NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 15
Morris Co. Up




ON July 24th 1861 the President made his second call for three-years men, and the quota allotted to this State was four regiments. Under this call Captain James M. Brown raised Company K of the 7th N. J., the first distinctively Morris county company. In the first week 64 men were enlisted, and the company soon had its full complement. The first colonel of the 7th was Joseph W. Revere; he was promoted brigadier general October 25th 1862, and was succeeded as colonel by Lewis R. Francine, and the latter in July 1863 by Francis Price jr., Colonel Francine having been killed at Gettysburg, where Colonel Price was severely wounded. The latter was brevetted brigadier-general. Timothy D. Burroughs, sergeant in Company D, was commissioned quartermaster sergeant September 6th 1864.

The men were first together as a company at the First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, on the evening of October 1st, when Captain James M. Brown was presented with sword, sash and pistol, by Alfred Mills, Esq.; and Rev. David Irving presented each member with a copy of the New Testament and Psalms, in behalf of the Morris County Bible Society. The church was filled with the largest audience ever compressed within its walls, while hundreds left the doors of the building, unable to obtain standing room.

The next morning the company started for Trenton, being escorted to the depot by Fairchild's drum corps and by No. 3 Fire Engine Company. A large assemblage was gathered to see the company off. It was mustered at Trenton the next day and left the same evening for Washington. There the 7th lay encamped at Meridian Hill till December 1861, when it joined General Hooker's force near Budd's Ferry, Md., and was assigned to the 3d brigade of his division.

The winter was spent in drilling and watching the enemy on the opposite side of the Potomac, with the monotony broken by frequent artillery duels. April 5th Hooker's division broke camp and took transports to the peninsula. April 23d found this brigade throwing up earthworks under fire of the enemy's artillery at Yorktown. May 5th the company fought at Williamsburg, in a drenching rain, where the men stood their ground after their ammunition was used up, taking more from the dead and wounded. They were under fire five hours without getting relieved. Captain Brown was very severely wounded; Corporal Joseph S. Watkins was mortally wounded, dying May 31st following. Several others were wounded. In the Excelsior brigade Jabez C. Wingate, Peter H. Flick and W. H. Stickle were killed, and four other Morris county men wounded. The company took part in the battle of Fair Oaks and the Seven Days' fight. After lying at Harrison's Landing until August 15th the division retraced its steps to Yorktown and took transports, arriving at Alexandria August 24th. August 26th the 7th went by rail to Warrenton Junction. Hooker's division marched the next morning down the Orange and Alexandria railroad to Bristow Station, attacked Ewell's division of Jackson's command, drove him toward Bull Run and captured his baggage. August 29th and 30th the 7th took part in the second battle of Bull Run, and September 1st in the battle of Chantilly, where General Phil. Kearney was killed. After this the company did guard duty along the Orange and Alexandria railroad until November 28th, when it started for Falmouth, reaching that place some two weeks before the battle of Fredericksburg, and taking part in it.

At Chancellorsville, May 5th 1863, the 7th regiment captured five colors and three hundred prisoners from the enemy. The flags were taken from the 1st Louisiana, 21st Virginia, 2nd and 18th North Carolina and an Alabama regiment. The 2nd North Carolina regiment was captured almost entire.

The next move for Company K was the long march to Gettysburg, and on July 2nd the regiment supported a battery near the peach orchard, when the enemy charged on the 3d corps, of which the 7th was a part. Company K lost 15 men wounded (three mortally), and two taken prisoners, on the first day of the battle. The captain and both lieutenants were wounded. With a second sergeant in command the company was in the fight of the next day.

The next engagement in which the 7th took part was at Manassas Gap, Virginia, and after that it was engaged at McLean's Ford in the Bull Run River, with some mounted infantry. Next came the battle of Mine Run, and then winter quarters at Brandy Station. The New Jersey brigade was now in the 2nd army corps.

