a scene. The men had on their cartridge boxes, filled with sixty rounds, and were fully armed, and equipped with tents, overcoats, blankets etc., which hindered many from saving themselves. I saw Captain Alexander and Orderly Sergeant Wiggins go down. Company B lost three men, Company C nine and Companies L and A twenty.

"After the accident we remained on the bank a day for the purpose of recovering the bodies that might float to our side of the river, as the rebels held the other side."

The following are rolls of the Morris county companies in the 27th. The men named entered the service for nine months, and as a rule were enrolled or commissioned September 3d and mustered in September 19th 1862, and mustered out July 2nd 1863. The exceptions are indicated.



Captains.--John T. Alexander, commissioned Sept. 6 '62, mustered Sept. 19 '62; drowned in Cumberland River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6 '63. Nathaniel K. Bray, commissioned and mustered May 7 '63; appointed 1st lieut. Co. D Sept. 3 '62.

First Lieutenant.--Jacob M. Stewart, commissioned Sept. 6 '62; mustered Sept. 19 '62.

Second Lieutenant.--George Hance, commissioned Sept. 6 '62; mustered Sept. 19 '62.

First Sergeant.--Theodore McEachron; appointed sergt. Sept. 3 '62; 1st sergt. May 12 '63.

Sergeants.--Morris H. Taylor, Jan. 1 '63; corp. Sept. 20 '62. Isaac Clark, Sept. 20 '62; corp. Sept. 3 '62. Frank Merchant, Jan. 1 '63; corp. Sept. 3 '62. Charles Mingus, May 12 '63; corp. Sept. 3 '62.

Corporals (with date of commission as such).--Samuel Smith, Sylvester C. Hulbert and Daniel K. Henderson, Sept. 20 '62. Henry B. Allen, Nov. 15 '62; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Joseph Hiler and William H. Ort, Feb. 7 '63. John Johnson, March 2 '63. Alexander L. Mott, May 12 '63.

Died.--Albert D. Wiggins, 1st sergt.; drowned in Cumberland River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6 '63.


Jacob Abers (musician). Peter K Abers (wagoner). Henry B. Anthony. Moses Beach. Theodore Beam. George Bolton; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. William Bonnell. Joseph and William Bournan. Thomas S. Boyd. Samuel P. Broadwell. Isaac H. Burnett. Francis Cain. Johnson Clark. Charles Conrad. James Convey; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Charles Y. and Lewis H. Cook. David E. and Ira C. Cooper. John B Crane and Peter Cruyse; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. David Davenport. Cyrus and Martin Dixon. Patrick Donahue; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. David Eagles. Ezekiel A. Frace. Hudson H. Gillen. Henry Hann. Joseph S. Hart. Andrew Hockenbury. Lemuel and Mannus Hoffman. Leonard N. Howell. George W. Hulburt; appointed sergt. Sept. 3 '62; private Jan. 1 '63. John H. Kaunmiller. Nathaniel Lawrence. George D. and James H. Losey. Andrew J. and James H. Miller. F. P. and Thomas A. Moore. Theodore F. Mott; appointed sergt. Sept. 3 '62; private Jan. 1 '63. Alfred and Samuel Nunn. Daniel Parks. David L. Powers. George W. Sayre, musician. John and William Schuyler. James Seguine. John Shawger; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Erastus H. Sofield. Jacob B. Swayze; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Jacob J. Tallman. David A. Trowbridge. Garrett Vandroof. Peter Vanderveer; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Whitfield H. Voorhees. Leonard F. Wack. George H. Wolfe. Samuel A. Wolfe; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Hiram C. Woods. George H. and Ira W. Young.

Discharged (for disability).--James Nunn; dis. Mar. 16 '63; appointed corp. Sept. 3 '62; private Nov. 1 '62. William Pulis, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; dis. Feb. 2 '63. George W. Shaffer, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; dis. Mar. 27 '63. David Squires; dis. Nov. 16 '62. James L. Talmadge; dis. Jan. 17 '63. Gabriel Tebo, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; dis. Jan. 5 '63.

Died.--Erastus Brant, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; drowned in Cumberland River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6 '63. William Daly; at Newport News, Va., Feb. 20 '63. William D. Hopler; of typhoid fever, at Aquia Creek, Va., 11 '63. Daniel D. Tuttle; of typhoid fever, at Washington, D. C., Mar. 1 '63.



Captains.--Nelson H. Drake, commissioned Sept. 6 and mustered Sept. 19 '62; resigned Oct. 13 '63. David S. Allen, commissioned Oct. 14 and mustered Oct. 24 '62; appointed 2nd lieut. Sept. 6 '62.

