NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Chapter 13
Morris Co. Up



WHEN the Federal party lost its influence in the nation through the unpopular measures of the Adams administration, Morris county went with the current. In 1798 Abraham KITCHEL was elected to the Council on the Republican ticket over Mark THOMPSON, the Federal candidate, by a vote of 1,754 to 302, and the parties maintained about the same relative strength for a number of years. In 1808, on the Congressional ticket, the Republicans polled 2,412 votes and the Federalists 487. In 1820 there was no Federal ticket in the field. Jesse UPSON was elected to the Council without opposition, and the candidates for Assembly were all Republicans. What was called the "farmers' ticket" for Assembly succeeded, and the "convention ticket" for Congress was elected.

When the contest arose between JACKSON and Clay and the Republican party divided, Morris county at first sided against JACKSON; but in the Congressional election of January 1831, when the State went "Republican" by 1,000 majority, the county gave the JACKSON candidate 40 majority. The JACKSON townships were Morris, Washington, Roxbury, Jefferson, Randolph and Chester. The townships of Chatham, Hanover, Pequannock and Mendham were anti-JACKSON. In the fifty years which have since elapsed the political complexion of these townships has changed but little. The strength of the Democratic party has been as a general thing in the townships which voted for JACKSON in 1831, and the Whig and afterward the Republican party have been strongest in the others. In 1832, when the State gave 374 JACKSON majority, Morris county gave 131. The following was the vote (N. R. represents National Republican; JACKSON is designated by J.): Mendham—N. R. 171, J. 70; Jefferson—N. R. 78, J. 170; Hanover—N. R. 409, J. 216; Morris—N. R. 255, J. 303; Pequannock—N. R. 478, J. 209; Roxbury—N. R. 106, J. 221; Chester—N. R. 63, J. 183; Randolph—N. R. 98, J. 141; Chatham—N. R. 174, J. 104; Washington—N. R. 114, J. 191; total—N. R. 1,947, J. 1,811. Four years afterward the county gave 170 Whig majority.

In the "hard cider" campaign of 1840 the county went strong for Harrison. The townships in his favor gave the following majorities: Mendham 64, Chatham 131, Morris 118, Hanover 155, Pequannock 327—total 795. For Van Buren Chester gave 74, Randolph 42, Jefferson 77, Roxbury 155 and Washington 83—total 431 majority.

When Clay ran against Polk in 1844 the county voted for Clay. The Whig majorities were: In Mendham 101, Chatham 110, Morris 53, Hanover 203, Pequannock 298, Randolph 3 and Rockaway 96—total 865. The Democratic majorities were: In Chester 97, Jefferson 67, Washington 72 and Roxbury 187—total 433. In the presidential campaign of 1848 the county gave 2,889 votes for the Taylor electors, and 2,425 for his opponent.

In 1852 the PIERCE electors received 2,800 votes in the county and the Scott electors 2,548. George VAIL for Congress received 2,822, and William A. COURSEN, the Whig candidate, 2,515.

In 1856 the Buchanan electors received 3,008 votes, Fillmore 696 and Fremont 2,309. William ALEXANDER (Democratic) received 3,062, and William A. NEWELL (A. and R.) 2,961; George T. COBB (Democratic) was elected senator by 184 majority.

In 1860, it will be remembered, there were four electoral tickets in the field. The Republicans had seven electors, who received 3,484 votes. There were four Democratic electors who were supported by all those opposed to the Republican ticket and who voted a fusion ticket, who received 3,304 votes. The three "straight Democratic" electors not on the fusion ticket received 585 votes, and the fusion electors supported only by the fusionists received 2,735 votes. EDSALL (Republican) for Congress received 3,480 votes against 3,315 for George T. COBB (Democratic). The latter was, however, elected by the vote of the remainder of the district.

During the war the county almost always was Democratic. In 1862 Governor Joel PARKER received 3,359 votes, and Marcus L. WARD 2,938. In 1863 William McCARTY (Democratic) received 3,179 votes for clerk, against 2,742 for his antagonist, Richard SPEER. In 1864 the McCLELLAN electors received 3,587 votes and the Lincoln electors 3,222.

In 1865 Marcus L. WARD, Republican candidate for governor, received 3,702, and Theodore RUNYON (Democratic) 3,506; George T. COBB (Republican) was elected senator over HILLIARD by 243 majority.

In 1866 Hon. John HILL ran against Andrew Jackson ROGERS for Congress, and was elected, Morris county giving him 652 majority.

In 1867 the only officers running through the county besides the coroners were the candidates for sheriff. The Democrats elected their men—James W. BRIANT sheriff by 430 majority, and James W. BALLENTINE surrogate by 548 majority.

In the presidential election of 1868 the Grant electors received 4,283 votes and the Seymour electors 3,974. John I. BLAIR (Republican) received 141 majority for governor, Hill 355 majority for Congress over Rafferty, and George T. COBB was elected senator by 425 majority.

In 1870 there was an election for State senator to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George T. COBB. Dr. Columbus BEACH was elected, receiving 4,844 votes, and his antagonist, J. W. SEARING, 3,751. John HILL for Congress beat RAFFERTY in the county by 1,355 majority.

In 1871 there were dissensions in the Republican party—the party dividing into the two factions of "Heavy Weights" and "Light Weights"—and the Democrats carried the county. Walsh, the Republican candidate for Congress, carried the county by 38 majority, while CUTLER (Democratic) was elected State senator by 530 majority.

In 1872 Grant carried the county against GREELEY by 1,387 majority; PHELPS for Congress beat WOODRUFF by 1,336 majority, but Charles A. GILLEN (Democratic) was elected surrogate by 334 majority.

In 1873 the only county officers running besides the coroners were the candidates for sheriff and clerk. HOFFMAN (Dem.) for sheriff received 3,444 votes, and PHOENIX (Rep.) 2,997; McCARTY (Dem.) for clerk 3,523, and NICHOLAS (Rep.) 2,905.

In 1874 George A. HALSEY (Rep.) received 4,571 votes for governor, and Judge BEDLE (Dem.) received 4,505. At the same time Hon. Augustus W. CUTLER had 40 majority in the county over W. Walter PHELPS, the Republican candidate for Congress, and John HILL (Rep.) was elected State senator.

In 1875 there was no senator or congressman to elect, and Pierson A. FREEMAN (Rep.) was elected sheriff by a vote of 3,710 against 3,225 for Charles A. HARDEN (Dem.)

In 1876 President HAYES received 64 majority in the county; but Augustus W. CUTLER carried it for Congress by a majority of 115.

In 1877 the Democrats carried the county for Governor McCLELLAN by 342 majority, and for CANFIELD, State senator, by 412.

In 1878 the tide was reversed, VOORHEES (Rep.) for Congress carrying the county by 693 majority.

In 1879 there were no county officers voted for. Of the assemblymen two Republicans and one Democrat were elected, as has been the case for the past ten years and more.

In 1880 there was a very active campaign, there being a president, governor, congressman and State senator to elect. GARFIELD received 682 majority; POTTS for governor, 693 majority; HILL for Congress, 593 majority, and YOUNGBLOOD for State senator, 551 majority—all Republicans.

