NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

General Winds' Will
Morris Co. Up

Source: J. Percy Crayon, Rockaway Records of Morris County, N. J. Families, (Rockaway, N.J., Rockaway Publishing Co., 1902)

In the name of God, Amen

I, William WINDS, of the township of Mendham, and the county of Morris, in the State of New Jersey, being very weak in body, and in a very declining state of health, though of perfect mind and memory, in a firm belief of the doctrines of Christ’s holy religion, do ordain this to be my last will and testament.

In the first place, whenever it shall please the great Creator of the universe to call me out of time, I bequeath my body to the dust, to be buried in a decent manner, according to the discretion of my executors hereafter named; and my soul to God, who gave it, in a firm belief of a resurrection to eternal life.

I do likewise will and order that my funeral charges and all my just debts be paid out of my movable estate. Item – I do hereby give and bequeath to my dear and well beloved wife, Ruhamah, the remainder of my estate, real and personal, to be at her disposal, and for her sole use and benefit, during the time of her remaining my widow, and if she shall see fit to remarry, after her decease, I do still will and order that she shall have the use and benefit of the one-third part of my whole estate, that then remains, during her natural life, and that she shall, at no time, nor on any occasion, nor by any person whatsoever be obliged to give any account for any waste or damage done by her, or her order of said estate. Item – I do further order after her decease, that what shall then remain shall be disposed of as follows: To Abigail, Huldah and Susanna BEEMAN, the daughters of Josiah BEEMAN, I give fifteen pounds each. To Barnabus WINDS and to his brother, Samuel WINDS, I do give severally the one-twentieth part of my whole estate. To William WINDS, Junr., son of Barnabus WINDS, I give one-tenth part of my whole estate. To William WINDS, son of Abigail WINDS, I give also the one-tenth part of my whole estate, also to William ROSS, son of William ROSS, Esquire, I give the one-tenth part of my whole estate. To Mehetible GOULDSMITH, daughter of Josiah GOULDSMITH, I give one-twentieth part of my whole estate. I do also give unto John CORY, whatever he may be indebted to me by note, book or bonds, and hereby order that all his obligations shall be null and void. Item – For the great regard I have for the interest of Christ’s kingdom, and for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, I do hereby give and bequeath to the Presbyterian Church at Rockaway, all the remainder of my whole estate for a parsonage, and do hereby, further will and order, that the said remainder of my estate shall be and remain forever, for that use and purpose only; and that it shall never be disposed of for any other purpose whatsoever.

And I do appoint William ROSS, Esqr., and Samuel LINDSLY my executors, and my dear wife Ruhamah, executrix, to execute this my last will and testament, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, -

Signed, sealed and published, pronounced and declared, this eleventh day of October, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, in the presence of

Abraham LYON
William WINDS



This Indenture, made this first day of April, in the year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-nine, between David BROADWELL, Silas HATHAWAY, James KITCHEL, David PIER, Daniel LEWIS, Joseph JACKSON and Josiah BEEMAN, the present trustees of the first Presbyterian Congregation, at Rockaway, in the county of Morris, and State of New Jersey, of the first part, and Barnabus BANGHART, of Mendham, in the County of Morris, aforesaid:

WITNESSETH, that David BROADWELL, Silas HATHAWAY, James KITCHEL, David PIER, Daniel LEWIS, Joseph JACKSON and Josiah BEEMAN, trustees as aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty-two dollars and fifty cents, to be paid yearly, and every year by the said Barnabus BANGHART, or his assigns, unto the trustees for the parish of Rockaway for the time being.

The trustees, aforesaid, have demises, granted, leased and to farm let and by these presents do demise, grant, lease and to farm let unto the said Barnabus BANGHART, his executors, administrators and assigns, for and during the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years the equal and undivided eleven-twentieth part of all the real estate, late the property of William WINDS, deceased, late of Mendham, in the county of Morris, aforesaid, which the said William WINDS by his last will, dated the eleventh day of October, Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-nine, gave and devised unto the Presbyterian Church at Rockaway, which will is duly recorded in the Secretary’s office at Trenton; reference thereunto being had may now fully appear, to have and to hold the said eleven-twentieths or one-half and one-twentieth part of the whole of the real estate of the said William WINDS, deceased, devised in said will for the use and benefit of the Presbyterian church aforesaid, unto the said Barnabus BANGHART, his heirs and assigns for and during the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years from the date hereof. The said Barnabus BANGHART, his heirs and assigns shall have peaceable and quiet possession at all times during said term of years.

In witness whereof the said David BROADWELL, Silas HATHAWAY, James KITCHEL, David PIER, Daniel LEWIS, Joseph JACKSON and Josiah BEEMAN, of the first part, and Barnabus BANGHART of the second part, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Barnabus BANGHART (seal)

Signed and delivered in the presence of us,

Benjamin JACKSON
Daniel CLARK
Silas HATHAWAY (seal)
Daniel LEWIS

Transcribed by: John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

Copyright ©1999-2018 by Brianne Kelly-Bly, all rights reserved.