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The Lyon Family
Morris Co. Up

Source: J. Percy Crayon, Rockaway Records of Morris County, N. J. Families, (Rockaway, N.J., Rockaway Publishing Co., 1902)

The family of LYON is of great antiquity in Scotland. The ancestors of the family, John de LYON, came over with William I. He or one of his immediate ancestors settled in Perthshire, in the district still called Glenlyon. Sir John LYON, son of John de LYON, "a young man of very good parts and qualities, and a very graceful and comely person, and a great favorite of the king (Robert II) was Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland. The Princess Jean, the king’s daughter, being in love with the fair-favored young man, he received her hand in marriage, and with it the lands of Glamis, 1372." Until that time Glamis was a royal residence of a line that dates back to Kenneth I, 850 A. D. This castle was the scene of Macbeth’s crime. The murder of Malcolm II, at Glamis is narrated as an authentic event by the old chroniclers.

Colonial records place William, of Roxbury, (landed 1635, aged 14, ship Hopewell) as the earliest of the "old comers." The American Antiquity, show, thus William LYON as descended from Sir Adam LYON, knight, first son of John de LYON, the Feudal Baron, the French family of LEONNE, originated from LEONES, a patrician family of Rome.

The latter’s third son, Sir John LYON, Baron of Fortevoit, was the ancestor of the Earls of Strathmore. Gen. Nathaniel LYON (Civil War) claimed direct descent Sir Thomas LYON, of Auldbar, Forfarshire, designated master of Glamis, brother of John, the Eighth Lord Glamis, one of the principals in the seizure of James VI, at the raid of Ruthern, 1582, and after his return, he with the Earls of Angus and Mar, seized Sterling Castle. Again he fled, but in 1585 was restored to royal favor.

It is further stated that Sir John LYON had two sons, the first, Earl of Strathmore, the second, Earl of Kingham. Another John LYON was colonel of the Scottish Guards in the services of Henry IV of France. William LYON, son of the above John LYON, having been denounced as a heretic at the time of the massacre of St. Bartholemew, Aug. 24, 1572, escaped to Holland where he received protection and ultimately came with his three children to New England. This would indicate that William of Roxbury was not the first of the LYON family of Glenlyon, to seek a home in America.

William, of Roxbury, was a member of the Artillery, 1645, free man 1666, died 1692. John LYON, of Salem, 1638, lived there until 1648. John LYNE (LYON?), of New Haven, signed covenant 1639. Thomas LYON settled on Byram river 1640. Henry LYON was at Milford 1646, John LYON was at Marblehead 1648. Richard LYON was at Dorcester 1649.

These men were doubtless clansmen if not near relatives, and were among those who fled from the mother country for religious, political or civil reasons, traitors in their old home, but patriots in their wilderness refuge, and doubtless they were the founders of the LYON family in the United States, a vast aggregate of people widely separated by time and circumstances, but many of them holding in common the tradition of Glenlyon origin and ancestry.

Although descendants of Robert the Bruce, founder of the House of Stuart, the colonial LYONs were king-haters, especially Stuart-haters. Like the master of Glamis, Sir Thomas LYON, a number of the LYONs were naturally partakers of treason through fierce and fanatical convictions that demanded personal liberty and condemned kingcraft. These "Puritan" under the persecution, were in sympathy with the Roundhead movement and active adherents of CROMWELL.

Tradition says that Richard LYON, who appeared at Fairfield 1649 after the decapitation of Charles I, was on guard with his two brothers at the scaffold the day of the execution and witnessed the regicide. Daunted by the enormity of this political crime the three secretly took ship for America and landed at Boston, Mass. Here they separated: Richard journeying to Connecticut to settle there.