May 4th 1864 the troops broke camp, and on May 5th, 6th and 7th we find Company K fighting in the Wilderness, a densely wooded tract of table-land stretching from the Rapidan almost to Spottsylvania Court-house. May 8th the regiment moved to a spot near Todd's Tavern, where it remained until the 10th, when (our army having cleared the Wilderness and concentrated around Spottsylvania Court-house) it took a position on the right. On the 11th the company was under heavy fire, and at dawn of the 12th of May the 2nd corps charged the enemy, capturing 30 cannon and Johnson's rebel division. In this battle--the severest of the war--the 7th New Jersey met with severe loss in officers and men. The regiment aided in hauling off the captured guns, and Captain Crane, of Company C, of Morris county, with a squad of his men, succeeded in manning one of the captured guns and training it on the enemy. For hours the fight raged with unexampled fury, and it was not until midnight that General Lee left the victors in possession of the works captured. On the 15th the brigade was called upon to repel an attack on our pickets, and met with some loss. May 16th, at North Anna River, the company was again under fire, a division of Longstreet's corps having possession of both sides of Chesterfield bridge. On May 26th the regiment took part in the flank movement toward Richmond, skirmishing along the Tolopotomy and reaching Cold Harbor, where, on June 3d, it participated in the assault upon the enemy's main line. On the 7th of June the brigade was entrenched at Baker's Mills, and from this point it moved swiftly to the James, crossed the river June 14th, and arrived before Petersburg the following day, supporting Smith's corps of Butler's army. On the 16th General Grant delivered an assault with all his forces. The fight was desperate, and the loss to the 7th N. J. was very severe. On the 18th General Grant ordered another assault, when the enemy's lines were pushed back three quarters of a mile. Later in the day the brigade charged again in front of the Hare House, but was swept back by a withering fire, leaving its dead and wounded between the two lines. Hundreds of the wounded died in sight and hearing of their comrades, crying out for help and for water; they could not be reached, the enemy refusing a flag of truce.

June 23d, General Grant having determined to turn the enemy's right, the corps advanced through a wooded country, and, as it failed to make connection with the 6th corps, the enemy got in the rear, capturing eight prisoners from Company K. The corps fell back and established a line a little further to the rear. The brigade remained in the trenches until July 12th. On the 26th it crossed the James to Deep bottom, where the corps attacked the enemy and captured four cannon. It then quietly returned to Petersburg, and held the front line of works when the mine was exploded, July 30th.

August 12th the corps moved again to Deep Bottom, with more or less skirmishing and fighting. This was a feint to try to make the rebel authorities recall their troops from before Washington. August 18th the New Jersey 7th, with the rest of the corps, returned to the entrenchments.

August 25th the regiment was moved to Ream's Station to help the remainder of the corps, which was engaged there. The next affair in which the 7th took part was the advance of the picket lines about 1 o'clock A. M. of September 10th. The picket duty was dangerous here. The regiment when not on picket was quartered in Fort Davis, on the Jerusalem plank road, but even there stray balls would come into the tents at night, wounding men oftentimes while sleeping.

October 7th Lieutenant Gaines and the old members of Company K--about eight in number--who did not reenlist, were mustered out of service at Trenton, and, honorably discharged, returned to their homes.

With Colonel Price still commanding, the regiment took part in the battle of Hatcher's Run, and in the last campaign, culminating in the surrender of General Lee, April 9th 1865.