First Lieutenant.--Ferdinand V. Wolfe, commissioned Sept. 6 and mustered Sept. 19 '62.

Second Lieutenants.--Robert W. Simpson, commissioned Oct. 14 and mustered Oct. 24 '62; formerly sergt. Co. H 2nd N. J.; pro. 1st lieut. Co. K Dec. 23 '62. Henry A. McLaughlin, commissioned and mustered Dec. 23 '62; 1st sergt. 3 '62; resigned Mar. 9 '63. Isaac Bonnell jr., commissioned Mar. 10 '63; formerly 1st sergt. Co. D; prom. 1st lieut. Co. D May 7 '63. George W. Price, commissioned and mustered May 7 '63; formerly 1st sergt. Co. D.

First Sergeant.--Thomas Ripley, appointed Jan. 1 '63; sergt. Sept. 3 '62.

Sergeants (enrolled Sept. 3 and mustered Sept. 19 '62). --Thomas L. King. Abram Skinner, appointed sergt. Apr. 24 '63. Thomas Canar, sergt. Jan. 1 '63; previously corp. Abram Magee, sergt. Jan. 1 '63; tr. from Co. F. Theodore Neighbour, appointed corp. Dec. 1 '62; sergt. Jan. 1 '63; pro. sergt. major Apr. 20 '63.

Corporals (enrolled Sept. 3 and mustered Sept. 19 '62; appointed corp. at the date following their names).--Daniel Van Fleet, Apr. 24 '63. Marcus R. Meeker. Joseph Allen. Sherwood Culver, May 7 '63. William K. Caskey. David W. Welsh. Henry Salmon, Jan. 1 '63. Arthur Edner, Apr. 16 '62.

Died.--Corporal Augustus W. Salmon, of disease, at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Nov. 30 '62. Corporal Charles Stephens, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6' 63.


Morris Aider. John L. Allen. Daniel P. Apgar. Edward S. Apgar. Jacob Appleget. James Arnet. David and Philip Beam. Peter Bird jr. Robert H. and William Blair. Michael Brisland, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Henry Case, wagoner. Frederick S. Clawson. D. Judson Cook; pro. hospital steward Jan. 1 '63. Morris Coss; tr. from Company A. Joseph K. Davis. Lee Davis; appointed sergt. Sept. 3 '62; private Jan. 1 '63. Marcus R. De Camp. John M. Dickerson. Zachariah D. Drake. Louis Fancher. David Fluke. Nathan C. French. Jacob Gess. Benjamin P. Jackson. John W. Jackson. Joseph W. Jones. George A. Lawrence. George R. Leport. Eliphalet Lyon. Robert McPherson. Jesse Miller. Henry Niper. Thomas Patterson. Patrick Pepper. Stephen Pierson. Ezekiel Rarick. Thomas Reed. Edwin H. and Elisha E. Reger. Samuel M. Rheinhart. Jetur A. Riggs, corp. Sept. 3 '62; private Oct. 16 '62. Samuel Sharp. Charles and John Spencer. Elias H. Stephens. Peter Stump. David W. Thomas. George S. Trimmer. William Weire. Thomas Wilson. Alexander S. and John C. Woodruff. Charles Woolverton. Jacob W. Yauger.

Discharged for Disability.--Anthony Hayward, at New York, Feb. 18 '63. John Hilts, at Washington, Mar. 10 '63. Elijah Niper, at New York, Jan. 9 '63.

Died (where not otherwise stated, drowned in the Cumberland River, as related on page 93).--Joseph R. Arch, of disease, at Washington, Feb. 9 '63. Frederick Cratsley, of disease, at Somerset, Ky., May 31 '63. Edward Dolen. Alonzo J. Jackson, of laryngitis, at Washington, Mar. 17 '63. John B. McPeak. George W. Sovereign, of typhoid fever, at Washington, Jan. 27 '63. Amos G. Stephens. Benjamin Stoney. Andrew J. Willetts. Martin V. B. Williamson, of disease, at Washington, Mar. 7 '63. Matthias Williamson, of disease, at Wheeling, West Va., June 19 '63. Andrew J. Youngs.



Captains.--Augustus D. Blanchet, commissioned Sept. 3 and mustered Sept. 19 '62; pro. major Sept. 23 '62. Hudson Kitchel, commissioned Oct. 1 and mustered Oct. 16 '62; 2nd lieut. Sep. 3 '62; resigned Nov. 12 '62. George W. Crane, commissioned and mustered Nov. 11 '62; 1st lieut. Sept. 4 '62.