This Richard is the ancestor of the New Jersey LYONs, of the Henry LYON, of Milford and Newark. He was of Fairfield 1649, and his house and home lot of two acres is recorded Jan. 1653. He was made free man 1665. His will dated 1678, mentions wife Margaret, and children Moses, Richard, William, Samuel, Joseph, Hester, wife of Nathaniel PERRY, Bettie, Hannah and Abigail. Henry LYON, the oldest son of Richard, was brother-in-law to Joseph MIDDLEBROOK and of Thomas BATEMAN. The will of William BATEMAN 1656, gave five pounds to grandchild Joseph MIDDLEBROOK, one-half of his estate to son Thomas and one-half to son-in-law Henry LYON.

Children: Moses, son of Richard, married Mary _____ died before 1696. Richard had Samuel, Ebenezer and Sarah baptized Apr. 5, 1696; Daniel, Oct. 3, 1697; Nathan, Feb. 13, 1703; Jonathan, June 1, 1708, (Fairfield Parish Records). William had Nathaniel baptized Sept. 9, 1694; Eunice, Sept. 1716, and Tabitha. Samuel had wife Susanna and children: John, James and Margaret baptized Mar. 12, 1704; Abigail May 12, 1706; Ephriam, Sept. 27, 1708; Anne, Aug. 6, 1710; Jeremiah, Apr. 1, 1713. Joseph had wife Abigail, children: Joseph, baptized July 28, 1695; David, June 27, 1697. John, had wife Hannah, children: Thankful, Elizabeth, Hannah, John, baptized Aug. 15, 1726; Hester, Feb. 2, 1726; Lyon, Apr. 16, 1729, Griswould, May 30, 1731.

The general outlook at this time, New Jersey under the charter granted to Berkeley and Carteret, promised greater freedom in civil and religious affairs than could be hoped for with the existing conditions of Connecticut, and they severed home ties for sill another pioneer beginning, known only by hearsay.

Staunch they were in all things, sternly zealous in church matters, and sternly opposed to monarchial interference. The spirit of independence that animated the Puritan fathers was transmitted to their descendants, an aversion to the domination of kings that reached a climax in the Essex Riots 1745, which was the first overt act of resistance to the authority of Great Britain, making the men of New Jersey Plantations the earliest aggressors in the cause of civil liberty.

Henry LYON of the Milford colony was one of the founders of Newark, NJ, first called Milford, received home lot number 8, held several public offices and is cited as having been at Elizabeth, NJ, with son Thomas in 1673, where he purchased among other lands 100 acres of upland by the lyne (line?) of Elizabethport, which has since been called Lyons Farms.

Henry LYON, of Milford, the Passaic pilgrim, in 1652 was married at Fairfield church to Mary, daughter of William BATEMAN. His will, dated 1702 in Newark, names wife Mary, and children: Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, Ebenezer, Thomas, deceased; John, deceased, Nathaniel, deceased; Dorcas and Mary.

Children of Henry LYON and wife Mary: Samuel, had home lot 39, married (1) Sarah BEACH, (2) Hannah PIERSON. Will 1765 mentions children: Samuel, Henry, Joseph, John, James, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, and wife Hannah.

Joseph’s will 1726, names children: Joseph, born 1676, died 1726; Abigail, wife of Joseph CRANE, son-in-law Nathan FOSTER; Samuel and Daniel SAYRES.

Benjamin, Esq., will 1726, children: Benjamin (2), Anne, wife of Israel CANFIELD; Johanna, wife of John PRUDEN and wife Bethya. Benjamin (2) born 1694, died Jan. 7, 1747. Children Benjamin (3), Moses, Daniel and Samuel. Grandson Rufus CRANE, who was son of Hannah LYON and Jonas CRANE, a Revolutionary soldier, who was born 1718, died 1805. Their son Rufus was born 1744, married Charity CAMPBELL 1779, died 1804. Son-in-law Amos DAY, deacon, had children: Amos, Aaron and Phebe.

Capt. Ebenezer, born 1670, died Mar. 31, 1739, buried at Elizabeth, NJ, had wife Elizabeth born 1668, died 1739.