During the war this company took part in the following engagements, all in Virginia excepting Gettysburg:

Siege of Yorktown, April and May 1862; Williamsburg, May 5th 1862; Fair Oaks, June 1st and 2nd 1862; Seven Pines, June 25th 1862; Savage Station, June 29th 1862; Glendale, June 30th 1862; Malvern Hill, July 1st and August 5th 1862; Bristow Station, August 27th 1862; Bull Run (second), August 29th and 30th 1862; Chantilly, September 1st 1862; Centreville, September 2nd 1862; Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th 1862; Chancellorsville, May 3d and 4th 1863; Gettysburg, July 2nd and 3d 1863; Wapping Heights, July 24th 1863; McLean's Ford, October 15th 1863; Mine Run, November 29th and 30th and December 1st 1863; Wilderness, May 5th-7th 1864; Spottsylvania, May 8th-18th 1864; North Anna River, May 23d and 24th 1864; Tolopotomy Creek, May 30th and 31st 1864; Cold Harbor, June 1st-5th 1864; Before Petersburg, June 16th-23d and July 30th 1864; Deep Bottom, July 26th and 27th 1864; North Bank of James River, August 15th-18th 1864; Fort Sedgwick, September 10th 1864; Poplar Spring Church, October 2nd 1864; Boydton Plank Road (capture of Petersburg), April 2nd 1865; Amelia Springs, April 6th 1865; Farmville, April 6th and 7th 1865; Appomattox, April 9th 1865.



In the following record of the officers of Company K the first date given is that of commission or enrollment. If another immediately follows it is the date of muster. Where but one is given the two date were the same. The period for which the officer entered the service was three years, when not otherwise mentioned.

Captains.--James M. Brown, Oct. 3 '61; wounded at Williamsburg and Fredericksburg; prom. major 15th reg. July 21 '62. William R. Hillyer, July 21 '62, Jan. 13 '63; appointed 1st lieut. Oct. 3 '61; dis. Sept. 9 '64 for wounds. Sylvester W. Nafew, Mar. 28 '65, Apr. 29 '65; m. o. July 17 '65.

First Lieutenants.--Michael Mullery, July 21 '62, Jan. 13 '63; appointed 2nd lieut. Oct. 3 '61; captain Company I July 24 '63; wounded at Gettysburg; killed at Petersburg.

(*) In all these lists the following abbreviations are used, besides those
which will be recognized as denoting the different ranks and arms of
the service: pro., promoted; v. r. c., veteran reserve corps; dis., discharged;
m. o., mustered out; dr., drafted; tr., transferred.

 Stanley Gaines, Aug. 1 '63, Mar. 31 '64; apppointed 1st sergt. Sept. 15 '61; 2nd lieut. July 21 '62; wounded at Gettysburg; m. o. Oct. 7 '64. Henry W. Baldwin, Apr. 29 '65, May 19th '65; m. o. July 22 '65.

Second Lieutenants.--Ellis T. Armstrong, Dec. 21 '63, Mar. 31 '64; appointed sergt. Sept. 15 '61; 1st sergt. July 21 '62; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; dis. Aug. 17 '64 for wounds. George H. Millen, Mar. 28 '65, Apr. 14 '65; m. o. July 17 '65.

First Sergeants.--Napoleon B. Post, Aug. 22 '61; m. o. July 22 '65.

Sergeants.--Merritt Bruen, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; pro. Q. M. sergt. Nov. 22 '61; quartermaster June 27 '64; died at Petersburg. Ira W. Corey, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; pro. capt. Co. H 11th reg. Aug. 15 '62. Samuel R. Connett, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; pro. 2nd lieut. Co. C 15th reg. Aug. 12 '62; wounded at Williamsburg. Stephen H. Bruen, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; pro. com. sergt. Sept. 1 '62; quartermaster Aug. 26 '64. Timothy D. Burroughs, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; reenlisted Jan. 4 '64; pro. Q. M. sergt. Sept. 6 '64. Conrad F. Smith, Mar. 2 '65, 1 year; m. o. July 17 '65. Julius B. Bartlett, Mar. 2 '65, 1 year; m. o. July 10 '65. Eugene Pollard, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; appointed corp. Aug. 4 '62; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; prom. com. sergt. Oct. 2 '64; wounded at gettysburg and Chesterfield Bridge.