First Lieutenants.--Edward S. Baldwin, Nov. 11 '62; pro. capt. Co. K Dec. 23 '62; 2nd lieut. Co. K Sept. 13 '62. James Peters, Dec. 23 '62; 2nd lieut. Co. F Sept. 11 '62.

Second Lieutenants.--David B. Muchmore, commissioned Oct. 1 and mustered Oct. 16 '62; dis. March 1 '63, for disability; 1st sergt. Sept. 3 '62. Edward W. Schofield, Mar. 1 '63; sergt. Sept. 3 '62; 1st sergt. Oct. 16 '62.

First Sergeant.--A. H. Mulford, Mar. 1 '63; sergt. Sept 3 '62.

Sergeants.--Robert A. Halliday, Oct. 16 '62; previously corp. John W. Brown. Philip M. Thompson. James Vannia, Mar. 1 '63; previously corp.

Corporals.--Elias H. Carter. William H. Hyland. Thomas Woods; appointed Oct. 16 '62. Matthias Burnett. George M. Tuttle, Michael Cummings and Charles Noonan, appointed March 1 '63, Albert T. Tappan, dis. for disability, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., March 19 '63. John H. Eldridge, dis. for disability, at Philadelphia, Jan. 29 '63.


John Ahrens; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Louis Bassett. John M. Beach. Daniel Berry. Samuel J. Betts. Charles Brant. Manning C. Broadwell. Joseph L. Bryan. David Burr. Harman Ciscoe. Henry S. Clark. John Daily. Thomas Doyle. John Eakley. Hercules Edwards. Lewis Etsell. Theodore F. Garrison. William Garrison. Barnabas C. Goucher. Lewis F. Gregory. Ezra P. Gulick. Bruno Hagg. Samuel L. Hopkins. Moses W. Johnson. Warren S. Kelly. William Kincaid. Jared L. Kitchel, musician. Thomas Knowles. Lemuel Lawrence; died of typhoid fever, at Newport News, Va., March 19 '63. William Lockwood. John A Lyon. Samuel Magee. Daniel Maher. John McNeal. Michael Mohair. Benjamin C. Morris. Jared C. Morris. Sylvester W. Morris. James Noonan. John O'Brien. William H. O'Neill. Jacob Ortell. Samuel Parsons, wagoner. Jacob Phoenix; corp. Sept. 3 '62; private Oct. 1 '62. Ion Rawlins. William H. Rickley. Philip Ryan. Ralph G. Schenck. George W. Shelly. Patrick Sheridan. Robert Smith. Elijah T. Squier. Amnon M. Stanford. Frederick Steinhauser. Andrew J. Taylor. John M. Taylor. Henry D. Todd. Theodore D. Tompkins. David E. Totten. Charles H. Tunis; corp. Sept. 3 '62; private Oct. 1 '62. Harvey Tunis. Alexander Vandonia, musician. Edmond Van Orden. Joseph H. Vreeland. James, John and Patrick Walsh. Luther T. Ward. John H. Whitehead. Lewis C. Wood. Charles Young.

Discharged for Disability.--Nathaniel Haycock, at Washington, Feb. 27 '63. Ebenezer F. Lockwood, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., March 19 '63. Peter Rawson, at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Dec. 1 '62. Hugh Wylie, at Washington, Jan. 26 '63.



Captain.--James Plant, commissioned Sept. 1 '62.

First Lieutenant.--George S. Esten, commissioned Sept. 1 '62.

Second Lieutenants.--George Anthony, commissioned Sept. 1 '62; resigned Dec. 22 '62. Joseph A. Proctor; commissioned and mustered Dec. 23 '62; sergt. Sept. 3 '62.

First Sergeants.--George Forbes; pro. 2nd lieut. Co. F Dec. 23 '62. Emmett L. Ellithorp; sergt. Sept. 3 '62; 1st sergt. Dec. 23 '62; 2nd lieut. Co. K Jan. 15 '63. George Carlough; Jan. 15 '63; sergt. Sept. 3 '62.

Sergeants (all but the last appointed corporals Sept. 3 '63).--George W. D. Courter and Obadiah S. Parker, Dec. 23 '62. Charles Brezette, Feb. 1 '63. David Dawson.

Corporals.--Thomas T. Richards. Gabriel Parrott. Elijah B. Hamma. James H. Doremus. Cornelius H. Van Ness. George Gleason and Paul H. Mandeville, appointed corp. Dec. 23 '62. Thomas H. Northwood; prom. corp. Feb. 1 '63.