Thomas died 1694, had wife Elizabeth, whose will 1731, names children: Thomas (2), Isaac, Elizabeth, Anna MILLS and Phebe THOMSON (Penelope THOMPSON, Congers Notes.) Thomas (2) will 1759, Daniel and son-in-law, Samuel BOND. Isaac died Feb. 3, 1764, aged 72. William, children: Mattaniah, John, Eliphlet, Abigail and Jane; granddaughter Lucy PIERSON. Mattaniah died at Morristown Feb. 4, 1794, aged 69. (He had wife Mary, Morristown records give children: John and wife Esther; Hannah, baptized Apr. 28, 1763, died Aug. 18, 1763; Stephen SMITH, baptized Nov. 24, 1764, died May 11, 1790; Harvey, baptized Dec. 6, 1767, died Sept. 24, 1791; Jacob, born July 30, 1771; Isaac, Moses and Aaron.

John, died 1694, had wife Hannah and four children.

Nathaniel died before 1702, his widow Mary, married POTTER. Children: Mary and Elizabeth.

Dorcas, died young: Mary, married John WARD, had a son John and a grandson Lemuel, who married Hannah CANFIELD. John WARD married (2) Abigail KITCHEL.

Benjamin LYON (2) had wife Martha, born 1694, died 1749, had son Benjamin (3) born 1719, died 1758, buried at Elizabeth churchyard.

Anna LYON, who married Israel CANFIELD (born 1684 at Milford, died 1744 at Newark) had children: Thomas, Esq., married Eliza BALDWIN; David, died 1756; Ephriam, died 1759; Israel, Abraham, Phebe, married Timothy BRUEN; Abigail, married ____ BEACH; Hannah, married Lemuel WARD; Sarah, married Joseph HEDDEN, Esq.

Joanna LYON, who married John PRUDEN (born at Milford 1675) was son of Rev. John, the school master who graduated at Harvard 1668. Children: Joanna and Abigail, who married Deacon Samuel ALLING.

Benjamin LYON (3) had children: Benjamin (4) who married Mary LUM Nov. 18, 1747; Martha, married John GLOVER Sept. 14, 1747; Mary, married Ezekiel YOUNGLOVE May 16, 1746, who had daughter Dorcas, who married Zenas BALDWIN Aug. 31, 1769. The tribe of Benjamin seems to have settled at an early date at Morristown and Mendham, NJ.

Samuel LYON, son of Benjamin (2) born 1739, died 1780, married Phebe CHANDLER, born 1730, died 1781. Children: Samuel, born Sept. 19, 1753, died Dec. 31, 1776; Tappen, born Feb. 15, 1756, died Dec. 15, 1776. Samuel and Tappen were captured by the British and confined in the Sugar House Prison in New York and died there. Phebe, born Oct. 14, 1758, died Oct. 16, 1821; David, born Dec. 19, 1760, died May 21, 1845; Ann, born June 27, 1763, died Jan. 20, 1846; Aaron, born Sept. 7, 1766, died Oct. 31, 1768; Joanna, born Dec. 1, 1769, died Nov. 11, 1791; Caleb, born Sept. 29, 1771, died Apr. 27, 1854, removed to Schnectady, NY. Amos, born Sept. 28, 1775, married Charity HARRISON, of Lyons Farms, died Dec. 28, 1823. She was born Nov. 22, 1776, died Feb. 21, 1853.

Children of Amos LYON and wife Charity: Nancy, born Nov. 21, 1801, married John WILSON, of North Shields, Eng., died Feb. 1893; Julia Ann, born June 21, 1803, married Daniel BAKER, of Irvington, NY, died July 16, 1852; Caleb, born Aug. 16, 1805, died June 14, 1807; Joseph, born Oct. 12, 1807, settled at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, died about 1892; Phebe, born June 30, 1809, married Joshua EDWARDS, of Lickning county, Ohio, died Aug. 15, 1868; Caleb (2) born Aug. 21, 1811, married Julia Ann RABB, settled at Utica, Ohio, died Dec. 9, 1897; David, born Oct. 1, 1813, died Apr. 4, 1836; Hannah, born Jan. 31, 1816, died May 6, 1829; John, born Mar. 17, 1818, married and settled in Broadway, Hale county, Ohio, died Apr. 28, 1893; Elizabeth, born Aug. 21, 1821, died Dec. 23, 1821.