Corporals.--Calvin T. Stickle, Mar. 4 '65; 1 year; m. o. July 17 '65. John P. Smith, Mar. 2 '65, 1 year; m. o. July 17 '65. Peter Fisher, Mar. 2 '65, 1 year; m. o. July 17 '65. Patrick Cavanaugh, Mar. 1 '65, 1 year; m. o. July 17 '65. James E. Babbitt.

Discharged.--(These, as also those transferred and deceased, were all three-years men, and were commissioned or enrolled Sept. 15, and mustered Oct. 2, 1861.) Sergt. Joseph D. Marsh jr.; dis. Oct. 13 '62, for disability. Corporals: George Kingsland; dis. Mar. 24 '63, for disability. Theodore W. Bruen; dis. Jan. 12 '63, for disability. John J. Gruber; dis. Feb. 5 '63, to join regular army; appointed corp. Aug. 4 '62. Musician James M. Woodruff; dis. Nov. 30 '61, for disability. Wagoner Charles B. Trelease; dis. June 15 '62, for disability.

Transferred.--Sergeants: William McKee; to v. r. c., Sept. 30 '63; dis. therefrom Oct. 1 '64; wounded at Chancellorsville. Joseph Ward; to Co. C, Oct. 1 '64; re-enlisted Jan. 2 '64. Edwin Hall; to Co. C; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Sylvester L. Lynn; to Co. C; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; killed before Petersburg. George H. Millen; to Co. C; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Corporals: Theodore P. Bayles; to v. r. c., Sept. 30 '63; dis. therefrom Nov. 24 '65. George W. Derrickson; to v. r. c., Sept. 30 '63; re-enlisted Sept. 3 '64; dis. as sergt. July 6 '65. B. W. Dempsey; to Co. C, Oct. 1 '64; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; prisoner at Andersonville. John L. Denton; to v. r. c., Mar. 31 '64; dis. Oct. 3 '64; wounded at Gettysburg. Abel Gruber; to Co. C; wounded at Gettysburg; captured before Gettysburg; confined at Andersonville. Musician A. L. D. Miller; to 5th reg. band.

Died.--Corporals: Joseph S. Watkins; at Fortress Monroe, Va., May 31 '62, of wounds. Andrew C. Halsey; at Washington, June 20 '64, of wounds; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; appointed corp. Feb. 6 '64. Joseph O. Spencer; killed before Petersburg, Va., June 16 '64; appointed corp. Mar. 1 '63; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Musician George W. Cranmer; at Budd's Ferry, Md., June 24 '62, of typhoid fever.


In the following list the figure following the name indicates the number of years for which the man enlisted. Where not otherwise noted those who enlisted for three years were enrolled Sept. 15th and mustered in Oct. 2nd 1861 and mustered out Oct. 7th 1864; and those who enlisted for one year were enrolled and mustered in the first week of March 1865 and mustered out July 17th 1865.

