NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 16
Morris Co. Up



IN May 1862 the governor, in anticipation of the call for 300,000 three-years men which was made July 7th, authorized the recruiting of men for the 11th New Jersey volunteers. Captain Dorastus B. Logan at once commenced raising a company, afterward mustered as Company H of that regiment. On the 18th of June he took 29 men to the rendezvous, Camp Olden at Trenton. When the call came from the governor, July 8th, in pursuance of the President's call of the day before, for four regiments, this company was rapidly filled. At the same time Thomas J. Halsey of Dover began the raising of Company E for the same regiment. He was commissioned major September 14th 1863. Robert McAllister was colonel. The 11th was mustered into the United States service Aug. 18th and left Trenton for Washington Aug 25th. After remaining near Washington till Nov. 16th the regiment was attached to Gen. Carr's brigade, Sickles's division Army of the Potomac. It served through the war, participating in the following engagements, all in Virginia excepting Gettysburg:

Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th 1862; Chancellorsville, May 3d and 4th 1863; Gettysburg, Pa., July 2nd and 3d 1863; Wapping Heights, July 24th 1863; Kelly's Ford, November 8th 1863; Locust Grove, Nov. 27th 1863; Mine Run, November 29th 1863; Wilderness, May 5th-7th 1864; Spottsylvania, May 8th-18th 1864; North Anna River, May 23d and 24th 1864; Tolopotomy Creek, May 30th and 31st 1864; Cold Harbor, June 1st-5th 1864; Baker's Mills, June 10th 1864; before Petersburg, June 16th-23d and July 30th 1864; Deep Bottom, July 26th and 27th 1864; North Bank of James River, Aug. 14th-18th 1864; Ream's Station, Aug. 25th 1864; Fort Sedgwick, September 18th 1864; Poplar Spring Church, Oct. 2nd 1864; Boydon Plank Road (capture of Petersburg), April 2nd 1865; Amelia Springs, April 6th 1865; Farmville, April 6th and 7th 1865; Appomattox, April 9th 1865.

Following are the records of the Morris county companies in the 11th regiment:



The following officers were commissioned or enrolled at the dates immediately following their names, and all but one of them for the period of three years. Where but one date is given it was also that of muster-in. Where two are given the last is the date of muster-in. The date of muster-out, where not otherwise indicated, was June 6th 1865:

Captains.--Thomas J. Halsey, Aug. 19 '62; prom. major Sept. 14 '63. Edward E. S. Newberry, Nov. 17 '63, Jan. 7 '64; enlisted as private Co. D 3d N, J.; prom. 1st lieut. Aug. 19 '62; resigned captaincy Jan. 28 '64 to accept commission in veteran reserve corps. Charles F. Gage, June 26 '64, July 20 '64; appointed 1st lieut. Co. G Dec. 5 '63; brevet major Apr. 9 '65.

First Lieutenants.--William H. Egan, Oct. 5 '63, Oct. 31 '63; appointed 1st sergt. July 22 '62; 1st lieut. Co. H Oct. 5 '63; transferred from Co. H Jan. 1 '64; killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. Cyprian H. Rossiter, Oct. 25 '64, Nov. 19 '64; appointed 2nd lieut. Co. B Sept. 18 '64; commissioned captain Co. F June 13 '65; not mustered.

Second Lieutenants--Silas W. Volk, Aug. 19 '62; resigned Dec. 10 '63. Joseph C. Baldwin, Feb. 18 '63, Mar. 16, '63; transferred from Co F Apr. 16 '64; killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. Charles A. Oliver, June 26 '64, July 20 '64; formerly sergt. Co. I; pro. 1st lieut. Co. A Oct. 23 '64. Titus Berry jr., Oct. 23 '64, Nov. 19 '64; appointed corp. Aug. 9 '62; sergt. Sept. 1 '63; commissioned adj. June 18 '65; not mustered.

First Sergeant.--Augustus Tucker, sergt. Aug. 18 '62; 1st sergt. Nov. 1 '63.