Matthias, son of Benjamin (2) born 1738, was Revolutionary soldier, captain in Col. DRAYTON’s Regiment. He had son Joseph, and died 1797, buried at Elizabeth churchyard.

Daniel LYON, son of Benjamin (2) was Revolutionary soldier in Capt. MARSH’s Troop of Lighthorse, married Eunice Fitz RANDOLPH 1761. Children: Benjamin, born Sept, 23, 1763; Daniel, born Nov. 2, 1765; Sarah, born Nov. 8, 1766; Rhoda, born Dec. 3, 1768; Matthias, born Sept. 26, 1771; Mary, born July 22, 1774; Simon, born Apr. 2, 1777; John, born Nov. 5, 1786.

(Conger’s notes Ham Daniel LYON and wife Eunice, Will 1796. Children: Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, David, Daniel, Aaron, Moses, John, Stephen, Crecy, Sarah, Phebe, Joanna and Anna.)

Matthias LYON, son of Daniel and Eunice, married Mary Fitz RANDOLPH 1796. Children: Charlotte, born 1799" Mary, born 1800; Sarah, born 1802; Rhoda, born 1803; Bulah, born 1804; Daniel, born 1806; Joel, born 1807; Abel, born 1808; Gilbert, born 1809.

Simon LYON, third son of Daniel, married Christinia STEWART 1805. Children: Maria, born 1806; Sarah, born 1808; John, born 1809; Rebecca, born 1811; James, born 1812; Jacob, born 1814; Daniel, born 1816; Eliza, born 1818; Joseph, born 1821; Margaret, born 1823.

Moses, son of Benjamin, (2) born 1731, died Mar. 27, 1813, married Mary HARRIS. She was born 1739, died June 12, 1809. Both buried at Elizabeth, NJ. Moses was Revolutionary soldier in Capt. Abraham LYON’s 7th Company, 4th Battalion, 2nd Essex Regiment.

Children of Moses LYON and wife Mary: James, born at Lyons Farms Aug. 31, 1755, emigrated to Ohio 1787, died Sept. 20, 1841, at the homestead, Mill Creek Farm, near Cincinnati, Ohio. He was a Revolutionary soldier in Col. Jedadiah BALDWIN’s Regiment of Artificers, and pensioned for three years actual service. He married (1) Elizabeth WILLIAMS, of Newark, Apr. 21, 1782. She was born May 18, 1759, died at Cincinnati Sept. 10, 1800. (2) Mrs. Mary HAMMEL, Nov. 4, 1801. She died Nov. 13, 1813. (3) Mrs. Mary WILLIAMS, widow of Thomas WILLIAMS, the brother of Elizabeth. She was born June 22, 1763, died Dec. 22, 1834. No children by second and third marriage.

Henry, born 1757, married Joanna E. _____ who was born 1766. He was Revolutionary soldier in BALDWIN’s Artificers and applied for pension for three year’s service 1818, dismissed from Elizabeth First Presbyterian Church to Newark, 1831. His wife died at Newark 1840, aged 74. Children: James, Henry and Hannah; all died childless.

Moses, born 1761, died 1763, buried at First Presbyterian churchyard at Elizabeth, NJ.

Moses (2) born Dec. 21, 1763 at Lyons Farms, died at Prattsburg [Plattsburg?], NY, May 2, 1823, married Elizabeth ARNETT at Elizabethtown, May 1787. She was born Apr. 24, 1769, died at Plattsburg, NY, Apr. 7, 1822.