Henry Angleman. Andrew Anderson, 1; m. o. June 13 '65. Leo Bachtold, 1. J. C. Ballentine, 3; pro. com. sergt. Nov. 1 '62. William Bassell, 1. Henry Baum, 1. William W. Brant, 3. Austin Brown, 1. John N. and T. W. Bruen, 3. Stephen A. Cannon, 3. Joseph Carmon. David Cargill, 1; m. o. July 14 '65. Waldemar Christianson, 1. John Cronin, 1. George Curtis, musician, 1. Christian Doublin, 1. W. H. Dutcher. Heyward G. Emmel, 3; wounded at Chancellorsville. Henry Feeder, 1; m. o. July 22 '65. Charles Fischer, 1. George Flandrow, 1. Augustus I. Folliot. John Gamble, 1. Abraham Garrabrant, 1. Christopher Gerhardt, 1. Emile Grell, 1. Edward Gross, 1. Jacob Halder, 1. John H. Haley, 3. William Harrison, 1. Samuel Hess, 1. Lewis Herman, 1; enrolled and mustered in Aug. 29 '64; m. o. June 30 '65. George Hiller, 1. Wesley D. Hopping. Daniel Jackson, 3. Jacob James, 1; enrolled and mustered in Feb. 28 '65. Jacob John, 1; m. o. Aug. 11 '65. John G. Kaut, 1. Peter B. Kelly. Christopher Killian, 1. William Killian, 1. Jacob Koch, 1. John Lay, 1. William Lohman, 1; m. o. Aug. 30 '65. James Lord, 1. Andrew Mack, 1. John McCasey, 1. Lewis H. McClintock, 1. Frederick Miller, 1. J. L. Miller. John Murphy, 1. Thomas R. Murray, 1. John Narin, 1. Charles W. Nelson, musician, 1. Loren Nichols, 1. Calvin Nix, 3; wounded at Williamsburg. George Norton, 1; m. o. June 5 '65. Joseph Parker, 1. John Partenfielder, 1. August Partushcky, 1. Adolph Pineus, 1. Francis A. Pollard, 3; appointed sergt. Sept. 13 '61; deserted Jan. 30 '63; returned Mar. 20; private Feb. 1 '63. Henry Roberts, 1. Hugh P. Roden, musician, 3. Samuel Rushton, 1. John Rutan, 3. August Sauer, 1. Matthias Schmidt, 1. George Schnabel, 1. Frederick Schroder, 1. Daniel Settler, 1. Charles Smith, 1. Gilbert Smith, 1; enrolled and mustered in Feb. 28 '65. James Smith, 1. William T. Spencer, 3; prom. sergt. maj. Nov. 5 '63. David Thompson, 1. John Thompson, 1. Headly Thompson; captured before Petersburg. William Till, 3. Charles Tucker, 3. John Wander, 1; enrolled and mustered in Feb. 27 '65. Mark White, 1. Joseph Ward; captured at Gettysburg. Henry Wilson, 1; enrolled and mustered in Feb. 25 '65 for 2 years; m. o. May 31 '65. John Wolf, 1. George Yetter, 1; enrolled and mustered in Feb. 28 '65; m. o. June 5 '65.

Discharged.--(These were all three-years men, and most of them were enrolled Sept. 15 and mustered in Oct. 2 '61; any other date of enrollment or muster is given after the name. The cause of discharge if not otherwise stated was disability). Isaac N. Abrams; dis. May 20 '62. Isaac J. Archer, Feb. 8 '62; dis. Oct. 9 '62. Nicholas Atkins; dis. June 9 '62. Charles Conklin; dis. Aug. 18 '62. William Cook, Aug. 19 '62; dis. Feb. 9 '63. Alexander Davenport; dis. June 9 '62. George Dunster. Andrew W. Gary; dis. Nov. 5 '62. Orlando K. Guerin; dis. Oct. 13 '62. George Hedden; dis. June 13 '62. John Hunton, Apr. 12 '64; dis. May 28 '64. Charles Johnson; dis. Mar. 4 '63; wounded at Bristow Station. Hiram Kayhart; dis. June 13 '62. John F. Kent; dis. June 25 '62. John Knapp; dis. June 13 '62. Thomas Lynch; dis. Nov. 5 '62, from wounds received at Williamsburg, Va. James L. Marsh; dis. June 9 '62. Aaron Parsons; dis. Dec. 29 '62; wounded at Williamsburg. Theodore Searing, Aug. 18 '62; dis. Nov. 20 '63; wounded at Gettysburg. Thomas Seeley, Feb. 22 '64; dis. Apr. 2 '64. Henry Smith; dis. Nov. 30 '61. John C. Smith; dis. Sept. 2 '62; prom. lieut. 33d N. J. Alonzo Tompkins; dis. Feb. 5 '63, to join regular army. Anthony Van Order; dis. June 23 '62. John H. Webb, Feb. 3 '64; dis. Apr. 2 '64. James Wright; dis. Dec. 12 '61.