This is the proper point at which to introduce lists of the officers of the county and its representatives in State and national legislative bodies. They are as follows, with the year of appointment or election:

Sheriffs.—Prior to the Revolution sheriffs were appointed by the governor and held their office during his pleasure. The appointments, so far as they can now be ascertained, were as follows:

Thomas CLARK, 1739; Elijah GILLETT, 1744; Caleb FAIRCHILD (filed bond), 1748; John KINNEY, 1749; John FORD, 1752; Daniel COOPER jr., removed April 1761; Samuel TUTHILL, vice COOPER, 1761; Daniel COOPER jr., 1767; Jonathan STILES (in office), 1771; Thomas KINNEY, 1773; Thomas MILLAGE, 1776. (The constitution adopted July 2nd 1776 provided for an annual election of sheriffs and coroners, but they were to be ineligible for re-election after three years; the following each served one or more series of three years, beginning with the year given.) Alexander CARMICHAEL, 1776; Richard JOHNSON, 1779; Jacob ARNOLD, 1780, 1786; William LEDDEL, 1783; Pruden ALLING, 1789; John COBB, 1792; Hiram SMITH, 1794; William CAMPFIELD, 1796; Israel CANFIELD, 1799; Lewis CONDICT, 1801; Edward CONDICT, 1804; David CARMICHAEL, 1807; David MILLS, 1810; Samuel HALLIDAY, 1813; David MILLS, 1816, Jacob WILSON, 1819, 1825; Elijah WARD, 1822; Joseph M. LINDSLEY, 1827; Elijah WARD, 1828; George H. LUDLOW, 1831; Colin ROBERTSON, 1834; Benjamin McCOURY, 1837; Jeremiah M. DeCAMP, 1840; Thomas L. KING, 1843; Henry D. FARRAND, 1846; Abraham TAPPEN, 1849; William W. FAIRCHILD, 1852; William H. ANDERSON, 1855; Samuel VANNESS, 1858; Garrett DeMOTT, 1861; Joseph W. COE, 1864; James W. BRIANT, 1867; James VANDERVEER, 1870; Jesse HOFFMAN, 1873 (under the amended constitution sheriffs were elected after 1874 for three years); Pierson A. FREEMAN, 1875; William H. McDAVIT, 1878; William H. HOWELL, 1881.

County Clerks.—Samuel GOVERNEUR appears by the minutes to have been clerk from the formation of the county, in 1739, to 1765. He was appointed clerk of Morris county by Governor HARDY February 2nd 1762, to serve during good behavior. Augustus MOORE was deputy clerk in 1765 and to September 1766. Samuel TUTHILL was clerk from September 1766 to October 1776. After the adoption of the constitution in 1776 the county clerks were appointed by joint meeting in the years mentioned below:

Silas CONDICT, 1776, 1781; Joseph LEWIS, 1782; Caleb RUSSEL, 1787, 1792, 1797, 1802; John McCARTER, 1805; Edward CONDICT, 1808; Robert McCARTER, 1813; Robert H. McCARTER, 1818; Zephaniah DRAKE, 1823; David DAY, 1828; Joseph DALRYMPLE, 1833; David B. HURD, 1838; George H. LUDLOW, 1843.

The constitution of 1844 provided for the election of the county clerks by the people every five years. Clerks were so elected as follows:

Albert STANBURROUGH, 1848, 1853; Samuel SWAYZE, 1858; William McCARTY, 1863; Richard SPEER, 1868; William McCARTY, 1873; Melvin S. CONDIT, 1878.

Surrogates.—Prior to 1784 surrogates were appointed by the governor acting as surrogate general, who named as many for the office as he saw fit, they being really his clerks. The appointments so far as can be ascertained were as follows: Uzal OGDEN, surrogate of Morris and Essex, 1746; Jeremiah Condy RUSSELL, Morris and Essex, 1753; Richard KEMBLE and Abraham OGDEN, surrogates of Morris county, 1768; Joseph LEWIS, —— to 1785. By an act approved December 16th 1784 it was directed that the ordinary should appoint but one deputy or surrogate in each county. Under this act Jabez CAMPFIELD served from 1785 to 1803; John McCARTER 1803 to 1807; David THOMPSON 1807 to 1822. November 28th 1822 an act was passed directing that the surrogates should be elected in joint meeting, and should hold their office for five years. Under this act there were appointed: David THOMPSON jr., 1822 (resigned November 9th 1826); James C. CANFIELD, 1826; Jacob WILSON, 1827; William N. WOOD, 1833, 1838, 1843. The constitution of 1844 provided for an election of surrogates by the people, to hold their office for five years. They have been elected as follows: Jeremiah M. DeCAMP, 1847; Frederick DELLICKER, 1852, 1857; Joseph W. BALLANTINE, 1862, 1867; Edwin E. WILLIS, 1872; Charles A. GILLEN, 1877.

Prosecutors of the Pleas.—Before 1824 the attorney general appears to have acted for the State, and in his absence the court appointed some lawyer of the county to act temporarily for him. After 1824 they were appointed as follows:

George K. DRAKE, Dec. 20 1824 and Dec. 7 1825; Jacob W. MILLER, Dec. 27 1826; Henry A. FORD, March 14 1832; James A. SCOFIELD, Oct. 27 1837, Oct. 28 1842 and Feb. 4 1847; Vancleve DALRYMPLE, March 12 1852; Augustus W. CUTLER, March 17 1857; Henry C. PITNEY, Feb. 6 1862; Alfred MILLS, Feb. 6 1867; Frederick A. DeMOTT, Feb. 6 1872 and Feb. 21 1877; George W. FORSYTH, Jan. 27 1880.

County Judges. —Prior to the adoption of the constitution of 1776 justices of the peace were appointed by the governor and acted also as county judges, a commission being issued to them or some of them from time to time to hold courts of oyer and terminer. They held office during life or until superseded. From the record of their appointment or of their acting as judges we get the following list:

March 25 1740, John BUDD, Jacob FORD, Abraham KITCHEL, John LINDLEY jr., Timothy TUTTLE, Samuel SWESEY; Sept. 16 1740, Gershom MOTT, Daniel COOPER, Isaac VANDINE, Ephriam PRICE, Abraham VANACKEN; Sept. 20 1743, John ANDERSON, Henry STEWART, David LUCE; March 26 1745, James STEWART; March 24 1747, Abraham VAN CAMPEN; April 28 1749, Ebenezer BYRAM, Robert GOULD, Benjamin HATHAWAY, John PETTET, Joseph KITCHEL, William HENRY; Sept. 17 1751, Samuel SMITH; March 26 1754, Joseph TUTTLE, Robert GOBLE; Dec. 21 1756, Joseph HYNDS; March 11 1760, Samuel TUTHILL, Lemuel BOWERS, Thomas DAY, John CARLE, Joseph BEACH, Israel YOUNGLOVE; March 8 1763, Benjamin DAY; Sept. 25 1764, Josiah BROADWELL.