Children of Moses LYON and wife Elizabeth: James, born Apr. 27, 1788, married Lydia MORELY, died Mar. 15, 1864; Moses, born Mar. 18, 1789, married Sallie BENTON, died Apr. 21, 1863; Mary Bowman, born Apr. 15, 1791, married William WORDS, died Apr. 13, 1873; Elizabeth Arnett, born Feb. 10, 1793 married Ebenezer RICE; Abigail Grummon, born Nov. 29, 1797, married Samuel RICE, died Nov. 24, 1883; Robert Bend, born Sept. 27, 1796, married Catharine BACON, died at Conneant, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1859; Abner Parcell, born Jan. 27, 1799, married Helen HUMPHREYS, died 1878; Thomas Bowman, born Aug. 9, 1801, married Devia SMEDLEY, died 1878; Sarah Gibbs, born 1803, married Norman TOWN, died 1884; Lewis Shexill, born 1805, died 1806; Charles Procter, born 1808, died 1809; Jane Ann, born 1807, died 1864, married Norman LITTLE; Helen Reynetta, born 1811, married Dr. Ten Eyck GANESVOOST, died 1880.

Obediah LYON, born 1765, lived on a farm between Newark and Elizabeth, NJ, married (1) Catharine CRANE, died Sept. 13, 1847. She was born 1768, died 1789. (2) Sarah MEEKER, who was born 1765, died 1852. Children of Obediah and wife Sarah: Stephen, born 1791, died 1864; David, born 1793; Elizabeth, born 1795; Catharine, born 1797; Harris, born 1799; Abigail, born 1803.

Richard LYON, married (1) Sallie HENDRIX, who was born 1784, died 1810. Children: Abigail, born Aug. 5, 1792, died at Osage, Ill, 1888, buried at Elizabeth, NJ. Sarah, born Dec. 10, 1794, married Asa PRIOR, died Feb. 1880; Richard, born Sept. 19, 1796, married Martha WALDRON, died in Michigan; Mary, born Jan. 10, 1799; Moses, born Feb. 25, 1802, died in New York City Aug. 31, 1844, married Catharine WRIGHT; John Joseph, born Nov. 15, 1809, died at sea. Richard LYON married (2) Effie VANHOUTEN, of Bergen, 1811. Children: Mary Harris, born Feb. 24, 1812; David Demorest, born Mar. 26, 1814; Aaron Grummon, born Feb. 9, 1816; Rachel Demorest, born Nov. 29, 1817.

Harris LYON, died unmarried, was buried in the old churchyard, Spring street, near Bleeker, in New York City. He was a merchant in New Orleans.

Hannah LYON died unmarried aged 95.

Mary LYON, married (1) Capt. James WHEELER, Revolutionary soldier, born 1747, died 1777. Children were Joseph, Stephen, James and Phebe, who married William S. PENNINGTON, governor of New Jersey . He died Sept. 17, 1826, in the 69th year of his age, buried at Newark. Mary married (2) Abner PARCELL, of Staten Island, had five sons.

Abigail LYON, married Aaron GRUMMON (GRUMMON is a corruption of GERMOND, a French Hugenot family, of Dutchers county, NY.) no children. As a widow she returned to the home of her parents, Moses and Mary Harris LYON, of Elizabeth, NJ, and was the companion of their old age.

Children of James LYON born at Lyons Farms 1755, and wife Elizabeth WILLIAMS: Jonathan Williams, born Mar. 19, 1783, at Maiden Lane, New York City, removed to Hamilton, Ohio, with his parents 1787. He married Melinda Gard LEE, daughter of Peter Perrine LEE and Ruth GARD, at North Bend, Ohio, Feb. 9, 1806. He died Dec. 28, 1871. She died July 27, 1875. Both buried at Spring Grove Cemetery.

