NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Lewis Van Duyne
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

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One of the progressive and substantial citizens of Boonton, Morris county, New Jersey, the gentleman whose name appears above was born at Montville, this state, on the 2d of April, 1855, and is the youngest son of Martin R. and Julia A. (CRANE) VAN DUYNE, the latter being a daughter of Judge Benjamin F. CRANE. The father of our subject was engaged in farming pursuits, with which he combined also the vocation of tanner, and was a prosperous man, gaining the confidence and respect of all with whom he came in contact.

Lewis VAN DUYNE acquired his educational discipline in the district schools of Morris county, attending the same during the winter months and working on the farm during the summer seasons. In this manner he passed his early youth until arriving at the age of sixteen years, when he left his parental abode and went to Orange, New Jersey, where he studied surveying under the supervision of Mead & Taylor, remaining in their employ for some years. In March, 1878, he purchased a farm in Montville township, and resided there for nine years, during which time he was engaged in surveying and building up a large and lucrative business which required all his attention and energies to maintain. In 1887 he sold the farm and removed to Boonton, where he erected his present handsome residence, in 1893, and subsequently organized the Boonton Water Company, of which he has since been president. He constructed the Boonton water-works, and is otherwise extensively interested in real estate, owning and selling building sites in Paterson, Boonton, Rockaway, Dover and Trenton, New Jersey, and in Scranton and Pittston, Pennsylvania.

In his political predilections Mr. VAN DUYNE is a stanch supporter of the Republican party, although he has never sought office or participated actively in political contests. At one time he was chairman of the township committee in Montville township for seven years, and a member of the school board of that township; and he was appointed a member of the board of education in Boonton, in May, 1896, for a term of three years.

In society matters Mr. VAN DUYNE is connected with Arcana Lodge, No. 60, Free and Accepted Masons, to which be was admitted in 1887, ad he has been a member of the Royal Arcanum since 1895.

The first marriage of Mr. VAN DUYNE was celebrated on the 26th of February, 1877, when he was united with Miss Annabella WALKER, at Pompton, New Jersey. She was born February 24, 1857, and died at Montville, Morris county, on the 18th of March, 1879, leaving one child, born August 19, 1878, and named

  • Bessie Annabella.

November 18, 1879, Mr. VAN DUYNE consummated his second marriage, being then united to Miss Mary M. JACOBUS, at Springfield, Union county, New Jersey, who was born January 12, 1854, and by this marriage there have been two sons and two daughters, namely:

  • Leah Elizabeth, born September 9, 1880;
  • Martin Richard, May 7, 1882;
  • William Nelson, September 29, 1883; and
  • Mary Frances, April 28, 1889.

Mr. VAN DUYNE is an energetic, public-spirited gentleman, always interested in anything that has for its object the advancement and welfare of his home city, is popular in social circles, and in the business world has gained a signal success, the factors of which have been his industry, thrift and unimpeachable integrity of character, which have secured to him not only the confidence, but also the high regard of his many friends.

This biography was scanned and contributed by Catherine Smith DeMayo.

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