Joseph Bajoe. S. Y. Baldwin. Charles E. Blowers. Dennis Brown. Stephen Carman. David E. and Edward Conklin. Asa, George S. and James H. Cook. Stephen A Cooper. John W. Crane, musician. George B. Cummins. John K. Darrah. Hudson Davenport, Eli B. Dawson, musician. Peter Dempsey. Jeremiah Doremus. James Dwyer. Mark Evarts jr. Erastus Fields. John Filleo. John W. Fredericks. Robert Galloway. Peter J. and William Gould. John Grady. Henry J. Hill. Joseph and Joshua Hillas. Daniel Hines. James Holly. William Husk. A. R. and Garrett Jacobus. Cornelius H. and William H. Kayhart. Napolean Laflam, wagoner. John Lepard. Conrad Lines. Charles E. Looker. Lyman Mandeville. Edward McConnell. George McNeal. George and John Morgan, John, John H. and Joseph H. Myers. Louis Paradise. William P. Parrott. Joseph Peare. Peter Pero. Abraham Pierson. John J. Provost. Samuel Reeves. George Richardson. Michael Schaaf. Henry Shinehouse. John Stillwell. John and Thompson Taylor. Eugene Valley. George G., Henry G., Martin B. and Richard H. Van Duyne. Henry J. Vanness. John H. Van Riper. John Walley. John and Wllliam Whitten. William Worman. John M. Yatman.

Discharged.--William H. Conklin, May 28 '63, for disability. William H. Davenport, April 10 '63, for chronic rheumatism. John U. Jacobus, March 12 '63, for disability.

Died.--Abraham Cooper, of consumption, at Washington, Jan. 3 '63. Richard C. Hyler, of consumption, near Stanford, Ky., April 25 '63. Alfred Miller, of inflammation of the lungs, at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Nov. 8 '62. Louis Robere, of consumption, at Fortress Monroe, Va., April 6 '63.



Captain.--Alfred H. Condict; commissioned Sept. 4 '62.

First Lieutenants.--Peter Churchfield; commissioned Sept. 4 '62; resigned April 19 '63. David H. Ayres; commissioned and mustered April 20 '63; 2nd lieut. Sept. 4 '62.

Second Lieutenant.--John H. Medcraft; commissioned and mustered April 20 '63; sergt. major Sept. 19 '62.

First Sergeant.--J. Warren Kitchel.

Sergeants.--Charles T. Borland. David R. Emmons jr. William Van Houten. Stephen Pierson; mustered in Oct. 16 '62; corp. Sept. 3 '62; sergt. Nov. 1 '62; 2nd lieut. Co. D March 4 '63.

Corporals.--Jacob W. Searing. Amzi A. Beach. Walter Condict; pro. corp. Nov. 15 '62. James L. Willison. Charles A. Sutton. Theodore L. Cory. George L. McDowell.


Peter Ammerman. David Baird. Lewis A. and William A. Bedell. James Booth. Thomas Bowman. Joseph G. Carpenter. Peter Carroll. Martin T. Clawson. Charles L. Clement; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. John Cody. Stephen Cooper. Henry H. Corwin. Caleb A. Cory. A. L. De Hart. Henry H. Emmons. Benjamin P. Ford. Chileon Goble. Lucius P Harmas, musician. William L. Hathaway. John G. Hempstead, wagoner. William Hodgson. William K. Hoffman. John T. Horton. George P. Howard. William F. Jacobus; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Lewis Johnson. Edward C. Jolly. Abraham M. Langes. Charles G. Loree. Cyrus Lyons. Patrick Maloney. Simon Marcell; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Frank H. McGoldrich. Newton A. Merritt. William Moneypenny. Samuel and William H. Moore. William Morland. David Paul. William H. Percy. Eben N. and George H. Pierson. Amos and Edward W. Pruden. Aaron Ralph. George W. Redding. Theodore F. Reeve; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. John Sanders. Thomas Scudder. James S. Skellenger. Samuel K. Smack. C. F. Smack; musician. Amos and Philip Smith. James S. and Seymour Teets. William Thomas. John H. and Stephen totten. Joseph Trowbridge. William J. Turner. Elijah Van Duyne. H. L. and Samuel E. Whitenack. Charles Williams. George N. Willis. Henry Witkoff. William Wortman. John D. Wyckoff. John Zimmerman.