James, born Oct. 30, 1784, minister, married (1) Sarah DAVIS. She was born 1782, died 1816. Children: James, Eliza and Jonathan, who died in infancy. Married (2) Maria (PARKER) OGG, had children: Joanna, born Mar. 14, 1822, married Joseph LANDON, of Cincinnati; Eliza, born Feb. 2, 1824, died young; Mary Ann, born Apr. 1825, married John CROSBY; James C., born Oct. 8, 1826, died 1862; Martha, born Jan. 25, 1829, married Mark LANGDON.

Oliver, born Jan. 13, 1787, married Elizabeth MARSH, died Nov. 26, 1848. Their children were: Joanna, born Nov. 10, 1812, died 1812; Moses, born May 18, 1814, died 1854, never married; Phebe, born Mar. 27, 1817, died Aug. 20, 1844; Joanna (2) born Aug. 20, 1820, married _____ HOLLOWELL; Melinda, born July 20, 1823, died young; Hannah Jane, born June 14, 1825, died Nov. 20, 1849, married _____ CROSBY; Martha, born Feb. 21, 1830, married John SHIELDS; Lewis Lee, born Apr. 7, 1833; Adaline Biddenger; Oliver Rufner, born July 13, 1835, died 1836.

Joanna, born 1789, married (1) Elijah NORTON of Cincinnati, Ohio, died 1820. Children: Joanna, married Capt. Columbus HAWK; Elizabeth, married Capt. Joseph HALL, (2) Joseph Stewart.

Moses, born Apr. 22, 1794, married Eliza ROSS, of New York City, died July 13, 1873. Children: Ann Eliza, born Nov. 13, 1818, died July 27, 1840; Mary Jane, born Oct. 6, 1820, married James Evens, died May 22, 1880; James, born Aug. 6, 1822, married Harriet HULL, died Sept. 20, 1841; William Henry, born Dec. 13, 1824, never married, died Mar. 27, 1859; Susan Emily, born May 14, 1827, married John WILTSEE, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Isabella, born Nov. 28, 1829, married James LUPTON; Georgianna, born Aug. 28, 1838, died Dec. 18, 1839.

Children of Jonathan Williams LYON and wife Malinda Gard LEE: Oliver Lee, born Dec. 10, 1806, married Sarah BROWN, of Boston, Mass, died 1882. Sidney Smith, born Aug. 4, 1808, died at his home, "The Octagon" Jeffersonville, Ind., June 34, 1872, from injuries received during the Civil War. He was major of 4th Kentucky Cavalry, detached as chief of engineers, successively on the staffs of Gens. BUEL, BURNSIDE and MORGAN, through Tennessee and Kentucky. Was at battles of Cumberland Gap; siege of Vicksbury; built the fortifications at Cumberland Gap; planned and executed the famous "Retreat of the Ten Thousand" from Cumberland Gap to the Ohio river. In his youth was an artist of celebrity. Was geological surveyor of Kentucky, and as a scientist was world known. He married Honora Vincent LYONS, at Louisville, KY., Nov. 8, 1831. She was born Jan. 6, 1816, died Feb. 22, 1900. Julia Ann, born Sept. 10, 1810, married Theodore WILLIAMS, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died Apr. 4, 1892. Harriet Ruth, born June 10, 1812, married William BRIANT, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died Feb. 27, 1844. Elizabeth Williams, born Apr. 14, 1814, married Mahlon TAYLOR, of Cincinnati, Ohio, still living (1900). James Harris, born Mar. 15, 1816, never married, died at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1879. Mary Jane, born Apr. 8, 1818, died July 25, 1819. William Parker, born Mar. 19, 1820, died Aug. 21, 1821. Elvira Amelia, born Jan. 6, 1823, married Harvey DENMAN, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died July 31, 1887. Martha Jane, born May 5, 1825, married Charles BETTS, of Cincinnati. Cornelia, born Mar. 31, 1827, died Aug. 26, 1828. Frances Cornelia, born Jan. 17, 1829, married William FULLERTON, of Boston, Mass, died at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 13, 1871. Laura Augusta, born May. 19, 1831, married C. H. RHODES, of Lancaster, Wis. Clara Huntington, born Apr. 23, 1833, died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1867.