Sergeants.--Amos H. Schoonover, Sept. 13 '64, for 1 year; pro. 2nd lieut. Co. C Sept. 18 '64. Alpheus Iliff, corp. July 15 '62; sergt. July 1 '63; commissioned 2nd lieut. Co. B May 22 '65 and 1st lieut. Co. H June 13 '65, but not mustered. Thomas D. Marbacker, July 19 '62; appointed corp. Aug. 20 '63; sergt. Nov. 1 '63. Edward J. Kinney, Aug. 16 '62; appointed corp. Aug. 20 '63; sergt. Sept. 8 '64; dis. May 3 '65.

Corporals.--Morris L. Ackerman, Aug. 18 '62; dis. May 3 '65. Absalom S. Talmadge, Aug. 18 '62; dis. May 3 '65. George Zindle, Aug. 18 '65; appointed corp. July 1 '64; dis. May 3 '65. Leonard V. Gillen, Aug. 16 '62; appointed corp. July 1 '64. James Brannin, Aug. 18 '62; corp. Oct. 1 '64. Bishop W. Mainis, July 28 '62, July 29 '62; corp. Oct. 6 '64; dis. May 3 '65. Charles H. Johnson jr., Aug. 18 '62; corp. Nov. 1 '64. Frederick Cook, Aug. 16 '62; corp. Nov. 1 '64.

Died.--Sergeants: Charles Brandt, Aug. 5 '62; died of scurvy at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 31 '64; appointed corp. Aug. 5 '62; sergt. Aug. 1 '53. James McDavitt, Aug. 16 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. Eliphalet Sturdevant, August 18 '62; died in hospital at Gettysburg, Pa., July 13 '63, of wounds received there.


The date of enrollment and muster-in and the number of years for which the man enlisted follow the name; the date of muster-out was June 6 '65 if nothing appears to the contrary.

Charles H. Aber, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Joseph H. Berry, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Samuel Bozegar, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr. Holmes Brittin, Sept. 26 '64, 1; dr.; dis. May 3 '65. Oliver Bruch, Aug. 12 '64, 3. Thomas Bush, Sept. 1 '64, 1. Lewis A. De Camp, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Patrick Gallagher, Aug. 14 '62, 3. Jacob Genther, July 22 '62; 3. John H. Gilbert, July 25 '62, 3. Charles E. Guard, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Matthias and Peter Henderson, Sept. 21 '64, 3; dr. Charles Hulse, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr. Philip Jayne, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Joseph C. Johnson, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr. Robert and Zachariah Johnson, Sept. 28 '64, 1; dr. Benjamin H. Joiner, sergt. July 22 '62, 3; private Sept. 1' 62. Jonathan C. Knowles, Aug. 2 '62, 3. John Litz, Aug. 8 '64, 1; dis. May 30 '65. Lewis M. Lorey, Aug. 30 '64, 1. William Lowery, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr. Albert P. Lyon, Aug. 16 '62, 3. David Marley, Sept. 1 '64, 1; m. o. Aug. 13 '65. Joseph McNear, Sept. 5 '64, 1; tr. from Co. G. George M. Merritt, musician, Aug. 18 '62. James P. Myers, July 19 '62, 3. John O'Dell, Aug. 18 '62, 3. E. W. Philhower, wagoner, July 25 '62. Albert T. Phillips, Aug. 29 '64, 1. Richard J. Porter, Sept. 26 '64, 1; dr. Henry Rinkler, Mar. 2 '65, 3. Samuel Robinson, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Samuel Rose, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr.; dis. May 3 '65. Alonzo B. Searing, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Lambert Sharp, July 23 '62, 3. Frank E. Shilstone, Aug. 16 '64, 1; dis. May 3 '65. George Smith, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr. James Smith, Sept. 21 '64, 1; dr. Solomon Soper, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr.; dis. May 3 '65. William Throckmorton and Joseph E. Wainwright, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dr. Joseph W. Walton, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. May 3 '65. William Wood, Aug. 16 '62, 3. Gilbert D. Young, Aug. 16 '62. 3. William Young, Aug. 16 '64, 1.

