NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

James White
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

For nearly half a century the family of WHITE, of which our subject is a representative, has been prominently identified with the paper-manufacturing interests of New Jersey. John WHITE was the first of the family to locate in this state, the date of his arrival being 1814. He was born at Millham, near Edinburg, Scotland, in 1797, and in the latter city learned the paper-making trade, serving a regular apprenticeship in the mills of his native land. Upon coming to the United States he located in Millburn, Essex county. New Jersey, where he established an extensive paper-manufacturing plant, a part of which, together with the breast walls of the dam, are still standing. There he conducted a very large business for a number of years, after which he removed to Hohokus, now Waldwich, Bergen county, New Jersey, where he spent the remainder of an active and successful business life, and passed away in 1848. He was a very energetic and industrious man, and had the persevering spirit so characteristic of the Scotch nation. He was a most charitable man, kindly and generous, and his hospitable home was ever the resort of the clergy and visiting church workers.

John WHITE was married in this state to Mabella HUGHES, a daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (ROBINSON) HUGHES, both of whom were natives of Manchester, England. She was a faithful Christian woman, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was most charitable and benevolent. She died at the old White homestead, at Hohokus, New Jersey, in 1875. To Mr. and Mrs. John WHITE were born eight children: James, of this review; John, who married Electa Ann BREWER, of Elmira, New York; Sarah; William, who married Jane SNYDER, of Hohokus, New Jersey; Matthew, who married Annie WALDRON, of this state; Elizabeth, wife of Thomas HIGHAM; Charles, who married a Miss WALDRON, of this state; and Jonathan. who married Maria BILLETTE, of Canada.

James WHITE, now so prominently connected with the industrial inter­ests of Butler, was born in Millburn, New Jersey, on the 19th of April, 1830, and when very young accompanied his parents on their removal to Hohokus, where he acquired his literary education in the public schools.  He learned the trade of paper-making under the direction of his father, who died when James was eighteen years of age, at which time the latter assumed the responsibilities of conducting the business. He was very successful in his management of the enterprise, which he carried on for some time. He then formed a partnership with his uncle, Matthew DUNLAP, and engaged in the paper trade in New York city, the connection being maintained and the busi­ness profitably carried on until the death of Mr. DUNLAP. Mr. WHITE then returned to the old mill in Hohokus, where he engaged in the manufacture of paper for some time. In 1862 he removed to Bloomingdale, near Butler, where he operated the Logan Paper Mills until the failing health of Mrs. WHITE caused him to seek a change of climate, and with his family he went to Minnesota, where he remained until 1871. He then returned to Bloomingdale and purchased the Logan Paper Mills, making many improvements in the plant and conducting an extensive business. The volume of their trade enabled them to furnish employment to a large force of operatives, thus adding materially to the general prosperity of the town. In 1885 Mr. WHITE purchased the water power at the present location of the Upper Mills, and erected an extensive plant, equipping it with all modern accessories and the latest improved machinery known to the paper-making trade. The product of this manufactory is fine tissue and manilla paper. The plant now known as the Lower Mills also is splendidly equipped with machinery especially adapted to the manufacture of the celebrated J. C. GAYETTY medicated toilet paper, and the product of this factory is largely used in supply­ing the export trade. Both the Upper and Lower Mills are now being operated by Mr. WHITE's sons, and for some time the firm has been known as the Pequannock Valley Paper Company. This enterprise has become one of the most important in this section of the country, and furnishes employment to a large force of men.

On the 2d of April, 1860, James WHITE married Miss Isabella R. BREWER, of Elmira, New York, where the wedding was celebrated. She was born April 27, 1839, a daughter of Peter and Isabella (ROLFE) BREWER. When twenty years of age she became a member of the American Tract Society and has always been deeply interested in Christian work. By this marriage have been born five children: Fred S., born January 2, l86l, married Annie FAIR, a daughter of Samuel and Juliet (COOPER) FAIR, and they have four children, Harold J. F., Florence, Isabel and Ruth; Clara T., the second of the family, was born September 26, 1863, married Angelo H. KNAPP, of Paterson, New Jersey, and died July 29, 1893, leaving one son, James: she had been a life-long member of the American Tract Society, of New York city; Walter C., born January 3, 1865, married Esther BELL, of Bloomingburg, New York, and their children are James, DeGray, Walter C. and Clara T.; Frank C., born July 12, 1867, died in infancy; and Joseph Billette, born February 9, 1871, was graduated in Princeton College in the class of 1895, and is now engaged in the manufacture of paper, as a member of the Pequannock Valley Paper Company.

Mr. WHITE and his wife have long been faithful members of the Bloomingdale Methodist Episcopal church, and for a number of years he has served as trustee.  He contributes liberally to the support of the church and to all charitable and benevolent interests, and is also generous in his financial aid to those interests which he believes will prove of benefit to the community. His life has been one of great business activity, which has justly earned him the rest that he is now enjoying.  His business methods were honorable, his energy unflagging, his perseverance unwavering and his integrity unassail­able, and to those qualities his splendid success is attributable.

Transcribed by Brianne Kelly-Bly

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