LYONs not identified, but supposed, descendants of the LYON families who settled at Morristown: Samuel LYON, born 1781, died at Stockholm, NJ, June 26, 1860, buried at Lyons burial ground near Stockholm. His wife died Mar. 18, 1863. His son Halsey was born 1804, , married Harriet DENMAN, died June 24, 1871. She was born May 14, 1804, died Feb. 14, 1871, buried at Lyons Cemetery. Children: Sarah A., married William D. ROCKAFELLOW July 6, 1857, removed West. Jonathan, born June 8, 1837, married Maria E. LYON, Aug. 13, 1864, removed to Ohio. Amos, born July 1, 1839, died Dec. 31, 1863, buried at Sockholm. Margaret, born Jul 30, 1843, married John Nelson KIMBLE Nov. 10, 1864, removed to Ohio.

Joseph LYON, son of Asher, of Morristown, born June 7, 1785, married Betsey HILL, daughter of John, of Franklin, NJ, Mar. 30, 1815, died May 5, 1858. She was born Dec. 13, 1796, died Aug. 13, 1868. Both buried at Rockaway. Children of Joseph LYON and wife Betsey: Sarah L., born Dec. 15, 1815, married John WILSON, went to Western New York, died June 11, 1847. John Hill, born Sept. 5, 1817, married Mary FORDYCE Dec. 22, 1842. She was born Mar. 18, 1847, died Sept. 22, 1893, buried at Rockaway. Phebe Jane, born Sept. 22, 1820, died Aug. 30, 1851; Alice, born Oct. 3, 1823, married Job Allen TALMADGE as fourth wife Sept. 3, 1845, died July 28, 1887. Jacob L., born Jan. 23, 1827, went to Australia, married Anna CRANE and settled at St. Louis. Nancy K., born Apr. 28, 1829, married Elisha MEEKER, of Millbrook, May 22, 1853. He was born 1837, died Mar. 29, 1900. Philip Edward, born Feb. 11, 1832, married Anna VOSS, went to Scranton, PA, died June 25, 1897.

Isaac LYON, born June 19, 1791, married Margaret TODD, daughter of Jacob and wife Hannah, died Dec. 3, 1865. She was born 1795, died Apr. 19, 1862. Both buried at Millbrook. Children of Isaac LYON and wife Margaret: John S., born Dec. 1, 1815, married Mary E. MEEKER, died Feb. 11, 1890. Both buried at Millbrook. Moses, never married; Nancy, born Oct. 21, 1823, married Elias L. PALMER, died Mar. 19, 1860. He was born Oct. 21, 1808, died Dec. 9, 1853. Both buried at Rockaway. Amy, married Henry STRUBLE, died in Illinois.

Jerusha, married Nathaniel ANDERSON, died in Illinois. Julia, married Job A. TALMAGE (third wife). Both buried at Hill Cemetery. Margaret Ann, married Charles, son of William SMITH.

Children of John S. LYON and wife Mary E.: Julia Ann, born 1837, married Daniel AYRES, died at Franklin May 9, 1899. He died 1897. Both buried at Hill Cemetery; Joanna, married Charles HULBERT, buried at Mt. Freedom. Huldah B., married David C. HATHAWAY, of Dover; Elizabeth, married Albert R. TALMAGE, of Dover; John Wesley, died young, buried at Rockaway; Isaac married Mary (FORDYCE) HILL, daughter of Jacob H. and Catharine FORDYCE, and widow of Lewis HILL, dec. 21, 1871. Living on the old LYON homestead, Franklin.

Children of Isaac LYON and wife Mary: Ida J., born Nov. 7, 1872, married Frank MAINS; Kate Edna, born July 4, 1876, married Charles Edward STURTEVANT Sept. 1, 1897.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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