Discharged (for disability where no other cause is given).--George Apgar, July 29 '62, 3; dis. Dec. 28 '63. Henry C. Cook, Aug. 11 '62, 3; dis. Dec. 29 '62. Jacob Egerter, July 29 '62, 3; dis. Apr. 4 '64. James M. Ford, Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Sept. 25 '63. Marcus S. Ford, Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Oct. 13 '63. James Henderson, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Mar. 19 '63. Louis Lambert, Sept. 27 '64, 1; dis. Sept. 8 '64 to accept commission in 20th N. Y. Stephen Leffler, Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Feb. 2 '63. William Minton, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Dec. 15 '64. Steinzilo Monice, Aug, 18 '62, 3; dis. Feb. 19 '63. William A. Murphy, Aug. 13 '63, 3; dis. Jan. 6 '64. Octavus L. Pruden, Aug. 16, '62, 3; dis. October 23 '63 to join regular army. Richard Shauger, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Nov. 29 '62. Zadoc Sperry, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Aug. 14 '63. John Talmadge, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Jan. 15 '63. John H. Wilson, Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Apr. 14 '64. Joseph Zindle, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Feb. 28 '63.

Transferred.--David B. Alpaugh, Jan. 28 '64, 3; to v. r. c. Apr. 27 '65; dis. June 19 '65. Elias H. Blanchard, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 15 '64. Charles Bowman, Aug. 5 '62, 3; to v. r. c. July 1 '64; dis. June 29 '65. John Burk, Aug. 14 '63, 3; to v. r. c. Feb. 15 '64; dis. Aug. 14 '65. William Burns, Oct. 8 '64, 1; to Co. B 12th N. J. Charles Davis, Oct. 10 '64, 1; to Co. I 12th N. J. John Farnum, Aug. 16 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. John W. Ford, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Aug. 1 '63; dis. Nov. 12 '63. William F. Hogbin, Aug. 12 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. James Howden, June 15 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. Thomas Kelly, June 13 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. James King, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Sept. 1 '63. William King, June 16 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. Charles A. Kinney, Aug. 18 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Aug. 10 '64; dis. June 29 '65. Joseph H. Lee, July 19 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. David Lundy, June 16 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. Henry McLane, Sept. 1 '64, 1; to Co. B 12th N. J. Waldemar M. Melchert, June 11 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. William Osborn, Aug. 18 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 13 '65. Armstrong Powell, Aug. 15 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. William Reiser, Feb. 24 '65, 1; to Co. A 12th N. J. James Riley, Oct. 7 '64, 1; to Co. B 12th N. J. Thomas Scattergood, Mar. 31 '63, 3; to v. r. c. Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 24 '65. George Schoonover, Feb. 25 '65, 1; to Co. B 12th N. J. Killian Schulze, Sept. 2 '64, 1; to Bat. A. John Smith, Oct. 8 '64, 1; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. John Sullivan, Aug. 16 '64, 3; to Co. A. John F. Sullivan, June 15 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J. Mahlon D. Talmadge, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Sept. 1 '63; dis. June 29 '65. Reuben E. Talmadge, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. March 15 '64; dis. June 30 '65. Samuel Taylor, May 10 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. Alva S. Valentine, Sept. 1 '64, 1; to Co. M 3d N. J. cav. James J. Van Orden, Aug. 18 '62, 3; to v. r. c. April 26 '65; dis. June 29 '65. Isaac Woolverton, June 17 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 23 '64; dis. June 23 '65; appointed sergt. June 17 '62; private Sept. 1 '63. James K. Youmans, Aug. 18 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Jan. 15 '64; dis. July 3 '65.

