NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Rockaway in 1785
Morris Co. Up

Source: J. Percy Crayon, Rockaway Records of Morris County, N. J. Families, (Rockaway, N.J., Rockaway Publishing Co., 1902)

To preserve some of the records relating to Rockaway at this time, I have arranged from the original papers the facts as stated. It will correct some of the statements made in Morris County history related as historical facts. At this period regular assessments were made in the parish of Rockaway, for ministers salary, church and patronage expenses. These assessments were made by authority of the session by Capt. Job ALLEN, both father and son had been so intimately connected and interested in the church.

It is presumed that this contains but a small average of the land owners of this section, or its people, as at this time, religion seemed to be at its lowest ebb, the isms of VOLTAIRE and PAINE, had been extensively circulated and imbibed by the soldiers of the Revolution, during hardships, that to live or die, made little difference, and like all other great armies, it is related that they swore "like the army in Flanders", it became a habit not easily shaken off, and the financial system was on no solid basis, with heavy tax burdens, and the seven long years of neglect in the agricultural and mining districts had not been overcome, and the general unrest, and desire to occupy the better lands in the West, left the people very unsettled in their affairs, and but little interest in church affairs.

These assessments were rated according to the acreage of improved and unimproved lands, Industries, and the number of acres of improved lands, assessed for church purposes, in the years 1784-5. Many subscribed, refusing to be assessed according to their valuation. This may be an important sketch for future historians, as it gives some idea of Rockaway and its vicinity in those days. It contains many names I have not met with in other records, and as many have been placed their names in the original documents, I have given the original spelling. The best written signatures are, if I am to be the judge, those of John Jacob FAESCH and Bernard SMITH, Abraham and James KITCHEL, David and Samuel BEAMAN, Benjamin BEACH, owned forges, Job ALLEN, Merchant, and David BAKER, Tavern Keeper:

Surname           Given Name                   Acres
KINT              Helmer                         106
LUM               James                          100
DODD              Stephen                        130
WINDS             William                        130
KITCHEL           James and Abraham              151
BEAMAN            Josiah, Samuel and David       126
OSBORN            Thomas                          60
ANDERSON          Eliakim                         35
BROADWELL         David                          100
CONGER            Joseph                          27
HEDDEN            Aaron                           98
BIDLOW            Jonathan                         2
BEACH             Benjamin                        80
TUTTLE            Henry                          100
ROSS              Isaac, Nathaniel, and William  120
ALLEN             Job                            215
OSBORN            Abrm.                           10
BAKER             David                          109
LAMPSON           Elezer and Thomas              250
COOPER            John                            70
GARRIGUS          David                          100
WINDS             Samuel                          64
LYON              Abrm.                           45
HURD              Josiah, Samuel and David       100
WHELAR            Joseph                         100
BERRY             Titus                           96
LINDSLY           Samuel                          50
JACKSON           Benjamin                        70
JACKSON           Daniel                         100
HERRIMAN          John                            80
JOHNSON           Samuel                          80
HINDS             James                           10
BIGLOW            Aaron                           30
HEDDEN            Samuel                          63
HATHAWAY          Silas                           65
LINDSLY           Levy                            50
LINDSLY           Ebenezer                       120
LINDSLY           Moses                           50
CLARK             John                            26
STICKLE           George                          37
TUTTLE            Moses
WHELAR            Abial
ALGER             William
KING              Andrew
McINTOSH          John
YOUNG             John
BEAMAN            Josiah
SCOTT             Joseph
DANIELS           Benajah
WILLIAMS          Jonas
VANDUINE          Frances
GORDON            David
HOFF              Charles
HOAGLAND          Cornl's.
OSBORN            Nemiah
GARRIGUS          Jacob Jr.
YOUNG             Arthur
PARRIT            Silas
MERRIT            Samuel
RANDEL            John M.
SMITH             Bernard
WILLIAMS          Isaac
MOORE             Joshua
LYON              Jacob Jr.
KINT              Jacob Jr.
WILAR             Pripalos
BOWERS            Lemuel
BEACH             Sarah
BEACH             David
NICHLS            Jonathan
VEAL              Henry
GARD              Daniel
DOTY              Moses
HUNTINGTON        Gilbert
NIXON             John
THARP             James
CRANE             Samuel
JOHNSON           Windsor
SOUTHWARD         Benjamin
CONGER            David
DeCAMP            Jos.
O'HARA            John
LEONARD           Elijah
YOUNG             Morgan
JOHNSON           Abraham
CKARK             Reuben
HALL              John
DICJERSON         Daniel
BADGLY            George
MUNSON            Daniel
HARRIMAN          Jacob Jr.
VEAL              Davis
VEAL              Noah
SMITH             Joseph
HALL              Seth
CASTERLINE        Joseph
LYON              Asher
LOSEY             James
KIRK              William
WILLIAMS          Samuel
YOUNG             James
CLARK             Daniel
HERRIMAN          Joseph
WALTON            Mark
STILES            Thomas
STILES            Daniel
DANIELS           Sterling
DANIELS           James
DANIELS           Samuel
RUSSEL            Huston
LOWSAN            Peter
LOWSAN            Francis
BEACH             Abner
MATTOX            James
FAESCH            John Jacob
BOGERT            Theunis
CONGER            Thomas
BURWELL           Adam
JOHNSON           Winsor
BRINKERHOFF       George D.
MORRIS            Daniel
CLARK             Daniel
DOD               Henry
BEAMAN            Josiah Jr.
COREY             John
BALDWIN           Nathaniel