Transferred.--(The date immediately following the name in this list is that of enrollment; the second date, if any, is that of muster in; where but one is given they were the same. The figure following the date indicates the number of years for which the man enlisted. In most cases the transfer was to Co. C, Oct. 1 '64, and that will be understood to be the case where not otherwise stated). Lemuel Adams, Feb. 17 '62, 3. George F. Bayles, Dec. 11 '61, 3; to v. r. c.; dis. Dec. 12 '64; wounded. Gilbert D. Blanchard, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; died at Andersonville. Loran L. Bodell, Aug. 19 '63, Aug. 20 '63, 3; to v. r. c., Jan. 15 '64; dis. as corp. July 25 '65. Elijah D. Bruen, Jan. 23 '62, 3; to Co. C, Oct. 1 '64; re-enlisted Feb. 14 '64; died at Andersonville. Nathan Buell, Oct. 7 '63, Oct. 8 '63, 3. Orson T. Crane, June 15 '64, 3; to Co. C. John Cusick, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Charles H. Davis, Aug. 18 '62, Aug. 19 '62, 3. Augustus De Forrest, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Aaron S. Degroot, Jan. 28 '64, 3; wounded near Cold Harbor. James Donahue, Feb. 3 '64, 3. Joseph J. Dunn, Jan. 28 '64, 3. Matthias Everson, Jan. 28 '64, 3. John Farrell, Dec. 29 '63, Dec. 30 '63, 3. Abraham K. Ferris, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 31 '64; re-enlisted May 6 '64; dis. Oct. 27 '66; appointed corp. Sept. 15 '61; private Nov. 1 '63. William J. Flanagan, Dec. 30 '63, Dec. 31 '63, 3. Arthur Ford, Feb. 3 '64, 3; died at Andersonville. Daniel Frazier, Dec. 28 '63, 3. James Haley, Feb. 5 '64, Feb. 6 '64, 3. Stephen D. Hall, Jan. 21 '64, 3. Daniel Hand, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Mar. 10 '64 wounded before Petersburg. James Hart, Sept. 3 '64, 1. Ansemas Helbert, Jan. 23 '64, Jan. 26 '64, 3. Theodore Jacobus, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. '61, 3; to v. r. c.; dis. Oct. 5 '64. Peter M. Kane, Oct. 6 '62, 3; wounded at Gettysburg and Spottsylvania. Farrand S. Kitchel, Jan. 4 '64, 3. John Landigan, Feb. 1 '64, 3. William E. Loper, Feb. 8 '64, 3. John L. Loree, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. William Loughran, Mar.16'65, 1; to Co. A. George T. Lynch, Dec. 30 '63, 3; to Co. B. Thomas Mack, Apr. 8 '65, 3; to Co. B. James Maher, Apr. 8 '65, 1; to Co. G. James McKenzie, Mar. 1 '65, 1; to Co. G. Thomas McKnight, Feb. 15 '64, 3; to Co. C. John Moran, Sept. 5 '64, 1; to Co. K, 12th reg. Patrick Murphy, Mar. 4 '65, 1; to Co. D. Benjamin Norton, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. William E. Phipps, Feb. 23 '64, 3. John J. Provost, Feb. 11 '64, 3; to Co. H. John A. Recanio, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; captured at Gettysburg; died in Belle Isle prison. John Sergeant, Feb. 2 '64, 3. Thomas K. Sexton, Feb. 22, '64, 3. Richard Shannon, Apr. 11 '65, 1; to Co. G. Lionel Sheldon, Sept. 29 '63, Sept. 30 '63, 3. George Shipman, Nov. 7 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Feb. 15 '64; deserted Oct. 7 '64. John Slingerland, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; wounded at Williamsburg; deserted Nov. 1 '62; returned to duty Apr. 7 '63; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Theodore F. Smith, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. John Speer, Dec. 31 '63, 3. Isaac Steelman, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; to v. r. c. Jan. 15 '64; dis. Oct. 1 '64. Chilion Thompson, Jan. 21 '64, 3. David H. Thompson, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3. John W. Till, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. De Witt Van Order, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; appointed corp. Aug. 3 62; private May 15 '63; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Jacob C. Vanderhoof, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; to v. r. c. Sept. 1 '63; dis. Oct. 10 '64. Theodore Van Pelt, Jan. 27 '64, Jan. 28 '64, 3. Jacob F. Welsh, Apr. 8 '65, 1; to Co. E. John W. Wilday, Jan. 27 '64, 3. James H. Woodruff, Jan. 18 '64, 3. John W. Wright, Feb. 2 '64, 3.

