Orchard Street Cemetery
   The above pictures were taken by Patricia Sachs and are used with her permission Click on the image to see a larger version
Dover Dates 1722-1922 A Bicentennial History of Dover, New Jersey by Charles D. Platt, Author and Publisher, Dover, New Jersey, 1922, p 175. There are persons who remember that there was once a burying ground on Morris street, just about northeast of Ford's Pond. This was done away with after the Dover Cemetery Association was organized in 1854 under the Act of 1851. William Young, the baker, of Dickerson street, had acquired a garden plat at the end of Orchard street. When the Cemetery Association wished to acquire his garden plot to be a part of the new cemetery, he relinquished it in exchange for two lots on Orchard street. The "first voters" of the new association were: John Sandford, Sidney Breese, Samuel Searing, Moses Hurd, Jabez Mills, Titus Berry, William A. Dickerson, Zenas Pruden, Jacob Segler, Aaron Doty, Byram Pruden, Cornelius B. Gage, William Ford, Edward T. Thompson, Henry D. Tuttle, Jabez L. Allen, James H. Neighbour. William Young was made president. At the present time (1922) A. Judson Coe is president, and Lyman M. Smith is secretary-treasurer.
Some of the surnames that can be found at Orchard Street Cemetery are: Adams, Allen, Andrews, Apgar, Baker, Beemer, Bennett, Berger, Berry, Bice, Binney, Birch, Booth, Borlase, Boyd, Bray, Breese, Briant, Broadwell, Buch, Burnett, Butterworth, Chambers, Champion, Clark, Cocking, Coe, Collins, Condict, Cooper, Corwin, Coss, Crystal, Curtis, Dalrymple, Davenport, DeMouth, Derry, Dickerson, Doland, Dorman, Doty, Engelman, Eustice, Firstbrook, Flartey, Force, Ford, Garabrant, Gibson, Gillen, Gladson, Goodale, Hairhouse, Halloway, Halsey, Hamilton, Hann, Harris, Hedden, Hoagland, Hocking, Housel, Howell, Hunt, Hurd, Ives, Jenkins, Jensen, Jolley, Jones, Killgore, King, Kyle, Kynor, Laity, Lindsley, Little, Love, MacFall, Martin, Mase, Megie, Menard, Mill, Millen, Miller, Mills, Moller, Munson, Neighbour, Nichols, Oram, Parker, Pascoe, Pedrick, Phillips, Pierson, Pregnell, Pruden, Reeve, Reynolds, Richards, Riker, Roberts, Rogers, Rowe, Sandry, Sauder, Searing, Segur, Sharp, Sigler, Simpson, Singleton, Slockbower, Smith, Spicer, Stickle, Sundstrom, Swayze, Teague, Thompson, Tillyer, Tone, Tonking, Toye, Trowbridge, Tunis, Tyacke, Van Gilder, Waer, Wallen, Walters, Ware, Watters, West, White, Whitham, Wighton, Wilcox, Wildrick, Williams, Wood, Wright, Young and many more. |