It will be noticed that among the names of the subscribers were those of the largest land and property owners, though very liberal contributors, they avoided assessments and taxation, a trait handed down to this day and generation.  Among the papers of this date, or a little before, mention is made of one Thomas MILLEDGE, a very large land and property owner in the parish, but went over to the British side in the Revolution, and became a major.  On his return here, he was waited upon by a delegation of our citizens and advised to leave the country for his health, as they did not propose to associate with traitors in the community, he gave them no satisfaction at first, but finally fled for safety to Nova Scotia, and his lands and properties were confiscated.  If our forefathers had fought the uses and abuses, of their prevailing  weakness, the originator of crime, and destruction of health and property of that day and this, with the same determination and effort, that they fought Red Coats and traitors, the rum traffic of today would have been a thing of the past, and referred to in history as among the good old days of Adam and Eve.


    Communicants Sept., 1832 at dedication of present church, arranged from Dr. KING’s record.  But three were members previous to Oct. 1807.  Husbands name of wives in parenthesis. Date received in church. Number of members 331.

Surname           Given Name           Date Rec'd      Comments
ABBOTT            Abijah                        1829
ABBOTT            Elizabeth                     1826   wife of Abijah
ANDERSON          Sarah                                wife of Eliakim
ANDERSON          Priscilla                     1812   wife of Cornelius, widow
ANDERSON          Dayton                        1831
ALLEN             Samuel                        1818
ALLEN             Robert P.                     1832
AYERS             Daniel                        1808
AYERS             Mary                          1822   wife of GARRIGUS
BAKER             Jeremiah                      1818
BAKER             Mary                          1818   wife of KING
BERRY             Sarah                         1808   wife of Asa
BERRY             Nancy                         1808   wife of Henry
BENJAMIN          Jonathan                      1818
BENJAMIN          Rebecca                       1818   wife of Jonathan
BENJAMIN          Anna                          1832
BLANCHARD         Sarah                         1818   wife of Martin
BLANCHARD         Abner                         1825
BLANCHARD         Catharine                     1831   wife of Abner
BLANCHARD         Aaron                         1831
BLANCHARD         Sarah Ann                     1831   wife of Aaron
BLANCHARD         John                          1831
BLANCHARD         Ellenor                       1831   wife of John
BEAM              Paul                          1818
BEAM              Catharine                     1818   wife of Paul
BEAM              Peter                         1825
BEAM              Mary                          1825   wife of Peter
BROADWELL         Archibald                     1818
BROADWELL         Sussanna                      1818   wife of Archibald, 
                                                        maiden name PALMER,
BURNETT           Asenath                       1823   widow
BOSTEDO           Gideon V.                     1828
BREESE            Charles                       1831
BEACH             Samuel S.                     1818
BEACH             Jane                          1808   wife of Samuel S.
BEACH             Chilion                       1818
BEACH             Cornelia                      1813   wife of Chilion
BEACH             Henry                         1826
BEACH             Rhoda                         1826   wife of Henry
BEACH             Emily                         1828
BEACH             Horace                        1829
BEACH             Abby S.                       1831
BEACH             Joshua M.                     1831
BEACH             Samuel S., Jr.                1831
BEACH             John, Jr.                     1831
BEACH             Mary                          1831
BEACH             Phebe L.                      1831
BEACH             Nancy S.                      1831
BEACH             Solomon                       1831
BEACH             Charles H.                    1832
BREESE            Sidney                        1829
BREESE            Hila                          1829   wife of Sidney
CINGER            Phebe                         1808   widow, wife of Thomas
CONGER            Phebe                         1829   wife of stephen
CLARK             Abigail                       1813   widow, wife of John
CLARK             Sarah                         1819   wife of John R.
CLARK             James H.                      1832
CLARK             Sarah                         1832
COOPER            Mary                          1818
COOPER            Mary Ann                      1831
COOPER            William                       1832
COOPER            Hannah                        1832   wife of William, 
                                                          maiden name MOORE
CRITTENDEN        Ira                           1818