Died.--(These, with two exceptions, which are indicated, were three-years men. The date immediately following the name is that of enrollment and muster in. When this is omitted the man was enrolled Sept. 15 and mustered Oct. 2 '61.) Theron A. Allen, of fever, at Jersey City, June 7 '62. Drake Aumick, Dec. 31 '63; died at Washington, D. C., June 24 '64. Edgar Barber, Dec. 22 '63; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5 '64. Charles Y. Beers, Aug. 18 '62; died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 6 '63, of wounds. Jabez Beers, Jan. 28 '64; killed before Petersburg, Va., June 16 '64. Moses A. Berry, of pneumonia, at camp on lower Potomac, Md., Jan. 29 '62. George W. Blakely, at New York, July 28 '62. Cyrus Carter, of disease, at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 6 '62. Albert T. Emory, Feb. 1 '64; died at Washington, D. C., July 1 '64. Jacob S. Hopping, at Gettysburg, Pa., July 16 '63, of wounds received there. Robert L. Jolly; appointed corp. Sept. 15 '61; sergt. Aug. 4 '62; private May 15 '63; died at Gettysburg, July 22 '63, of wounds received there. Hendrick Kinklin, Mar. 2 '65, 1 year; died of dysentery at Alexandria, Va., July 3 '65. William Long, at Fairfax Court-house, Va., Aug. 31 '62. John R. Lyon, Sept. 3 '62, of wounds received at Bull Run, Va. Lemuel A. Marshall, Mar. 22 '62; died at Washington, D. C., Nov. 1 '62. John McDonough, Dec. 22 '63; died at Washington, May 26 '64, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, Va. Charles B. Mott; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63. George W. Peer, at Yorktown, Va., May 13 '62, of typhoid fever. Allen H. Pierson, near Petersburg, Va., June 19 '64, of wounds received before Petersburg June 17; re-enlisted Mar. 10 '64. Spafford Sanders, of typhoid fever, at Budd's Ferry, Md., Apr. 19 '62. John H. Tillotson, of typhoid fever, at Budd's Ferry, Md., Apr. 28 '62. Jacob Wilsey, Mar. 1 '65, 1 year; died at Alexandria, July 6 '65. Joseph C. Spencer; killed before Petersburg. James M. Woodruff; killed at Mine Run.


The next company to leave the county was that of Major (then Lieutenant) H. M. Dalrymple, who raised a part of Captain Southard's company for the 8th engineer corps--Company K of the 1st regiment of New York engineers. The company was entirely made up of New Jersey men. Its captain, Henry L. Southard, was a Jerseyman by birth and son of the late Senator Southard of this State. He was killed while on duty at Bermuda Hundred, Va., in May 1864. Lieutenant Henry M. Dalrymple, also adjutant of the regiment, succeeded to the command and retained it during the operations in front of Petersburg and Richmond, until mustered out of service in December 1864, at the expiration of his term of three years' service.

The company served with the regiment in the Department of the South, engaging in all the various operations under Generals Sherman, Hunter, Mitchell and Gilmore. It participated in the siege of Pulaski, the battle of Pocataligo, the expedition to Charleston under Hunter, and the siege of Fort Sumter and Charleston under General Gilmore, erecting the famous Swamp Angel battery, which threw the first messengers of death into Charleston.