Died.--(With the exception of Mr. Atkinson these men entered the service for three years; the date of enrollment and muster-in follows the name). James Atkinson, Sept. 27 '64; dr. for 1 year; missing at Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27 '64. Joshua Beach, Aug. 13 '62; died of scurvy at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 1 '64. John Cook, July 23 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63 David Daley, June 17 '62; missing at Gettysburg, Pa, July 3 '63. James F. Gibson, July 24 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea at Trenton, N. J., Mar. 4 '65, while on a furlough. Peter Hann, Aug. 12 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. William W. Hoffman, July 29 '62; died of disease at Richmond, Va., Apr. 12 '64. William Horton, Aug. 18 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. Charles Mann, Aug. 5 '62; killed at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27 '63. John Mann, Aug. 12 '62; died at Chancellorsville, Va., May 11 '63, of wounds received there. Jacob Miller, Aug. 18 '62; missing at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3 '63. Thomas Murray, June 17 '62; died at Washington, May 28 '63, of wounds received at Chancellorsville. Riley O'Brien, June 17 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. Isaac O'Dell, Aug. 16 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea near Falmouth Va., Mar. 9 '63. Daniel H. Palmer, Aug. 16 '62; died at Washington, June 23 '63, of wounds received at Chancellorsville. William B. Phillips, Aug. 12 '62; captured before Petersburg, Va., June 22 '64; died at Florence, S. C., Nov. 15 '64. James Ridgeway, Aug. 10 '64; dr.; died of chronic diarrhoea, at New York, Nov. 9 '64. Elihu F. Rose, corp., Aug. 18 '62; killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10 '64. C. M. Shauger, Aug. 18 '62; died of typhoid fever near Falmouth, Va., March 29 '63. James W. Smith, July 29 '62; died of intermittent fever near Alexandria, Va., Nov. 26 '62. William H. Sweet, Aug. 18 '62; missing at Chancellorsville, May 3 '63. Cyrus L. Talmadge, Aug. 18 '62; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 2 '64. Thomas Tinney, Aug. 16 '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 '63. Gilbert Young, July 16 '62; died of smallpox, at Washington, Dec. 8 '62.



The following were commissioned or enrolled, and mustered in for three years' service, at the dates following their names:

Captains.--Dorastus B. Logan, Aug. 13 '62, Aug. 14 '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 '63. Ira W. Cory, July 3 '63, Oct. 23 '63; appointed sergt. Co. K 7th N. J.; 1st lieut. Aug. 13 '62; on detached service at draft rendezvous, Trenton; m. o. June 5 '65.

First Lieutenants.--William H. Egan, Oct. 5 '63, Oct. 31 '63; appointed 1st sergt. Co. E; tr. to that company Jan. 1 '64. Alexander Cummings, Nov. 13 '63, Nov. 24 '63; appointed 1st sergt. June 17 '62; 2nd lieut. Sept. 20 '63; tr. from Co. K Jan. 1 '64; dismissed May 8 '65.

Second Lieutenant--William E. Axtell, Aug. 13 '62, Aug. 14 '62; resigned Sept. 29 '63, from wounds received at Gettysburg; commissioned 1st lieut. July 2 '63; not mustered.

First Sergeants.--Alonzo M. Merritt, sergt., July 26 '62; 1st sergt. Jan. 1 '64; sergt. major May 13 '64. Watson P. Tuttle, corp. June 17 '62; 1st sergt. June 1 '64; sergt. major Sept. 1 '64. Michael J. Southard, July 5 '62; pro. corp. May 4 '63; 1st sergt. Oct. 1 '64; captured and paroled; dis. Apr. 28 '65.

Sergeants.--William S. Stout, June 17 '62; appointed corp. Sept. 1 '63; sergt. Jan. 1 '64; m. o. June 6 '65. Peter Stone, Aug. 6 '62; appointed corp. Jan. 1 '64; sergt. Sept. 1 '64; commissioned 2nd lieut. Co. B June 13 '65; not mustered. George W. Hedden, June 26 '62; pro. corp. Feb. 1 '63; sergt. Oct. 1 '64; m. o. June 6 '65.