The commission issued April 30 1768 seems to include all the above who were still acting, and was as follows:

Joseph TUTTLE, Daniel COOPER (superseded Aug. 18 1774), Robert GOBLE, Samuel TUTHILL, Robert GOULD, Joseph KITCHEL, Jacob FORD, David LUCE, Samuel BOWERS, John CARLE jr., Benjamin DAY, Josiah BROADWELL, Samuel WELLS; Benjamin COOPER (superseded Jan. 22 1774), William KELLY, Samuel GRANDINE, Moses TUTTLE, Jacob FORD, jr.; Aug. 26 1768, Peter KEMBLE, Lord Stirling; March 29 1770, David THOMPSON, Samuel OGDEN; Feb. 15 1771, Constant KING; March 24 1773, Robert ERSKINE, John Jacob FAESCH, Henry MANDEVILLE; March 19 1774, Johathan STILES; March 18 1775, Philip VAN CORTLAND; April 28 1775, Abraham OGDEN; May 31 1775, Thomas ECKLEY, Thomas MILLIGE; July 27 1775, Daniel COOPER jr.

Under the constitution of 1776 the county judges were to be appointed in joint meeting and to hold their offices for five years. In 1844 the number for each county was restricted to five, and in 1855 to three. The following are the appointments after 1776:

Jacob FORD, 1776; Samuel TUTHILL, 1776, 1788, 1793, 1798; Joseph KITCHELl, 1776; John CARLE, 1776, 1781, 1786, 1791; David THOMPSON, 1776, 1779, 1789, 1794, 1796, 1797; Benjamin HALSEY, 1776, 1781 (resigned in 1785); Samuel ROBERTS, 1777; Jonathan STILES, 1782; Abraham KITCHEL, 1782, 1797, 1803; William WOODHULL, 1782, 1788, 1793, 1798, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818; Silas CONDICT, 1785, 1790, 1799; Aaron KITCHEL, 1785; John Jacob FAESCH, 1786, 1791, 1796; Ellis COOK, 1793, 1795; John DOUGHTY, 1795, 1800, 1805, 1812; David WELSH, 1798, 1801, 1804, 1809, 1814, 1819; Robert COLFAX, 1799, 1812, 1818, 1822; Joseph LEWIS, 1800; Hiram SMITH, 1800; John COBB, 1803; Benjamin LUDLOW, 1803; Jonathan OGDEN, 1805, 1812; Silas COOK, 1806, 1812, 1817, 1821, 1826, 1833, 1838, 1843; Cornelius VOORHEES, 1807; Edward CONDICT, 1807, 1824, 1829, 1834, 1839; William MUNRO, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1822, 1824, 1829, 1831, 1836, Jesse UPSON, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1823, 1828; Benjamin SMITH, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1820; Mahlon DICKERSON, 1811; Ebenezer COE, 1812; Benjamin PIERSON, 1812; Israel CANFIELD, 1812; John G. COOPER, 1812, 1817, 1822; Ebenezer H. PIERSON, 1813; Joseph JACKSON, 1813, 1818, 1822, 1827, 1829, 1831, 1836, 1841; Henry W. PHILLIPS, 1813; Lemuel COBB, 1813, 1822, 1827; Lot DIXON, 1815; Lewis CONDICT, 1818; Joseph HEDGES, 1820; William B. PATTERSON, 1820; David MILLS, 1822; Daniel HORTON, 1822, 1827; Cornelius LUDLOW, 1823; James WOOD, 1825, 1830, 1837; David THOMPSON, 1828; Daniel HOPPING, 1828, 1832, 1837, 1842; Lemuel NEIGHBOUR, 1828; William LOGAN, 1829, 1834, 1843; Silas LINDSEY, 1829, 1836; William BRITTIN, 1829, 1833, 1839, 1845, 1850; Stephen VAIL, 1829, 1834; Isaac QUIMBY, 1829, 1834, 1836; Joseph SMITH, 1829, 1833, 1839; Thomas DICKERSON, 1832; Benjamin CRANE, 1832, 1850, 1854; Ephraim MARSH, 1832, 1837, 1842; John HUNT, 1833, 1838, 1843; Andrew B. COBB, 1833, 1838, 1843; William JACKSON, 1833; Francis CHILD jr., 1833, 1843, 1851; Stephen CONGAR, 1833, 1838, 1843; Charles FORD, 1833, 1838, 1843; Silas CONDICT, 1833, 1838, 1843; Ebenezer F. SMITH, 1833, 1839; David W. MILLER, 1833, 1838, 1843; Benjamin ROOME, 1833; Jeptha B. MUNN, 1833, 1843; William DELLECKER, 1834; Nicholas ARROWSMITH jr., 1835; John A. BLEECKER, 1836, 1843; William BABBIT, 1837, 1842; Stephen SALMON, 1839; Peter A. JOHNSON, 1839; John J. YOUNG, 1840; Aaron DOTY, 1840; Benjamin P. LUM, 1840; Samuel HILTS, 1840; George R. COLFAX, 1841; Joseph LOVELL, 1841; Archer STEPHENS, 1843; Jacob WELCH, 1843; Henry P. GREEN, 1843; Richard W. STITES, 1843; John F. SMITH and Jacob HANN, 1843; Lawrence HAGAR, Squier LUM and Nathan A. COOPER, 1844; Stephen CLARK, Jacob WILSON, Joseph C. RIGHTER and Cornelius W. MANDEVILLE, 1844; Samuel B. HALSEY, 1846; William A. DUER, 1847; Calvin HOWELL, 1848; Robert F. WILSON, 1849; Joseph DALRYMPLE, 1852, 1857; Cummings McCARTY, 1853; Samuel O. BREANT, 1858; Ira C. WHITEHEAD, 1859; James H. FANCHER, 1862; John W. HANCOCK, 1864; Lewis B. COBB, 1867; James S. FANCHER, 1868; David W. DELLECKER, 1869, 1877; John L. KANOUSE, 1872; Benjamin O. CANFIELD, 1873; FREEMAN WOOD, 1874, 1879.

By an act of the Legislature February 26th 1878 one of the three judges of the court of common pleas was to be thereafter a counselor at law, to be the president judge of the court and to hold his office for five years. Under this act Hon. Francis CHILD was appointed February 26th 1878.

Justices of the Peace.—From 1776 to 1844 the justices of the peace of each county were appointed in joint meeting, to hold their office for five years, and were considered county officers. Besides those who were also judges, and whose names appear as such, there were appointed for Morris county the following:

Robert GOULD, 1776; Aaron STARK, 1776, 1777; Samuel WILLS, 1776; John WALDRUFF, 1775; Moses TUTTLE, 1776; Jacob DOLEY, 1776; Constant KING, 1776; Henry MANDEVILLE jr., 1776, 1777, 1781, 1783; Matthew BURNET, 1776; John BROOKFIELD, 1776, 1781; Jonathan STILES (resigned January 10th 1779), 1776, 1781; David BREWIN, 1776; Daniel COOPER jr., 1876, 1781; Benjamin HOWELL, 1776, 1781; John Jacob FAESCH, 1776, 1781; Elijah HORTON, 1776, 1782; Jacob GOULD, 1777, 1782, 1787; Stephen DAY, 1777, 1782; John COBB (resigned October 2nd 1778), 1777; William YOUNG, 1777, 1782 (resigned August 13th 1784); Aaron KITCHEL, 1777, 1782; Seth BABBITt, 1777, 1782; William ROSS, 1778; William WOODHULL, 1780, 1790, 1795, 1803, 1806, 1808; David THOMPSON, 1781; Jacob MINTON, 1781; Abraham KITCHEL, 1782; Benjamin LINDSLEY (resigned August 31st 1784), 1782; Joseph WOOD, 1782; John STARK, 1783, 1789, 1794, 1799; Ebenezer TUTTLE (resigned June 1st 1786), 1783; Eleazer LINDSLEY, 1783; Daniel COOK, 1784, 1789; John RIGGS, 1784; Jacob SHUILER, 1786; William LOGAN, 1786; Cornelius VOORHEES, 1787; Caleb RUSSELL, 1787; Hiram SMITH, 1788; Moses TUTTLE (resigned November 23d 1790), 1788; David WELSH jr., 1789, 1794, 1799, 1804, 1809, 1814, 1819; Alexander CARMICHAEL, 1790, 1795; Enos WARD, 1791; Nathaniel TERRY, 1791; John DEBOW, 1791; John SALTER, 1791, 1796; Stephen JACKSON, 1791; Artemas DAY, 1791; William CORWINE, 1792, 1797, 1803, 1808, 1813; John KITCHEL, 1792; Abraham FAIRCHILD, 1792, 1797, 1803; Ellis COOK, 1793; Ebenezer COE, 1793, 1798, 1804, 1809, 1814, 1819, 1824; Jabez CAMPFIELD, 1793, 1798; Hiram SMITH, 1793; Simeon BROADWELL, 1793; George BOCKOVER, 1794, 1799; John COBB, 1794, 1799, 1803; Joseph LEWIS, 1796; Benjamin BEACH, 1796, 1801, 1806, 1811; Robert COLFAX, 1796, 1812, 1818, 1822; Ebenezer DRAKE, 1796, 1801; John DE CAMP, 1796, 1801, 1806, 1812, 1817; Joshua JENNINGS, 1797; Aaron BALL, 1798, 1803; Nicholas EMMONS, 1798, 1803, 1808; Ziba HAZEN, 1799; Nicholas MANDEVILLE, 1799, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818; Nicholas NEIGHBOUR, 1799, 1804, 1809, 1814; Israel LUM, 1799, 1804; Daniel HORTON, 1801, 1806, 1812, 1816, 1821, 1826; Joseph HEDGES, 1801, 1806, 1812; Abraham KITCHEL, 1803; Benjamin LUDLOW, 1803; Richard JOHNSON, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818; Jesse UPSON, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1823, 1828; William MUNRO, 1803, 1808, 1818, 1822, 1824, 1833, 1834 (resigned 1835); Benjamin CONDIT, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1823, 1828; Daniel HURD, 1803, 1808; Benjamin LAMSON, 1803, 1808, 1813; Jacob MILLER, 1804; John DOUGHTY, 1805, 1812; Jonathan OGDEN, 1805, 1812; David PIER, 1805, 1810; Silas COOK, 1805, 1812, 1817, 1826, 1833, 1838, 1843; Peter SMITH, 1805, 1811; Daniel HOPPING, 1805, 1810, 1816, 1820, 1825, 1832; Benjamin SMITH, 1806, 1811, 1813, 1816, 1818, 1819 (resigned 1820); Preserve RIGGS, 1806, 1811; Isaac LINDSLEY, 1806, 1811; Cornelius VOORHEES, 1807; Edward CONDICT, 1807, 1812, 1817, 1822, 1824, 1827, 1829, 1834; Lot DIXON, 1807, 1812, 1817; Joseph HALSEY, 1807; David S. BATES, 1807; Ezekiel KITCHEL, 1808; Philip SCHUYLER, 1808; John KELSO, 1808; Henry COOPER jr., 1808, 1813, 1818; William SPENCER, 1809, 1813 (resigned 1814); Benjamin PIERSON, 1809, 1814, 1819; Mahlon DICKERSON, 1811; Thomas VAN WINKLE, 1811, 1816, 1820, 1825, 1832, 1837; Thomas PARROT, 1811, 1818; Thomas LOGAN jr., 1812, 1817, 1821; Stephen DICKERSON, 1812, 1817, 1821, 1826, 1831, 1836; John SMITH, 1812, 1817, 1820; Israel CANFIELD, 1812; John G. COOPER, 1812, 1817, 1822; Ebenezer H. PIERSON, 1813; Joseph JACKSON, 1813, 1818, 1822, 1827; Henry W. PHILLIPS, 1813; Lemuel COBB, 1813, 1818, 1822, 1827; John STARK 3d, 1813; Cornelius DAVENPORT, 1813; Lawrence HENN, 1813; Jacob B. DRAKE, 1813; William WOODHULL, 1813, 1818; Elijah WARD, 1814, 1818, 1835, 1844; Leonard NEIGHBOUR, 1814, 1819, 1824; Obadiah CRANE, 1814, 1819; David MILLS, 1814, 1818 (resigned 1819), 1822; Silas LINDSLEY, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1830; Jacob DRAKE jr., 1815, 1820; Jacob DEMOUTH, 1815, 1820, 1826, 1832; Jonathan MILLER, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1838, 1843; Lambert BOWMAN, 1815; William BABBIT, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1831, 1837, 1842; Samuel S. BEACH, 1816; Aaron BALL, 1816; Paul DRAKE, 1816, 1825; Squier LUM, 1816, 1821, 1826, 1831, 1836, 1842; David MILLER, 1817; David DAY, 1817, 1821, 1826, 1836, 1842; Abraham COOK, 1817; Jacob WEISE, 1817; Lewis CONDIT, 1818; John SHARP 3d, 1818, 1824, 1829, 1834; Gabriel JOHNSON, 1819, 1823, 1828; Joseph HEDGES, 1819; William DELLECKER, 1819, 1823, 1828, 1833; Ephraim P. STILES, 1818; Joseph SMITH, 1819, 1824, 1829, 1839; Ebenezer SMITH, 1820; Robert STAGHT, 1820; Nicholas ARROWSMITH jr., 1821, 1826, 1836; John SMITH of Roxbury, 1821; Richard GREY, 1821, 1826, 1830 (resigned); Benjamin P. LUM, 1822, 1827, 1832, 1837, 1841, 1842; Samuel WEISE, 1822; Cornelius LUDLOW, 1822, 1827; Benjamin CRANE, 1822, 1827, 1832; Stephen CONGAR, 1822, 1827, 1832, 1837, 1842; Aaron KITCHEL, 1822, 1827; William LOGAN, 1822, 1827, 1832; David THORP, 1822, 1827; John HUNT, 1823, 1828, 1837, 1842; Peter KEMPLE, 1823, 1828, 1833, 1839; Aaron SALMON, 1823, 1832, 1837, 1842; Isaac QUIMBY, 1824, 1829, 1834; William THOMPSON, 1824; Ebenezer F. SMITH, 1824, 1829, 1833, 1834; Thomas DICKERSON, 1824, 1829; Samuel SAYRE of Roxbury, 1825; James WOOD, 1825, 1830, 1837; Azariah CARTER, 1825, 1830, 1836, 1843; Benjamin ROME jr., 1825, 1833; Peter FREEMAN, 1825, 1830; Sylvanus COOPER, 1826, 1831; John SHERMAN, 1826, 1836; John F. SMITH, 1826, 1831, 1832; David THOMPSON, 1828; Lemuel NEIGHBOUR, 1828; George H. LUDLOW, 1828; Daniel L. TUTTLE, 1828; Zephaniah DRAKE, 1829; Matthias KITCHEL, 1829, 1834, 1839; William DE HART, of Pequannock, 1829; Andrew PEARCE, 1829; William BRITTIN, 1829, 1834; Nathaniel CORWIN, 1829, 1834; Jacob WELSH of Washington township, 1829, 1834, 1839; Alexander DICKERSON, 1829, 1834, 1839; Stephen VAIL, 1829, 1834; John A. BLEECKER, 1829, 1834; Charles FREEMAN, 1829; Joseph DALRYMPLE, 1829; Robert K. TUTTLE, 1829, 1834, 1843; Daniel THOMPSON jr., 1829; Simeon LINDSLEY, 1830, 1835, 1844; Henry STEPHENS, 1830; Peter A. JOHNSON, 1830, 1835, 1840; George R. COLFAX, 1830, 1833, 1836, 1840; Moses BEACH, 1831; John RIGHTER, 1831, 1836; Isaac BEACH jr., 1831; John W. HANCOCK, 1831; George TRIMMER jr., 1831, 1836; Daniel McCORMICK, 1831; David HORTON, 1831; Michael ARROWSMITH, 1831; Joseph JACKSON, 1831, 1836, 1841; Andrew FLECK, 1831; Nelson, HOWELL, 1832; Morris HAGER, 1832; James M. FLEMING, 1832, 1838; Cornelius MANDEVILLE, 1832; Isaac WHITEHEAD, 1832; Robert HAND, 1832; Isaac BALL, 1832; Ephraim MARSH, 1832; Stephen SALMON, 1833, 1838, 1843; John DEBOW, 1833, 1838; Silas C. CLARK, 1833, 1838; Jacob JOHNSON, 1833; Daniel RUNYON, 1833, 1838, 1843; Francis STICKLE, 1833; Samuel SAYRE of Morris, 1833; William HEADLEY, 1833; Stephen O. GUERIN, 1833; John WELSH, 1833; Robert C. STEPHENS, 1833, 1838, 1843; William O. FORD, 1833, 1838, 1839, 1843; Calvin DIXON, 1833, 1838; Loammi MOORE, 1833, 1838; Francis CHILD jr., 1833; Silas CONDICT, 1833, 1843; Samuel HILTS, 1833, 1838, 1843; Calvin THOMPSON, 1833; David W. MILLER, 1833, 1843; Stephen R. HAINES, 1833; William JACKSON, 1833; John SEWARD jr., 1833, 1838; William SPRIGGS, 1833; Isaac MEAD, 1833; John MOTT jr., 1833; Nathan A. COOPER, 1834; John HARDY, 1834; Daniel P. MERCHANT, 1834; Calvin D. SMITH, 1834; John S. BALLENTINE, 1834; Jeptha B. MUNN, 1834; Jonathan THOMPSON, 1835, 1843; Rheace NICHOLAS, 1835, 1843; James ELY, 1835; Samuel HEDGES, 1835, 1843; John M. LOSEY, 1835; Moses A. BROOKFIELD, 1836, 1843; Henry KENNEDY, 1836; Mahlon PITNEY jr., 1836, 1841; Samuel C. CASKEY, 1836, 1844; David BURNET jr., 1836; Josiah P. KNAPP, 1836; Elisha BARD, 1830; John GARRIGUS jr., 1836, 1841; Henry STEVENS, 1837, 1842; John T. YOUNG, 1837; William ALLEN, 1837; Nathaniel F. DOUGLASS, 1837, 1842; Archer STEPHENS, 1837, 1842; Isaac BIRD, 1838, 1843; Henry COLE, 1838, 1843; Aaron DOTY, 1838, 1843; Charles FORD, 1838, 1843; David T. COOPER, 1838, 1843; Henry J. HOFFMAN, 1839; Calvin HOWELL, 1839; Martin S. MOORE, 1839; Morris SHARP, 1839; Samuel SWAYZE, 1839; Robert ALBRIGHT, 1839, 1844; Enos DAVENPORT, 1839; John DALRYMPLE, 1839; Silas L. CONDICT, 1839; James F. HOPPING, 1839; Benjamin L. CONDICT, 1840; David CRATER jr., 1840; Jared HOWELL, 1840; William B. LA FEVER, 1840; Elisha B. MOTT, 1840; Moses CHERRY, 1840; Jacob HOLLOWAY, 1840; Joseph C. HARVEY, Abraham C. CANFIELD, Hubbard S. STICKLE, John WELLS, William NICHOLS and William P. BRITTIN, 1841; John J. YOUNGs, Andrew FLOCK, James R. DENNISON, 1842; William M. CLARK, 1843, resigned 1845; Wickliff H. GENUNG, John SEWARD jr., David SANDFORD, David BURNET, James ELY, John J. BALLENTINE, Jacob SWACKHAMER, Thomas COE, Thomas LANDRON, Cummins McCARTY, William LITTLE, Michael McLANE, Joseph COLEMAN, David S. DE CAMP, Gilman T. CUMMINGS, William B. JOHNSON, Josiah B. KNAPP and William H. DICKERSON, 1843; Henry KENNEDY, Cornelius W. MANDEVILLE, Eliphalet DRAKE, Moses BEAM, John GRAY, Alfred VANDUYNE, Jacob POWERS, William T. MUNROE, Jacob DRAKE, Stephen W. T. MEEKER, David ALLEN and Timothy SOUTHARD, 1844.