Early in the spring of 1864 the regiment was ordered to the Army of the James at Fortress Monroe and Bermuda Hundred, and did hard work under General Grant in his operations in front of Petersburg and Richmond.

The following is a list of names of the Morris county volunteers who entered this company:

Henry M. Dalrymple, Frederic B. Dalrymple, John Franks, Samuel McNair, William H. Lounsbury, Hiram Tharp, Joseph Scudder, Wellington Bryant, Amadee B. Pruden, Edward De Camp, Wesley Chidester, Mahlon Parsons, William H. Porter, Thomas M. Palmer, John Wright, Charles J. Pownall, William G. Denman, George W. Skillborn, Charles Stevens, Edward Tucker, William Thompson, John W. Mills, Elijah W. Grandin, Benjamin C. Durham, William Tuttle, Jacob B. Willis, Alvab Handville, John Oliver, Daniel Brown, William S. Cannon, Edward Cobbett, Edward W. Cobbett, Moses Corby, James K. Dalrymple, Caleb M. Emmons, Alonzo Edgar, Evans Jones, Abram Kinnecutt, Ira Lewis, George W. Lewis, George Lindsley, Thomas Levigs, Joseph Miller, James McCormick, William McQuaid, Theodore Nungesser, John N. Nungesser, Thomas N. Nichols, William H. Tucker, Edward Tester, James Tyms, Charles M. Thomas, Samuel Tebo, George Vanderhoof, Lewis Weise, John Powers, George L. Valentine, James C. Vale, Thomas E. Wolfe, Edward Wolfe, Charles Lewis, Manuel Decker.


Captain William Duncan, of the Morris Greys, being unable to get his company accepted in a New Jersey regiment, raised one for the District of Columbia volunteers, to be attached to the President's guard. On the 28th day of January 1862 he left Morristown with 70 men of whom 42 were from Boonton. On their departure they were addressed by the Rev. Mr. Ellison and Rev. Mr. Irving. A large concourse was assembled to see them off. The following is the roll of the company:

Captain, William Duncan; first lieutenant, George Willenbucher; sergeants--Theodore Riley (1st), W. W. Carroll, Abram Kingsland, Elias Millen, Joseph Smith; corporals--Jacob R. Peer, Jesse Jennings, Anthony Adams, John Moreland, Sam Brooks, Josiah Davison, Barney McMackin, A. M. Halliday; privates--W. M. Atkins, Daniel Benjamin, Aaron E. Bonnell, William Babcock, William R. Bishop, William Bryan, Henry Bronson, James Burk, Charles Conklin, Daniel Carey, Patrick Clark, John Conley, Daniel S. Cravet, James Daley, Arthur Drew, Franklin Eghan, Horace Elmer, Charles Evans, Henry C. Fedes, Charles Grinder, Abraham Gulick, William Gray, Nicholas Hill, William Hopler, S. B. Harrison, Samuel Horner, Robert Hudson, Joseph Hartman, Henry D. Ianson, John Jennings, Joshua Jenkins, Michael Kennedy, John W. Kelley, John Lowery, James List, Cornelius Miller, G. B. Phineas Meyers, Thomas Murphy, Thomas E. Miller, David Marston, James McCoy, Peter McFarland, James McNulty, George Oliver, Peter Peer, Nelson Peer, Merinus Peer, George W. Pierson, Timothy L. Palmer, Mitchel Robear, Elias J. Roff, Harry Reese, George Sharp, Edward J. Smith, Garret Smith, Whitaker Taylor, Jacob N. Thatcher, Ira Van Orden, John Vanduyne, James T. Vanduyne, George Weir, George M. Whitehead, Frank Wildeman, James Whitten, Theodore Wilkins, William Young.

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