Corporals.--Nathaniel Clark, July 21 '62; pro. corp. May 4 '63; m. o. June 6 '65. Lambert Riker, June 17 '62; pro. corp. Sept. 1 '63; m. o. June 6 '65. John J. Sites, July 5 '62; pro. corp. Aug. 1 '63; dis. May 3 '65. George A. Stevens, June 17 '62; m. o. June 6 '65. William S. Goarkee, July 9 '62; pro. corp. Oct. 1 '64; m. o. June 6 '65.

Musician.--William Y. Kelly, July 5 '62; m. o. June 6 '65.

Discharged.--Sergeant Thomas S. Mitchell, enrolled and mustered June 17 '62; dis. Mar. 19 '63 for disability. Musician William H. Egbert, enrolled and mustered Aug. 14 '62; dis. for disability Jan. 16 '63. Wagoner David H. Thomas, enrolled and mustered June 17 '62; dis. Jan. 9 '63 for disability.

Transferred (date of enrollment and muster following the name).--Sergeants: Silas C. Todd, June 17 '62; to v. r. c. Aug. 6 '64; dis. June 17 '65. Henry C. Woodruff, July 21 '62; to v. r. c. Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 6 '65; appointed corp. July 21 '62; sergt. Apr. 1 '63. Corporals: Erastus H. Rorick, Aug. 6 '62; to v. r. c. July 1 '63; dis. Aug. 19 '64; prom. corp. Sept. 1 '62. Oliver Ayres, July 5 '62; to v. r. c. Dec. 7 '63; dis. Oct. 3 '64; prom. corp. Jan. 1 '63.

Died.--John V. Lanterman, 1st sergt., enrolled and mustered June 17 '62; killed at Spottsylvania Courthouse, Va., May 12 '64. Daniel Bender, sergt., enrolled and mustered June 17 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. Charles W. Buck, corp., enrolled and mustered July 30 62, died of debility, on furlough, at Washington, Mar. 13 '63. John S. Harden, corp., enrolled and mustered July 14 '62; died of congestion of the brain near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Oct. 9 '62. John Fleming, corp., enrolled and mustered July 9 '62.; appointed corp. Oct. 9 '62; killed in action near Petersburg, Va., June 16 '64.


The date immediately following these names is that of enrollment and muster. The figure 1 after the date shows that the man entered the service for one year; in other cases the term of enlistment was three years. The date of muster-out was June 6 1865, where nothing appears to the contrary.

John Anderson, June 24 '62. Albert L. Axtell, July 5 62. Solomon G. Cannon, June 17 '62; captured and paroled; dis. May 12 '65. John Caspar, Sept. 1 '64, 1; dis. May 3 '65. Jacob S. Clawson, Aug. 1 '62. Christian Clevel, Aug. 17 '64; dis. June 12 '65. Joseph L. Decker, July 19 '62. Timothy Furl, July 9 '62. Daniel C. Higgins, June 16 '64; dis. Apr. 8 '65. John Hoffman, Sept. 1 '64; dis. Apr. 28 '65. George Horton, July 5 '62. Joseph R. Mackey, July 5 '62; dis. May 3 '65. Lewis N. McPeake, Aug. 15 '62; dis. May 3 '65. Morris Myers, Sept. 28 '64, 1. John Motti, Sept. 28 '64, 1. George Murphy, corp. June 17 '62; private Jan. 1 '63: dis. May 3 '65. Hans T. Olson, Sept. 28 '64, 1. Bartley Owen, July 23 '62; captured and paroled; dis. May 12 '65. Michael Raiter, Sept. 28 '64, 1. Jacob Schneider, Sept. 28 '64, 1. William Southard, July 5 '62. Antoine Stael, Sept. 28 '64, 1. Henry Stibling, Sept. 26 '64, 1. John Stone, Sept. 28 '64, 1. John V. Stout, June 17 '62. James Sweeney, June 20 '62. Thomas Welsh, Sept. 26 '64, 1.