The constitution of 1844 provided for the election of justices of the peace by the people of each township.

Members of the Council (elected annually under the first constitution).—Silas CONDICT, 1776-80; John CARLE, 1781-84; John Cleves SYMMES, 1785; Abraham KITCHEL, 1786-88, 1793, 1794, 1798-1800; William WOODHULL, 1789, 1790; Ellis COOK, 1791, 1792, 1795; David WELSH, 1801-6; Benjamin LUDLOW, 1807-14; Jesse UPSON, 1815-22 (vice-president 1818-22; Silas COOK, 1823-27 (vice-president in 1827); Edward CONDICT, 1828-30; James WOOD, 1831, 1832, 1840, 1841; Mahlon DICKERSON, 1833; William MUNRO, 1834; Jeptha B. MUNN, 1835, 1836; William BRITTIN, 1837, 1838; Jacob W. MILLER, 1839; Ezekiel B. GAINES, 1842; John H. STANBURROUGH, 1843.

State Senators.—John B. JOHNES, 1845-47; Ephraim MARSH, 1848-50 (president in 1849 and 1850); John A. BLEEKER, 1851-53; Alexander ROBERTSON, 1854-56; Andrew B. COBB, 1857-59; Daniel BUDD, 1860-62; Lyman A. CHANDLER, 1863-65; George T. COBB, 1866-70; Columbus BEACH, 1871; Augustus W. CUTLER, 1872-74; John HILL, 1875-77; Augustus C. CANFIELD, 1878-80; James C. YOUNGBLOOD, 1881.