Discharged (for disability).--Theodore H. Egbert, June 19 '63. Gershom W. Gillum, Mar. 17 '63. John A. Hopkins, Feb. 6 '63. andrew Morris, June 19 '63. John T. Reed, Feb. 23 '63. Theodore L. Van Dorn, May 22 '63. Peter B. Whitenack, Nov. 30 '62.

Died.--John Cogan, of apoplexy, March 23 '63, at Baltimore. Stephen Doty, of small pox, at Washington, Apr. 17 '63. W. H. H. Haines, of typhoid fever, at Fortress Monroe, Va., Mar. 7 '63. Harvey G. Howell, of bronchitis, at Washington, Feb. 16 '63. William Sargeant, of congestion of the brain, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., Feb. 28, '63.



Captains.--Henry F. Willis; commissioned Sept. 2, '62; mustered Sept. 22 '62; pro. major May 1 '63. Jacob McConnell; commissioned and mustered May 1 '63; appointed 2nd lieut. Co. K, Nov. 11 '62; 1st lieut. Jan. 15 '63.

First Lieutenants.--Stephen H. Marsh; commissioned Sept. 2 '62; mustered Sept. 22 '62; pro. capt. Co. F, Jan. 15, '63. Joseph C. Bower; commissioned and mustered May 1 '63; 2nd lieut. Sept. 2 '62.

Second Lieutenant.--Henry Lumsden; enrolled and mustered May 1 '63; 1st sergt. Sept. 3 '62.

First Sergeant.--Lemuel C. Smith, May 1 '63; sergt. Sept. 3 '62.

Sergeants (all but the first appointed corporal Sept. 3 '62).--Barnabas K. Hall. Thomas A. Zeak, Jan. 20 '63. William G. Mitchell, May 1 '63. John D. Allison, June 8 '63.

Corporals.--David H. Gardner. Jacob H. Blanchard, Mar. 1 '63. George R. Todd. David Degraw, Mar. 15 '63. Morris H. Shauger, Apr. 8 '63. William H. Davenport, May 1 '63. Miller Smith and Wilmot D. Wear, June 8 '63.

Discharged.--Jacob Van Winkle, corp., for disability, Mar. 10 '63.

Died.--James M. Freeman, sergt., of typhoid fever, at Hickman's Bridge, Ky., June 8 '63. William Howell, corp., of typhoid fever, at Baltimore, Apr. 11 '63.


Manning Blanchard. Jonathan Brannin. James Colligan. Owen Conley, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. James H. Crane. Edward Davenport. David Davis. James Gallagher. Abram L. Gordon. John Hamilton. Lewis Hamilton, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. C. H. Hopping, wagoner. Frederick F. Hulmes. Benjamin F. Knapp. Theodore H. Marsh. Edwin P. Merritt, musician. William C. Mills. John W. Morgan. Harrison Morse. Phineas B. Myers. John Partington. Calvin, Hezekiah and Peter Peer. Manning R. Roll. John Rowe. William H. Savacool. Amos Sayre, musician. Thaddeus B. Schofield. William Scribner. William W. Shauger. Moses E. Smith, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Thomas D. Smith. John Spear. Levi R. Stickle. Jacob Switzer. Andrew J. Tuers. John Vanderbilt jr. Anthony Van Orden. Lewis Ward. Charles W. Winget.

Discharged (for disability).--Abner Bastedo, Apr. 7 '63. Cyrus Demouth, Mar. 2 '63. James D. Kitchel, Dec. 1 '62. Nicholas Lash, June 19 '63. Anthony F. Snover, Feb. 22 '63. Caleb Winget, June 19 '63. Gilbert Zeak, Dec. 1 '61.

Died.--Gideon Bastedo and Joseph Class, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '63. James H. Collard, of typhoid fever, at Washington, Jan. 8 '63. Joseph Degraw, of dysentery, near Stanford, Ky., May 2 '63. Lemuel Degraw and Jesse Demouth, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '63. Thomas Demouth, of typhoid fever, at Washington, Jan. 26 '63. William Demouth, of chronic diarrhea, near Newport News, Va., Mar. 1 '63. John Denike, of pneumonia, at Fortress Monroe, Va., Mar. 31 '63. James H. Fuller and Levi O. Green, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '63. William Haycock, of chronic diarrh‘a, near Newport News, Va., Mar 15 '63. Henry Kanouse, of pleurisy, near Stanford, Ky., Mar. 20 '63. John McCloskey. Barnabas K. Miller, Edward Nichols, William Ockobock, Thomas Odell, James O'Neil, Rolson Peer, Wilson Pittenger, Eliakim Sanders, George Shauger, James Shaw, Samuel H. Smith, and William H. Weaver, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '63.

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