CRITTENDEN        Harriet                       1818   wife of Ira
CRITTENDEN        William H.                    1831
COOK              Jane                          1818   wife of John
COOK              Isaac M.                      1831
CASTERLINE        Elizabeth                     1826   wife of Daniel
CONDICT           Charlotte                     1831   wife of Sidney
COE               Mary                          1831   wife of Thomas
COE               Joseph D.                     1831
COMPTON           Mary Ann                      1831
CRYSTAL           Martha                        1831   wife of Patrick
DENTON            Stephen                       1818
DENTON            Mary                          1832   wife of Stephen
DOLAND            Mary                          1818
DOUGHTY           Samuel                        1825
DOUGHTY           Martha                        1825   wife of Samuel
DOUGHTY           John A.                       1828
DOUGHTY           Cynthia                       1828   wife of John A.
DOUGHTY           Louisa M.                     1832
DeCAMP            Catharine                     1831   widow
DeCAMP            James H.                      1831
DeCAMP            Eliza Ann                     1831
DeCAMP            Joseph D.                     1832
DEAN              Maria                         1831
DOYLE             Matthew                       1831
DICKERSON         William A.                    1832
DELL              Maria                         1818   wife of Thomas
ESTILE            Rebecca                       1818   wife of John
EASTON            Catharine                     1831   wife of Joseph
EDWARDS           William                       1832
ESTLER            David                         1832
ESTLER            Rachel                        1832   wife of David
FORD              James H.                      1828
FORD              Charity                       1830   wife of James H.
FORD              William                       1818
FORD              Phebe                         1818   wife of William
FORD              George, Jr.                   1832
FRAZEE            Eunice                        1828
FAIRCHILD         Mahlon                        1831
GENUNG            Hannah                        1808
GENUNG            Mary                          1831
GARRIGUS          Jacob                         1831
GARRIGUS          John                          1809
GARRIGUS          Elizabeth                     1809   wife of John
GARRIGUS          Isaac                         1818
GARRIGUS          Sarah                         1818   wife of Isaac
GARRIGUS          James                         1821
GARRIGUS          Elizabeth                     1821   wife of James
GARRIGUS          Elias                         1828
GARRIGUS          Parmelia                      1828
GARRIGUS          Samuel                        1818
GARRIGUS          Mary Ann                      1825   wife of Samuel
GARRIGUS          Sarah                         1832
GARRIGUS          Stephen                       1832
GARRIGUS          Alexander W.                  1831
GARRIGUS          John, Jr.                     1815
GARRIGUS          Mary                          1815   wife of John, Jr.
GORDON            Nancy                         1808   wife of David
GREEN             Gabriel                       1821
GREEN             Mary                          1821   wife of Gabriel
GRIFFITHS         Nancy                         1818   wife of William
GRIFFITHS         Catharine                     1818
GARDINER          Timothy P.                    1818
GARDINER          Mary Elizabeth                1832
HERRIMAN          Lydia                         1809   wife of Daniel
HERRIMAN          Betsey                        1818
HERRIMAN          Mary                          1818
HERRIMAN          Hannah                        1829   wife of David
HERRIMAN          Ann Eliza                     1831
HALL              Chloe                         1808   widow
HALL              Stephen                       1818
HALL              Lydia                         1815   wife of Stephen
HALL              Mary Caroline                 1832
HALL              Harriet                       1832
HALL              Betsey                        1831   widow, wife of Daniel
HICKS             Samuel                        1808
HICKS             Samuel, Jr.                   1818
HICKS             Rachel                        1818   wife of Jason
HUBBARD           Abigail                       1811   wife of George
HUBBARD           Eliza K.                      1831
HOAGLAND          John E.                       1831
HOAGLAND          Elizabeth                     1831   widow
HALSEY            Mary Ann                      1832   wife of William
HALSEY            Maria                         1818   wife of Silas
HILER             Harriet N.                    1832
HILER             Nancy                         1817   widow, wife of Peter
HILER             Ruth                          1818   wife of John
HURD              Charles R.                    1832
HURD              Josiah                        1816
HURD              Matilda                       1816   wife of Josiah