Assemblymen.—Under the first constitution, adopted July 2nd 1776, each county was entitled to three assemblymen, who were elected on the second Tuesday of October, the Assembly convening on the second Tuesday thereafter. In 1815 Morris county was authorized to elect four members of Assembly, but the number three was restored in 1860. The county was first districted in 1852, Chatham and Morris townships composing the first district, Hanover and Pequannock the second, Jefferson, Rockaway and Roxbury the third, and Chester, Mendham, Randolph and Washington the fourth. In 1860 the county was redistricted, to conform to the reduced representation, as follows: 1st district, Chatham, Chester, Mendham and Morris; 2nd, Hanover, Pequannock and Rockaway; 3d, Jefferson, Randolph and Roxbury. The subsequent arrangement of districts has been as follows: 1867—1st district, Chatham, Hanover, Morris and Passaic; 2nd, Jefferson, Pequannock, Randolph and Rockaway; 3d, Chester, Mendham, Roxbury and Washington. 1868—1st district, Chatham, Hanover, Mendham, Morris and Passaic; 2nd, Boonton, Jefferson and Rockaway; 3d, Chester, Randolph, Roxbury and Washington, 1871—1st district, Chatham, Hanover, Montville and Morris; 2nd, Boonton, Jefferson, Pequannock and Rockaway; 3d, Chester, Mendham, Passaic, Randolph, Roxbury and Washington. An act redistricting the county as follows in 1878 was repealed in 1879—1st district, Chatham, Chester, Mendham, Morris and Passaic; 2nd, Boonton, Hanover, Montville, Pequannock and Rockaway; 3d, Jefferson, Mt. Olive, Randolph, Roxbury and Washington. By an act of March 21st 1881 Mt. Olive and Roxbury were attached to the 2nd district. In the following list of members of Assembly from Morris county the district represented by the member is indicated by its number following his name, and the territory represented can be ascertained by reference to the dates above:

Jacob DRAKE, 1776-78; Ellis COOK, 1776, 1777, 1779, 1781-92; William WOODHULL, 1776, 1777; Abraham KITCHEL, 1778, 1779; David THOMPSON, 1778, 1795; Alexander CARMICHAEL, 1779; William WINDS, 1780; John CARLE, 1780; Eleazer LINDSLEY, 1780; Aaron KITCHEL, 1781, 1782, 1784, 1786-90, 1793, 1794, 1797, 1801-04, 1809; John STARKE, 1781-83, 1785-88, 1791, 1795; Jonathan DICKERSON, 1783; Jacob ARNOLD, 1784, 1785, 1789, 1790; Hiram SMITH, 1791, 1792; Silas CONDICT, 1791-94, 1796-98, 1800 (speaker 1792-94, 1797); John WURTS, 1792; David WELSH, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1797, 1800; John DEBOW, 1795; John COBB, 1796; William CORWIN, 1798, 1799, 1801-03; Cornelius VOORHEESE, 1798, 1800; William CAMPFIELD, 1799; Jonathan OGDEN, 1802-04; Jesse UPSON, 1804-06; Lewis CONDICT, 1805-09 (speaker 1808, 1809); George TUCKER, 1805; Nicholas NEIGHBOUR, 1806-08; Stephen DOD, 1807-12; Jeptha B. MUNN, 1810-12, 1814; Nicholas MANDEVILLE, 1810, 1813-15; Mahlon DICKERSON, 1811-13; Leonard NEIGHBOUR, 1813, 1831; David THOMPSON jr., 1814-22 (speaker 1818-22); Benjamin CONDIT, 1815, 1816, 1819; Ezekiel KITCHEL, 1815, 1816; Samuel HALLIDAY, 1816-18; John S. DARCY, 1817, 1818; Benjamin McCURRY, 1817, 1821, 1822, 1824; William BRITTIN, 1818, 1819-24, 1832; Silas COOK, 1819, 1820; William MUNRO, 1820, 1821, 1823, 1828-30; Benjamin SMITH, 1820, 1822, 1823; George K. DRAKE, 1823-26 (speaker 1825, 1826); John SCOTT, 1824; Ebenezer F. SMITH, 1825; Joseph DICKERSON, 1825, 1826; Ephraim MARSH, 1825-27; John D. JACKSON, 1826; David MILLS, 1827; Stephen THOMPSON, 1827; Walter KIRKPATRICK, 1827; Joseph JACKSON, 1828-30; Charles HILLARD, 1828-30; John HANCOCK, 1828-30; Elijah WARD, 1831; Thomas MUIR, 1831, 1833, 1834; James COOK, 1831, 1835; Samuel BEACH, 1832; Jacob W. MILLER, 1832; Joseph SMITH, 1832; Joseph DICKERSON jr., 1833, 1834; Henry HILLARD, 1833-35; Silas LINDSLEY, 1833, 1834; Isaac QUIMBY, 1835; John D. JACKSON, 1835; John A. BLEEKER, 1836; William DELLICKER, 1836; Alexander DICKERSON, 1836; William LOGAN, 1836; Lewis CONDICT, 1837, 1838 (speaker); Silas TUTTLE, 1837, 1838; Robert C. STEPHENS, 1837, 1838; Ezekiel B. GAINES, 1837, 1838; Abraham BRITTIN, 1839, 1840; Ebenezer F. SMITH, 1839, 1840; Jacob WEISE, 1839; Paul B. DEBOW, 1839, 1840; James W. DRAKE, 1840, 1841; Samuel B. HALSEY, 1841, 1842 (speaker 1842); William STEPHENS, 1841, 1842; Thomas C. WILLIS, 1841; David T. COOPER, 1842, 1848, 1849; James CLARK, 1842, 1843; John M. LOSEY, 1843; Samuel WILLETT, 1843; George VAIL, 1843; Timothy KITCHEL, 1845; Matthias KITCHEL, 1845, 1846; Henry SEWARD, 1845, 1846; George H. THOMPSON, 1845, 1846; Calvin HOWELL, 1846, 1847; Richard LEWIS, 1847; Charles McFARLAND, 1847; Samuel HILTS, 1847; Samuel VAN NESS, 1848, 1849; Edward W. WHELPLEY, 1848, 1849 (speaker 1849); Andrew J. SMITH, 1848, 1849; John L. KANOUSE, 1850, 1854; Andrew B. COBB, 2, 1850, 1854; Freeman WOOD, 1850; George H. THOMPSON, 1850; Cornelius B. DOREMUS, 1851, 1852; Horace CHAMBERLAIN, 1851; Jonathan P. BARTLEY, 1851; Josiah MEEKER, 1851; John D. JACKSON, 3, 1852, 1853; Cornelius S. DICKERSON, 1852, 1853; Robert ALBRIGHT, 1, 1852, 1853; William P. CONKLING, 1, 1854, 1855; William LOGAN, 3, 1854. 1855; Aaron PITNEY, 4, 1854, 1855; Edward HOWELL, 2, 1855, 1856; William M. MUCHMORE, 1, 1856; William A. CARR, 3, 1856, 1857; Daniel BUDD, 4, 1856, 1857; Benjamin M. FELCH, 1, 1857; Richard SPEER, 2, 1857, 1858; Lyman A. CHANDLER, 3, 1858; John NAUGHRIGHT, 4, 1858; 1858, 1859; A. H. STANBURROUGH, 1, 1859; James H. BALL, 2, 1859, 1860; Eugene AYERS, 1, 1860; Nelson H. DRAKE, 3, 1860-62; Nathan HORTON. 4, 1860, 1861; William W. BEACH, 1, 1861; John HILL, 2, 1861, 1862, 1866 (speaker); Jacob VANATTA, 1, 1862, 1863; William J. WOOD, 2, 1863; Jesse HOFFMAN, 3, 1863-65; Henry C. SANDERS, 1, 1864; John BATES, 2, 1864, 1865; Alfred M. TREADWELL, 1, 1865, James C. YAWGER, 1, 1866, 1867; Elias M. WHITE, 3, 1866; 1867; Lewis ESTLER, 2, 1867; Daniel COGHLAN, 1, 1868; George GAGE, 2, 1868; Jesse M. SHARP, 3, 1868-70; Theo. W. PHOENIX, 1, 1869, 1870; Columbus BEACH, 2, 1869, 1870; Nathaniel NILES, 1, 1871, 1872 (speaker); William B. LEFEVRE, 2, 1871, 1872; Aug. C. CANFIELD, 3, 1871-73; William H. HOWELL, 1, 1873, 1874; Jacob Z. BUDD, 2, 1873, 1874; Elias M. SKELLENGER, 3, 1874-76; J. C. YOUNGBLOOD, 1, 1875, 1876; Edmund D. HALSEY, 2, 1875, 1876; A. C. VAN DUYNE, 1, 1877; C. O. COOPER, 2, 1877, 1878; C. P. GARRABRANT, 3, 1877, 1878; Joshua S. SALMON, 2, 1878; Charles F. AXTELL, 1, 1879, 1880; James H. BRUEN, 2, 1879, 1880; Holloway W. HUNT, 3, 1879, 1880; William C. JOHNSON, 1, 1881, 1882; John F. POST, 2, 1881, 1882; Oscar LINDSLEY, 3, 1881, 1882.

