NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 14
Morris Co. Up



IN the war of the Rebellion Morris county contributed her full share. When Sumter was fired upon there were but three uniformed militia companies in the county—the National Guards of Boonton, Captain Edwin K. BISHOP; the Morris Greys, Captain William DUNCAN, and the Ringgold Artillery, Captain Richard M. STITES. The militia system had fallen into disuse, and the parade of one of these companies was a novelty.

On Monday evening, April 22nd 1861, three days after the Baltimore riot, a mass meeting was held in Washington Hall, Morristown, at which Hon. George T. COBB presided. Speeches were made by Hon. Jacob W. MILLER, Jacob VANATTA, Theodore LITTLE, Rev. G. D. BREWERTON and Colonel Samuel F. HEADLEY. Patriotic resolutions of the most decided character were proposed and unanimously carried. Unqualified support was promised to the administration, and a committee consisting of William C. BAKER, Dr. Ebenezer B. WOODRUFF and Jacob VANATTA was appointed to receive contributions of money to aid in equipping volunteers and providing for their families. Over $2,600 was subscribed on the spot. This meeting was the first of many held throughout the county. In every village mass meetings were held and flags were raised. A flag was raised upon Morris green May 31st 1861, when the companies of Captains BISHOP, DUNCAN and STITES paraded together. They soon after disbanded. Many of the men had become impatient, and in squads had enlisted in companies which were going to the front. Captain BISHOP with part of his company went from Newark with Company H of the 2nd New Jersey.

For some reason no sufficient effort was made to raise a company within the county, and its young men enlisted as volunteers in companies organizing in Newton, Plainfield, Newark and New York. On Tuesday, May 21st, Captain RYERSON'S Company B, from the 2nd New Jersey volunteers, passed through Morristown on its way from Newton to Trenton. In it and in Company I 3d New Jersey volunteers there were 32 Morris county men. Others had gone in Companies D of the 3d New Jersey, H of the 2nd New Jersey, the Excelsior brigade of New York, etc. The following partial list is taken from the papers of that time:

Company B 2nd N. J.— F. D. STURTEVANT, Joseph G. STURGES, Charles H. CARROLL, Silas R. ROFF, Charles H. STEPHENS, James ARMSTRONG, John W. ARMSTRONG, Thomas F. ANDERSON, George McKEE (wounded in July 1862), Isaac I. TOMPKINS, Albert W. THOMPSON (died), Edward SNOW, David HART.

Company H 2nd N. J.— Emery A. WHEELER, Daniel W. TUNIS, John S. SUTTON, Theodore A. BALDWIN, Daniel BOWDITCH.

Company D 3d N. J.—John H. SMITH, George BLANCHARD, W. Scott McGOWAN, Anthony PERRY, Elijah SHARP, W. H. COLE (killed September 7 1861), Sergeant William S. EARLES (afterward in the 15th N. J.).

There had also gone to other companies or regiments:

W. H. ALEXANDER, W. BEERS and Lewis B. BALDWIN, Company K 2nd N. J.; W. H. WILLIS, Company I 3d N. J.; Mahlon M. STAGE and Noah C. HAGGERTY, Company G 1st N. J.; Isaac KING, James M. STONE, John FORD jr., Daniel GUARD, David JOHNSON, William HEDDEN, James DOLAN, Edward TOTTEN, Hampton BABBITT, James QUIMBY, William VALENTINE; Excelsior brigade—John STARR, Jabez WINGATE, Peter H. FLICK, W. H. STICKLE, Charles H. TILL, D. M. FARRAND, Andrew HAND, Augustus C. STICKLE (afterward adjutant 3d N. J. cavalry), Sergeant Sylvester L. LYNN, Co. C 8th N. J.; died Dec. 15 '64 of wounds received Nov. 5 '64.

A Soldiers' Aid Society was organized by the ladies of Morristown, of which Mrs. Nelson WOOD was president, Mrs. Sherman BROADWELL vice-president, Mrs. Vancleve DALRYMPLE treasurer, and Miss ROBINSON secretary. The society throughout the war labored incessantly in making clothing etc. for the soldiers and raising money and comforts for the sick in hospital. Similar societies, and almost if not quite as efficient, were organized in all the other principal towns in the county.

May 2nd 1861 a home guard was raised at Morristown, consisting of some of the principal citizens, many of them exempt from military service.

July 11th 1861 a number of youth organized themselves into a company called the Ellsworth Light Infantry and chose the following officers: Captain, Rev. G. Douglas BREWERTON; 1st lieutenant, Robert S. TURNER; 2nd lieutenant, John R. McCAULEY (afterward of the 15th N. J.).

Among officers from Morris county during the Rebellion whose records do not appear in the rolls below were Lindley H. MILLER, major 46th infantry U. S. C. T.; S. G. I. De CAMP, major and surgeon, retired from active service August 27th 1862; General Ronald S. MACKENZIE, regular army, and Lieutenant Commander Henry W. MILLER, U. S. navy; Alexander S. MACKENZIE, lieutenant U. S. N.; Captain (afterward Commodore) John De CAMP, U. S. N.; Captain W. L. Gamble, U. S. N.; Major Thomas T. GAMBLE, U. S. Vols. There were also many enlisted men scattered among organizations of which no account is here given. Admirals C. R. P. RODGERS and William RADFORD, U. S. N. were residents of Morris county previous to the war.

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