HURD              John S.                       1832
HURD              Louisa                        1828
HOWELL            Sarah                         1832
HOWELL            Sylvanus                      1818
HOWELL            Harriet                       1818   wife of Sylvanus
HUSK              Anna                          1818   widow
HOFF              Hannah                        1825
HOFF              Elizabeth                     1818
HOFF              Harriet                       1818
HOFF              Mary Ann                      1818
HAMILTON          David                         1825
HAMILTON          Anna                          1825   wife of David
HAMILTON          William                       1825
HAMILTON          Lewis                         1825
HAMILTON          Mary E.                       1828
HAMILTON          Silas                         1813
HAMILTON          Hester                        1831   wife of Silas
HAZARD            Delia                         1827   wife of Silas
HARRISON          Benjamin                      1832
HINCHMAN          Felix                         1829
HINCHMAN          Eliza                         1829   wife of Felix
HATHAWAY          Sarah                         1826
INGRAM            Margaret Ann                  1831
INNIS             Catharine                            wife of John
INNIS             Jane                          1821
JACKSON           Clarissa                      1808   wife of James
JACKSON           Joseph                        1818
JACKSON           Electra                       1808   wife of Joseph
JACKSON           Stephen J.                    1818
JACKSON           Mary Ann                      1829   wife of Stephen J.
JACKSON           William                       1818
JACKSON           Susan D.                      1818   wife of William
JACKSON           Nancy B.                      1832
JACKSON           William A.                    1831
JOHNSON           Rhoda                         1822
JENNINGS          John                          1826
JENNINGS          Lucy                          1825   wife of John
JENNINGS          Redmond                       1831
JENNINGS          Fanny                         1831
JAYRED            Frederick                     1831
JAYRED            Eliza                         1831   wife of Frederick
KANOUSE           Catharine                     1818   wife of Peter F.
KANOUSE           Sarah                         1818
KITCHELL          James                         1818
KITCHELL          Hannah                        1818   wife of James
KITCHELL          Ford                          1825
KITCHELL          Elizabeth                     1808   wife of Ford
KITCHELL          Emily                         1828
KITCHELL          Charity Ann                   1831
KITCHELL          Jane Rebecca                  1831
KITCHELL          Matthias                      1832
KITCHELL          Caroline                      1832   wife of Mattias
KITCHELL          Joanna                        1831   wife of Ebenezer
KINNEY            Jacob A.                      1819
KELSEY            John B.                       1822
KELSEY            Delia                         1822   wife of John B.
KING              Clarissa                      1823   wife of Barnabus
KING              Elizabeth T.                  1828
KING              Electa J.                     1831
KING              Barnabas B.                   1831
KING              Susan C.                      1831
KING              Samuel B.                     1831
KING              Harriet                       1832
KING              Susan                         1832
KING              Mary                          1831   wife of Lewis
KING              Phebe                         1832   wife of James
KENNEDY           David                         1828
KENNEDY           Palmer                        1829
KETCHAM           Margaret                      1831   wife of Samuel
LAMSON            Daniel                        1818
LAMSON            Phebe                         1816   wife of Daniel
LAMSON            Eleazer                       1826
LAWRENCE          Jane                          1818   wife of Jacob
LYON              Lewis                         1832
LOSEY             William                       1832
LOVE              Jane                          1832
LOVE              Sarah Ann                     1832
LOVE              Mary                          1832
MOTT              John                          1818
MOTT              Parnell B.                    1825   wife of John
MOTT              Isaac H.                      1831
MENARD            Henry                         1818
MENARD            Hannah                        1818   wife of Henry
MENARD            Sidney R.                     1832
MUIR              Susan                         1823   wife of Thomas
MILLS             Rachel                        1831   widow
MARTIN            Clark J.                      1831
MARSH             Benjamin                      1831
MARSH             Mary G.                       1832   wife of Benjamin
MORGAN            Mary                          1825   wife of James
NORRIS            Joanna                        1818