United States Senators.—Aaron KITCHEL, son of Joseph and Rachel KITCHEL, born in Hanover in 1744, died June 25th 1820. For a sketch of his life see Rev. H. D. KITCHEL's history of Robert KITCHEL and his descendants.

Mahlon DICKERSON, son of Jonathan and Mary DICKERSON, born April 17th 1770, died October 4th 1853; senator from March 4th 1817 to March 3d 1833.

Jacob W. MILLER, born in 1802, died September 30th 1862; senator from March 4th 1841 to March 4th 1853.

Theodore F. RANDOLPH, born in New Brunswick, June 24th 1826; senator from March 4th 1875 to March 3d 1881.

Congressmen.—Silas CONDICT, 1781-84; born March 7th 1738, died September 18th 1801.

Aaron KITCHEL, 1791-93, 1794-97, 1799-1801; also United States senator.

Lewis CONDICT, 1811-17, 1821-33; speaker of the House; born March 1773, died May 26th 1862.

Bernard SMITH, son of Bernard SMITH, of Rockaway, 1819-21; died at Little Rock, Ark., July 16th 1835, aged 59.

George VAIL, born in 1803, died May 23d 1875; representative 1853-57 (33d and 34th Congresses).

George T. COBB, born October 13th 1813, killed by a railroad accident near White Sulphur Springs, Va., August 6th 1870; representative 1861-63 (37th Congress).

Augustus W. CUTLER, born 1829; representative 1875-79 (44th and 45th Congresses).

John HILL, born 1821; representative 1867-73, 1881-83 (40th, 41st, 42nd and 47th Congresses).


The militia of Morris county after the Revolutionary war was organized in four regiments of infantry, each commanded by one lieutenant colonel and two majors, to form one brigade, to be commanded by a brigadier general; and one squadron of cavalry to form, with a squadron from Essex county, one regiment, to be commanded by a lieutenant colonel. June 5th 1793 the field officers of these regiments were all appointed in joint meeting—some of the appointments being no doubt reappointments. In 1799 the militia act seems to have been revised, but the same number of field officers were retained.

The following is a roster(*) of the militia as far as can be ascertained. Immediately following the name is the date of commission; "res." stands for resigned and "prom." for promoted.

Brigadier Generals.—John DOUGHTY, res. Oct. 30 1800. Pruden ALLING, Nov. 13 1800; res. 1806. Benjamin LUDLOW, Mch. 12 1806; prom. maj. gen. 2nd div. Nov. 25 1809. John DARCY, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 17 1815. Solomon DOUGHTY, Feb. 17 1815. John SMITH, Feb. 13 1818; res. Dec. 9 1823. John S. DARCY, Dec. 9 1823. Cornelius W. MANDEVILLE, Jan. 24 1834.


Colonels.—Charles T. DAY, Oct. 31 1833. Jabez Beers, Mch. 10 1836.

Lieutenant Colonels.—Jacob ARNOLD, June 5 1793; res. Oct. 31 1806. Nehemiah LOSEY, Nov. 25 1806; res. Nov. 2 1809. Silas Axtell, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 17 1815. Solomon BOYLE, Feb. 17 1815; res. Feb. 11 1818. William BRITTIN, Feb. 13 1818; res. Mch. 1 1828. Stephen D. HUNTING, Mch. 1 1828; res. Nov. 8 1828. James W. DRAKE, Feb. 20 1828.

Majors 1st Battalion.—Benjamin LUDLOW, June 5 1763; promoted Mch. 12 1806. David LINDSLEY, Mch. 12 1806; res. Nov. 2, 1809. Solomon BOYLE, Nov. 25, 1809; prom. Feb. 17 1815. William BRITTIN, Feb. 17, 1809; prom. Feb. 13, 1818. HALSEY MILLER, Feb. 17 1819; res. Mch. 1 1820. Charles FREEMAN, Mch. 1 1820. Stephen D. HUNTING, Dec. 20 1824; prom. Mch. 1 1828. John S. BUDD, Mch. 1 1828; res. Feb. 20 1829. William W. CLARK, Feb. 20 1829. William R. BRADLEY, Mch, 4 1835. Benj. R. ROBINSON. Mch. 10 1836.

Majors 2nd Battalion.—John KINNEY, June 5 1793; res. 1804. Nehemiah LOSEY, Nov. 29 1804; prom. Nov. 25 1806. Silas AXTELL, Nov. 25 1806; prom. Nov. 25 1809. Grover YOUNGS, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 6 1817. Samuel HALLIDAY, Feb. 6 1817; res. Nov. 21 1820. Lewis LOREE, Nov. 21 1820; res. Nov. 23 1822. Silas MILLER, Nov. 23 1822; res. Oct. 26 1827. James W. DRAKE, Oct. 26 1827; prom. Feb. 20 1828. Daniel C. MARTIN, Feb. 20 1829; prom. Feb. 27 1830 to cavalry regiment. William TUTTLE jr., Feb. 27 1830. Samuel L. AXTELL, Oct. 31 1834. Philip RILEY, Mch. 10 1836.


Colonels.—David W. MILLER, Feb. 28 1838; res. Mch. 12 1839. Henry HALSEY, Mch. 12 1839.

Lieutenant-Colonels.—John STARK; res. May 23 1782. Nathan LUSE, June 21 1782. Amos STARK, June 5 1793. James COOK, res. Nov. 2 1809. John BUDD, Nov. 25

(*) The author acknowledges valuable services rendered in compiling these lists by James S. McDanolds, State librarian; Adjutant General William S. Stryker, Assistant Adjutant General James D. Kiger, and Hon. Henry C. Kelsey, secretary of State. 