Discharged.--(The date of enrollment and muster follows the name. All but one were three-years men. The cause of discharge was physical disability where no other is given). Joshua Barber, July 30 '62; dis. Oct. 20 '64. for wounds received at Spottsylvania. Henry Bayard, June 11 '64; dis. May 30 '65, for wounds received at Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27 '64. George Brown, Sept. 1 '64; dishonorably discharged Mar. 1 '65. Dennis Crater, July 16 '62; dis. May 3 '65, for wounds at Spottsylvania. Edward Emerson, Sept. 28 '64, 1 year; dis. July 12 '65, for wounds at Fort Morton, Va., Nov. 5 '64. George W. Jackson, June 17 '62; dis. Jan 14 '63. James N. Jarvis, June 26 '62; dis. Dec. 30 '62. Constant V. King, Aug. 1 '62; dis. Aug. 27 '63. Patrick King, July 26 '62; dis. Dec. 3 '63, for wounds at Gettysburg. Marshall Love, Aug. 14 '62; dis. July 21 '63. George H. McDougall, June 17 '62; dis. Jan. 23 '63. Reuben O'Dell, June 28 '62; dis. Mar. 25 '65. Robert D. Owen, July 21 '62; dis. Jan. 9 '63. Timothy K. Pruden, June 17 '62; dis. Dec. 15 '63, for wounds at Gettysburg. Edward Rich, July 5 '62; dis. Apr. 25 '63. David A. Riker, July 24 '62; dis. Dec. 24 '62. William Rowley, July 5 '62; dis. April 25 '63. William Shack, July 30 '62; dis. Jan. 5 '63. William Sullivan, July 2 '62; dis. Jan. 5 '63. John Wright, June 24 '62; dis. Aug. 15 '64. Theodore F. Wolfe, June 17 '62; dis. Jan. 5 '63.

Died (The date of enlistment and muster follows the name. The period of enlistment was three years, except in a single case).--Levi P. Baird, July 5 '62; killed near Chancellorsville, May 3 '63. Edward Barber, Aug. 1 '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 '63. Simeon Brooks, July 2 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea near Falmouth, Va., Feb. 1 '63. Bingham Cartwright, Aug. 1 '61; died of debility near Falmouth, Va., Jan. 18 '63. Levi Cartwright, Aug. 1 '62; died of diphtheria near Alexandria, Va., Dec. 15 '62. Timothy Cummings, Aug. 14 '62; died of dysentery near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Oct. 27 '62. Daniel Decker, June 28 '62; died of typhoid fever near Falmouth, Va., Feb. 7 '63. William A. Decker, Aug. 6 '62; died at Washington May 30 '63, of wounds received at Chancellors-ville; prom. corp. May 4 '63. William De Groat, July 5 '62; died of inflammation of the bowels near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 25 '62. Edward Dorsay, July 5 '62; died of inflammation of the bowels near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Oct. 16 '62. William Halsey, July 5 '62; missing at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 '63. Francis M. Hendershot, July 18 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea Sept. 26 '64, on James River. Peter Hendershot, July 5 '62; died of debility near Falmouth, Va., Jan. 2 '63. Richard Henderson, Aug. 6 '62; died of inflammation of the lungs near Falmouth, Dec. 30 '62. John Henry Klein, Oct. 10 '64, 1 year; missing at Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27 '64; died of fever at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 7 '65. Ferdinand Martin, June 15 '64; died at City Point, Va., Dec. 4 '64, of wounds near Petersburg. William Potts, June 17 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea at Washington, Oct. 1 '63. Charles W. Prickett, June 28 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea at Washington, May 18 '65. Joseph P. Robare, Juiy 31 '61; died at Potomac Creek hospital, Va., May 3 '63, of wounds at Chancellorsville. John C. Sharp, June 17 '62; died of heart disease near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Nov. 18 '62. Henry South, July 2 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. David Talmadge, July 30 '62; missing near Petersburg, Va., June 22 '64. William W. Tuttle, July 26 '62; died of typhoid fever near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Nov. 6 '62. James M. Woodruff, June 17 '62; killed at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27 '63.

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