NORRIS            Catharine                     1831   wife of David
NELSON            Mahalah                       1832   wife of Jacob
OSBORN            Daniel                        1808
OSBORN            Charles H.                    1832
PALMER            Samuel
PALMER            Naomi                         1808   wife of Samuel
PALMER            Timothy                       1818
PALMER            Electa                        1818   wife of Timothy
PALMER            Eliza                         1831
PALMER            Silas S.                      1831
PALMER            Albert A.                     1832
PALMER            John G.                       1832
PALMER            Naomi                         1831
PIERSON           Catharine                     1818   wife of John R.
PIERSON           Catharine                     1831
PIERSON           John                          1818
PIERSON           Betsey                        1818   wife of John
POWERS            Albert A.                     1829
POWERS            Jacob                         1829
POWERS            Mary                          1829   wife of Jacob
POWERS            Charles                       1832
PRUDDEN           Euphemia                      1831   maiden name LUDLOW
REED              Mary                          1818
ROWLAND           George                        1831
ROWLAND           Harriet                       1819   wife of George
ROWLAND           Ann Eliza                     1832
ROWLAND           Mary Jane                     1831
ROSS              Kesiah                        1822   widow
ROFF              Mary                          1827
ROFF              Anson                         1831
ROFF              Minerva                       1832
RUTAN             Manning                       1832
STICKLE           Sarah                         1808   wife of George
STICKLE           Anna                          1808   widow, wife of George, Jr.
STICKLE           Adams                         1818
STICKLE           Sarah                         1831
STICKLE           John E.                       1832
STICKLE           Israel                        1832
STICKLE           Beaman                        1818
STICKLE           Phebe                         1831   wife of Beaman
SCOTT             Milton                        1818
SCOTT             Elizabeth                     1818   wife of Milton
SCOTT             Abigail                       1818   wife of Joseph
SMITH             Elizabeth                     1818   wife of Gilbert
SMITH             Harriet Eliza                 1829
SMITH             Richard C.                    1832
STRONG            William                       1818
STURTEVANT        Thomas M.                     1831
STURTEVANT        Maria                         1821   wife of Thomas M.
SEARING           James                         1828
SEARING           Rachel                        1829   wife of James
SIMPSON           Hannah                        1818   wife of Mahlon
STACKHOUSE        Hannah                        1818   wife of Joshua
STROCK            Margaret                      1832   widow
TALMAGE           Harriet                       1822
TALMAGE           Elizabeth                     1828   wife of Job
TROWBRIDGE        Julia                         1816   wife of Stephen
TUTTLE            Belinda                       1832
TUTTLE            Phineas M.                    1832
THOMPSON          Jane                          1832
TOMKINS           Rebecca                       1823   wife of Seely
VANNESS           Elenor                        1816
VOORHEES          Abraham                       1831
VOORHEES          Jemima                        1831   wife of Abraham
VANDERHOOF        Henry                         1832
VANDERHOOF        Elizabeth                     1832   wife of Henry
WILLIAMS          Ruth
WILLIAMS          William                       1831
WILLIAMS          Mary                          1831   wife of William
WARD              Nancy                         1809   wife of Phineas
WHITEHEAD         Thomas                        1809
WHITEHEAD         Juliet                        1809   wife of Thomas
WHITEHEAD         Benoni                        1828
WHITEHEAD         Elizabeth                     1828   wife of Benoni
WIGGINS           Susan                         1814   wife of William
WIGGINS           Phebe                         1818
WIGGINS           David F.                      1832
WIGGINS           Jane                          1819
WIGGINS           Sarah F.                      1828
WILSON            Mary                          1822   wife of Mordecai
WEIR              Emily                         1832   wife of Charles
WEIR              William H.                    1832
WEIR              Sarah Ann                     1832   wife of William H.
WINGET            Huldah                        1831
WOOD              Eliza                         1832   wife of Silas
WALKER            Agnes                         1832
YOUNG             Sarah                         1831
ZINDLE            Lydia                         1818   wife of Charles

Transcribed by:  John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

Copyright ©1999-2018 by Brianne Kelly-Bly, all rights reserved.