1809; res. Nov. 2 1811. John SMITH, Nov. 2 1811; prom. Feb. 13 1818. Benjamin McCOURY, Feb. 13 1818; res. Nov. 23 1822. Nathan HORTON jr., Nov. 23 1822; res. Oct. 28 1825. Hugh BARTLEY, Dec. 27 1825; res. Feb. 26 1830. Charles HILLIARD, Feb. 27 1830.

Majors 1st Battalion.—David WELSH, June 5 1793; res. Oct. 25 1793. David MILLER, Feb. 19 1794; res. Oct. 30 1799. Leonard NEIGHBOUR, Oct. 30 1799; res. Nov. 2 1809. Benjamin McCOURY, Nov. 25 1809; prom. Feb. 13 1818. Nathaniel HORTON, Feb. 13 1818; prom. Nov. 23 1822. Elijah HORTON, Dec. 9 1823; res. Mch. 1 1828. Henry KENNEDY, Mch. 1 1828.

Majors 2nd Battalion.—James COOK, June 5 1793. John SMITH, Nov. 25 1809; prom. Nov. 2 1811. Cadwallader SMITH, Nov. 2 1811; res. Mch. 1 1820. Joseph BUDD, Mch. 1 1820; res. Dec. 9 1823. Hugh BARTLEY, Dec. 9 1823; prom. Dec. 27 1825. Charles HILLIARD, Dec. 27 1825; prom. Feb. 27 1830. Thomas LANDON, Feb. 27 1830; res. Feb. 15 1831. Arthur VALENTINE, res. Mch. 4 1833. John CASKEY, Mch. 4 1835.


Lieutenant-Colonels.—Chilion FORD, June 5 1793; died. Ebenezer H. PIERSON, Feb. 26 1801; res. Nov. 1 1804. Joseph JACKSON, Nov. 29 1804; res. Feb. 6 1817. John Scott, Feb. 6 1817; res. Nov. 15 1820. Samuel S. BEACH, Nov. 15 1820; res. Dec. 9 1823. John H. STANBURROUGH, Dec. 9 1813; res. Oct. 28 1825. John C. DOUGHTY, Dec. 7 1825; res. Nov. 8 1828. Thomas MUIR, Nov. 8 1828. Thomas COE, Mch. 4 1835. Nathaniel MOTT, Feb. 28 1838.

Majors 1st Battalion.—Samuel MINTHORN, June 5 1793; Benjamin JACKSON, Nov. 23 1795; res. Joseph JACKSON, Feb. 26 1801; prom. Nov. 29 1804. William LEE, Mch. 12 1806; res. Feb. 19 1813. John HINCHMAN, Feb. 19 1813. Samuel S. BEACH, Feb. 6 1817; prom. Nov. 15 1820. John P. COOK, Nov. 15 1820. Frederick DE MOUTH, Dec. 7 1825; res. Nov. 6 1829. Joseph HINCHMAN, Feb. 27 1830. Peter COE, Feb. 15 1831.

Majors 2nd Battalion.—Cornelius HOAGLAND, June 5 1793; removed. Joshua JENNINGS, Feb. 26 1801; res. Nov. 3 1803. Joseph HURD, Nov. 3 1803. Joseph HOPPING, Feb. 9 1814. John LEWIS, res. Oct. 31 1816. Moses HOPPER, res. Nov. 15 1820. John H. STANBURROUGH, Nov. 15 1820; prom. Dec. 9 1823. John C. DOUGHTY, Dec. 9 1823; prom. Dec. 7 1825. Thomas MUIR, Dec. 7 1825; prom. Nov. 8 1828. William MINTON, Jan. 30 1829; res. Mch. 4 1835. Robert MUIR, Feb. 27 1840.


Lieutenant-Colonels.—Pruden ALLING, June 5 1793; prom. Nov. 13 1800. Hiram SMITH, Nov. 13 1800; res. Feb. 26 1801. John DARCY, Feb. 26 1801; prom. Nov. 25 1809. Lemuel COBB, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 17 1815. John S. DARCY, Feb. 17 1815; prom. Dec. 9 1823. Ezekiel B. GAINES, Dec. 9 1823; res. Dec. 20 1824. James QUIMBY, Dec. 20 1824. Cornelius W. MANDEVILLE, Mch. 1 1828; Francis NAFEE, Feb. 26 1834. Samuel DEMOREST, Feb. 28 1838.

Majors 1st Battalion.—Hiram SMITH, June 5 1793; prom. Nov. 13 1800. Lemuel COBB, Feb. 26 1800; prom. Nov. 25 1809. Wm. A. MANDEVILLE, Feb. 19 1811. Ezekiel B. GAINES, Mch. 1 1820; prom. Dec. 9 1823. Cornelius W. MANDEVILLE, Dec. 9 1823; prom. Mch. 1 1828. Francis NEAFER (or NAFEE), Mch. 1 1828; prom. Feb. 26 1834. Samuel F. RIGHTER, Feb. 28 1838.

Majors 2nd Battalion.—Evert VAN GILDER, June 5 1793; res. Feb. 26 1801. Luke MILLER, Feb. 26, 1801; res. Oct. 30 1805. Daniel FARRAND, Mch. 12 1806; res. Feb. 10 1816. Josiah WINDS, Feb. 6 1817. James QUIMBY, Nov. 23 1821; prom. Dec. 20 1824. Stephen YOUNG, Dec. 7 1825; res. Feb. 15 1831. David F. HALSEY, Feb. 28 1838.


Lieutenant-Colonels.—Morris and Sussex: Abram KINNEY. Abraham SHAVER, Nov. 24 1801; res. Oct. 31 1806. William CAMPFIELD, Dec. 2 1807.

Colonels 4th New Jersey Cavalry.—Joseph CUTLER, Feb. 13 1818; prom. general of cavalry Feb. 23 1843. Nathan A. COOPER, Feb. 23 1843; prom. Daniel BUDD, Sept. 8 1857.

Majors of Squadron.—William CAMPFIELD, Oct. 30 1799; prom. Dec. 2 1807. Isaac CAMPFIELD, Dec. 2 1807; res. Feb. 3 1811. David MILLS, Feb. 3 1811; res. Feb. 11 1818. William W. MILLER, Nov. 23 1822. Timothy CONDICT, Dec. 9 1823. Daniel C. MARTIN, Feb. 27th 1830; res. Jan. 24 1834. Nathan A. COOPER, Jan. 24 1834; prom. Feb. 23 1843. Daniel BUDD jr., Nov. 10 1843; prom. Sept. 8 1857.

At the breaking out of the civil war there was a revival of the militia system, and the following appointments were made in what was called the First regiment: George D. BREWSTER, lieutenant-colonel, Aug. 2 1861; res. Richard M. STITES, major May 18 1863; colonel Mch. 2 1862; res. Joseph B. DE CAMARA, lieutenant-colonel April 12 1862; res. John R. RUNYON, major Apr. 12 1862; lieutenant-colonel Sept. 25 1862. James M. BROWN, colonel May 18 1863; res. Edwin BISHOP, colonel Aug. 29 1863.


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